View Full Version : Coax Me (Jeran) COMPLETED

Dae Jinn
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:19:48 PM
Seven days. It seemed a lot longer than it actually was. Daetana Jinn was back, in the same small dingy bar, on the same nameless planet she had been on seven days ago when she had asked Nemesis for help. She sat in the same booth, wearing a 3/4 length leather coat in place of her Sith robes. A dark green turtle neck and short black skirt with knee-high boots completed her outfit and a half empty glass sat in front of her.

She had been here for hours, waiting. On someone she wasn't even sure wanted to see her again. She remembered the last things she had said to Jeran..
"Fine!!! Leave!!! Don't ever come back!!!....I love you and you just leave me...You always leave me!!! Well, go ahead!! Go!!!"

Her eyes watered and she sighed heavily. She was sure he wouldn't come, but part of her still was hopeful. Maybe if he did love her, he would come. Even if he just came to say he hated her, and would hunt her, it was better than nothing. She sighed again, taking a slow drink of vodka and watching the door.

Jeran Conrad
Nov 27th, 2002, 10:43:03 PM
"Alchohol dulls your senses, you know." The voice spoke from behind and above her as she sat, drinking her drink. He didn't know what it was--didn't care, really--but he could smell the familiar stench of alchohol. His cloak tightly buttoned up, his hat angled low, very little could be seen of his face. However, he doubted she would have to see his face to know who it was.

Dae Jinn had been peering longingly at the door with beautiful--albeit anxious--eyes for some time now. What she was waiting for, he knew. When she looked away, after he had his fill of watching her, he had sneaked into the bar and kept himself hidden. She was ten times as beautiful in actuallity than his mind could ever recreate. She had always been this pretty--he could remember every curve, every crevice, every detail of her face. And, for that matter, her body. His memory was sharp, but it had been extra sharp when it came to her physical implant upon his mind. Why?

Because he loved her.

Plain and simple. He wasn't afraid to admitt it anymore, though he was still very afraid of the situation. He didn't know exactly how to handle it all, but he knew how he felt. That, he believed, was a start.

His hand fell to her shoulder as he smiled.

Dae Jinn
Nov 27th, 2002, 11:01:10 PM
She nearly dropped her glass, and with a shaking hand she managed to set it on the table top. She rested her head on his hand and smiled softly, holding back tears. She wondered how she could have missed his scent.
Dae rose from her seat, turning to him. Gently, slowly, she reached up, taking off his hat and setting it aside. She unbuttoned his cloak slightly, fingertips running gently down his cheeks, across his lips, as if she was worried he wasn't really there. A few tears managed to make their way down her cheeks, and she sniffled.

"I...didn't think you would ever come back to me, my love."

She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly, more tears coming. She mumbled into his chest.
"I missed you...."

Jeran Conrad
Nov 27th, 2002, 11:36:04 PM
"I've missed you too," he spoke as she held him. He wrapped his arms around her too. Holding her tightly to him made him feel so good, so alive again. He remembered how much he had loved it before. This day, this time was no different. Holding her close, he could feel her heart beating against his own.

"I trust you are well?" He spoke, his words caring. Pushing her away gently, he examined her face, a concerned look on his face. His fingers probed her cheeks and other parts of her face. He ran them through her hair as well. Touching her hair released its smell into the air. It was a wonderful smell, and he took it in with his breath.

"I think everything is in order," he said, kissing her cheek softly. No scratched, no scars, no recent bouts, he thought. Good. She didn't deserve to be hurt. Especially her heart. Coninuing the kiss, he longed for her lips. Coming to them, he kissed her even more passionately, as those who have been away for some time would.

Dae Jinn
Nov 27th, 2002, 11:45:23 PM
She had smiled as he spoke, and then his lips were on hers. She pressed herself tightly against him, her lips meeting his hungrily. She kissed him passionately, but still softly, a bit unsure of herself. She pulled back, almost gasping for air.
"I'm better now...Jeran. I am so sorry...about everything..." She bit her bottom lip, not sure what else to say. There was so much inside her, so many things she thought she should say, but she couldn't find the words to describe how happy she was now. How relieved she was that he had come, how much she had missed him, ached for his touch, his smell, him. "I love you so much."

Jeran Conrad
Nov 30th, 2002, 02:42:01 PM
"It's ok," he said, with the soft, reassuring tone that only a lover or close relation can give to thier loved ones. "I love you too." He spoke, uninhibited and unafraid of his emotions. He hadn't been near her in some time and, in doing so now, he felt the exhileration of her presence. He had missed her so. It was true. Though he would never have taken back his choice to leave, and he would never have given up his visit with Nemesis, and he would have never given up his time of reflection, he had been away from her for too long.

"Let's get out of her, eh?" He smiled lightly as he spoke. This dingy little bar wasn't worth their time anymore.

Dae Jinn
Nov 30th, 2002, 03:57:00 PM
She sniffled a little, and smiled back at him, slipping out of his arms. She took his hand in hers, giving it a tiny squeeze. She liked having him this close, she had missed him so much.

They walked out of bar, into the bright afternoon. The street the bar was on was just as dingy, trash littered the street and few people were walking pass. Dae hung onto Jerans arm, stroking his palm gently.

"So, how have you been?" She smiled up at him, he had no marks that she could see. That didn't mean he hadn't been out fighting, "hunting". And she was curious as to how things went with the other hunter, Nemesis.

Jeran Conrad
Nov 30th, 2002, 04:30:46 PM
Holding his arm, he loved walking with her. The way she felt so close to him. He couldn't help but smile, the woman he loved at his side. He needed her--it was true. Though he would probably never admitt it, he needed her. He wanted to be there for here, especially now that he had come to grips with the way he felt.

"I have been well." He spoke with a smile. He thought of his last few weeks. They had been busy--he had engaged many dark siders as of late. Perhaps it was that he was taking out much of his anger in his work, but he had taken down a much larger amount recently than he had in some time.

"And yourself? How does Dae Jinn fair?" He smiled as he said this, holding her hand. He stroked her arm gently as they walked, towards what appeared to be an old, run-down park. Better than these trashy streets, he thought.

Dae Jinn
Nov 30th, 2002, 07:41:35 PM
Dae rested her head on his shoulder and sighed as they entered what used to be a park. Now it was more like a vacant lot. A few trees grew, but the grass was brown, dying, and no other plants grew.
"I've been...worried, about you. About us. I really wasn't sure you'd come back. But you did..."

She turned to him, a hand going to his cheek, her lips met his as she kissed him deeply. Her body pressed to his as the kiss went on.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 1st, 2002, 07:43:08 PM
Tasting her kiss, he finally released himself from the liplock. It was so reassuring to be next to her again, even with his uncertainties.

"Shhhhhh....." He hushed her. All her worries, her fears, he wished he could take them all away. He knew he couldn't--not in reality. But in this moment, he could. "I'm here." That was all he could say.

Holding her tightly, he turned down into the park. It was quite run down, unfortunately. But, he had an idea. He held her hand tightly as they walked, she leaning against his body.

"Close your eyes," he said, softly. He could see that she did so. As she did, he let the Force flow through himself and into her. With his own eyes closed, he allowed the nature around him to enter his mind. Letting it caress his spirit, his aura, gently. He did the same for Dae. In their minds, the vision of a beautiful park with a colorful garden and lush trees was seen. It was an wonderful sight, and Jeran smiled as he hoped Dae would enjoy it.

Dae Jinn
Dec 1st, 2002, 08:52:30 PM
"Close your eyes,"

She did. She felt a weird tingling, and then it hit her. Beautiful images flooded her mind; suddenly the park was no longer dying, brown and life-less. It was alive, lush and green. The trees blew gently in the breeze, flowers of all shades grew in the gardens that lined the path they were walking. A small smile grew on her lips.

"Wow....Jeran, it's beautful." She didn't know what else to say, she had never experienced anything like this before. She squeezed his hand tighter, her smile growing.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:00:23 PM
"Beautiful images come from men inspired by beauty," he spoke softly, taking her other hand. Not opening his eyes, he kissed her. It was almost as though he could smell the mirage around him: the trees, the grass, the flowers. His dream was beautiful, and Dae being with him made it all the more wonderful. He wanted it to last forever.

"I'm sorry I left. I am. You didn't deserve it," he spoke after he broke the passionate kiss off. "I have trouble with this, my dear. You and the Dark side--it troubles me. But I want you to know that...that..." He stuttered, as words never came easy to him.

"I love you for who you are, Dae Jinn. I love you for you." He said the words with soft eyes and a warm tone. He meant them, and they were for real.

Dae Jinn
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:27:22 PM
" Jeran...." She felt her cheeks going red. She didn't know what to say, besides the obivious. " I love you too..."

She smiled, once again wrapping her arms around his waist, pressed against his warm body. She gave him a soft kiss and rested her head on his chest.

"Can we go home now?" She said softly.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 3rd, 2002, 07:26:35 PM
"Sure." He spoke with a smile. He was pleased at their meeting, and felt as though they would be able to connect in this current state of honesty.

"Do you have a ship here?" He questioned her as they headed back to the spaceport. "I don't have one, as you know. Now that I think about it, I don't even have a home!" He almost laughed at this, realizing how much of a nomad he really was. Maybe some things would change.

Dae Jinn
Dec 3rd, 2002, 08:29:48 PM
Dae leaned back, taking a small com from her pocket. She hit a few buttons, and spoke into it, in Saiya-jinn. She turned the com off, slipping it into her jacket.

"The ship should be here, shortly. And, you do have a home..." She smiled as they walked to the spaceport. They walked along quietly, holding hands and taking quick glances at each other.

When they finally reached the port, Dae's pilot was waiting. Sitting on the stairs, he gave a small wave before climbing back aboard. Dae stopped on the steps, turning to Jeran with a big smile.

"You'll see soon enough."

Jeran Conrad
Dec 4th, 2002, 04:45:31 PM
He smiled as she mentioned that he did have a home. It was true--he was at home with her. No matter where the two were at, at almost any given time, he was at home next to her.

Approaching her ship, he could see that she was prepared. Her pilot waited patiently for her arrival. He smiled at the two and began to start the engines of the star ship. He climbed in after Dae as she spoke.

"A suprise, eh?" He smiled--partly curious, partly nervous. What would Dae Jinn have up her sleeve???

You'll see soon enough.

"Keeping me in suspense. Not unexpected from you, I will admitt." He smiled, taking her hand as she lead him into the ship.

Dae Jinn
Dec 4th, 2002, 06:08:18 PM
Dae just smiled and winked playfully at him, leading him onto the ship. She took a seat, and patted the one next to her.
"Yes a surprise. One that I hope you'll like..."

She pulled her legs up underneath her, getting comfy. She knew her pilot would fly them to the place...She knew what was waiting for them there...A slow smile spread across her lips as she turned back to him, reaching out for his hand.
"Like I said. You'll see."

Jeran Conrad
Dec 4th, 2002, 06:28:34 PM
"That's true--I will." Jeran took her hand and sat back, laying his head on the comfortable seat. Her ship was fairly luxurious, and he was quite comfortable in his seat. He settled into it for the trip.

"What's on the agenda for this evening, Dae?" He spoke with his eyes closed, holding her hand.

Dae Jinn
Dec 4th, 2002, 07:28:30 PM
She stroked his hand with her thumb. "Mmmm, dinner, dancing...and breakfast in bed tomorrow."

Dae gave his hand a kiss, settling back into the cushy seat. Her ship was designed with comfort in mind, the interior at least. They had a bit of a trip ahead of them, and Dae snuggled into her seat, starting to drift off to sleep.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 5th, 2002, 12:43:48 AM
"It all sounds wonderful, Dae," he cooed back as she thumbed across his hand. He, too, decided that a nap while on the trip couldn't hurt. Allowing himself to sink into the coushioned seat, he closed his eyes.

His mind drifted into dreams, thinking of what lay ahead for him in Dae's hands...

Dae Jinn
Dec 5th, 2002, 11:32:49 AM

The ship landed softly. It had reached it's destination, finally, after several hours. The pilot nudged Dae gently awake, speaking softly in their native tongue. She pushed him away, and he laughed, nudging her harder.
"Miss Jinn, wake up."
She opened one eye sleepily...then the other, and yawned.
"We're there already?"
She stretched, straightening her clothes as she stood up, and stretched again. Quietly, she leaned over Jeran, who was still sleeping. Her lips brushed his softly.
"Jeran, wake up."

Jeran Conrad
Dec 6th, 2002, 04:03:41 PM
Jeran instantly came alive, eyes wide open as Dae woke him.

"Here already, eh?" He said, stretching and yawning. He kissed her--her lips so close to his--and tried to stand up. The seat was quite comfortable, however, and it took him a great ammount of willpower to rise to his feet. But when he did, he stood before her.

"Now what is this...suprise you have for me." He smiled as he said the word, wodering what she was thinking.

Dae Jinn
Dec 10th, 2002, 11:35:29 AM
She kissed him back, and smiled at him, taking his hand in hers as she lead him towards the door. It opened slowly...revealing a place Jeran should know very well. Gias, the planet where they had first met.

The sun was slowly setting, and in front of them stood a small cottage. It was simple, plain, and just on the edge of a tiny village. Dae smiled at Jeran as she took her first step down out of the ship.
"Here's your surprise...A place for us to call home."

Jeran Conrad
Dec 12th, 2002, 03:10:41 PM
Jeran's own eyes grew wide as he swept the scene before him visually. It was beautiful...Gias, his home planet. The cottage was small, simple, and rather plain--just the way he liked it. Next to it was a small wood pile, a shed, and some other amenities. It was just the way he had envisioned a home to be.

"It's...it's...it's perfect, Dae!" He said, grabbing her around her waist and lifting her up, twirling her. "I love it! This can be my home!" He smiled, coming in closer to kiss her. "...Our home."

Dae Jinn
Dec 12th, 2002, 03:22:51 PM
Dae laughed as he spun her around, kissing him softly as he set her on the ground. Her arms went around his neck.
"Our home...sounds good." She grinned, pulling back. "I know, you didn't like the city. I wanted to find a home for us where you would feel safe, happy. At home." She laughed.

"Come on," She pulled away, taking him by his arm and leading him into the cottage. The inside was as simple as the outside. A small kitchen area, a dinning area, sitting room and stairs leading up to a loft-type bedroom. The furnishings matched the feel of the house - simple and rustic. She pulled him in for yet another passionate kiss.
"I love you, Jeran.."

Jeran Conrad
Dec 15th, 2002, 02:40:48 PM
"I love you too, Dae," he replied, returning her kiss and then breaking away from her. "This place is gonna need some prepping, but it should be great." He meant that the stove would need to be lighted, the wood chopped, the garden tilled, the roof shingled for the winter. Chores. He had chores.

He had a home. The joy he felt was too much to even convey. He had a home to take care of, with a woman he loved, on his home planet. Little could be done to make this situation any better, and it showed in his broad smile.

Of course, he would not live here as many men could. He could not be here as much as he would like, but no one in his position could--no one with his goals. Dae would understand.

"I have so much to do!" He said with a kind of enthusiasm and happiness in his voice.

Dae Jinn
Dec 15th, 2002, 07:57:21 PM
Dae smiled softly as she watched Jeran walk around his home, their home.
"Well, lets get started..." she slipped up behind him, arms going around him. Her hands slipped up underneath his cloak, fingers running down his chest. She leaned up, kissing the back of his neck softly. "I know something we can do..."

Jeran Conrad
Dec 17th, 2002, 10:53:12 AM
He welcomed her touch and her kiss, hugging her tightly. He knew exactly what she had in mind, and would generaly be game to it. Not at this exact point in time.

"I can tell what you're thinking," he said, whipping her around to his front. He kissed her again, this time squeezing her tightly against him. "But I have a better idea. The night will be here soon enough, and it will be getting cool. Why don't I prepare some firewood for the fireplace while you get something ready for dinner?" He wondered what she would think of the proposition.

Dae Jinn
Dec 17th, 2002, 03:04:43 PM
Her lips formed a little pout for a second, and she kissed him once more.
"Mmmmm, okay. What do you want?" She turned away from him, going into the kitchen and opening the cupboards, pulling out some cans. She had her pilot stock the pantry before they had arrived, and she was glad she did. "Although...I'm not much of a cook. you should know that already" She gave him a playful wink before turning back to her work.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 17th, 2002, 04:18:09 PM
The Hunter paused, thinking for a moment. Usually he put a lot of thought into his words, but there was no need when Dae was around. He was at peace.

"Hmmmm...how about some stew? Do we have any ingredients? If we need some meat, I can surely hunt some." He looked towards the woods that stood a couple hundred meters from the of the shed. He pulled his tunic off, laying it across a chair in the room. He was going to chop some wood and knew he would get rather hot and sweaty. Best not to dirty up his one pair of clothes before he brought water in from the well for a bath.

Dae Jinn
Dec 17th, 2002, 04:46:15 PM
"I think we have everything..." she murmured, going into the fridge (the only real appliance there) She peeked over the open fridge door at him and grinned. "But, I need wood for the stove. And, to know how to light the thing."

Jeran Conrad
Dec 17th, 2002, 04:52:42 PM
"Both of which, I can accomplish," he said with a smile. He grasped her hand and released it on his way out of the door. Heading over to the woodshed, he pulled a fresh log onto the chopping block and worked away, cutting enough wood for a few weeks of use. He worked hard, and the sweat and dirt felt good on his bare torso. This was the kind of work her craved. Dirt and sweat would wash off much easier than blood, he thought.

He kept chopping, preparing a little extra than he would have. But, he enjoyed this type of work, and through the window, he could see Dae slicing up some vegetables for the stew. It was nice to have this home, and he could see himself enjoying it greatly.

Dae Jinn
Dec 17th, 2002, 05:17:14 PM
Dae watched him work outside, admiring his muscular body as he went about doing his own work. She smiled to herself, glad that he was enjoying her surprise. Though she wasn't exactly used to living this way, with-out all of the modern conveniences, she was happy. Just being with him made her feel wonderful.

She dumped the vegetables she had just chopped into a large pot full of water, and began cutting some meat for the stew. She reached over and pushed the window open, humming and listening to the rhytmic "chop chop" of Jerans axe on the wood.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 17th, 2002, 09:43:08 PM
By the time he had chopped several loads of wood, the sun was gradually finding its way down below the horizon. He placed a few of the bundels into the woodshed, and continued down to the well. Dae had probably used the old faucet inside of the house to fill the stewpot, and the pump would need some more pumping. Turning the pump on, he grabbed hold of the bundel to be put inside and headed into the house.

"That smells delicious. I'm going to take a quick shower and I'll be ready for dinner in no time," he spoke, kissing her with a stinky, sweaty face. Placing the wood by the stove, he put some into the fire. It had begun to cool down, and it was time to start the fire. He lit the old fireplace and filled it with sufficient feul. Then, heading back into the backroom, he stripped down for a quick shower before dinner.

Dae Jinn
Dec 18th, 2002, 06:25:36 PM
She made a face as he kissed her, laughing. "I just hope it tastes delicious."

She stirred the stew, adding a few spices, looking over her shoulder at him as he walked into the other room. She walked into the room, sitting in a chair beside the fire. She curled up, pulling her legs up underneath her, watching the fire burn.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 19th, 2002, 04:39:35 PM
Clean and hungry, he made his way back to the living room, noticing that Dae was curled up by the fire, it's warmth slowly filling the room before him. He stood, leaning against the doorway, watching her. How did all this happen? How did this turn of events, this love come to be? He remembered the first time they had met...in combat. She had attacked him on Gias, while her Master and The Black Rider as well as Wraith Frostmourne all accompianined the attack. It was an intense battle, and he had almost died there. But she...it was Dae...had saved him. Why? Why would the Sith apprentice save a hunter of the Darkside?

To this day, the question plagued his thoughts.

"Mmmmm...I am starving," he spoke into her ear, wrapping his arms around her as she sat in the chair.

Dae Jinn
Dec 19th, 2002, 08:17:47 PM
"Well, dinner should be done."

She kissed his arm, then leaned back and kissed his cheek softly. She slipped out of the chair, walking softly into the kitchen. She returned a few minutes later holding two bowls and two spoons.

Setting the bowls down on the coffee table, she sat down on the couch, patting the spot next to her. Her smile was warm, happy. She always felt happier when they were together, it was a nice feeling.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 23rd, 2002, 11:51:25 PM
He sat next to her on the couch, eating the stew she had brought him. It was delicious, and the warmth went straight to his own heart. This was a time to enjoy, especially considering he was already mentally preparing to leave soon. Not permantly, for this was his home now, but to get back to doing what he needed to do.

"This is truly delicious." He spoke, his mouth full. "You always question yourself in your cooking skills, but I appreciate them greatly." He smiled and continued to enjoy his dinner.

Dae Jinn
Dec 26th, 2002, 11:49:45 PM
"Well, I didn't have to cook much back home, only a little. And I used to cook rarely when I was in the Empire..." Her voice trailed and she gave him a weak smile. "I love cooking for you, it makes me happy. I love when we're together like this."

She set her now empty bowl on the table, and sighed, reaching out to stroke his hand. "Any...ah, missions to do soon?"
Dae looked at him sadly, and forced a smile on her face.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 29th, 2002, 07:23:33 PM
He looked away from his dinner and towards Dae.

"It's true. I must leave again." He set his bowl down. "I know you expected this, and I don't want it, but it has to be that way." He took her hand.

"This is not a bad goodbye at all. I will be back very soon." He smiled. "I am going to meet my brother. Have I told you the story yet? I have found my brother! I have finally found him!" He was excited, his voice raised. "Now I go to meet him. I would ask you to come, but not yet. It's too risky. I have to plot out the location, possible exits, entrances, hazzards, obstacles, threats..." the list went on untill he finished. "The second time--then you can come."

Dae Jinn
Dec 29th, 2002, 07:42:04 PM
She laughed, happy to see him so excited. She pulled him closer, her arms wrapping around him, pressing her body aganst his. Her smile softened, became more seductive as she pressed her lips against his, slowly. Her tongue gently probed his mouth as the kiss became more passionate.
She pulled back and sighed, "Mmm, can I say good-bye to you in my own, special, way?"

Jeran Conrad
Dec 31st, 2002, 01:27:41 PM
He welcomed the kiss, his arms slipping around her waist.

"I don't see why not?" He smiled playfully and kissed her back.

Dae Jinn
Dec 31st, 2002, 10:55:05 PM
She kissed him back, hands slipping gently underneath his shirt, fingertips running up and down his spine. She leaned back, unbutton his shirt and slipping it off him, her soft hands stroking his skin.
Dae pulled away from him, nibbling his lower lip teasingly. "Come on," she gave him a wink and a smile, sliding out from under him. She took his hands in hers, walking slowly upstairs...

Jeran Conrad
Jan 1st, 2003, 12:15:09 PM
Jeran followed upstairs willingly, his hand slipping away to switch the light of the small cabin off. It wenk dark, sealing their first day together in their new home. He thought about how he would make this cabin his home as he walked upstairs with Dae. It would become his sanctuary--his place of rest. This would be a place he could always trust. It would be familiar to him, a safe place. A happy place to make new memories in.

He would not leave it or her this time.