View Full Version : Sid/palp

Nov 29th, 2002, 10:25:28 PM
This may have been thrown around if so Sorry, I was just in a discussion about it yesterday.

The More and more I think about it, I feel that Palpatine is a clone of Sidious. One , clones seem to play a big part in the Rise of the empire.second I don't think that Palpatine/sidious could be in all the places they would need to be if they where not two different beings. Like when Nute had to get ahold of him in the first of TPM . I could not see Palatine telling the senate he had to take a bathroom break, run to his apartment Put on his cloak and send a transmission(of course That's just an example) Also when Dooku show's up at the end of AOTC, surely Plalpatien would need to be in the center of the republic when such a major turn in the structure of the republic was going on.ALSO I don't think lucas would make it so easy for us to know (even though we KNOW) sidous is the Emperor without some kind of twist.I think Sidious had himself cloned and sent the clone to the senate while he did all the work in the back ground. Since they are the SAME who else better to trust than yourself/clone.

what I'm trying to say

Darth sidious original Palpatine the clone. and Of course we all know Sidious is the Emperor.

Admiral Lebron
Nov 29th, 2002, 11:10:13 PM
Ya know Buff, you might be right. And that would be great. Palpatine fighting Sidious. Or maybe Sidious has Palpatine killed and it helps throw Anakin to the dark side.

Anyways, Get on AIM.

Nov 29th, 2002, 11:21:09 PM
According to the Unofficial SW Encyclopedia at theforce.net, this is stated about Palpatine and the clones:

He later assumed complete control of the galaxy and himself Emperor. As Emperor, the supreme ruler of the Empire. A student in the ways of the Dark Side of The Force. He was a xenophobe, though he used aliens when it suited him. Through his use of the Dark Side, he gained a large body of knowledge on the use of clones to become virtually immortal. The fresh supply of new bodies ensured that the destructive power of the Dark Side never killed him.

If this is the case, then perhaps its not that Palpatine is a clone of Sidious, but maybe its more likely that Sidious is a clone of Palpatine. Your idea of the clones needed to be in more than one place at time, would, in my opinion, be supported by this statement in the encyclopedia. Perhaps there were quite a few clones of Palpatine running around the galaxy that we simply do not know about.

Now, there will be those that argue the fact that Sidious is aged more than Palpatine. Well, according to the Kaminoans, the clones are aged at a faster rate than normal. And, if we want to use real world examples for this, look at Dolly the cloned sheep--she aged far faster than the researchers and scientists ever anticipated.

Just a thought....

Doc Milo
Nov 29th, 2002, 11:29:44 PM
He later assumed complete control of the galaxy and himself Emperor. As Emperor, the supreme ruler of the Empire. A student in the ways of the Dark Side of The Force. He was a xenophobe, though he used aliens when it suited him. Through his use of the Dark Side, he gained a large body of knowledge on the use of clones to become virtually immortal. The fresh supply of new bodies ensured that the destructive power of the Dark Side never killed him.

This tid-bit of information (regarding the use of clones for him to "hop" his spirit in to become almost immortal) is from the EU -- the comic series "Dark Empire" to be precise. One of the worst pieces of trash the EU has to offer...

You have to be careful when consulting these encyclopedias. They seem to mix canon and noncanon material. The thing that is wrong with that is, if we see no evidence of this in any of the prequels, that entire passage would be in contradiction to the movies, and thus would be irrelevant when speaking about the movies. It would be a "myth about Palpatine."

Nov 30th, 2002, 08:58:03 AM
Sorry Admiral, I signed off after I posted:(

Nov 30th, 2002, 10:21:32 AM
I try to be careful when consulting that encyclopedia and I noticed that it lists its sources of information and it states when and where there are contradictions. I suppose that is still left for us to use our imaginations with.

You mention that "It would be a 'myth about Palpatine.'" Doesn't Myth come from some part of truth? there is much we will never see in the films; if Lucas could put all the wealth of information into the films, they'd be pretty dang long and no one would sit through them. I think we do need to take into consideration many parts of the EU.

Darth \/ader
Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:01:33 PM
it's a nice theory but it's so oblivious that they're the same person.
in the final scenes of Ep I when mace says "but which one was destroyed? the master or the apprentice?" the camera then focuses on palpatine.
of course we can't be sure until we seen Ep III, but it would be one hell of twist if they are two different people

Dec 3rd, 2002, 06:11:29 PM
Originally posted by Darth \/ader
it's a nice theory but it's so oblivious that they're the same person.
in the final scenes of Ep I when mace says "but which one was destroyed? the master or the apprentice?" the camera then focuses on palpatine.
of course we can't be sure until we seen Ep III, but it would be one hell of twist if they are two different people

Thank you , thank you ;)

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 3rd, 2002, 06:54:12 PM
Well, we never know exactly what Palpatine is up to. Sure he is a Senator, and later Supreme Chancellor. But I don;t think the senate is in session 24 hours a day for seven days a week. And also, even politicians need time to themselves. There is no evidence that the Senate was in session whenever Darth Sidious was out and about doing his thing.

Oolana Taine
Dec 17th, 2002, 10:09:15 PM
I think you have to take "Dark Empire" into account because it is refered to in other EU books. Luke has made many references to his fall to the darkside and even him destroying the clones of Palpatine. The second one may have been a little much, but the first one builds the storyline well.

Anyway, what I'm saying is that the possibility of clones being used is pretty relevant. And I'm glad it was brought up. I hadn't even thought of that and plus it make a great twist to Episode III.

Dec 17th, 2002, 10:15:18 PM
Nothing from the EU is really admissible when talking about the movies. They science & history of the EU is not necessarily what Lucas has in store, so it cannot be used IMO.

Oolana Taine
Dec 17th, 2002, 10:41:26 PM
All well, what I've read seems to fit and expand on the movies perfectly, so I guess I've never really heard that they weren't relevant.

Doc Milo
Dec 18th, 2002, 02:42:41 AM
"The movies are gospel. All the rest is gossip." ~George Lucas.

Dec 18th, 2002, 10:20:02 AM
:lol Perfect! I wish he would say that more often!