View Full Version : Test your might(Ra Hath)

Malice Draclau
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:23:49 AM
Standing in a big stone room, Malice awaited his newest apprentice. The training room was equipped like any other. Rocks and boulders lay about, pillars of different heights stood here and there. On one side of the wall sat a table. On it were a few training cubes, and some training sabers.

Malice was very acustomed to training apprentices. He had done it a few times before. Though it had been a while and he wondered if he would be able to handle the patience this job of training came with. For a while now he had been on his own, taking all the time he needed for whatever he wanted. Now though would be different, his time and shedule would change with this new being he would be taking in. Malice always considered his apprentices children, and he there father.

And like a father he would guide them through the force. Teach them the way of he darkside, and watch as their powers grow. It had been about 10 minutes since the droid left to give Ra Malice's message that he was waiting for him.

ra hath
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:29:40 AM
Ra gets the massaeg that his master was waiting for him.So he starts down the corador leading to the traing room.Thinking to him self .So it begens my path into the dark side .Ra came to the opening of the room puaseing a moment. Drawing in a deep breth and takeing it all in.He steps into the room takes a look around. Hello master how shall we began to day.

Malice Draclau
Dec 3rd, 2002, 12:23:28 PM
OOC: LOL well first off, try using " these to seperate whn your char is talking from when he is not" will make things less confuing for me. Thanks.

IC: Malice looked at Ra coming in. Without so much as a word, Ra found himself up in the air, being pressed hard against the wall. Malice slowly walked towards Ra, his left hand extended outwards.

*Your first lesson, do not be late. I do not accept lateness nor will i allow it. If it happens again, you will be severely punished*

Within moments Ra fell to the floor. Malice began pacing back and forth.

*Your first part of training, shall be questions. What do you know about the force and it's users the sith and the jedi*

ra hath
Dec 3rd, 2002, 01:45:39 PM
Sorry master pleace forgive my latess .As for the the questen from my breif time with the jedi .The force is the energy that concets all living things.The jedi use to expend there very state fo being from phisycal to mental. The sith use it almost the way same way be instad of being a slave to a repoblic .They use to serv themself and there needs.Which to me seems far more peratical.

ra hath
Dec 3rd, 2002, 02:48:38 PM
I try to seperate talking from action be when I submit the reply it always windes up as one soild block

Malice Draclau
Dec 3rd, 2002, 03:21:35 PM
OOC:LOL well then maye somehings wrong with your comp, or account.

IC: Malice grunted at answer.

*We do not use the force in the same way as the jedi. They waste the force in protecting those weaker then they, when the should be like us and use the force to benefit ourselves. That is why the darkside is more powerful then the jedi*

Malice walked right up to Ra, Staring him in the face. The master's dark blue eyes boring holes right into his soul.

*Emotions.....emotions are the key to power. They are means in which to contact the darkside. Try drawing on all your hate,anger,pain, greed, lust. All the negative emtions that you have eve felt, let those feelings flow through you, feel it in your mind connecting you with the darkside*

There were other means in which to gain contact with the darkside, but through your emtions was the most basic and easiest.

ra hath
Dec 4th, 2002, 02:03:45 PM
Hearing these wrods Ra clodes his eyes and took controled deep breths.He started to draw on his darker feelings like he had never done before .deep deeper into the darkess until he felt it wash over him like a blancet of energy . then inside he felt something tuoch his very soul .It started chorsing throw his vanes he felt envelop him .the feeling of raw power.thus it was to for ra at the momnet.his concentration broke he opend his eyes and realized he savrel feet off the ground. He looked down and fell ra got up and his master was still standing in the same spot .His dark blue eyes peering right into ra's red down eyes.Ra did not know what to say so he stood there try to regain his breth.Waiting for master to comment

Malice Draclau
Dec 6th, 2002, 03:54:11 PM
Malice watched as Ra unknowingly levitated himself. But upon loosing his concentration, he fell. That was to be expected in beginners. Pacing back and forth, Malice began to teachings.

*I assume you felt the darkside coursing through your every muscle, and it felt good didn't it?*

He didn't wait for an answer, instead just continued.

*But without control, the powers of the darkside are useless. Do not just simply draw upon the darkside, letting it fill you. You must take control over it, tell it what you want to be done*

Pointing to three different sized rocks, Malice made them levitate, bringing them at rest by his feet. Pointing to the smaller one, which was as big as his head, he gazed back up at Ra.

*Now, draw upon the force again, only this time you'll have a direction for it to go. Once you have gotten the darkside flowing through you, take command, make it levitate the rock. Invision within your mind the rock rising into the air. Try and keep it eye level, do not let anything else distract you this time.......for if you fail, you will be punished*

Malice made that threat to all his deciples. But he meant each and every one of them.

ra hath
Dec 7th, 2002, 12:03:05 PM
Ra herd and uderstood . so he seteled in and he was going to take slow this time . he stared the controled brethe againe foucsed. started to call upon the force leting it cover him.This time more controle he started to feel the effects. Now he was concentrating on comanding the force.He begans to fouces on the rock. Then he feels it almost like the force is speeking to him so he told it the larger rock help me lift it.Controle it with my hand and when he did this he stook out his arm.Ereceted his frist and middel fingure. Pointed them towarede the rock .Droped into a unbreakable flow of concentration.Sayed in his minde up he start to move his arm upward. The rock begain to lift ra brought it to eye level .Held it there fore at laest one minnet to be sure and brought to rest right at his own feet .he at his feet . he looked at his master's faece it hads not changed.somthing was diffrent wathere that somthing was good or dad Ra did not know

Malice Draclau
Dec 8th, 2002, 12:02:00 AM
*Did i say put the rock down.....or did i say hold it up at eye level?*

Ra suddenly found that he could not breath. An unseen force had gripped around his neck, cutting of his airway. Looking forward, he saw his master's hand outstretched in his direction.

*Do it again, this time keep it up. The point of this task of endurance. Doing this over and over will allow you to use the force for greater engths of time, you will tire out far slower then normal*

Within a few moments, Ra felt the tension around his neck disappear, allowing him once again to take in the life substance he needed to live. Malice stood there, his unwavering gaze watching Ra's every move. Another failure attempt, and Malice will hurt him much worse then the first time.

ra hath
Dec 9th, 2002, 10:54:20 AM
Ra regaining his breth thuoght to him self( endurance why didn't i think of that)but no time for whys now .Ra setteled himself and begain to draw on the force once more. He exstened his arm and fingure towards the rock fouced sayed in his mind rise!. The started to rise he brought it to eye level and held it there. He would do so for as long as it took.His body was solid motionliss.He did this by useing the force to aide him achieveing almost zen state of concentration. He could hold the rock there for long time him he could maintain his state.

Malice Draclau
Dec 9th, 2002, 08:50:57 PM
Malice waited for a few minutes, watching to make sureRa wouldn't drop the rock. After he was satisfied, he continued the lesson.

*Good, now lift another one, and i want you to keep them both up in the air. Just for a little twist, have them both swhirl around each other....or have one of the rocks orbit the other*

ra hath
Dec 10th, 2002, 01:54:10 PM
Ra heared this and thuoght to him self (orbit geez!).Thats all right he had conadents he could do this. Now is time fore som hardcor zen action.While not lose fouces on the floating rock.He truned half of his fouce to a rock on the round .He drew on a littel more of the force. Looked at the rock sayed in his mined rise. It started floting but hafe way up. the rock that was all ready in air started to waver. Ra falt his and stoped the moveing rock and stared hard. At the wavering one bring it to a halt. With done back to the task at hand. He brought to second to eye level and they both paused. For a brief mommnet so he could get his right. Then the smaller of the two rock begain to move around the biger one. Slowly at frist but gradualy it speeded up until it hed a pace ra would able to hold is until his masters say so.He was concentrating harder then ever hadin his life and some how it felt right

Malice Draclau
Dec 11th, 2002, 02:40:53 PM
Malice watched his deciple do the simple task. He could remember when he first had to do such things. It was hard for him as well. Though a lot of time had past since then, time which allowed him to get stronger.

Pointing the the third rock, Malice grinned.

*Now lift this one, and have it rotate around the other two. And remember, keep all three within the air. This task not only helps in teaching you to use the force for longer periods, but it also helps in teaching you to pread your awareness much further then before. Letting you do multiple things at once with the force*

Truth be told that at first sight these excerises looked pointless. But when applied to everyday life, or to a fight, it can prove vry helpful.

ra hath
Dec 11th, 2002, 02:47:29 PM
Ra lisened and asked . ( should the second rock keep moving)

Malice Draclau
Dec 11th, 2002, 03:07:01 PM
The question made Malice laugh. He didn't mean to, it just happened. The sith master answered back, a bit of sacrasam in his voice.

*What do you think Ra. What is in motion......should stay in motion i always say*

ra hath
Dec 11th, 2002, 03:20:28 PM
ra herd the answer and laugh and thought. (what was so funy that was a valid question ). Any way ra fouce on the thrid rock hard. he was lock into a state of concenstation. the force was flowing thuogh him well. the rock begain rise to eye level and for a second .when the rock got there all three rocks stop. then slowly the two rocks started to orbit the larger one

Malice Draclau
Dec 12th, 2002, 01:29:16 AM
Malice watched Ra do this for a few minutes, letting him get the hang of it. His left hand slowly began to rise.

*Now for the final test with the rocks. This will test your overall control of them*

Malice pushed out with the force. Ra could suddenly see the rocks moving slowly towards him. Another force had grabbed hold of the rocks and started to control it. That other force was Malice.

*I will push against the rocks, while i want you to push back. But remember, keep the rocks up in the air*

Malice wasn't pushing very hard, which enabled for Ra to push back and succeed should he try.

ra hath
Dec 12th, 2002, 11:04:32 AM
Once ra felt somthing pushing on the rocks he knew is was malice testing him .so he fouceds on controling the rocks and pushing them back while keeping them in air .he push them back with relative eas .

Dec 13th, 2002, 03:52:49 AM
Malice could feel Ra pushing against the rocks. As the rocks came closer, he began to push as well. This time his push got a little stronger. The rocks once again slowly made their way towards Ra. This training session was based on control, and learning to use the force for a longer period of time.

ra hath
Dec 13th, 2002, 12:18:29 PM
ra the push again this time harder stronger so ra drew on a littel more of the force . ra started to push the rocks back but still maker sure they did not fall .

Dec 13th, 2002, 09:42:32 PM
Malice simply increased his push, seeing Ra having a much harder time. Soon now he would tire, and that's when Malice woud have him. The rocks began to move towards Ra, this time at a faster rate.

ra hath
Dec 16th, 2002, 09:18:01 AM
Ra saw that the rock was coming at him harder and faster .thats when he figured it's time to put some musle in it . so he opened his palme and thust his hand out .stoping the rock ded in it's place but that was just the half of it. now he had to put the rock back wear it was. so fouced on pushing the rock but malice had tight controle over it so ra needed to put more effort into it which ment drawing on more of the force .ra started to hear a rumbling in his ears like thunder it was the force building uping up inside him . he felt his power rise just a littel enuogh to firmly push the rock back in it's place he did so. it is a littel bit of a fight to keep it there but ra feld on

Dec 16th, 2002, 03:11:02 PM
Malice could feel Ra drawing on more of his energy. Each push making him more weaker. Grinning, Malice then did something different. It seemed as though the rocks began to come towards the sith master by Ra's push, but Malice had changed the rocks drection and were now coming towards him. Through the force, Malice soke to his decipe.

(Now Ra, you must try and pull the rocks towards you. Should they reach me you fail. And i take it you knwo what will happen to you should you fail)

Unknown to Ra, Malice was teaching him he basis of force moves. Without knowing force pull and push, it would be hard to learn more things.

ra hath
Dec 17th, 2002, 01:14:29 PM
Ra thuobght to him self yeah I know what will hapenn if i fail .that whey failing is not a option .but by this time ra was geting kind of tired he had ever ues the forc this long befor.but that was not importent right now was thuogh is get throw this training mision alive . so ra new what he had to do use the forc to feed his body energy and thats what he did and he felt rechared .he begain to pull the rock back his way but malice had a strong grip on it .so ra pulled harder then the rock stared coming more graguly ra was pulling hard.ra drawing on some of those dark feelings malice was talking about. then he started to feel IT waiking up in side him.

Dec 17th, 2002, 09:04:28 PM
Malice could feel the rocks slowly but surely start to go towards Ra. Reaching out with the force, he could sense the force growing in him slightly....instead of draining from him, it felt as though he was being filled. Sending Ra a message through the force, he kept his pull strong, but not strong enough to where Ra couldn't move it.

(You feel that inside don't you. You feel the dark energy that is the darkside. Use it, bend it to your will. You must learn to take command of the darkside......be master to the force. This will take time to learn and master, but now's a better time as any to start)

ra hath
Dec 22nd, 2002, 09:06:59 PM
ra felt these werds and fouced on there meaning comand the force . ra felt is control over the rock growing. thus he started to more it back with greater eas

Jan 19th, 2003, 03:48:59 PM
With a simple movement of the sith master's hand, the rocks were sent straight up into the air. Crashing against the stone roof. Loking at Ra, Malice nodded.

*That was good for your first training session. Go and rest now. For tomorrow we shall continue. Bu if you want to make tomorrow's training session more easier, i suggest you practice using the force to increase your attribues. Speed strength. For that is what we shall go over tomorrow*

Without another word Malice walked out. He would do some advanced training by himself.

ra hath
Jan 22nd, 2003, 12:42:11 PM
hearing this ra yes sir and watch his master walk away. ra figured he would go rest and practise.al though it was hard ra was glaed he was here.

Jan 25th, 2003, 03:50:01 AM
The first training day as over.....and before you know it, the second training day had come. A knock sounded on Ra's door. Whom it was that made the knock would not be known until Ra opened it.

ra hath
Jan 28th, 2003, 10:08:00 AM
As was laying on try ing to get as much rest as posible.Thinking about what may heppan the next training day he herd a knock at his door. He got up and open the door.

Feb 1st, 2003, 08:17:19 PM
Ra opened the door, to find his master staring him in the face.

*I trust you are rested and ready to continue your training*

ra hath
Feb 4th, 2003, 09:39:20 AM
when ra open the door and saw his master staring directly into his eye and ra knew what was come next.(yes sir I am ready for another day of training.)

Feb 6th, 2003, 09:22:28 PM
Malice nodded.

*Good. I shall take you on a little fieldtrip. I hall return in two hours. Pack your things an be ready by then*

With that Malice left. This would be a first for Ra, as well s himself. Malice had never taken a padawan on a trip for training before. So this might prove interesting.

ra hath
Feb 11th, 2003, 10:27:06 AM
When Malice truned around and left ra sayed to him self (fieldtrip . Man, well my feelings tell my that this not a trip I soon fore get).then he began to pack.

Feb 17th, 2003, 03:38:08 AM
Roughly an hour and 50 mins had passed by. But already Malice was back at Ra's door, knocking once again. Malice had been ready for the last hour and got tired of waiting.

ra hath
Feb 25th, 2003, 11:34:55 AM
Ra felt his master at the door before he could knock ra open the door and sayed to Malice (hello master I am pack and ready to go and I have been looking forward to this trips)

Feb 28th, 2003, 10:38:59 PM
Malice nodded towards Ra and motioned for him to follow.

*We shall go to Dagobah, a planet strong within the force. There we shall contnue your training*

Grinning, Malice looked at Ra.

*Who knows, we might even run into a jedi you could fight*

OOC: I shall post a thread a roleplay forum at SWfans tomorrow. So look out for it.

ra hath
Mar 4th, 2003, 09:49:06 AM
As ra was following his master and lisening to what he was saying. He herd the words jedi and fight and he more happy about this trip then before.