View Full Version : Provisions (Open to any Vampire Slayers)

Nov 26th, 2002, 09:47:21 PM
Finding little comfort in the glass that sat before him, Nemesis' eyes ambled about the tavern. Several hours had already passed and, as yet, no one hand come to claim a handsome reward he had promised to the one who might answer his questions.

The assassin's mind pondered the probability of fear, placed in men's hearts; now unwilling vessels of wisdom. Though he found it difficult to lay blame at the feet of anyone who sought to avoid evoking the wrath of such a lethal enemy as the vampire; even in the face of such a bountiful payment. Money served little purpose for the dead.

At last, the dark clad hunter rose from his stool at the bar; fully convinced that his summons had fallen upon deaf ears. He tossed a hand full of credits on the counter, then turned to leave when the bass lined thump of footsteps crept ever closer. Perhaps this trip had not been in vain.

Glowing white embers shifted to the rear; in hopes of finding knowledge with them that approached.

Aeris Jin Kerr
Nov 27th, 2002, 09:51:35 PM
She had heard word of someone offering an award to a vampyre hunter on the streets, and sought the location the man wished to meet at. So, now here she stood, infront of Yoghurts Bar and Grill.

Aeris had already killed several rogue vampyres the Shrine had not succeeded in recruiting. They disgusted her, their kind. For some reason, a few had thought it would be entertaining to capture a Lupine and inject some of their DNA into her. Now she was torn between the urge to feast on flesh ... or blood.

Pushing the doors open, her sea-green eyes scanned the area and rested on a lone man. Sensing that he was the one, she pulled her black trenchcoat around herself tighter and lowered her head slightly. He already stood up and payed for his drink when she came up behind him.

"You summoned?"

Nov 27th, 2002, 10:19:54 PM
No overt physical aspects of his frame displayed the amazement he felt inwardly at the realization that he stood in the company of a female hunter. Yet, oddly, this was the not the first time a woman commanded valor for confrontation in matters which men dared not face.

Nemesis eyed her for a few moments more. Once certain Aeris was indeed what she claimed to be, he waved to the open seat at the bar adjacent the one he had just risen from; then reclaimed his own stool.

Not one for idol conversation and operating on a strict deadline, the assassin wasted little time in coming to the point.

"I trust you are experienced in your line of work." His blunt statement bordered on questioning.

Aeris Jin Kerr
Nov 27th, 2002, 10:48:36 PM
The man stared at her as he sized her down, and she waited calmly. As soon as he decided that she was true to her word, he offered her a seat.

Sitting down, she watched as he took a seat, remaining silent. "I trust you are experienced in your line of work." She was almost tempted to say 'no' and watch his reaction.

"If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here."

She noticed that he had glowing white eyes that seemed to pierce straight through her, and vaguely wondered if he was even human or not. It wasn't often when you saw an alien species make an offer concerning vampyres.

"Now ... about this proposition. What exactly are you looking for?"

Leaning forward slightly, Aeris' own eyes glittered with anticipation. The last time involving the whole Shrine didn't work out exactly as she planned because she overestimated them. At first she had through the members to be extremely intelligent and keen with their senses, but there were more Apprentices than Lords and Lordesses, and they were, quite frankly, stupid.

Nov 28th, 2002, 06:39:05 PM
"What I'm looking for, quite simply, are answers."

A middle aged and balding bar keep ventured over by the pair, glanced at both, then waited for either to request any food or drink . Nemesis looked away from the hunter to the portly gentlemen behind the bar.

"I'll have another green tea." Without allowing for the lady's conformation he spoke, "Give my associate whatever she desires, on me."

Having done this, he turned back to Kerr providing her the opportunity to place an order before the continuation of business.

Aeris Jin Kerr
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:51:30 PM
"Water will do," she said, looking over at the barkeep momentarily before returning her gaze to the man.

The bartender nodded and went about preparing the drinks, leaving the two to talk.

"Well, you ask the questions and I give the answers."

She was expecting something like a bounty like most people offered, but this was certainly more intriguing. Aeris wasn't one who willingly just gave out information like candy to toddlers, but this seemed vastly different.

"I would, however, like to know the name of who I am taking the risk associating with."

Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:23:48 PM
In all he had prepared to say and do throughout the course of this meeting, Nemesis had neglected simple introductions. Events had already been set in motion and the sands of time slipped ever faster; yet if he were to save the young boy Aiden he would need this woman's help. Thus, the assassin conceded to answer her question.

"I am called, Nemesis. And you are....?"

Aeris Jin Kerr
Dec 15th, 2002, 04:32:59 PM

By now the barkeep had returned and served them their drinks. After taking her glass, she took a sip before setting it down on the counter. Fixing her sea-green eyes on the man now, she waited for him to speak.

[OOC - Really sorry about the delayed post.]

Dec 16th, 2002, 11:29:21 AM
He gave little time between her reply and his response, "Now, let us continue onto the business at hand."

Reaching into his inner left coat pocket, Nemesis retrieved several credits bound neatly together. The assassin then began to place each bundle side by side on the bar counter, forming a row ten columns deep. With this, he turned back to Aeris.

"For each question you are able to answer, I will pay you 1,000 credits." A gloved hand slid the first and largest bundle to the slayer. "Here is 3,000 initial credits for your attendance."

OOC: No worries about the delay.:)

Aeris Jin Kerr
Dec 17th, 2002, 10:18:08 PM
"Mhm ..."

She had watched as he took out the bundles filled with credits and placed them on the counter with satisfaction. Where he had gotten this all, she didn't know, but it wasn't her place to ask.


Dec 17th, 2002, 10:22:06 PM

Snow white embers watched her intently.

"Do you approve of this transaction?"

Aeris Jin Kerr
Dec 18th, 2002, 09:26:08 AM
Glancing once more over the sacks full of credits before returning her gaze to the man, she nodded once.


Dec 18th, 2002, 12:27:27 PM
Nemesis placed a hand atop the second bundle, in anticipatory preparation, and then spoke.

"What can kill a Vampyre?"

The assassin awaited her answer with great unease.

Aeris Jin Kerr
Dec 18th, 2002, 10:22:43 PM
"Beheading. Or, you can expose them to the sunlight for an extended amount of time - makes them burst into a nice, toasty fire. I personally like to deal with them by just putting a gun to their head and pulling the trigger."

No one, no matter how invincible they claimed to be, couldn't function without a brain.

Dec 18th, 2002, 10:49:08 PM
Another bundle was briskly lifted from amongst the pack and placed along side Aeris' first. In all this, Nemesis never broke his steady watch on the slayer.

"What, if anything, can weaken or injure a Vampyre?" advancing swiftly to his second query.

Aeris Jin Kerr
Dec 19th, 2002, 08:31:05 PM
"If it isn't obvious, they get quite a nasty sunburn. Also, I suppose you could hurt them like anyone else, using blasters, lightsabers, etcetera, but keep in mind that their body can repair the damage quicker than one thinks."

Dec 19th, 2002, 08:56:51 PM
As before, a third bundle was added to the woman’s increasing collection, but unlike previous questions the next was preceded by a momentary pause.

"What I have to say may be trivial at this point, however I feel you should know. By answering any further questions you put yourself at risk for retaliation from some very powerful enemies. Do you wish to continue?"

His fingers idly strummed the counter top.

Aeris Jin Kerr
Dec 19th, 2002, 09:55:46 PM
Who did he think he was kidding ? These supposed enemies he was talking about probably already were a threat in her life.

"Of course."

Running her tongue over the front of her upper teeth, she gave a slight smirk. Let them try to hurt her.

Dec 19th, 2002, 10:07:29 PM
The assassin needed no force mind tricks to understand how Aeris felt about his warning; her smirk spoke volumes.

A gruff chuckle made its way through his taunt mask, “So be it.”

Nemesis took up yet another bundle, bringing it halfway between himself and the slayer.

“What can you tell me about the Vampyre - Nathan Vergis?”

Aeris Jin Kerr
Dec 24th, 2002, 12:46:04 AM
Before her attack on the Shrine, Aeris was forced to do extensive research, which included the Vampyres' profiles. Luckily for Nemesis, she had just the answers.

"He was invited to the Shrine by Alana Stormcloud, a temptress of darkness. It was then he was given the choice that few so rarely had - eternal life, or death. Obviously he picked the path she walked and was turned, welcoming the life of the Damned. He then became the librarian of the Shrine, burying himself in knowledge with whatever he could get his hands on."

Dios Kane
Dec 26th, 2002, 08:42:57 AM
:: I got up from the booth that I had been drinking from near them. It was wrong to eavesdrop but it wasn't wrong to offer a helping hand. I had learned my lesson long ago about the Shrine but if Nemesis, if that was what his name I had gathered from, thought he had a chance, good luck. I walked to the table and put my flask down, smiling to the pretty vamp hunter who seemed to have a sharp tongue and a quick eye for shiny coins, but my silver eyes turned to the black figure, eyes that were whiter than mine. I smiled slightly before saying anythiing.::

And I would say that when he is anywhere near his library, he's almost invincible. Some of the books contain power that can be invoked just by opening them, plus most of the vamps, especially the council such as him, usually carry weapons that have some incredible power that would do much more than they would appear to have.
Oh, excuse me, I'm Dios Kane, Jedi Extrordinaire, humble and modest, here to give help where help is needed, no charge for my services I assure you.
Bright lights Nemesis, those'll piss the palies off everytime, except for the council. Most of them are old and have taken a few drinks from their elders, over time, they only get stronger. Nathan got a nice draught of Alana, who is immune to sun light. You got a powerful vamp there my friend. Weakening him would involve getting him alone in a corner and dropping a building on him from the neck down and then taking a saw to his white neck.
Again excuse my interruptions but I know all this first hand, I've been to Roon, I've seen the sights, and my blood is all over their floor. Mind if I sit down?

:: I pulled a chair up and sat there letting my abrupt and possibly rude entrance. But I couldn't let it pass up, it had been a while since I'd messed with the vamps and to hear of talk of them, it brought back some memories.::