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The Saiatah High Roller
Nov 29th, 2002, 11:44:28 PM
<center><font color="red">-=Central Space Lanes=-</font></center>
The Saiatah High Roller dropped out of hyperspace into shipping chaos. It was the Central Hub, the gateways to almost all points of known space. Multiple hyperspace lanes met in this one area, ships from all over the galaxy dropped out, and entered hyperspace at this one protected safe area. A Empress class Space Station, and two Golan space station guarded the Hub. Yet, they where all dwarfed by the Saiatah. The pride of The Sith Order's fleet. Saiatah was a moving Gaming City. Every type of gambling could be found on the 2.3 mile long ship. From the top "gold" decks to the Ship's slums, where the criminal threat was real and breathing, the Saiatah had it all. Giant holograms sprung to life as the Ship took a stationary position above the Empress SpaceStation, with vibrant colors, they advertised what was inside. All through this, the "computer" or "Brain" of the ship watched.

Javus Parr
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:46:39 PM
(Javus sat in the command chair, watching the few screen as the elongated stars became once again pinpricks in the velvety black of space. The Saiatah High Roller had only just left Corellian space (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25255) a few hours ago. And now that they had reached their destination, they were ready to take on or drop off passengers.)

(He stood, setting the ship for stand by as he made his way to the lift, down to the reception level, where new and old passengers alike would be embarking and disembarking.)