View Full Version : Seperations: Music and Dust

Taylor Millard
Nov 29th, 2002, 11:58:52 PM
The Rascal King shot through hyperspace, its engines burning as it headed towards its destination.

As we come near the fast moving ship, music reverberates from the walls. Goldberg Variations plays from the grand piano where a dark suited man sits. The song is a little stiff, as if the player is still learning how to play. A slightly off key note plays, causing the player to shake his head and try again.

The song starts again, the beginning is quite fluid and sounds almost memorized. But as the song continues it loses it's prettiness, becoming stiffer and stiffer. Finally, the player stops and stares through the lowlighted room. The sounds of a metallic *taps* reverberate from somewhere in the room.

The man takes a drink from his glass, then raises his blue eyes into two glowing green lights staring in his direction.

"Do you always do that? Stare at the player as they practice their craft?" he saw the blank look on the droid's face.

"In other words, do you stare at Lok when she practices her piano?"

Nov 30th, 2002, 12:48:15 AM
The small droid said nothing as he watched; he always watched when Lok played, or at least struggled to play before finally giving up to storm from the room in search of some paper and a pencil. Of course MMU also watched when she drew, but it was always fun to see her get so frustrated at something other than him. And now, with Millard taking up the seldom used piano, he saw the perfect opportunity to continue to stretch the man's limits even further.

From his perch towards the back of the instrument, he brandished his capguns, pointing both at Millard.

Keep playin', Slim.

Taylor Millard
Nov 30th, 2002, 12:54:45 AM
Millard raised an eyebrow, Slim?

He started again, but his concentration was lost as the little droid kept his green ports on the Imperial Grand Admiral's hands. It was a distraction, which probably meant Taylor needed some sleep.

He continued to play, the song sounding a bit stronger but still a bit stiff.

Finally he stopped, "What is it you want most MMU?"

Nov 30th, 2002, 01:03:07 AM
The guns remained trained on Millard, as were the glowing eyes as the man played. The little avatar was thoroughly enjoying himself.

So when Millard stopped, MMU let out a robotic 'hmph', and scrambling to his feet, ambled across the expanse of the piano to plop his little bulk down right in front of the Grand Admiral, holstering the capguns.

The most?

He had to think about that, though it wasn't a very long task in the least, and casting a stare right at Millard, he spoke.

Lok never let me get a tattoo; and I want one.


Taylor Millard
Nov 30th, 2002, 01:11:53 AM
"I was only curious," Taylor said, sniffing a bit. Even with the air going it could still get a bit stuffy in the ship.

"I want s'Il back more than anything in the world. I was simply curious what yours was."

He took another sip from his brandy, "Why a tattoo?"

Nov 30th, 2002, 01:19:19 AM
Cause she won't let me have it; that's why.

And even though the next words he said were completely innocent, it was easily apparent that his naivety would very much get him in a lot of trouble.

And besides, I'm not the one who has the force; she'll come back to me.

Taylor Millard
Nov 30th, 2002, 01:39:50 AM
Briefly Millard felt anger flare up in his body. The comment about the Force hurt him personally...Taylor still blamed himself for s'Il leaving in the first place.

He attempted to calm himself, by letting the brandy fill his mouth, and by concentrating on the piano again.

"That might be true MMU," he said after a moment's thought, "But I am still certain Loklorien will return to me as well. As well as I am certain we will be married as well."

Nov 30th, 2002, 11:11:40 PM
If droids could roll their eyes, that's what MMU would have been doing. Instead, he only shook his head, stood, and hopped down onto the stool Millard was seated on, then down to the floor to find something more interesting to occupy his time with. Now that Millard had stopped playing, the avatar found that it just wasn't any fun anymore.

Trundling away, he waved off the man's words.

Whatever. I've known her for a lot longer than you have, and she'll come back for me... she loves me, and she knows that I won't do anything to make her hurt me.

She loves me.

Taylor Millard
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:47:16 PM
"MMU," Millard said quietly, tapping the keys of the piano lightly.

"You know I've taken steps to prevent that from happening again."

He continued to lightly play notes.

"Do you blame me for what happened? We never discussed that."

Dec 1st, 2002, 05:23:01 PM
The little avatar stopped, turning to look at Millard. The light tapping on the instrument's keys reminded him of when Lok would play, and he let his antanae droop; not in sadness, but in his own equivelent of anger and frustration. If only Millard didn't have the force....

Well, if you didn't do what you did, she wouldn't have left, right?

Taylor Millard
Dec 1st, 2002, 06:43:56 PM
Millard turned back to his piano and started playing. The song started out slow, something of Millard's own composing, then increased in volume and tempo. The music filled the cabin of the Rascal King with it's tempo and pace.

It also followed the Imperial Grand Admiral's emotions.

He understood MMU's anger about the situation, frankly he was frustrated too. With s'Il's brief return to Balmorra, just before Castle Millard's destruction, Taylor had hope again. But it was fleeting hope, as he now had no clue where she was.

Taylor needed help on the hunt, which was why he was on his way to the Outer Rim. There were rumors of 'guardians' which wandered the Rim. What they did he had no clue but it had something to do with lupines.

If he could find a guardian...he could find s'Il. Or atleast get information on her.

"You know how often I wish I didn't have the Force, MMU?" he said as he kept playing, "Plenty of times.

"Now...how far are we from our destination?"

Dec 1st, 2002, 09:58:59 PM
MMU only shook his head, brushing off Millard's comments about the force.

Wishing doesn't do anything.

At the man's query as to how far they were from their destination, MMU tilted his head to the side, accessing his navigation's array.

We're dropping into normalspace in ten minutes.

Taylor Millard
Dec 1st, 2002, 10:04:16 PM
"Very good, you will accompany me to the 'Hopping Jackrab' where we will begin our search."

Attempting to lighten the mood, Millard changed subjects.

"How was my playing?"

Taylor Millard
Dec 9th, 2002, 11:32:54 PM
Lok still plays better. She'll always play better!

MMU wandered down the hallway and disappeared.

Millard shook his head. MMU could be like this, then just be completely off the wall, and insane. The Imperial suspected it was his personality to be like this, without s'Il to anchor him (well...try to anchor him).

Right now Millard needed MMU and MMU, whether he liked it or not, needed Millard.

The alarm sounded and the King came out of hyperspace.

"Come along MMU, we're going to the surface."

Mr Dust
Dec 21st, 2002, 11:41:48 PM
The small restaurant was a bit out of the way, but the food was quite enjoyable. Mr. Dust sits at an outside table, enjoying the scenery and watching the people walk by. He runs his fingers over his bald head, feeling the breeze blow over him. He sits back and sighs, taking pleasure in the meal.

Taylor Millard
Jan 1st, 2003, 12:48:53 AM
The two walked down the dirty streets, attempting to keep to themselves.

Several merchants gave the duo of the droid and human a once over, then decided against showing their wears. The look in the human's eyes was one of danger, and the droid (although they were certain it showed interest), was perched on the human's shoulder...and kept from grabbing at flowers or jewelry.

"We're not here for trinkets, MMU," Millard said softly as his blue eyes looked for a place to eat, "We're here for information."


The Imperial Grand Admiral found a restaraunt, 'The Diving Sailor', small and out of the way.

Exactly where a Guardian might be.

He opened the door, just as MMU stood up on his coat and whacked his head onto the frame. With a *crash!*, MMU landed in a puddle of mud and started giggling.


Millard shook his head.

"May I have a towel please?"

Mr Dust
Jan 1st, 2003, 10:40:09 PM
Mr. Dust chuckles lightly at the small droid's antics. Such programming, these days. No propriety in a servant droid. Ah, but then, all things must change. He returns to his meal, savoring the food.

Taylor Millard
Jan 1st, 2003, 10:44:47 PM
A waitress, Bothan, looking rather thinner than a normal one...brought Millard a towell.

"Thank you my dear," he tipped her, then started to clean MMU off.

"Nooo...I'll get it, sirrr," she purred, "Whattt, elssse cann we gett youuu..."

Millard crossed his arms, "I'm looking for information. On the Guardians. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find some would you?"

Mr Dust
Jan 4th, 2003, 09:52:19 PM
At the word "Guardian", Mr. Dust's head perks up. Why on earth would someone be looking for a Guardian this far from his homeworld?

He begins scanning the room, looking for the man who spoke his title. He left hand, however, strays to his saber's hilt.

Taylor Millard
Jan 4th, 2003, 11:08:17 PM
"Nooo, we don't know much abouttthe Guarrrdianss," the Bothan purred, "They tend to keep to themselvvesss."

Millard had a thoughtful expression come to his face.

"Ah very well," he said, "I'm curious though...The Guardians are known to be out on this side of the galaxy.

"I'm quite certain you would have atleast run into them at some point."

Mr Dust
Jan 11th, 2003, 11:54:27 PM
The Guardian rises, and moves toward the man. He prepares himself, just in case. Guardians are generally glad to help, but they are not without enemies. It remains to be see what this man is. He turns to address him.

I am a Guardian. And might I ask, sir, who it is that seeks me?

Taylor Millard
Jan 12th, 2003, 01:16:21 AM
In this situation it would be easier to tell the truth than lie.

"I am Taylor Millard, Mister Guardian. And I also seek information," he paused a bit, taking another drink.

"About curing lupines."

Mr Dust
Jan 12th, 2003, 01:05:00 PM
With a polite smile, small bow, and tip of his bowler, Mr. Dust introduces himself.

My name is Mr. Dust. And, as you know, I am a Guardian. But before we go on to cures, I must ask, which Lupine are we referring to?

Taylor Millard
Jan 12th, 2003, 01:08:09 PM
Millard motioned at the seat nearest him.

"Please have a seat," he said politely.

"The lupine we're looking for-"

WE WANT LOK BACK! MMU piped up loudly.

Mr Dust
Jan 12th, 2003, 02:31:45 PM
His suprise is evident when the name of the Lupine in question is mentioned. Since his time here, he had only encountered two Lupine. Strange, indeed.

Lok, you say? A lady, not very tall, rather, shall we say, spiritied? I believe I know of her. In fact, I'm sure I do.

Taylor Millard
Jan 14th, 2003, 01:45:23 AM
YOU DO!?!?!?! REALLY!?!? COOLISHNESS!!! MMU squealed, jumping up and down on Taylor's knee.

He looked up at Millard a look of 'anger' on his face.


Millard glared at MMU.

"It's Thyferra and you know I wasn't going to force Lok into doing anything."

He turned and smiled at Mr. Dust, "Forgive me, but yes, we are looking for that lupine in particular."

Mr Dust
Jan 14th, 2003, 04:43:52 PM
Mr. Dust's mind works quickly, recalling bits and pieces of his conversation with the female Lupine. Their fight had ended with Mr. Dust causing her severe pain. He had apologized to her, regretting his undue use of force. During their conversation, she mentioned a lost companion. Or perhaps "abandoned" would be the more correct term. He arches an eyebrow.

Ms. s'Ilancy mentioned a loved one she could not return to, due to a fear she would not name. You would not happen to be the man in question, would you?

Taylor Millard
Jan 14th, 2003, 06:22:17 PM
"Yes, I am," Millard replied, "I have been looking for her for almost two years. Twice I've caught up with her. Once...she slipped by me.

"The other," he said remember Thyferra, "I let her go."

Mr Dust
Jan 14th, 2003, 10:45:25 PM
Very interesting, sir. Very interesting indeed.

He leans in slightly.

But I must ask you, sir, why did she leave? As well, since you know my occupation, I would ask you yours. What do you do?

Taylor Millard
Jan 15th, 2003, 12:33:12 AM
Millard sighed. This was a question he preferred to avoid.

He lowered his voice, "I am a Grand Admiral within the Balmorran Empire's Navy."

The 'beng a powerful Dark Jedi' bit could wait for much, much later.

Mr Dust
Jan 15th, 2003, 04:51:03 PM
His suprise at the man's forthrightness is undisguised.

You are an Imperial? And you seek a Jedi? You will forgive me if I am a bit apprehensive. But I try not to judge too quickly.

Another question I must ask... what caused the split?

Taylor Millard
Jan 17th, 2003, 04:07:18 AM
"Do you see a squad of Imperial Stormtroopers, Mister Dust?" Millard stared at Dust, his blue eyes flashing.

"Did I barge in here, demanding you help? That you'd be arrested if you didn't help? No...I did not.

"Now, as for what caused the split...it was an accident...I was injured. That is what caused the split."

BUt...but...weren't you doin' what Unca Silus says people do when they love each other?!? MMU asked, not even thinking of the company.

Millard just glared at the droid and MMU *eeped!* and cowered beneath the table, latching himself onto Dust's leg.

Mr Dust
Jan 17th, 2003, 05:04:04 PM
Mr. Dust inclines his head in a small bow.

I was making no accusations, Admiral. But you must admit, the Jedi and the imperials have not often been allies.

As the small droid explains what was actually happening at the time, Mr. Dust averts his eyes and chuckles nervously.

Ah... I see... hmm. Well, I am aware of substances that can harm Lupines, but to my knowledge, there is nothing that will cure them. However, she seems to be rather in control of herself... much more than other Lupines I have seen. Is there still a problem?

Taylor Millard
Jan 17th, 2003, 08:19:52 PM
"Yes," Millard replied simply, "She's not with me."

Mr Dust
Jan 17th, 2003, 09:54:59 PM
Well, I can't say that that's helpful. If you want my help, you will have to provide me with more information. She left for a reason. If that reason is because she does not want to be with you, and you are trying to force yourself on her, I will not help you. If the reasons are otherwise, I may be persuaded to. But I need to know.

Taylor Millard
Jan 17th, 2003, 10:06:33 PM
He didn't want it to come to this...but some secrets had to be revealed.

I assume you can hear me speaking in your mind. Lupines...specifically were-vornskrs don't react well to Force Users.

"Do you see now why she left?"

Mr Dust
Jan 23rd, 2003, 10:10:30 PM
Ah... yes... I see. That could be difficult. But there may be a solution, if she can be found. There is a substance known as belladonna. It is useless as a weapon. But it does calm a Lupine to some extent, giving them greater control over their... urges. A Lupine, while using this substance, would have trouble transforming into a vornskyr, but not too terribly much. It is a minor calmative, but may be the answer you seek.

Taylor Millard
Jan 23rd, 2003, 10:27:32 PM
"And where might I find this...belladonna?" Millard asked, leaning forward.

Mr Dust
Jan 24th, 2003, 07:05:33 PM
Well, honestly sir, I'm not sure. It's somewhat rare, but not terribly so. We should be able to find some with a bit of reasearch.

He leans back slightly.

But the question remains, why should a Dark Sider and Light Sider be working together? It sounds as if you are going after a lost love... but it is not known as a Dark Side trait, now is it?

Taylor Millard
Jan 24th, 2003, 11:12:43 PM
"Who says I am a dark sider, Mister Dust," Millard replied.

"And if I were one...who says I'm your 'normal' Dark Sider."

Mr Dust
Jan 25th, 2003, 10:13:56 PM
He chuckles at the man's first question.

If you are a Light Sider, sir, you would be the first Imperial one in history. So, I can only assume you are an atypical Dark Sider. Very well. So, I will take you at your word, as Madam s'Ilancy mentioned you in the same light. Shall we see what we can accomplish?

Taylor Millard
May 9th, 2003, 12:29:35 AM
Millard nodded, placing his hat back on his head, "I think it would be expedient if we start immediately.

"Where was it you and she ran into each other? And how long ago was it?"