View Full Version : Intiation(S.T.A.R.S, party)

Jill Valentine
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:07:25 PM
Jill stood looking at the stage. She was so excited. She had recruited a new S.T.A.R.S team, and detached from the old branch. She was ready to do her own work. Umbrella had died out, and now they were a mercenary team for hire. She looked at all the badges she had to give out. Only four...she thought back to her old team. She would miss it, true, but it was for the best. She now had to think of what S.T.A.R.S stood for. She threw her hair back. She stepped up onto the stage and waited. The people should be arriving any moment.

Captain Tyle
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:29:07 PM

Tyle stepped up to the bar, tucking his officer's cap into the crook of his arm as he straddled his barstool. There was some commotion behind him, but he didn't let it interrupt. The bartender returned with a bottle of Beefeater's and a shot glass. Downing two in succession, Tyle filled a third, reading through an after action report from Lieutenant Hiller, on second platoon's level of preparedness. There was a lot of work for Hiller to surmount, with a sizeable portion of his men being fresh replacements from Battalion. He paused mid-review...mind wandering back a week, when they'd hit Traxia IV. One company against an entire Imperial armored regiment. They'd held the town long enough for Intel to strip it bare of anything useful...and then they'd fallen back to the DZ. 10 KIA, traded for supply lane intelligence. Battalion commended the company, but Tyle just hoped that it was something that would, down the road, keep 100, 1000, or maybe 10,000 other men and women alive.

Lucivar SaDiablo
Nov 27th, 2002, 11:43:08 PM
Lucivar stepped into the bar and looked around, not much diffrent from any other bar. People drinking here and there.. a musky sent in the air.. drunks. He ran a gloved hand through his hair cussing under his breath. He came to the bar to become an offical member of a team named S.T.A.R.S.. but now that he was here he realized how much little info he had to go on for the person he had to find. Or at least the info he had gotten was sketchy.

".... This always happens.. I swear it does.. someone hates me up there.."

Dec 3rd, 2002, 08:08:54 PM
Kelvin walked into the bar. It was the first time he had came to this place and he wasn't really sure what he would come across.

"This place has a strange name" he said under his breath.

He was here because he had joined a new group called S.T.A.R.S.. He spent the whole time coming over trying to think of what the name stood for but he couldn't figure it out.
"I guess I will just have to ask".
Not really knowing who he was looking for Kelvin found an empty seat toward the back of the bar.

Then he pulled out a small laptop from a bag on his back and began to type information into it about the bar and the people that was in it.

Jill Valentine
Dec 10th, 2002, 09:22:46 AM
I smiled as I saw my first two S.T.A.R.S. enter. I lept down from the stage and walked up to them. "Hello you two. My name is Jill Valentine. I am your commanding officer of a S.T.A.R.S. I am very glad to meet you Kelvin and Lucivar. Now if only that third member could get here we would be ready to start the party. But while we wait, how about I buy you guys some drinks?" I said as I smiled and extended my hand for shake.

Mr. Happy
Dec 10th, 2002, 01:29:49 PM

The doors flung wide, allowing me to enter the establishment. I wore my sunglasses at night...because, like the party invite said...I was a STAR, baby! Pausing at the threshold, I dropped a large cyllinder at my feet, which rolled forward into a path of red carpet. Now, the hall was rented, the orchestra struck...time to see if I could...


My feet were happy, and it rolled up my entire body! I couldn't help myself. I snapped at the band in the corner.

"Play a little ditty for me! I'm on FIRE!"

I was all over the place, cutting more than a few rugs, and I even let the senoras and senoritas have a go at yours truly. I'm a ladykiller!

"Time for pictures!"

I paused, pulling out the old photograph machine from my grab-all, and snapped something photogenic, in a flash!

"I'm BLIND!....no, I'm okay!"

Unfettered, I continued strutting my way down the red carpet, toward the stage, naturally. Time for yours truly to steal the show!