View Full Version : Long Haul, Short Fuse (Open)

Levi Argon
Nov 27th, 2002, 04:27:57 PM
A rumbling was heard down the hallway from the discussion chamber, followed by a slam. The sound reverberated from the ominous stone walls creeping ever closer to the place where the Knights and Masters of the Sith Order were discussing the issue of masterless apprentices and how to deal with the problem quickly. But that wasn't quick enough.

There was the sound of another set of large, wooden doors opening with the same bass and crashing furiously against the unforgiving walls. Someone was approaching; this much was clear as it was common knowledge that the discussion chamber was located at the end of a series of corridoor junctions and after each junction there was a set of hefty, old doors.

The third time, the rumble was much shorter and the crash much louder. Someone it seemed was in a foul mood. Shortly enough, footsteps could be heard approaching from down the hall, heavy boots clashed with the solid floor, long strides bringing whoever it was closer and closer. It was only a matter of time before the footsteps could be heard right outside.

"Nrrrrgh!" Came a roar as the large doors to the discussion chamber were blasted open and swung around with ferocity until they smashed into the walls like the others except this time Levi had pushed a little too hard. One of the doors came off it's hinges upon colliding with the wall and with a long creaking fell to the ground with an almighty crash.

"That's it!" He roared to any and everybody. "I've waited long enough in this hellhole. A month I have been with this band of merry men and despite everything, even asking my brother to return home to Coruscant where it is currently unsafe for him and what for? All my efforts have been in vain and my patience has dissipated."

Wild eyes darted about the room as beads of sweat trickled from his brow. His right eye twitched and he growled. He moved from seat to seat, sometimes gripping the back of the chair, sometimes placing clenched fists on the shoulders of those in attendance or even more irrationally, tapping their head irritably as he spoke hoping to get his message across loud and clear.

"I can't take it anymore! The rooms, they swell and compress. I see it day by day. The walls are alive! There is an ancient strength in these walls and it tells a tale of your kind. I listen! O, how I listen but yet I learn nothing! It is all alien to me! I can feel the power in each and everyone of you and I want it! I need it! Teach me! Help me! Teach me for I am willing!" He cried out to his superiors, having completed a full circle off the large table and attendance. He calmed a little.

"Take my offer or lose it forever!" He concluded, his arms held up ready to accept whoever wishes to try and tame this frenzied animal.

OOC: Of course, I am not quite as impatient as my character but I thought I'd have a little fun with my request for a master. :)

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 27th, 2002, 04:52:43 PM
(Ooc) I'm neither a Master or Knight, but I hope you don't mind my posting here.

The room fell silent, as Grev glanced from the large wooden door that had crashed mere inches from where he stood. As the dust settled from its collision, the apprentice stepped over the obstacle and towards the seemingly insaned man encircling the seated Knights and Masters. He debated on speaking out, yet he held his tongue.

He realised what the fellow apprentice was going through, as he had lost his own Master, Salem Ave, to the betrayal and formation of The Krath. Now he too stood masterless, but he failed to display his emotions such as this man.

“That was quite an entrance,” he finally broke the deaf silence that was occupying the chambers, his pale gray eyes perusing Levi with an attentive watch. He wasn't familiar with who exactly the man was, considering he had only acquainted himself with a select few: those being his former Master, Salem Ave, and one who greeted him upon joining the Order, Lord Dyzm.

“Although, the others may tend to disagree.”

He gestured towards the table of superiors, who still seemed to be a little taken aback by the outburst.

Lady Vader
Nov 28th, 2002, 12:07:32 AM
*LV glanced down at the fallen door, and let out an inward sigh. It never seemed those doors could stay put for more than a few months before some hot-head decided to rip them off their hinges. Well, better the doors than the whole damn place.*

*LV regarded Levi and then nodded her head casually. She could very well feel the young man was restless.*

I suppose this is your way of asking for a Master, here and now?

*It was a retorical question, and she leaned back and considered for a moment. She had three Apprentices, but both were away exploring the world around them. So in essence, she had free time on her hands.*

Tell me, Levi, would you accept me as your Master, or would you prefer one of the other Masters or Knights you see here?

Malice Draclau
Nov 28th, 2002, 02:36:40 AM
Malice and the other masters and knights were discussing a few issues concerning the order. When through the force they all felt a presense heading their way, an angry presense. Just a they had expected, someone came crashing through the twin giant doors. With enough force to knock one of the doors off it's hinges.

Grinning slightly at his ranting and rage, Malice listened as Lady Vader spoke to the angry man. Turning around in his chair, Malice told a maid to get a couple droids to fix the door. Turning back around, he waited on the mans answer. Malice two had just gotten two apprentices. Their training barley started, even so he wouldn't mind taking this one on. Taming his wild anger would be fun.

Nov 30th, 2002, 04:29:07 PM
Cloak chuckled slightly almost in a taunting, yet unforgiving gesture. He was slouched back in his large wooden chair with his hood perched over his pale head. Levi reminded him of another hothead who also liked to make demands. Alot had changed however, and Cloak was alot wiser now.</p>

He stood to his feet and made his way down the long table towards Levi. He paced around Levi observing as if he were inspecting a slave at one of Tatooines auctions.</p>

"I suppose I could teach him, seeing as though I don't have an apprentice. I doubt that I would be able to get much out of him though. I'd give him about two weeks before he's face down in a pile of bantha fod somewhere begging to work on the sewage deck of an Imperial cruiser for scraps."</p>

Malice Draclau
Dec 1st, 2002, 03:16:21 AM
Listening to DDC degrade the man made Malice chuckle as well. Standing up, he looked at DDC, then at the others.

*I agree with DDC taking him on. Watching his progress should be most intertaining*

Levi Argon
Dec 1st, 2002, 08:46:22 AM
OOC: My appologies for such a delayed reply. I've been out of it for the last several days but will be much more dedicated now.

Just as a sidenote I would like to make an OOC request for my character's master. He or she has to be reasonably active, preferably to a degree so that they are able to reply at least once a day.

Secondly, I'd like to know what timezone you are in, I am GMT and as rule of thumb I am available from 5pm my time in the afternoon except for weekends. Saturday I will be unavailable except in the evening but Sundays and usually Mondays are completely free.

DDC appeals most to me as he has no other apprentice currently. I don't like the idea of being one of many apprentices to the one person, Master/apprentice relationship should be more personal than that. :)


Going silent for a moment, Levi heaved heavily, blood coursing through his vains, raised and pushing against the skin on his neck. His teeth grinded behind lips closed tight. With the deep breathing he hoped to calm himself a little, all had been going well until Darth Dark Cloak had interrupted his response to Lady Vader.

"Mistress Vader," He said a little less tempestuous than before, "Having you as my master would be a great privillage. You are the very mother and master of this Order; I have with great interest learned of your fight to keep this order strong and you have nurtured it and watched it grow. But it is because of that great deal of responsibility that I have to decline the offer. I need a master who--"

Enter Darth Dark Cloak. Circling him and scoffing like some sort of Hutt grown fat on his own power and pride. White knuckles were showing through his balled fists. He started to started to take breaths through his flaring nostrils like a raging bull prior to charging at it's unfortunate victim.

They were mocking him. Laughing. This was not a joke. Turning to find the Sith, Levi gripped him by his robing and roared as he picked him up from his feet and then threw him against the wall behind.

"It is you who will be begging before I am through with you, Dark Cloak!" He yelled, launching himself at the Sith Master, seething with anger. His left fist clenched, he swung low for the man's abdomen. If he hit there would be nothing between his acerton-laced knuckles and the wall save for Cloak's stomach.

Dec 1st, 2002, 08:57:21 PM
Cloak was enjoying himself mocking Levi, but his guard was never down. As Levi charged at him, he barely flinched. It was as if Levi was moving in slow motion. Cloak thought his response thoroughly and reacted to this desperate attempt at harming him.</p>

Cloak took a slight step to his left and extended his left hand across body. As Levi completed his swing, cloak's hand caught hold of Levi's outstretched arm. Levi could feel the breath being stolen from him as Cloaks right hand had somehow, in the midst of this struggle, become firmly wrapped about his neck. In one motion, cloak released his grip on levis arm and lifted Levi off the ground by his neck. Levi squinted and tried to pry cloaks hand open, but the strength that the force gave cloak was too great.</p>

"Yes, this one should make an excellent apprentice. I'd Like to take him on, that is if it's ok with you M'lady."</p>

Cloak turned to LV as he dropped Levi to the stone floor to gasp for air. He knew all along that he wanted to teach Levi, and this incident only assured his thoughts.</p>

Dec 1st, 2002, 09:03:14 PM
OOC: oh, BTW I'm on EST It's 10PM here now, and I'm sure I can post everyday, save special occasions.......

Levi Argon
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:37:29 PM
When he had expected to hit his target, Levi instead found himself in a precarious position suspended above the ground with a Sith Master's finger's tightening about his throat. A bead of sweat trickled down the side of his face and his face began to turn read.

Levi's rage quickly died away to panic as he realised his superior wasn't releasing him, even as he spoke oh-so-casually to Lady Vader. His legs kicked frantically and he clawed at the man's gloved hands but to no avail. He felt powerless and in the greatest moment of his humiliation the apprentice was allowed to fall to the cold floor gasping desperately for air. Unable to protest or continue the confrontation, he just continued to breath heavily on the floor a moment longer.

Lady Vader
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:21:03 PM
*LV remained silent for a while longer, letting DDC's action sink into Levi's mind. He'd have to get used to it if he were to learn how to be a formadable warrior. Then she spoke.*

Very well, Levi. Master Cloak here will be your Master. But be it known I will be keeping a close watch on your progress.

You stormed in here demanding training, and you shall attain it. I expect to see nothing less than your best in the training you go through.

*She leaned forward in her chair, green eyes boring into his.*

I expect to see you bleed, for only then will you know the true meaning of being Sith.

*She leaned back and crossed her legs, looking to DDC.*

He is yours. Train him well.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:35:24 PM
"Indeed M'lady, but of course his progess will be up to him."</p>

Cloak looked to Levi and then turned to leave.</p>

"I will contact you when I am ready for you, until then you should get some rest, and maybe work on your left hook"</p>

With that said, cloak exited the discussion chamber through the rather large doors Levi used to enter.</p>

Malice Draclau
Dec 3rd, 2002, 12:13:47 PM
Leaning back in his chair, Malice spoke out jokingly.

*Well, that's one little birdy outta the way. An only a few more left. Let's hope they all storm on in here. At least then we wont have to go looking for them*

He had a sly grin across his face.

Levi Argon
Dec 4th, 2002, 12:22:30 PM
Slowly, Levi climbed to his feet and regaining himself reveived Lady Vader's advice and gave the mistress a nod of the head out of both respect and compliance for her orders. He hated the thought of bowing but now that he had a master, perhaps he would have to start learning humility. The thought left a foul taste on his tongue.

"I wont fail you, malady." He assured her and gave Dark Cloak a nod in reply to his words then turning with some face now regained, he strided off down the hallway.