View Full Version : Freedom Fighters....(open)

Xazor Elessar
Nov 29th, 2002, 03:08:20 PM
Freedom Fighter
By: Creed

The mouths of envious
Always find another door
While at the gates of paradise they
Beat us down some more
But our mission’s set in stone
‘Cause the writing’s on the wall
I’ll scream it from the mountain tops
Pride comes before a fall

So many thoughts to share
All this energy to give
Unlike those who hide the truth
I tell it like it is
If the truth will set you free
I feel sorry for your soul
Can’t you hear the ringing ‘cause
for you the bell tolls

I’m just a freedom fighter
No remorse
Raging on in holy war
Soon there’ll come a day
When you’re face to face with me
Face to face with me

Can’t you hear us coming?
People marching all around
Can’t you see we’re coming?
Close your eyes it’s over now
Can’t you hear us coming?
The fight has only just begun
Can’t you see we’re coming?

I’m just a freedom fighter
No remorse
Raging on in holy war
Soon there’ll come a day
When you’re face to face with me
Face to face with me


A lone figure stood beside a silver ship on the outer wall of the spaceport. She was clad in traditional Jedi robes for the first time in her entire life. They were simple, and all the cloth was made out of material of differing shades of brown. With her waist length blonde hair done up in Garou Warrior Braids, there was no hint that she had come from a line of well-to-do family members save for the silver coins woven into the locks. That was not important to her anymore, for there was much more resting on her shoulders and those of the other members of the Greater Jedi Order.

Beneath her simple robes though was a masterpiece that only two other people knew of. She wore magnificent armor crafted for Helenias Q'Dunn and then given to her as a gift. The metal was dark and lustrous and covered her every part for added safty. It was heavy but she handled it well and wore it like the Warrior she was. There was an air of confidence about her though as she thought of the black cape that hung from the clasps upon her shoulders and rested below her Jedi garb. In her right arm she held a helmet with the emblem of the Jedi Warriors upon it and the black boots she was wearing bore it on both sides. She was set, not for a fight...but for a War.

A crono went off inside the cockpit of her shining new silver ship and it alerted her that her two comrades in training should be arriving soon. Sarr Koon and Terran Starek were due to aid her on a mission to a planet known for its helacious climate and those who lived there: Lakai'. It was a terrible place to go but a War had broken out between the two tribes that lived there and if someone did not stop the Darkness and destruction that was ruiling there, it would fully take over. There was rumor that a Sith Master had been stirring up trouble and was recruiting people daily, building them up in the Dark Arts so that they had more power to fight one another. This upset Xazor beyond belief and she was determined to do something about it, though she knew that in her pregnant state especially, she could not go alone. Closing her eyes as she leaned against her new ship 'Freedom I', she fell into a shallow meditative state and awaited the two Padawans.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 29th, 2002, 04:45:02 PM
"I haven't been filled in yet, but it's important," Terran said, his voice heavy with anticipation. The comment was to his friend and fellow padawan, Sarr Koon. The Kel Dor sat next to him in the GJO marked B-Wing/E. Terran sat in the pilot seat, with Sarr in the gunner's position. They took a fighter, for they knew there was the possibility of a firefight. Xazor had mentioned this, and so Terran had pulled on his gear and recommended the same for Sarr. They were battle ready.

"She was upset about something--I don't really know what, she didn't say. It won't be good. You've heard about the recent battles on Lakai', I know--everyone at the Order has." He thought about the recent newsbreaks about the planet, and how media attention had been attracted to its atomosphere. He wasn't sure what was in store for the pair. "I don't know what else is going on, though...Xazor sounded like something esle was on her mind."

Coming out of Hyperspace, they traveled into the atmoshpere of the planet, locating Xazor's beacon. She had given them homing coordinates, simple for practicality. Terran knew that he could easily locate her with the Force...in any other condition. With his current state, however, the adrenaline rushing through his blood, he decided it was best to trust technology.

"Well, Mister Sarr Koon, what do you think?" The clouds parted as they opened up onto a battle-torn horizon. It was a terrible sight--civilian buildings torn to shreds, pieces of broken ships and battle destroyed terrain. It was not something he enjoyed seeing. This was, of course, where the Jedi came in. They were needed here. He located the silver ship, and began to slow down.

Sarr Koon
Dec 1st, 2002, 06:16:44 PM
The sight of the destruction everywhere was a horibble sight. He had only seen something like this very few times. Praying that this would be the last he spoke to Terran.

"Well my friend, this is truly a horrible place. I hope we can help put an end to this."

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Dec 1st, 2002, 07:32:28 PM
The Jaara'Iro'Iro split into realspace with a bang, its tawny, angular hull lumbering towards the war-torn planet of Lakai. The Korri class Battlegalleon of the Cizerack Pride had been sent on an urgent mission of trade relations. A week prior, all shipping to and from the trade-dependant world had ceased without warning...the ominous sign of a civil war gone out of control. The Pride was content to leave Lakai's autonomy to itself, until that action resulted in a decrease of profits. Captain Aikeeshaa tilted back the brim of her officer's cap as she watched the planet approach in her viewscreen. All stations reported with the necessary information, and Captain Aikeeshaa nodded to each of her senior officers in turn. Her claws drummed idly on a system's report datapad, before she glanced to her right, and the figure seated there. Then, the drumming ceased, as did the lazy arcs of her meandering tail. The Jaara'Iro'Iro had a most unpleasant visitor, and one that Captain Aikeeshaa could certainly do without. But she had absolutely no say in such things, and even if she did, she would keep her mouth shut. Those that spoke against the Kei'Ai'Reei were always made silent. Instead, she smoothed her demeanor, brushing aside free-flowing blonde locks.

"Djirrrectorrr, we have arrrjived at Lakaji. Sssensssorrrsss have detected a landjing beacon...actjive on the sssoutherrrn contjinent. Orrrjigjin, unknown. Ssshall we jinvessstjigate?"

Her ears flattened back slightly.

"Orrr do jyou wjisssh to prrrocede on jyourrr mjissssssjion?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Dec 1st, 2002, 08:03:15 PM
Kajeela Tarruurri, a name synonomous with fear and loathing...and that was just by her peers. She was a woman who was as ruthless as she was devious and had the power at her disposal to weild such qualities at her whim.

She slid her grey/green eyes over to the Captain from where she sat and an ingratiating smile broke across her lips.

"Captajin.....jit jisss of courrrssse jyourrr decjisjion, but jI would be jincljined to jinvessstjigate the beacon.."

Her words were smooth as warm butter...and they fooled no body. The Director was very much in charge, and was only paying lipservice to her subordinate - which only served to emphasise her authority, rather than diminish it. It was the desired effect Kajeela intended.

She was a master at belittling others and entrenching herself as a threat no matter who or what she was dealing with. And her assignement at hand was just another such opportunity.

The civil war on Lakai was becoming more than a inconveneince. It was escalating into full disruption of trade in the region and the effects were being felt in the stockmarkets and trading houses back on Carshoulis Prime.

Captain Aikeeshaa stiffly voiced her agreement with the Directors suggestion and duly ordered a shift in course.

The massive battle galleon glided through the stars towards the beacon's location like a well oiled machine, and the Director returned to her quite study of the crew about her on the bridge.