View Full Version : Because I Miss You....(Natia Dawnstrider)

Xazor Elessar
Nov 28th, 2002, 01:36:04 PM
A figure clad in white robes slowly made her way into Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill, then stook a seat toward the back of the establishment. A smile danced across her lips but then faded slightly as memories of a little girl crept into her mind.

"Natia.....how I miss you my sweet little girl....."

She whispered to herself, regretting the decision the child had made. Xazor wiped a tear from her eye and leaned back to look out the window. It was a lonely day for some reason. A serving droid came by her table and the Garou ordered a mug of Spiced Ale to sooth her weary nerves. Her anger was in check and her thoughts were happy for the most part...but she couldn't help but think of her daughter.

My child...please return to me.....

Her voice stretched out for miles in the minds of Force users around in hopes that she would reach the little girl she loved and missed so much....

imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 29th, 2002, 11:08:51 AM
*Natia had been walking towards the B&G when she heard her Mothers call come out. Dressed in dark blue from head to toe, her lightsaber left back at the apartment she is using while here for a short while, she pulls the hood of her cloak up over her head, hiding her face in shadows, she enters the B&G. Instead of heading towards her Mother immediatly, she heads up to the bar and orders herself a cola. Her voice low so her Mother would have a hard time picking it up. When it's given to her, she pays and grabs the mug of Spiced Ale that she is guessing her Mother ordered and heads over to where her Mother is. Not saying a word she puts the mug down infront of her Mother and sits down across from her*

It's been awhile hasn't it Mother.

*Natia reaches up and lowers the hood of her cloak, revealing her face. Dark circles are under her eyes from lack of sleep. A slight smile appears on her face for a moment before disappearing*

Xazor Elessar
Nov 29th, 2002, 11:21:37 AM
Xazor's eyes opened slowly and she looked down at her Spiced Ale...then up at the girl she loved....her Daughter. Her face had changed so much, but Xazor recognized her. A smile crossed the Knight's lips and she reached across the table and took Natia's hand.

"....My dear child....what has kept you from seeking me out? I have missed you so for you are dear to my heart. How is everything? And...your traning? I am sure you are making me...proud."

Her words were broken as emotion swirled around the woman's head. She blinked a few times and then shook her head, not able to erase the pain that rested in her eyes...though joy lived in her heart at the sight of her little girl.

"Please, do tell me everything that has happened to you...."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 29th, 2002, 01:46:46 PM
*Natia looks her Mother over for a couple of minutes before saying anything*

I've been busy with my training and a few other things which have kept me occupied lately. Everything is going quite alright for me. I'm learning alot of interesting things in my training and in my travels.

Just a few weeks back, I visited this one planet. It's one where the higher beings that they worship are the Angels of Life. It is all really fascinating. Every emotion that we feel, every sensation that we experience like pain and pleasure, there is an Angel for it. This, relegion I guess, is all over the galaxy. From one end to the other. But what is truly interesting is that these Angels are led by the Child. Her physical appearence is that of a 10 year old girl by human standards. Every Angel recieves there instructions from her. This is all so interesting. I'm still just learning the basics about these Angels.

*Natia takes a moment to take a sip of her cola and to take a breath before continueing on talking like she hasn't since she was just a little girl entering the Jedi Order*

What's really interesting about these Angels is the fact that they all at one point in time used to be living like you and me. But they have all been dead for at least 1 billion years.

But enough about me Mother, what's been happening in your life.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 29th, 2002, 03:18:28 PM
Xazor listened intently as her Daughter spoke of this strange religion. She nodded and smiled slightly and then sighed to herself as her thoughts dwelled upon Gaia....and....home.

"Well, I've been training my leagues of Padawans and I have promoted a few since speaking with you last. I've been taking care of myself and the baby is doing well. She's due in just about two or three more months. I am to be married to the one man I know is the love of my life...we were to be married when we were Sith so long ago, but then we were separated and he came here to the Jedi Order where we reuinted."

She paused and thought of Terran and how wonderful he had been to her. He had taken such good care of Xazor and through everything that had happened with she and Shade, and then she and Dasquian, he never left her side. Sighing happily, her attention was drawn back to Natia once again.

"I've gone on several missions as well and I've visited many places on relaxing vacations. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, my Daughter. I love you...."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 30th, 2002, 10:21:27 AM
*Natia smiles, happy for her Mother*

So Mother, tell me, who are you to marry?? He does know that if he hurts you, he will be in major trouble when I find out.

*Natia goes silent for a bit, not overly sure of what to say to her Mother as she takes another sip of her cola*

I hate to admit this Mom, but since I've left, I've missed you. Especially the way that you would comfort me after I had a nightmare.....

*Natia's voice trails off slightly as she shakes her head. She takes a deep breath before continueing to talk*

I still get those nightmares you know, but they're easier to deal with now.

*Natia goes silent again as she rubs her eyes with one of her hands*

Xazor Elessar
Nov 30th, 2002, 12:16:39 PM
Xazor smiled gently as her thoughts drifted to Terran. He was a wonderful man and she was positive that he would never hurt her...he would never leave her side the way that Shade had. Sighing slightly, she nodded to Natia's threat with a grin.

"I am to marry Terran Starek. He is a wonderful man....you should meet him sometime. He loves children and is easy to get to know and like. He is much like me in so many ways..."

She said softly, hoping that Natia would trust her judgement on this one. Though, the child had been right about Shade...that did not last. Her eyes shifted to the table as the little girl told of her nightmares. Xazor sighed to herself and her sad eyes met those of her Daughter once more.

".....It could still be that way, you know. But you have made your choice and now you are a student of the Darkness. But who am I to condemn you for that? I was once in your place..until I found the truth."

Her gaze seemed to look past Natia now as she spoke and recalled a painful memory. Shaking her head, Xazor's eyes refocused on the little girl.

"Anytime you need me, I'm here, okay? I will come to you if need be. If anyone hurts you....I'll take care of them. We've got each others backs, though we stand on opposite sides of the fence. That's what's so great about family...we love each other despite our beliefs. Speaking of which, your uncle Chaos Alexander, just joined the Jedi Order and denounced the Darkside. I am his Master now..."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Dec 1st, 2002, 11:30:25 AM
If it's not to much of a problem Mom, I would like to meet Terran. I want to make sure that he won't hurt you. I have no wish to say I told you so about Shade, but I do want to point out, I was right about him.

*Natia gets a slightly concerned look on her face*

Mother, you have no reason to be sad right now. I'm not going to let anyone harm you.

Perhaps in the future, we won't be on opposite sides of things and we can be a big happy family again. Maybe Buneka will even join us and continue her learning.

*Natia nods her head slightly*

If I need you Mother, I will call. Though the only time I stay in one place right now is when I am training.

*Natia glances down at the table again for a little while before glancing up again at her Mother*

I'm happy to hear about Uncle being on the Lightside. Give him my best will you. I'm glad that he doesn't have to worry about being on the Darkside now.