View Full Version : Cigerette aroma among the lipstick traces [open]

Marilyn Bellucci
Nov 29th, 2002, 07:49:05 PM
Marilyn hugged the thick, fuzzy coat around her against the wind as she leaned against the rough brick wall of a street corner. Taking in a slow drag, she felt the burning tingle of the cigerette smoke creeping into her lungs, trying to sink into her already poisoned viens. Her eyes, once bright with the excitement of sex and blood, were dull, clouded. Evelyn had quit the Dolls, as short lived as they were. Eventually they all seperated. They were her people, in a way. Woman just as brave and strong and passionate as she had been.

Her pupils shrank away from the sudden, harsh light of a passing speeder and she let her head sink further down behind a fur collar and copper locks of hair. She inhaled the fumes of the cigerette again, holding in the poluted air for a moment before letting it coil out her nostrils. Marilyn was sinking fast without the company of the Dolls. She was broke, her spirit had lost it's spark of life, she was slowly falling into the desperate habbits she lived by in her early teens.

"Never..." She hissed out the word, her eyes shutting tight at the sudden threat of tears. She refused to become the pitiful shadow of a girl she'd once been. The girl that had rubbed against men more than twice her age and let unknown liquids snake into her veins through tiny metal tubes. The girl that undressed just to feed herself. The girl that carried children in her stomach that were destined to die before they so much as took a first breath.

Marilyn watched her hand shake, her pale complextion a shocking contrast against the deep black of the road; Ashes floated from the tip of the burning stick, precious smoke drifting toward the heavens. Her head felt heavy, although she wasn't sure if it was a side effect of sleepless nights or layers of make-up caked on to hide the rings under her eyes.

"Make up's all off...Who am I? Magic's in the make up.." She sang lowly, pushing away from the wall to start strolling down the road, toward's home. She paused, catching her reflection in the blackened window of a strip club, pink neon light making her skin gleam.

"...Who am I?" She whispered.

Nov 30th, 2002, 02:56:46 PM
Evelyn had her arms crossed over her stomach, her greenish blue hair, now very long, flowing on her shoulders, over her chest. She flapped the bat wings on each side of her head, giving her hair a slight breeze. Her crimson eyes followed Marilyn for a long time now. She saw the woman's fatigue through her eyes, it was sad to see. Evelyn had quit the Devil's Dolls for a while now and heard it had closed down. She had been living her life, slowly, day after day, moping around, making up stories to cover her hard reality. It was hard, still is ... But at least she had Aevenon. Marilyn, on the other hand, was alone. With a low soft voice, Evelyn stepped out of the darkness of the strip club's alley and continued her song.

If you bore me,
then I'm comfortable.
If you interest me, I'm scared.
My attraction paralyses me ...
No courage to show my true colors that exist.

Marilyn Bellucci
Nov 30th, 2002, 03:05:44 PM
Marilyn felt a shocking chill of recognition twist up her spine, freezing midstep. She spun to see the woman that had made her solo a duet. She barely recognised her.

"..Evelyn?" Her voice was low, unsure. Her boots clicking against the side walk, she moved forward to study the woman. Her hair was long, her style had changed, and she didn't recall her ever having...wings? extending from her head. But it was her.

The muscles in Marilyn's jaw twitched slightly as she clenched her teeth to keep her emotions from showing. She wasn't sure whether to cry and scream in bitterness for Evelyn leaving or to grin and hug her for almost magically appearing.

Instead, she did neither. She stood a rough yard away, her finger tapping anxiously at her side, on a new cigerette, the tip not even burning. Her other arm was crossed over her stomach, clutching at the side of her coat.

"..Hi there," she greeted the friend with a forced cheeriness, rather than the numb tone she'd kept for weeks on end.

Dec 1st, 2002, 06:15:14 PM
"Marilyn ..." Evelyn whispered.

She arched her eyebrows up sadly and held up her hand towards the young woman. She didn't know, either, what to do. She knew that ever since she left the Devil's Dolls for Aevenon, her people felt betrayed and abandonned.

"Marilyn, forgive me." She murmured, in a broken voice.