View Full Version : Has Training Paid Off? (Open to a Dark Jedi or Sith)

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 28th, 2002, 09:42:28 PM
Straffe was calmely walking trough the forest. Taking in the sceanery and the fresh air. He had been training for months now and he had always heard that the Dark Jedi and Siths were to be feared. He would like to see one of them try to attack him for he has traind for a moment like that all the time.

The sun was setting when Straffe had walked onto the tip of a cliff, overlooking a giant vally. A flock of birds were disturbed in the forest from behind him. He quickly turned around and saw them flying off. Straffe's heart started to beat faster as he kept his hand on the handle of his sword. Woundering what wil emerge from the brush...

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 28th, 2002, 10:48:17 PM
Soon after the disturbance in the brush, all went silent, only the sole presence of the wind stirred about. It was a chilling prelude to what would lie ahead, almost like a gesture for the Jedi to retreat -- now. As the Jedi searched with his eyes for anything suspicious, nothing caught his attention aside from the natural landscape he had become accustomed to in his short lived stroll.

Just when the Jedi's tension began to ease, an object hurled itself from the pits of the forest, landing with a sounding thud as it smacked into the terrain. Unable to be determined from the distance, as the Jedi moved closer it was clear as to what lie infront of him. A body -- or what remained of a body. Beneath the dirt and filth covering its flesh, and its mutilated form, the body of a small girl could be made out.

Eyes, once bright blue and innocent, were now gouged from her sockets. Lockes of golden blond hair, ripped and torn from the scalp, leaving bald spots of raw flesh scattered about the small head. It resembled something only a beast could produce, purely evil and morbid. Its sight alone enough to make even the most perverse freak's stomach turn over.

Moments after the arrival of the corpse, a second one followed behind it. This time, it appeared to be a canine of some sorts, its jaw clearly ripped wide apart: to the point it wasn't even distinguishable as a dog aside from the faded red collar which fit around its neck. Obviously, it once belonged to the girl.

“See what happens to the wayward?”

A voice questioned the Jedi, hidden in the concealment of the forest.

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 29th, 2002, 09:53:12 AM
Straffes heart started to race again. The pressence of the body didnt help at all. The stench off the body was retched. He searched the tree line to see anything but was unsuccessfull. He thaught to him self "Who or what could do such a thing". He slowly pulled his sword from its hilt on his back. Keeping it in hand just in case. Straffe bellowed out

"Who goes there!!! Show yourself you coward!!!"

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 29th, 2002, 05:14:02 PM
All stood quiet for a few moments after the Jedi spoke, or rather demanded the presence of whomever was tampering with his mind. Flies soon gathered over the shredded carcasses, as the stench grew nauseating as time passed. It was apparent the Jedi was growing quite frustrated with the scenario at hand, but it was all which was desired by the one causing such mischief.

“Why are you shouting, I am right here.”

The Jedi's questions were simply ignored, as the voice introduced itself once again in a mocking tone.

“Why is it you seek the Darkside?”

Just then a swiping hiss was heard, and in a brief instant a large tree began to descend down upon where the Jedi stood. An obstacle which could be easily evaded, but if not payed the proper attention it could prove itself quite fatal. The tree only served as a diversion, and as it crashed to the ground a figure revealed itself in the open, watching on in amusement.

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 29th, 2002, 09:12:08 PM
It seemed like the tree had fallen onto Straffe. Dust and smoke filled the air. The unknown figure seemed to be smileing, thinking he had accomplished sqwishing the Jedi like a bug. After the dust settled, Straffe stood on top of the tree trunk. Unscaved and un harmed.

Straffe grinned as the unknown man stood in the open. Finally seeing his advesary, he knew this might be a challange. He slowly walked to the roots of the tree and jumped off. Still keeping his hand on the handle of his sword, he answered the question to the man

"I wish to see if my training has paid off. The only way to see if it has...Is to challange a Darksider"

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 29th, 2002, 09:22:26 PM
“So eager for combat,” the Sith folded his arms behind his back, eyeing the Jedi as if he hadn't a worry in the world, “I am not so sure you are a Jedi.”

He awaited the boy's response.

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 29th, 2002, 09:30:32 PM
Straffe chucckled for a moment

"Im in no hurry to battle...just eager to experiance new things"

He felt like he was trying to play with his mind. He had been taught that the Sith fight the way a coward does. He calmly kept his mind clear and on the force. Remembering all he was taught

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 1st, 2002, 04:40:30 PM
“You find the life of a Jedi tiresome?”

He remain standing with his hands clasped behind his back; fingering the cold, metallic hilt of his lightsabre, still unknown to the boy.

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:37:21 PM
"Only tiresome to those who cant go the distance..."

Straffe stared at him through his blue eyes, woundering what he was going to do

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 4th, 2002, 07:05:16 PM
Finally, the Sith had heard enough. This boy, like the rest, had fallen victim to the enslavement of the Jedi; his mind a simple drone instilled with the “righteous” and “morality” which the Jedi promoted. He couldn't even think for himself, his responses were probably only those forced upon him by the Academy.

"You won't go far with that avid curiousity."

He pulled his hands from behind him, and within a brief flash the blade of his lightsabre shot forth. It was a sight probably unseen to the vestal Jedi, the glowing hue of the crimson blade -- a notable trademark of the Sith.

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 4th, 2002, 07:34:34 PM
The crimson made the mans face look evil and twisted in the dark. Straffe knew he was up to no good and He had to show him that he might be a boy, but a warrior as well. He pulled his sword up to his fighting position, wating to see what the dark man will do. Straffe flipped a switch on the handle and his sabar was ignighted instantly. A blue flame shot up from the base of the sword witch ingulfed it instantly. The light made a circle around him, preventing the dark from touching him

"Couriosity hasnt killed this cat yet..."

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 4th, 2002, 07:44:11 PM
"Yet," he emphasized with a mocking tone, slowly stepping towards the boy as he waved the crimson blade from side to side -- almost like a pendulum. A sounding hum escaping each time the blade passed.

"Who is your Master?"

He inquired a final question, stopping a few yards from the boy to hear his answer.

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 4th, 2002, 08:03:11 PM
Straffe chuckled as he woundered if he heard of his master

"I am Padawan Learner to Master Stormrider, Lance Stormrider. Cousin and friend to me"

He kept a straight face as he thaught of all Lance had taught him. This guy was going to be in for a surprise

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 5th, 2002, 07:48:07 PM

He paused, attempting to familiarize the name.

“It doesn't really matter -- so long as there will be one to seek vengeance on me for spilling the blood of their cousin.”

With that, he pushed himself forward with aid of the Force, bringing his saber at the Jedi with a simple swipe for his chest. Easily blocked, as Grev had expected, he pivoted into a spin and swept a leg out for the back of Straffe's knee attempting to trip him.

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 6th, 2002, 11:22:40 AM
Straffe fell to the ground but rolled on the floor and fliped back up onto his feet. He grinned as he saw it was time to show his true skill

"There is not one to avenge me but four others of the Stormrider family that will"

He un-buttoned his cloak and shot it to the ground. Straffe became faster and more agile. He quickly dashed back towards Grev and slashed him a few times

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 9th, 2002, 10:03:35 PM
Without delay, Grev repositioned himself after the sweep and shot back to his feet just in time to evade the Padawan's oncoming attacks. Bringing his blade side to side, high and low, he successfully blocked each agile swipe while backing away as the Jedi moved closer.

Just when the combo finished, Grev opened his free hand with a flick of the wrist commanded the Force at his will. Dirt and debris shot up from the ground and veiled Straffe's vision temporarily, hopefully giving the Sith enough time to pull off an attack.

As the cloud of dust encircled the Jedi, Grev moved at him with blade in hand -- swiping the crimson arc at the left arm of Straffe. It was aimed so it wouldn't do any real damage, but more or less take a slight gash out of the Jedi's arm; leaving him with a scar of remembrance.

“Let them come,” he scoffed, “I will be more than happy to fill the Stormrider graves.”

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 10th, 2002, 08:07:55 AM
Straffe fell to the ground as blood started to pour out od his arm. He quickly summond a Healing Wave to seal the wound. He looked back into the mans dead, dark eyes. The dust had settled and Straffe slowly got back up. His left shirt sleave stained with his own blood. The shirt was torn and looked almost raged on his left arm. The smell of burnt flesh filled the air

"I admire your courage but you will have a very hard time filling those graves"

He quickly dashed towards Grev and shot his sabar like a boomerang. Using the force to control its movement. He then pulled out some throwing knives and shot them towards him to throw him off

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 25th, 2002, 03:21:37 PM
After the successful hit, Grev quickly recoiled to establish a defensive position once again. He had counted on a counter attack, as he readied his lightsabre for the backlash. The blood and vulgar stinch of burnt flesh only enticed the Sith further, a gratified smirk forming on his lips.

"I admire your courage but you will have a very hard time filling those graves."

The boy's words were heard, but Grev paid little heed or notice to them. Instead he remain focused on the approaching blade, used as a projectile guided with the Force. Timing it right, the Sith shot from his held position and brought his blade into a calculated aim for the weapon's hilt, attempting to cleave it in half -- which would pretty much destroy its capabilities for the time being.

Just as he disarmed the sabre, a flurry of knives shot forward him. Attempting to bat them down with his own blade, a few strayed from his reach and burried themselves into his body. Two hitting his right shoulder and one in his lower torso. A groan escaped his mouth as he ripped them from his body, blood surfacing through his clothing.

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 26th, 2002, 08:37:21 PM
Straffe retreaved his sabar back and flicked the switch. It seemed to be broken. Straffe was frustrated untill he heard the groan of his opponent. He saw that the knives had been burried deep in his opponents flesh. A smile krept across his face but soon faded away. He quickly took his Sabar`Sword and put it back on its hilt. He took his spare sabar from on his belt and ignighted it. This time a green blade shot out from it

"A true Jedi always has a spare"

imported_Grev Drasen
Jan 17th, 2003, 01:45:55 PM
Discarding the now bloody shurikens, Grev focused his attention back to the young Jedi who had caused him such an irritation. Guiding his lightsabre in smooth strides, he calmly stepped towards the boy, for now disregarding the sharp pains which his fresh wounds provided. He listened to the boy's droll remarks.

“A true Jedi, that you are?”

Grev replied with an acerbic tone, as if mocking the boy's postulation. Growing tired of the word play, with a lifted hand he called upon the darkside conjury which his Master had bestowed the knowledge of.

Soon a collated arrangement of dust and debri began to encircle the Padawan, as a thick mass of darkness seemed to secrete from the blanket of particles. Almost in a fog like form, it clung itself to the clothing of Straffe, and like a parasite began to branch out across his torso.

Not being in a physical form, it couldn't simply be brushed off. Instead, it continued its attempt in consuming the rest of his body, moving down towards his feet by now. However, at the moment it didn't appear to be doing any sort of damage or physical impairment.

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 17th, 2003, 10:27:17 PM
Straffe blocked his eyes, preventing dust from impareing his vision. He felt something sticking to him like a bug. He try brushing it off but it didnt seem to do anything

"So you think you've won because of your tricks? Well I got news for you..."

Straffe clenched his fists and a fire seemed to be ignighted within him. He yelled out loud as a golden aura was surrounded by Straffe. He focused his energy into his blade for his next attack. He dashed towards Grev, dragging his saber. He quickly sliced the air infront of him. A sudden energy burst was sent towards the Sith. A giant Red/Yellow firey X was sent towards him at incredible speed. Straffe hoped that the Sith wouldnt move because this attack could cut through anything

imported_Grev Drasen
Jan 19th, 2003, 04:48:30 PM
Awaiting patiently, Grev watched as the young Jedi began his charge of what seemed to be fueled by anger. Clearly the reaction of a Padawan -- insistent and inexperienced. As the Stormrider moved in, Drasen extended a hand and slurred something under his breath.

While mid-air, the ink like substance coated on the Jedi's body began to harden; forming into a thick sheath of heavy armor. So heavy, the Jedi would more than likely feel encumbered -- which would lead to the end of his airstrike.

Noting the oncoming wave of energy, the Sith formed an air pocket before the billow's path to redirect its route straight into the ground. Plunging into the terrain a few yards infront of him, it sunk into the earth as it began slinging dirt in every which direction.

Grev now focused his attention on the burdened Jedi, who was still adorning the heavy platemail of dark matter -- which was doing well enough job of immobilizing him for the brief instance he needed. He encircled the boy, still manuevering his lightsabre in a taunting matter.

"Is this the end?"

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 19th, 2003, 07:04:57 PM
Straffes eyes burned


He used the Force to shatter his cocoone and jumped int the air. He spun his heel around so that it his Grave in the face, send blood out of his mouth. He then closed in by holding his saber to his throat and spoke

"Do you wish to die today Sith? Or live to tell the tale of our incounter?"

The choice was in his court now...This would determain the result of battle

imported_Grev Drasen
Jan 19th, 2003, 07:51:49 PM
With a strong boot to the chest of the Padawan and swift deflection with his lightsabre, Drasen's situation was defused rather apace - seeing as to how he'd been in the position of being face to face with a lightsabre countless times before.

While he drove the Jedi back with the kick, he managed to climb to his feet quick enough to brace himself for a counter attack. Straffe came fast, with a vertical strike that was driven right back. Wrestling back and forth with both blades intertwined, Grev finally pushed the Padawan back to create a breathable space between the adversaries.

“Do you play me for a coward?” a grin pushed forward on the Sith's face, yet behind it held a grave deal of agitation and anger.

“You choose: death or departure.”

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 20th, 2003, 06:25:09 PM
Straffe stood up straight, still cluchting his saber

"You were a good opponent...I choose departure, maybe we will fight again sometime"

The wound on his arm was becomeing to unbearable. He had to get out of this Siths clamy grasp and back to the Order. He picked up his cloak and put it on. He pulled up the hood and deactivated his saber, He dashed into the forest and and blened in with the darkness. All that could be heard was in Grevs head was a whisper

"We will battle again someday...Untill then, I will train harder"