View Full Version : A faded memory (open challenge to any jedi padawan)
Dreth Kindo
Nov 26th, 2002, 04:21:28 PM
The evening's chilly air blew through Dreth's hair as he ventured forward into the local tavern. This was Dreth's first time on Naboo so he figured before he took care of some business matters he would stop for a quick drink. He could hear the music and chatter of the residents as he came upon the restaurant's entrance.
Walking in he tried not to be noticed so he decided to pull a stool up to the bar, away from everyone else. Ordering a drink he leaned back relaxing from all the training he had endured these past few months. After a couple of sips he laid the drink down and sighed from the long journey here.
Nov 26th, 2002, 08:54:24 PM
Raymious, having been in the tavern many hours, noticed the strange man walk in. Immidiatly The young jedi padawan could feel the darkside flow from within him. He could feel its essence. As the "sith" made his way over to the bar, he took a seat. Trying not to gain attention. But he already had it. A lot of attention. But it was not attention that he wanted. Raymious looked in discust, thinking of how a man could feed off of something that was pure evil. Someone feeding off of the darkside.
The Jedi waited in his seat across the room, waiting to see if the young sith apprentice would do anyhting rash. He would wait as long as it took. To make sure nobody was hurt by this man. If it took all night, he would wait.
Gouyen Chee
Nov 27th, 2002, 12:30:04 AM
Tucked away in a corner, unnoticed by the two Force novices, sat a woman and a large canine, emmeshed in shadow. The woman was sipping at a cup of mulled hard cider, allowing the stresses of the day and the chill of the evening to slowly slip away. She was filled with an entirely uncharacteristic emotion this evening -- serenity -- uncharacteristic, for she was a member of the Sith Order. She savored the novelty of the feeling, knowing that all too quickly she would be filled with darkness, and allowed herself to relax. Yet she still maintained vigilance, pulling in the shadows and wrapping them around the booth to cloak them from sight. She was also making the conscious effort to mask her Force signature, which would make her less apt to be detected by passing Jedi. Thus hidden, she sat and watched. And waited for the first move.
Dreth Kindo
Nov 27th, 2002, 10:10:05 AM
Dreth was ordering another drink when he felt the presence of a jedi. He thought to himself how a Jedi had no business in this kind of place. Growing angry with the man watching him, he decided to teach this so called... man a lesson. Without moving, he lifted a mug off the bar table and chunked it at the Jedi. "I hope he gets the message" said Dreth.
Nov 27th, 2002, 03:10:06 PM
Raymious was caught off guard by what the sith had just done. Raymious out of instinct ducked as the mug flew past his head. He looked at the young force user and became very serious. He calmed himself and let himself become one with the force.
"Would you like to apoligize for your actions?" The young jedi asked his foe.
Dreth Kindo
Nov 27th, 2002, 04:25:00 PM
Dreth coked his head slightly when the Jedi spoke. "Apologize? of course" Dreth says with a grin on his face. " I am deeply sorry that the mug missed your face" Dreth's grin disappeared as he turned around to face the man. As he Observed the man that stood in front of him, Dreth could see that this person was no one special. "Young Jedi you have no business in here so I suggest to you that you go now before I get off this chair."
Gouyen Chee
Nov 27th, 2002, 05:31:19 PM
She watched as a mug flew from the bar over to where the young Jedi was sitting, to crash on the wall behind him. The thrower, still seated at the bar, had a distinct air of darkness about him, as well as an air of familairity. Gouyen seemed to remember him from the training grounds in the Sith fortress, but couldn't place a name to the face. Anyhow....
She watched the exchange between the two, a predictible hurling of taunts and insults by a couple of novices. She settled back in her seat, drowning her laughter in her drink.
Nov 28th, 2002, 03:39:04 AM
Raymious looked at the young sith and remembered that he was a jedi. He did not play games like the sith did. He was a protector of the peace. Not someone who reaks havok on other people. That is not what jedi do. It is not in thier character. The young Jedi Padawan looked at the man and calmed himself. He let the force flow fluently through him and Raymious sat back down where he was. The chair still warm.
Suddenly, Raymious felt the presence of another sith. Of which rank he could not tell. All he knew is that the other person was pure evil. Raymious knew that one sith would be enough, but two. That would be beyond his skill. If he chose to battle them both, he would certainly die. Raymious remembered that his master, Maia Tharrin was out shopping. When they had first arrived on the planed, she went shopping and Raymious went to the tavern he was in now.
Raymious would not panic. Maybe if he was lucky, he would not have to fight this other man. But if it was what he had to do, he would fight. There is no doubt about that.
Dreth Kindo
Nov 28th, 2002, 04:23:11 PM
Dreth noticed that the man must have acknowledge another presence in the force from the look that he saw on his face. Dreth then searched through the place trying to feel for this other presence. A faint sense of the dark side could be felt but Dreth could not figure from where this person was located. "Must be masking their presence no doubt" Dreth thought to himself. He sent a force message to the dark one "Please honor my request by not getting involved I want this Jedi for myself." Dreth then got out of his chair, reached to his side reviling his saber, and as he drew out the red lightsaber the crowded area quickly dispersed.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 28th, 2002, 05:48:42 PM
Kindo drew closer to the entrance of the local tavern, already hearing the chatter of many. It had only been an hour since he had met up with Maia for some browsing many of Naboo's stores. He himself wasn't one for shopping, but he enjoyed just spending time with her regardless of what they were doing. For now he was quite relaxed, for he had been so busy lately taking half the day off was like a week's vacation. He loved nothing more than being a Jedi, however a small break here and there wasn't bad at all.
Maia had sent him to retrieve Raymious, one of her newer Padawans. Though he had been a Knight for a good while, no longer being Maia's learner still felt strange. He knew from experience that she would he would teach young Raymious everything he needed to know and more.
The Jedi Knight entered the crowded bar, almost blown back by the earsplitting clamor of the customers. He strolled to the middle of the lounge, looking in all directions for the young Jedi. It was then when his premoniton alarmed him of something, and before he could act he heard the familiar snap of a lightsaber. Immediately people rose from their chairs and began running for the nearest exit, some people hiding beneath their tables.
Standing by the main bar was the one responsible for the scare, within his grasp a crimson lightsaber. It took nearly no time at all before Ki recognized the man; Dreth, his adopted brother. He was dressed in what appeared to be black Sith robes, and his darkside presence felt stronger than the last time they had encountered one another.
" Dreth. "
His tone was rather plain, but carried a hint of disappointment in it. He had grieved for his brother ever since he found out Dreth was a Sith, for he cared deeply for him. However, he buried those feelings and kept his focus upon one thing; protecting others.
Dreth Kindo
Nov 28th, 2002, 07:00:11 PM
Dreth was startled by his brothers presence. Without moving an inch he adverted his eyes to KI Adi and said "Long time no see brother" Dreth snarled at the mire sight of his brother. Seeing his him again filled Dreth's heart with rage and anger. Dreth then realized that with two Jedi forces against one Sith would certainly be a battle in which Dreth would defiantly lose. "I have no quarrel with you it is this one which I am interested in." He then looks at the man in front of him." Leave now KI Adi and don't interfere with my business" Dreth's heart was beating hard and fast not knowing what to expect from these two Jedi but was prepared for a fight nevertheless. He griped his saber hard as though it was going to be his last fight. Dreth knew even if he gave it his all he would still fall but still showed no fear to these jedi forces. It is not in him to do so.
Nov 29th, 2002, 11:40:35 PM
As the sith ignited his lightsaber, another person walked in. The person Raymious least expected. One of Maia's old padawans. But know this man was not under her. He was a Jedi Knight. As the two, Jedi and Sith exchanged words The young padawan rose to his feet. He grabbed his lightsaber that hung down below his waist, clipped to his belt, he ignited the weapon. It's white blade shot out from the hilt and Raymious looked at him.
"I do not want to fight you. But I will not let you harm these people."
Gouyen Chee
Nov 30th, 2002, 01:24:20 AM
She had let her guard down just enough to let both the Jedi padawan and the young Sith know that she was here, then withdrew into the shadows to watch. Conflict was always interesting -- some prefered it neatly packaged in the form of spectator sports, but she prefered her battles real-life.
Then the young Sith spoke to her via the Force: Please honor my request by not getting involved I want this Jedi for myself. Again, she pulled back the shadows and acknowledged the young man's request.
Remember, if things get out of hand, I will be here to back you up.
No sooner had she "said" that than another Jedi enters the bar, this one a knight, and apparently kin to the Sith. He spoke a name -- Dreth -- and Gouyen suddenly remembers him as a member of the Sith Order, and a masterless apprentice. Her observations took on a more serious tone as she sized up the young man as a potential apprentice.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 30th, 2002, 10:32:13 AM
" Excuse me Dreth, but when you have your senseless quarrels with other Jedi, you have them with me. Leave now, or you're in for more trouble than you can handle. "
Ki Adi stood firm, hands held behind his back, and a rather peaceful expression across his face. He wasn't about to let his Sith relative stir up chaos, but he wanted fighting to be a last resort. Was he surprised this whole confrontation was transpiring on one of his breaks, not in the least. He had grown accustomed to being mindful of the future, a Jedi trait he had learned through experience.
Communicating through the Force, then Jedi Knight began speaking to young Raymious.
- I commend you on your choices young learner, but don't worry. The two of us should be able to handle this matter in a sensible manner -
No longer had he said that when he began to feel another presence of the darkside; much stronger than Dreth's and quite familiar. He didn't even have to search, for without stepping out of place he glanced over his shoulder, feeling a stare resting upon them from behind the shadows. After coming in contact with has many Sith has he had, it took only a matter of seconds before you could locate one of them.
" You there, reveal yourself. "
He could tell this was going to be a long night.
Dreth Kindo
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:27:49 AM
Dreth blood was pumping and his eyes where sparkling. As Dreth took a deep breath he sent another force message to the dark one. "My brother puts me at a disadvantage that of which I would not be able to overcome in this situation. Any assistance you could offer I would appreciate."Dreth watched as the Jedi drew his saber and grinned at the idea of a battle with this one. But the idea of a battle with Dreth's brother, now a jedi knight, would be more than Dreth could handle. Dreth stood his ground waiting to see who would make the first move.
Gouyen Chee
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:09:35 PM
"You there, reveal yourself," came the derisive command from the Jedi.
"Why should I?" she replied, her tone rich with sarcasm. "You're hardly my superior."
Then she "hears" Dreth's plaint: My brother puts me at a disadvantage that of which I would not be able to overcome in this situation. Any assistance you could offer I would appreciate.
She drains her glass and rises from her seat, signaling Robi to stay concealed, just in case. She prefered gaming with the trump card up her sleeve, and the Cybernian gave her just such an advantage.
She stalks up to where the two brothers are squared off, drawing her saber but not igniting it.
"What's the matter, Jedi -- afraid to pick on someone your own size?"
Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 1st, 2002, 01:54:08 PM
Ki Adi grinned, for he had grown familiar with the Sith's naive remarks, often used when to trigger meaningless fights.
" I would, but sadly I don't see anyone around my size. "
After giving a slight chuckle, he grew serious once again. His hands remained held behind his back, and he hadn't moved from where he was standing once. A very solemn expression was across his face.
" Look, I'm not here to start another useless brawl, I'm just here to make sure none of these customers or anyone else around here gets hurt. So I'm asking you, leave this place and these people alone. I'm only going to ask you once before I call for Naboo security or I myself escort you out of here, but either way, both of you are leaving. "
Using the Force, he waved his hand in the direction of the tavern's exit, causing both doors to swing open.
" Please, leave. "
Gouyen Chee
Dec 2nd, 2002, 12:30:34 AM
Her face remained stony, her obsidian eyes glittering coldly in the lamplight as she heard the Jedi's request to leave. The situation brought her back to her apprenticeship on far away N'dena, where she and her master, Lozen Begay, were in a similar situation. Similar situation, but different tactics -- they merely grabbed the miscreants by their throats and Force-ibly tossed them out into the street. Peace maintained. But the Jedi, he was being polite, calmly asking them to leave. Asking. She wanted to laugh at the notion, but supressed the feeling. Then, she said the last thing that might be expected from a Sith knight in this situation:
"After you."
Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:30:17 PM
Shutting off his lightsaber, the weapon of a jedi, Raymious held it in his hand. Just in case. Although the Jedi Knight had managed very well with the sith knight, the Jedi Padawan was not sure if they would leave or not. Maybe they were just playing one of their foul tricks. One that most of the sith play.
Looking over at Ki Adi Kindo, Raymoius watched to see what he would do.
Dreth Kindo
Dec 2nd, 2002, 04:30:52 PM
This was not going anywhere Dreth thought to himself. But now that the Sith Knight was involved everything started to get more interesting by the second. As the two Knights argued Kindo adverted his attention to the padawan. The Sith apprentice noticed that the Jedi has let his guard down by withdrawing his saber. This was a perfect time to attack he thought."Enough of this!" He shouted out with a determined voice. Extending his hand to the young Jedi he force blew him sending him flying across the floor. Then he drew out his blaster from its holster and aimed at the Jedi. A shot rang out of the weapon and hit him in his shoulder blade right before he hit the ground. As the padawan came down he broke through a table and Dreth then withdrew his blaster and put both hands back to his saber. He walked toward the fallen jedi awaiting for him to rise back up.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:46:22 PM
As Kindo lifted his left arm, Dreth began to lift up off the floor. In one swift motion, he used his right arm to unhook his saber hilt and immediately ignite it.
He held the saffron beam out fowards, mere inches from Gouyen's throat. The expression upon his face hadn't changed once, and despite the situation he had remained calm the entire time.
" I'm no longer asking you, I'm telling you, leave this place. "
Dec 3rd, 2002, 11:03:34 AM
As Dreth used the force to his abilities, Raymious was thrown into the air. While in the air, the Jedi padawan felt a sharp pain shoot throughout his entire body. Starting at his shoulder blade, caused by a blaster bolt. The padawan learner landed on the ground hard, and realized that this was the opportunity that he had been waiting for.
Using the force, Raymious extended his hand outward towards the Sith apprentice and removed his lightsaber from his hand and threw it out the door. Ramious rose to his feet, and calmed himself, letting the force flow from every part of his body.
Gouyen Chee
Dec 3rd, 2002, 04:12:10 PM
The yellow blade was swiftly countered with a deep amber one. "Now you'll have to make us leave," she growled as she parried Ki Adi's blade and slashed down, her saber just grazing his clothes.
She took a deep breath, and centered herself in the Force, thereby allowing herself to be a conduit for the dark side.
"I really didn't want it to end like this," she said. "This is such a lovely place. But if it is a fight you want, then a fight you will get," and she whipped her blade in a right-handed spiral around the Jedi's blade and slashed at his side. Pivoting on her right foot, she set her right shoulder into Ki Adi's left one and flipped him onto the floor, breaking his concentration and allowing Dreth to fall to the floor.
"Hey, Dreth -- here," and his lightsaber came flying into his reach. She turned about to face the Jedi as the dark side surged through her veins. It felt good to fight, to have the Force flowing through one like a raging, dark torrent. Then the Jedi mounted a counterattack. She was ready.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:37:21 PM
OOC- Raymious, I was the one who lifted Dreth into air. Please edit your post.
Though Ki Adi was obviously in pain from the slash he received across his ribs, he gave off a shrewd grin.
" I find it funny how everytime you Sith start the fight, you throw he blame over our shoulders. "
In a rapid and forceful motion, the Jedi slid his right foot across the floor until connecting with the back of Gouyen's legs. As she fell backwards, Kindo kicked back up on his feet.
With his humming saber in hand, the Knight advanced with a powerful overhead strike that landed right upon the woman's blade. As the clamerous scream of connected sabers echoed through the now deserted tavern, he began pressing down on the opposing lightsaber to prohibit her from regaining control of it. He had not the slightest intention of murdering her, but preventing her from using her saber there was the first step to solving the problem.
Dreth Kindo
Dec 4th, 2002, 03:30:10 PM
As Dreth advanced toward the Jedi padawan he found himself disarmed and levitating. Kindo tried to reach for his blaster but without prevail he could not.
He heard the SNAPHISS of a saber from behind him and turned his head to see the Sith Knight attack Ki Adi.
After her swift attack the Sith apprentice descended toward the ground and landed on his feet. "Dreth here" he heard from the Sith Knight as he turned to catch his saber. He then ignited his saber then flipped around and leveled it, facing the Jedi padawan. "Good move but I will not let that happen again young Jedi." he said with a cocky grin on his face.
He lunged forward at him and planted a hard side kick into his abdomen knocking him off his feet. Then Kindo got back into his fighting stance ready for more.
Dec 5th, 2002, 10:43:58 AM
On the ground, Raymious saw that there was an opening that the darksider would not expect. Something that he would expect in the least. Raymious watched as the Sith moved into his fighting stance, and the jedi padawan knew that this was the time to deliver the blow. Wrapping his legs around Dreth kindo's feet, Raymious pulled hard with all of his strength. The young apprentice was knocked off of his feet, and upon landing on the floor, his head hit something hard on the ground. Raymious rose quickly to his feet.
The jedi padawan backed off a bit out of range of any little attack and inginted his lightsaber. Gettting into his fighting stance, waiting for the sith apprentice to arise.
Dreth Kindo
Dec 5th, 2002, 03:55:22 PM
The glancing blow to Kindo's head only enraged him more. The Sith apprentice then stood to his feet glaring at the padawan that attacked him. The two began to clash sabers with one another. Within minutes this local tavern became a fierce battle zone. Then with a swift leg sweep the padawan began to fall backward. In the process of his fall Dreth slapped his hand sending his lightsaber flying into the air.
Kindo then slashed downward cutting the saber and stopping just inches from the young Jedi's neck.
With rage he kicked the fallen padawan in the face showing him that this Sith is no one to be reckoned with. Dreth knew that the Jedi could feel the heat from his saber and loved the expression that he saw on his face.
Dec 6th, 2002, 10:34:12 AM
The heat from the sith's saber was excrusiating. The heat felt as if it was tearing his skin from his face. If the blade of the saber were to move any closer, it would have. And Raymious could tell that the sith was finding pleasure in the young padawan's pain. But never again would Raymious express his pain. Calming himself, Raymious did a force push and knocked Dreth to the floor. Landing on the ground hard through a nearby table, the young padawan did something that was unexpected.
The young padawan did a force pull on the sith's lightsaber and the saber slipped into his hand, comfortably. Igniting the blade, Raymious came forward in a slashing motion. It would be a killing blow if it would hit it's intended target.
Gouyen Chee
Dec 9th, 2002, 03:57:37 PM
She held her saber in a two-handed grip against his, the two blades shrieking with the contact, then suddenly rolled, at the same time shutting down her saber. With the resistance gone, Ki Adi fell to the floor as Gouyen rolled to her feet and re-ignited her saber. A swift kick to the buttocks had the Jedi face-down on the floor.
"Thought you Jedi would be better fighters since the last time I engaged you. But I'm still not impressed."
Her eyes narrowed in concentration as she called upon the ancient skill of battle meditation to instill fear in those lookers-on who had not fled out into the evening. Then she noticed that Dreth had been disarmed and that the Jedi padawan held Dreth's saber raised for the killing blow. Breaking her meditation, she knocked the padawan backwards with a violent Force push, tearing the lightsaber away from his hand.
Then she called out throught the Force to her Cybernian wolf-dog companion: Robi, get the sabers and keep them.
Dec 9th, 2002, 04:16:02 PM
The Cybernian leapt into action at Gouyen's command, jumping down from her seat in the back of the tavern to hunt down the wayward lightsabers. They weren't hard to find -- her keen sense of smell followed the ozone trail the crackling blades had left, and as she closed in, the sweat from the users' palms left a trace that was easy for her to folllow.
First she found Dreth's blade -- it had rolled under a table in the main part of the tavern. Taking it in her mouth, she sought out the other saber, which had rolled into a corner in the back of the room. Using a nimble forepaw, she managed to get both sabers into her mouth, then trotted outside.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 9th, 2002, 09:04:37 PM
" You'd be surprised. "
Kindo uttered with low, barely heard words. Just has soon has Gouyen could make out what he said, a random glass resting upon a now vacant booth was lifted into the air and with the snap of the Jedi's wrist, casted at the Sith with great speed, nailing her accurately in the shoulder. The remnants of the projectile layed dispersed upon the restaurant floor, yet some were embeded into Chee's bloody shoulder.
While she was temporarily distracted, Kindo quickly rose to his feet and with standing, with his back facing Gouyen, backflipped about to two feet behind her. Before she could turn around, he thrusted his palm directly into her spine, throwing her forward.
Gouyen Chee
Dec 10th, 2002, 03:28:28 PM
The bleeding from the glass was superficial at worst, but it was enough to break her concentration, allowing the Jedi to rise and backflip over her, where he then shoved her in the small of the back.
Gouyen landed on her face, but quickly rolled over and up to face the Jedi.
"Surprised?" she taunted. "Hardly. I haven't even been trying to kill you. If this is your best, then you should be an easy kill."
Her words were taunting, but inside, she did not underestimate the Jedi's skill. The adage, Never underestimate your enemy, had been drilled into her since the first day of training, and it was something she lived by and survived by.
She lunged with her saber, aiming for his outstretched hand.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 19th, 2002, 03:36:08 PM
Unfortunately, Kindo couldn't draw his hand back in time. Gouyen's lightsaber skinned over his hand, leaving a fresh crimson streak that wasn't bleeding, but was burning like a fire. Though it was quite painful, he put that aside for the moment.
He brushed his hand back over his saber hilt, retracting the bright yellow blade. He clipped it back on his belt, then with the hand that wasn't throbbing, flicked his wrist toward Gouyen. Before she could act on it, the lightsaber was thrown from her grip, skidding across the floor until stopping under a booth over in the corner.
" I've had enough of your games, Sith. "
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