View Full Version : Crafting the Tools: Gathering the Materials (Complete)

Silus Xilarian
Nov 29th, 2002, 09:32:32 PM
It had been a few weeks since Silus completed his research. Balmorran scientists were foaming at the mouth over the information Silus had brought back to them. It was thought, that when Kyp Durron wiped the memory of Qui Xux of the Maw installation, that all knowledge of the experimental Imperial alloy quantum had been lost. Naturally, when Silus brought them various formulae and diagrams on the materials molecular structure. However, all attempts to create the metal were futile at this point. Impatience on Silus' behalf, along with a request from Balmorra laboratories lead Silus to put his research to a more direct use.

This was why he was here.

It had been stated in a book by Qui Xux that some traces of Quantum were left on Ossus. Now Silus was there. On the surface teams were being divided up. Balmorran Wardroids and Stormtroopers had been brought along for security, save for one team of Stormtroopers, who were charged to scout the surface in search of the Quantum metal. Carrier ships were docked on the surface also, carrying a few TIE fighter squadrons and one Missile Boat squadron. Just outside the planet's atmosphere, Silus' personal ship, The Crimson Dragon carried Silus' Elite TIE squadron, Shadow Squadron.

Silus paced around waiting for the security team to set up a perimeter around the surface encampment. Sensors were set up to detect any life forms, guard posts were staggered to ensure a tight perimeter.

The sensors were brought online and an immediate scan of the area was done, all life forms detected were accounted for and identified. It was time to start the search....

Outpost 12 this is Shadow leader, Im bringing teams 1 and 2 out your way. Outpost 5 and 9, teams 3 and 4 will be exiting by both of you respectively, All outposts, keep me informed on everything, Shadow Leader out....

With final commands in order Silus and team 1 and 2 left out and began searching....

Nov 30th, 2002, 09:12:04 PM
Almost two years previous, Akrabbim journeyed to Ossus in order to forge a kitana. Now, he decides that a second would be quite useful. With a second sword, new fighting styles will be available.

On his way in, his sensors pick up large amounts of activity on the surface. Rather odd for a planet that is supposed to be, for the most part, deserted. In case the "activity" is not of the friendly sort, Akrabbim lands several miles away and proceeds to journey in on foot.

After a couple of hours travel, he gets within view of the beings. Using a viewscope, he can see several Stormtroopers. He prepares to simply use an illusion and walk right in their midst before catching a glimpse of droids. Not much chance of sneaking in that way. He begins instead to trace the movements of the Troopers, watching their patterns. He finds one group and slips behind them, shielding himself with illusion. He sneaks up on the last man invisibly, blocking any sounds he may create. He wraps his arm around his neck, flooding him with Force Confusion at the same time. The overload, while merely disorienting to a Force user, knocks a normal human unconcious. He quickly strips the man's armor, binding him and tossing him behind a stable. He dons the armor and quickly runs to join the crew. He used an illusion to replace the fallen soldier temporarily. Once he steps in, he drops the illusion and begins to follow them. He covers his sword and other weaponry with an illusion. It won't fool the droids, but hopefully they'll be too stupid to know that they're not supposed to be there. Time to see where this little entourage is heading.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 30th, 2002, 09:50:05 PM
The intiatial scouting turned up nothing. This was mildly expected and planned for however, as the scouts were mainly setting up markers at this point. It had been nearly four hours of walking, but all scout teams were almost back. Team 1, led by Silus was about 30 minutes from camp, Team 2 liked about 15 minutes. Team three had just checked in at outpost 5 and Team 4 had reported being about 5 minutes away themselves. Each team would come in for a status report and rest while teams 6 through 9 rode out on swoop bikes to further survey the area...

All had been quiet thus far, which was hoped for, though a certain tension clouded the air.....

Nov 30th, 2002, 10:51:05 PM
After walking for some time and listening to the various bits of radio chatter, Akrabbim learns that he is in Team 4, and that they are now nearing base.

*Good to know... in a few minutes, I'll be able to see who's running this circus. I may have to have... words with them.*

Silus Xilarian
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:47:59 PM
Silus recieved word that team 4 had just checked into through Outpost 9. Silus and his team had met up with team 2 and were almost to camp...

Teams 6-9 already had already left out on their swoop bikes for the second wave of searching. The speed of the bikes let them cover ground more quickly. Team 6 had just reported in saying they'd reached the 3rd marker...

As Silus and teams 1 and 2 made there way into camp, they checked in at the perimeter check point and ventured on to the middle of camp. Teams 3 and 4 were already there. All four teams gathered up and formed a half circle, with Silus walking over to the middle. Something was bothering him, but he couldnt pin point what. Most likely it was the planet, as Imperial presence wouldnt be very welcome...

All right troops, now that weve got the markers set up, your jobs are pretty much over. I want teams 1 and 2 patroling the perimeter. Team 3, you reported that you may have found something?

Silus looked over as Team 3's scout leader stepped forward and handed him a small shard of metal. Silus took it and examined it for a moment...

I believe this is what we're looking for. I'll head back to my shuttle in a minute and have a closer look. Until then, this is what we're looking for... and notify team 6 to meet up with team 7, we'll start a concentration in the direction....I want the rest of you to take up posts around the transports. You'll be in charge of gathering samples from the rest of the teams...Notify me of anything.....Meeting adjourned.....

Silus walked away from the group as the made there way to their new post. He made his way over to his shuttle. As he stepped past the two droids stationed at the ramp, he pulled one of his sabers from his belt. He placed the shard of metal on the floor and ignited the saber. In one quick strike, he brought the saber down, striking the shard. Upon bringing the saber back up, he looked down. The shard had not a scratch on it. This was indeed what he had come in search of, and now he had a sample to take back to Balmorra. Now he would see how much more he could find to take back, just in case the scientists couldnt reproduce it.....

Dec 1st, 2002, 08:12:34 PM
Akrabbim continues following team 4, attempting to blend as best as possible. After about an hour, he learns the point of this mission... to gather quantum metal fragments. How convenient...

He slips away from his group, making himself invisible. Again, it won't work on droids, but hopefully they won't notice. He makes his way to the moderately large pile of fragments. After removing the restrictive armor, he begins grabbing up segments quickly, finally gaining enough to create a second katana.

Now... to make my way outta here...

Akrabbim rounds a corner, still invisible. In the process, however, he bumps into a guard roughly. The unexpected shock causes him to drop his illusions, revealing a Jedi where there should not be one. He regains his feet immediately, attempting to stun the man with Force Confusion. The soldier, however, raises his gun and attempts to shoot Akrabbim. Akrabbim slices the man's gun in half with his katana. But the Trooper keeps coming, attempting to fight hand-to-hand. Though he would rather not do so, he swings his katana in an arc, taking the man's head from his shoulders. Akrabbim prepares to fight his way out of the camp, if need be.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 1st, 2002, 09:32:27 PM
The commotion in the middle of camp didnt go unnoticed, as the surrounding stormtroopers scattered about. Three stormtroopers immediately opened fire on Akrabbim, while two ran for help...Soon an alarm sounded, and wave of Stormtroopers were on there way, followed by six Balmorran Wardroids.

The Wardroids arrived and immediately began firing, as stormtroopers came in from all sides, loosely surrounding Akrabbim to reduce risk of being hit by friendly fire..

Silus shot to attention as the alarms went off. Without hesitation he took off out of his shuttle toward the middle of camp.

Dec 1st, 2002, 09:54:54 PM
Akrabbim immediately cloaks himself in invisibility to stave off the guards. That accomplished, he rushes the droids, trying to line them up with each other to limit their effective firing range. He deflects shots using his saber, and begins flinging shuriken at the more sensitive areas of the droids. He manages to take out the leading two when he sees a man rushing toward him. He recalls his shuriken.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:00:39 PM
A group of stormtroopers and a few Wardroids had formed a crowd, blocking Silus' view. As Silus came running up, the group shifted slighty to reveal....no one? The droids were still firing at seemingly nothing, an obvious sign of malfunction, however, the stormtroopers were not long before firing also. Stormtroopers didnt malfunction, though they did tend to miss quite often..

Silus stopped and surveyed the nearby area for a moment in utter confusion as he lowered his E-11 slightly...

Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:19:59 PM
A voice comes from out of nowhere as an invisible presence speaks.

I wouldn't, if I were you. Well, no matter. You won't be able to in a second.

He had dropped his Force Masking already, in order to have full use of his Jedi reflexes. Well, there was no time to toy with the droids anymore. Reaching under his cloak, he draws one of the toys he purchased from Sanis Prent several weeks earlier: a high-yield EMP grenade. Totally worthless against organic targets, the EMP would wreak havoc on anything electronic. Droids, weapons with circuitry inside... even non-shielded lightsabers would be affected. He arms the grenade and tosses it near the newly arrived man and the droids in the small group. It releases a muffled "whoomp" upon landing, immediately disabling any non-shielded electronics in it's rather large radius.

Akrabbim projects an image of himself several feet away, just in case any of the Stormtroopers decided to do something foolish. The voice now comes from the illusion.

I suggest you all leave now. You troopers don't stand a chance against me, and I'd rather not kill anyone if I can help it. Leave this planet. You are out of your jurisdiction.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 3rd, 2002, 10:58:00 PM
Silus brought his E-11 back up and took aim on the illusion of Akrabbim. Without looking, he spoke to a stormtrooper beside him...

Go to my shuttle, there's a bag behind the pilot's seat. Bring it to me....

As the stormtrooper walked away Silus decided to question the new arrival....

Who are you, and how did you get in here...

In the bag the stormtrooper was to bring back was Silus' lightsabers. He didnt feel they would be needed, as the security around camp was tight, so he'd put them in a bag on his shuttle after returning from the initial scouting. It was obviously the man in front of him was a force user with at least some training, though the fact that he made himself invisible more than suggested he had a very great deal of training. Either way, the E-11 was being held as a last ditch defense, until his sabers arrived...

Dec 3rd, 2002, 11:13:32 PM
The voice again comes from the projected image in front of him.

I don't think your little toy there is gonna work. I'm willing to wager it was taken out with the EMP...

Look, I'll make you a deal. Send your troops away. Perhaps we can discuss this as men. As Force Users. Otherwise, I may be forced to hurt many of them. I'd rather not.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 3rd, 2002, 11:32:20 PM
He was right. The E-11 was useless now. Silus knew up, but for some reason he'd hoped Akrabbim didnt. He sighed a bit and tossed his gun to the side. He had his slugthrower in a shoulder holster. It was hidden, and would the ace in his sleeve if Akrabbim rushed him.

He stood silent for a few moments, letting his decision wait. He could sense the stormtrooper drawing near with his sabers. He would wait til then...

As the stormtrooper arrived Silus began giving orders...

Leave the bag with me. Send word to all troops. Time to pack up and leave. Load everything up and get out of here. Tell the first officer you see that I'll be arriving shortly after...

As the stormtroopers backed off, and the one with the official command started to walk off in search of a working comlink, Silus subtly brushed against his mind, making sure that the quantum metal they had found would be packed up also....

With the troops clearing, Silus removed the sabers from his bag and clipped them to his belt...

They'll be gone as soon as possible....

Dec 4th, 2002, 12:44:10 PM
As the troopers leave, Akrabbim drops the illusion, but keeps his sword at the ready.

Now, I have to ask... what is an Imperial squad doing on a New Republic owned planet? And since this planet is not in your territory, you are therefore stealing resources. I would appreciate it if you were to stop.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 4th, 2002, 05:12:39 PM
Silus tilted his head a bit in curiousity. It wasnt often that a man appeared from thin air to lecture him about his actions...Maybe Silus did have a conscience.......

As far as Im concerned, these "resources" are going to waste here. Im simply putting them to better use...

Dec 5th, 2002, 04:47:30 PM
Akrabbim chuckles at the man's reasoning.

Brilliant logic. Therefore, if I find anything at your home that I could use, I should simply claim it as mine, since you're not using it, correct?

And as far as I am concerned, you are out of your territory. You should leave, and drop anything you've gained. Otherwise, I may be forced to act. And I'm sure neither of us want that, now do we?

Silus Xilarian
Dec 5th, 2002, 05:16:23 PM
What Ive gained is mine. Im not here under Imperial command, im only using Imperial resources. I can assure you that my work here is strictly for my own needs....

Silus kept his tone curtious and respectful to a degree, with an overall seriousness to it.

Dec 5th, 2002, 05:51:49 PM
You're stealing from the New Republic, no matter how you spin it. Stand down.

His eyes blaze with a blue light.


Silus Xilarian
Dec 5th, 2002, 05:58:27 PM
Without further hesitation, Silus reached to his belt and removed his sabers. With an echoed snap-hiss, both crimson blades sprang to life. His feet were already in position, with his right foot resting slightly behind him. Both sabers were nearly scorching the ground as they were held low at his sides...

Consider this a warning, Sir....

Dec 6th, 2002, 07:28:42 PM
Akrabbim's eyes narrow at the man's actions.

Bad move, sparky. But, if you wish...

Akrabbim stands straighter, holding his right hand outstretched toward Silus, katana in his left.

Be thou blind, O child of man...

At his words, Akrabbim floods Silus' mind with pure, unbreaking, blinding light. The effect is, in essence, temporary blindness. He immediately rushes in, angling to Silus' right side.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 6th, 2002, 08:24:21 PM
Silus stumbles backward a little bit as his eyes are attacked by an extremely bright light. He shook his head instinctively to rid the effects. As he did, his senses kicked in. Silus brought his sabers up somewhat defensively while backstepping away, desperately trying to get his eyes to focus again...

Dec 6th, 2002, 08:37:44 PM
Akrabbim siezes his momentary advantage, rushing forward to the man's left side. He drags his blade across his bicep as he rushes by, leaving a shallow gash on his upper forearm before he races by. Once he is several steps past, he turns and squares off on his oppenent once more.

Stand down.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 6th, 2002, 08:52:54 PM
Silus let out a growl of pain as Akrabbim cuts his arm. It was a clean cut. Shallow, but clean. As he felt the blade cut him, he had instinctively swirled around and blindly swung, hitting nothing but air.

Silus shook his head more as Akrabbim told him to stand down. Hearing the man speak was a godsend, as it made the Jedi's position known.

Slowly Silus turned towards Akrabbim. His vision was coming back slightly. Instead of seeing nothing but a blur of light, he saw a blur of color. He brought his sabers up again, taking a defensive stance.....

Dec 6th, 2002, 10:56:13 PM
Akrabbim moves in once more. He creates an illusion of himself striking high, but instead swings in low, aiming for the man's legs. If he can weaken the man's movement sufficiently, this fight will go much smoother...

Silus Xilarian
Dec 7th, 2002, 02:28:41 AM
Silus' vision was still pretty foggy when Akrabbim charged him. Missing a block and having his head lobbed off was pretty close to the bottom of his list of things to do...Knowing he couldnt make a precision strike against this man with his vision as bad as it was, Silus decided to evade...

As Akrabbim closed the distance between them, Silus braced himself. As Akrabbim swung, Silus lept backwards. As he landed, he quickly began backstepping, putting more distance between himself and Akrabbim, completely oblivious to the fact that he'd been a split second away from losing his legs a few moments ago...

Dec 8th, 2002, 12:17:51 AM
The swing hits air, and Akrabbim rises to his feet once more. Something must be done to slow this man down. He draws two shuriken and flings them, aiming one high and one low. Shuriken in general do little damage, but small wounds add up over time.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 8th, 2002, 12:46:38 AM
As Silus stopped, he took the time he'd gained by getting away from Akrabbim to shake his head again. His vision was coming back some but was still somewhat blurry. He opened his eyes to test his vision, and to make sure Akrabbim wasnt rushing him again. As he did, he saw Akrabbim throw something at him. Silus immediately brought his saber up to block the shuriken, however, due to his recovering eyesight, he missed entirely. He cringed as the Shuriken embedded itself into his right shoulder.

As he reached over with his left hand to knock the shuriken out with the hilt of his saber, he felt a sting in his left leg. He hadnt seen the second shuriken being thrown at him, as he was preoccupied with the first one. The injuries from both were minor, and succeeded more in angering Silus than they had in harming him.

He'd done nothing in this fight so far but get injured. His eyesight wasnt perfect yet, but it would do. He knew full well if he didnt actually join this fight, he wouldnt be leaving the planet alive. With no more hesitation, Silus charged forward closing the distance between himself and Akrabbim quickly. As he neared the jedi, he held both sabers low and to his right side...

As Silus came into striking distance, he brought his left saber forward, horizontally across his body, aiming for Akrabbim's torso. His right hand followed in immediately after, coming down diagonally toward the right side of Akrabbim's neck....

Dec 8th, 2002, 05:03:42 PM
The scissoring attack was well timed, both coming in simultaneously. With only one sword, it would not be possible to block them both. Therefore, only two options remain: get inside the arc of the weapons, or outside. Outside would do nothing but start over, as both men would be in the same position as before. However, if he were to interrupt the man's swing...

Akrabbim readies himself and rushes in low, arriving right in front of the man's chest as the sabers sweep in. He recieves some minor cuts, one to each side of his back. He shrugs off the pain for now, concentrating on his target. He is in too close to use his sword, so he uses his free hand instead. He curves his hand into an L-shaped shuto, and drives upwards. The pinky knuckle of his hand connects with the man's throat. Immediately after connecting, he flicks his hand upward slightly, causing the force of the strike to move upwards through his neck.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 9th, 2002, 07:12:12 PM
As Akrabbim brought his hand up to Silus' throat, all of Silus' forward momentum was put to a painful stop. The force from the blow, accompanied by it being a high stirke, caused Silus to reel back. He would have merely reeled backward, recovered and came back, but the shock from the hit was too sudden, and he found himself unable to gain control of his legs fast enough. He managed to push back with one foot, though he fell back reguardless. It was a blessing in disguise however, as it gave him enough push to roll backward as he landed. As the roll completed, Silus put his foot down and braced it, pushing himself back up to a standing position. There was no doubt about it, he was hurting, though he ignored what he could and tried his best to hide the rest. He coughed a few times and regained control of his breath. He was in pain, but surviving took precedence.

Rather than rushing into another attack, Silus began to pace a half circle around Akrabbim, watching the Jedi with an eagle's eye....

Dec 9th, 2002, 07:48:39 PM
Akrabbim checks his wounds and finds nothing more than a few shallow gashes. Akrabbim lowers his stance, sword at the ready. He paces around Silus as well, waiting until the man is between Akrabbim and the shuriken that he threw earlier. He calls the fallen weapons toward him, aiming them for the back of Silus' knees, hoping to strike the tendons there.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 10th, 2002, 07:43:45 PM
As the face off continued, Silus sensed something behind him. His muscles tensed. He heard the shuriken as they left the ground. He lept up to avoid them. As he did, he heard them as they cut through the air. As he came back down from his hop, he pulled his legs up, letting the shuriken barely skim across the bottom of his boots.

As Silus once again continued his staredown, he heard another noise behind him...One of the convoy of shuttles lifting off. They were doing just as Silus had instructed....

In basic training, enlisted men are taught many things. Of all these things, one of the most stressed things is to never, under any circumstances, leave your commanding officer behind...

This lesson wasnt forgotten.....

Above the noise of the shuttles taking off, a low whine could be heard. It became louder as it approached. Off the horizon, a lone TIE fighter was approaching. This was the escape Silus was looking for....

In an instant, Silus took off in a full blast run away from Akrabbim. As he did, he waved his sabers above his head motioning toward the Jedi. The message was loud and clear, as the TIE opened up a hail of fire towards Akrabbim.

With his opponent distracted, Silus kept on his path, quickly closing in on his awaiting shuttle....

Dec 10th, 2002, 09:34:13 PM
As soon as Silus turns to run, Akrabbim is hot on his heels. He pursues his opponent, drawing his shuriken to him mid-stride. He is confused momentarily at Silus' saber waving, until he looks in the direction that Silus is. A single TIE fighter is headed toward them, and appears to be bearing down on Akrabbim. He throws up a quick illusion of invisibility, but the pilot is well trained enough to simply fire in the direction he had been standing, effectively cutting off Akrabbim from his foe. Though being hit from one of the TIE's lasers would be a long shot, it is still too risky. A single hit from one of them would cause MAJOR bodily harm.

As the TIE passes, Akrabbim rushes forward once more, attempting to catch Silus before he escapes. The time bought by the fighter was enough, though, as Silus reaches his ship with Akrabbim too far away to stop. Akrabbim reaches out, casting an illusion of himself standing inside Silus' ship. The illusion speaks one sentence before fading...

I will find you...

Akrabbim turns as the Dark Jedi's ship leaves the ground. He begins the long trek back to his own small ship, pilfered quantum metal in tow. Now, to create a twin to his current katana...

Silus Xilarian
Dec 10th, 2002, 10:09:16 PM

The shock was immense to say the least. Silus had made a clean getaway he thought, but Akrabbim had just been in his ship speaking to him! The illusion was met with a hostile response in the form of Slugthrower. Four highpowered shots were fired, each of them passing through the illusion. As the illusion faded away Silus stopped, unmoving and silent. He'd already had autopilot waiting so the shuttle was still going. But he waited on alarms now.

After a few moments, Silus breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Luckily for him, none of the slugs had breached the hull.

He would be on his way to Balmorra now to see what he could do with his new found resources.....