View Full Version : Angels in the Architecture

Alan Joyce
Nov 29th, 2002, 10:42:42 PM
Soft soled shoes beat evenly down the sidewalk, then detoured to tap a lively rythm up a short flicht of stairs and through an automatic door. The man sporting them strolled liesurely through the air-conditioned hallway toward the elevator. He wore a tan suit of older design with leather patches on the elbows, and a pale yellow and red stiped die around his neck.

His name was Alan Joyce, and until two weeks ago he had been quite happy with his routine life as a draftsman; designing buildings and homes, not to mention freeways and other such nonsense. But when the drawings grew old, and few people were willign to hire a human draftsman anymore, he decided to put in his notice and pack his leather suitcase. It stood next to him on the floor as he adjusted his gold class ring on his right hand, then brushed back a strand of usually well-kept blonde hair.

Like any other man, Alan had dreams, but unlike any other man, he knew he might be able to realize them. In any case, he had built a modest nest egg to sit on in case he decided to retire early if things were to go badly that afternoon.

Winding his wristwatch, he noted the time before picking his suitcase back up and stepping aboard the elevator. In under twelve seconds the chime sounded and the doors slid back open, allowign him to step out of its confines and seek out the desk he was looking for. The one labled 'applications'.

"Excuse me," he politely asked the first person he saw in what was apparently Jedi clothing, "Is this where I state my application to join your order?" Alan's voice was soft and calm. He nearly radiated the charm of an old movie, and certainly dressed as if he had stepped out of one. A kindly smile remained on his face as he awaited an answer.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 30th, 2002, 12:31:42 PM
The man sitting behind the desk nodded but then pointed somewhere behind Alan before turning back to a stack of papers sitting before him. Standing just a few meters off was a woman in flowing red robes that touched the ground and rested gently around her feet like piles of sand upon the beach of an ocean spanning lightyears. Her waist length blond hair was done up in Garou Warrior Braids with silver coins woven into each lock in various places. She pushed them behind her and they clanged together softly until the movement ceased.

The woman's bright cyan eyes came to rest upon the gentle face of a man she had never seen before in her life, but she had a feeling that he was there for the same purpose that every other being who stepped through the large doors possessed. She smiled, exposing her elongated canines and then folded her hands together upon her weapons belt. She was dressed like a noble for her line was of nobility, though it matter very little to her. Upon her belt hung a silver hilt which anyone could guess was her Lightsaber, the weapon of a Force-user. Other weapons such as her throwing knives rested in small pouches around her waist, and a shining crystal dagger hung off the front to the left. Upon her right hip was a blaster and beneath her robes upon each thigh rested two more in their respective holsters.

Upon her back in a beautiful sheeth was a sword of silver and a black hilt. Though it's beauty was hidden, it was obvious that it was a long wide bladed tool. Upon the very silver it was made of was engraved the name 'Chase', and it held a meaning only she and a handful of others knew of. Usually she carried with her an intimidating Railgun as well, but not this day for that was only used in times of need. Shifting her weight slightly, the Garou woman smiled to herself and let the natural glow of the light of the Force envelope the area. It seemed to be stemming from a golden ring that hung from a silver chain around her neck, though one could not be sure. If a Darksider or someone with evil intent looked upon her, they would be blinded temporarily. Those of goodness, though, could stare at her and not be harmed whatsoever. She was beautiful above all else, but that was not the only thing that caught anyone's eye. For some reason, she seemed pure......but being a Jedi had that effect.

"Greetings, I am Warrior Jedi Knight Xazor Dawnstrider. You seek the Jedi this day to join our Order?"

Her voice was soft and gentle yet it held a power unlike any other he had heard until now. Though a woman, she was strong and skilled and that was evident in her features. Her voice was like music to his ears, played upon a foreign instrument. Still though, she radiated a peace that would hopefully make him feel welcome and equal to everyone there, not subordinate. She smiled once more and awaited his answer.

Alan Joyce
Nov 30th, 2002, 09:30:46 PM
Alan's blue eyes looked Xazor over, but not in any indecent manner, simply surveying who he was talking to. Nodding politely, he cleared his throat and replied, "Yes, that I am. Though I don't know what use you'd have for me."

His leather suitcase was then set back on the floor again and his left hand made its way into his pocket. "I remember when I was still an infant, I was diagnosed as possibly being a candidate for Jedicy. But, not one to believe in such things, my mother decided to raise me as a normal boy, and so I've stayed ever since. Well, until now of course," He admitted with a light laugh, "I hope you are still taking applicants. If not, could you at least direct me to a decent coffee shop? I'll tell you, commercial flights have the worst brew imaginable."

Xazor Elessar
Dec 1st, 2002, 12:38:28 AM
Xazor lofted a brow and canted her head to the side as she eyed the man with the strange clothing.

"....Jedicy? You mean, they found you possessed Midichlorians...the life forms that live in your cells that make it possible to feel the Force?"

Of course he wouldn't know what she was talking about, not many newcomers did. Sighing to herself, the Jedi Knight couldn't help but smile once again.

"The Greater Jedi Order is always taking applicants to join, but the funny part of that is...is that you do not need to apply by paper. Speaking to me will do it just fine."

Xazor laughed slightly at his comment about the coffee on the commercial flights. Having never needed to fly on one, she knew not of what he spoke, but simply took his word for it and nodded in agreement.

"And Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill has pretty good coffee if you're looking for it. Now...about what we can use you for, well, that depends. When one joins the Order, they are trained by a Knight or Master and they can choose what to specialize in. But you must understand, the Jedi do have a job. They are the peacekeepers and protectors of justice in the Universe. That is what we use all applicants for and you will serve the Jedi your entire life. The Jedi oath is not one to be taken lightly...it is not so easily broken. This is a life committment and you must be ready to accept that if you wish to join us here."

Alan Joyce
Dec 1st, 2002, 12:56:10 AM
"Well, I highly doubt the thrilling life of a draftsman would call me back to it," he grinned at his own little joke as he lifted his left hand from his pocket to thumb out his lapel with a small silver pin in it. It was of an engineer's compass over an inverted T-square, the mark of an architectual engineer.

"But in all seriousness, yes, I've read up on your code and ways, and I believe that I could adapt to what you require." He added while returning his hand to his pocket lining once more. It seemed to be a natural position for him, for his jacket, though it was in good condition, folded along lines it obviously knew well, and he didn't fidget once it was in. "Oh, for heavens sake, I haven't introduced myself yet. Where are my manners? No matter, the name's Alan, Alan Joyce, it is a pleasure to meet you." He nodded while extending his right hand calmly in handshake manner, hoping it was the custom there as well. Even his hand spoke for his occupation. A thick callous crested the knuckle of his middle finder and another on his index fingertip and thumbpad. He held a pencil often, and it showed.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 1st, 2002, 01:15:27 AM
Xazor smiled gently and bowed before taking the man's hand. And when she did so, she completely moved her hand past his and instead, gripped his forearm. It was the way of the Warriors and had become so natural to her that she forgot most everyone else in the Galaxy had other ways.


She laughed at herself and removed her strong grip. Placing her hands back at her weapons belt, she sighed and then recalled his words, nodding slightly as her attention was drawn back to the moment.

"Yes indeed, if you take the Oath you shall have to adapt. But I do hope you are not choosing this life simply to leave your old one. If you get boared with this, there is not a simple way to leave. Are you willing to finish what you being?"

Alan Joyce
Dec 1st, 2002, 01:45:58 AM
"The only thing I put effort into that I never finished was a car, and that was only because my mom made me sell it when I was still a teenager. Trust me, Miss Dawnstrider, I do my homework before trying anything, I will stay if you'll have me." He said while rubbign his forearm a bit. He hadn't been expecting so firm a grip form a lady who looked rather delicate in most other aspects. Aside from her accessory belt, that was.

"And no, this isn't to escape my old life. I'm sure I could ahve kept at it until retiring, but, I felt as if I we be more useful here. Though I don't know what you'd do with an old line man like myself." It wasn't insecurity that made him talk about himself, but old habit instead. It was his way to speak of things in roundabout terms, as it pushed conversations on when he couldn't think of how else to say something. Though occasionally Alan was known to babble.

"I'll accept your terms, you have my word on that, and I'll see this from blueprint to bluebird, if you know what I mean." Alan made another of his small jokes, smiling to emphasize that that was indeed what it was supposed to be.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 1st, 2002, 01:52:47 AM
Xazor noticed the man rub his forearm and she winced slightly. Perhaps not very lady like of her to be so forceful, but there were many mysteries of the Jedi Knight. She smiled to herself and eyed him curiously, laughing slightly, though moments after he told his joke. It was not that she did not get it...but a sense of humor is what she lacked most of the time while attempting to be serious. She bowed her head and nodded slowly.

"Indeed....you are hereby welcomed to the Greater Jedi Order, Padawan Alan. You may find for yourself a room in the Living Quarters and also, have yourself a drink or good meal at Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. Visit the Academy to see others train, to see what your life will be like. And shortly a Master or Knight shall be chosen to train you."

She smiled once again and then handed him a holo-pad with a map upon it, showing him the key places that she had just told him about.

Alan Joyce
Dec 4th, 2002, 12:27:15 AM
Alan took the pad lightly in his hand and looked it over before nodding to Xazor. "Thank you very much, I'll do just that. And, mind if I borrow this?" He asked holding the holo-pad up a bit to indicate it.

Picking up his suitcase in his other hand, Alan glanced back to the pad in his hand approvingly. "Well, Alan old boy, looks like you're in it now." he said quietly to himself before nodding one last time to Xazor, then walking briskly back to the elevator. His suitcase was rather heavy, and he did have a good deal more to have shipped to him once he attained a fixed residence again, so a room was his first priority.

-There, my boy, that wasn't so hard, now was it?- Alan thought to himself as he hit the button marked "Living Quarters" on the elevator.