View Full Version : Development

Sarr Koon
Nov 29th, 2002, 12:14:20 AM
For anyone who would care to help me develop my character more. Please feel free to offer suggestions or set up a Thread and let me know. It would help me out tremendously since he doesn't really have a solid backround or anything like that.

Nov 29th, 2002, 03:17:29 AM
What kind of thing do you want help with?

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 30th, 2002, 10:46:44 AM
If you have a master, who is he/she?

Xazor Elessar
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:08:17 AM
Verse Dawnstrider is his Master, but I've been asked by him to finish out Sarr's training since he's not around much anymore.

Sarr, I've got a thread going for you and Terran in the RPing section. :) I PM'd you about it!

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:31:15 AM
Ah, I see...well, then, you're in good hands Sarr...

I don't know. If you want to develop your character, ask for suggestions. My character, for instance, is now going on a quest for a set of powered armor, since his body was beaten into a pulp by some Sith, :lol...

Having an overall plan makes RPing much less fun. It's better just to go with the flow, and go for ideas that come from the present situation. I suggest just going on a few RPs with some other people. You'll figure out what you'd like your character to be like. I had my idea for Lion as an Assassin/Mercenary since I arrived at the GJO, but I never really started playing out skills that related to that background until a few RPs later. I mostly play Lion as a sniper, since he used to be a high-priced Iceman. He also is a fairly good pilot, since he flew ships with the NR.

Besides doing some RPs, think about your character's background. Where did he come from? What is his personality? I find that thinking out the background also influences your character choice.

If I wasn't much help, sorry...:lol. Anyways, good luck with Sarr.

Ryla Relvinian
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:59:30 AM
Just thought I'd add in my 2 cents here... not that I am the best at backstory, but just some general ideas for you to take and run with.

1. Who are your character's parents? Parents shape so much of who we are. You can start by developing them. Most people around here started with either single-parents or none, which is fine too. I started with one, then eventually worked the knowledge of my father into a RP. (Two years later, mind you, but it happened) You don't have to have a complete backstory right away. Sometimes leaving out details can help you in the long run.

2. What are your abilities / Why do you want to be a Jedi? These two go hand in hand. Please, please, please do not start out as a padawan that knows everything. Don't be afraid to give your character faults... real faults, not "Overly caring." That's not a fault, that's a girl scout merit badge. A real fault could be anywhere from the inability to do mental force abilities, such as illusion, or telekenisis, or telepathy. I see so many people come in with fully-formed characters, you know, the 14 year old bounty hunter/assasin/master at kung feng shway foo/sculptor/architect/keeper of the One Ring/able to leap tall buildings in a single bound etc etc etc.... Complicated characters are incredibly boring. What else is there to tell about them?

3. Don't be afraid to loose your first three battles or so... And this goes for fights against Sith. You just got here, be reasonable.

4. Don't be afraid to base your character off of you. Writing teachers tell you to "Write what you know," and what else do you know more about than you? We all have personality quirks.. I, for example, fiddle with loose threads when I'm nervous. So does Ryla. Pick one or two (good) little things about you that make your behavior unique and let your character do them as well. It will make you more comfortable with playing a character.

5. Real emotion... How do you act when you're scared, tired, hungry, happy, angry, curious? Your writing style can reflect this. Angry people tend not to form complete sentances... Curious people walk carefully around, and try not to get caught. Overall, think before you type.

Hope this helps ya out. Of course, it's far more than 2 cents, but that ok too. :D

Lion El' Jonson
Nov 30th, 2002, 12:07:20 PM
I try to keep Lion fairly basic...he has parents on Corellia, he can shoot a rifle, and he has a ship...that's pretty much it....:lol

Also, I'm extremely afraid of big battles...they never seem to wrap up at all...I think you should go for smaller RPs. There's more fous on personal development in those then there is in a huge melee with Masters, Knights, and Padawans.

Sarr Koon
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:28:07 PM
Ryla, wow, I am book marking this Thread for future reference. Thanks a lot, that info is going to help me out a lot.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:20:14 AM
Yay, Ryla!