View Full Version : Enter The Deceiver

Tunaris Sori
Nov 26th, 2002, 03:49:48 PM
It was a cool evening on Corellia. Many people running back and forth to their ships and merchants before heading off. Then there were the not so busy people in the taverns and local pubs.

A average height man walked into a dimly lit bar at twilight. He was dressed in a completely robe and a black cloak hanging behind him. He had a black hood over over his head and a red sash tied around his waist. He was also equipt with dark red shoes. No feature on his face was visible except his glowing blue eyes. He walked slowly with both arms underneath the cloak heading to the bar.

He sat down a looked around at the various scum around the bar as he took his drink. Slightly tired from his last mechanical odd job, he closed his eyes and drank ever so slowly. He then removed his hood which revealed the rest of his conspicuous face. A tan hue color with almost perfect proporitons for his face. His short florescant red hair was straight, almost static.

He leaned backwards as he continued to scope the crowded tavern while he whispered under his breath, "What a day......"
This mysterious man was known by the locals only as "Sori The Deceiver".......

Nov 26th, 2002, 04:58:06 PM
Nequita noticed the man's entrance and left the three men that she had been flirting with before his arival. She slinks over to his table and sit's on his lap.

Haven't seen the Deciever gracing these tables recently.

She looks at him slyly.

Just what have you been up to?

Tunaris Sori
Nov 26th, 2002, 05:14:29 PM
The man found this new attention strange, as usually he received none of the sort. He gave a slight grin as he looked over the young woman.
"I haven't had much time to relax, he said as he continued looking, "My work is not an easy one."
He somewhat regained his previous mental state after being slightly excited my her.
"I do not believe I have ever met you before." he added. "As you have probably heard, I am known as Sori." expecting an answer from this new stranger.

Nov 26th, 2002, 09:47:06 PM
She laughs and musses his hair.

what no details?

she gives him the pouty face.

well I think I'll tell you no more then that I'm one of the Tavern owners daughters, since you're being so secrative!

Nov 26th, 2002, 10:11:23 PM
walks up to the two of them, wiping her hands on a towel.
"Nequitia what kinda mischief are ye getting into now?"
sakes her head
"nevermind I probably don't want to know. well father wanted to see you."

Tunaris Sori
Nov 26th, 2002, 10:35:26 PM
Puzzled and slightly insulted at this gesture by Nequita, Sori darted up from his seat and faced this second stranger, then back at Nequita.
"Sorry for my rudeness, alas, I am quite tired." he said appologetically, "I have been working as a mechanic to earn a living, I just finished a job. Not much, but it puts food the table. As you know my name is Sori." Sori relaxed slightly and folded his arms at his chest. Wanting to know more about them both he asked, "So 'Nequita' I am curious, who is your father, and what do you two do around here?"

Nov 27th, 2002, 04:32:55 PM
"Nequitia's the one who should appologize. I'm afraid she's always rather rude."
shoots a withering look at her younger twin
"We are the daughters of Corylus Lacertus, the owner of this tavern. I help around here, serving drinks and the like. Nequitia wanders around looking for trouble."
notices her twin is still standing there and smakes her with the towel
"where ye not listening before! Father wants to speak to ye!"
turns back to Sori
"My name is Licentia. Is there anything I could do for ye to make amends for my sisters rude interruption of your evening?"

Tunaris Sori
Nov 27th, 2002, 05:06:40 PM
Sori gave a slight smile toward Licentia.
"Well," he started, "I was looking for some fun this evening," still smiling. "What do you do around here for fun? I haven't had much of the sort recently."

Nov 27th, 2002, 10:54:34 PM
Nequitia glares at her sister before she saunters off.

Nov 27th, 2002, 11:28:01 PM
sits down in an unoccupied chair.
"I'm afraid I'm not the one who knows much about the entertainment around here. we have a few sabacc tables and other forms of gambling over there."
"Um, my sister and I sing."
"I really can't think of anything else. That's Nequitia's realm of knowledge."

Tunaris Sori
Nov 28th, 2002, 09:05:59 AM
Sori sat down next to Licentia, and moved close so that no one could hear what he said "Perhaps you may still be able to help me," he whispered very softly, "I am looking for a group of fallen jedi calling themselves 'The Sith Order'." he paused for a moment nervous that he had been heard. He looked around for wandering eyes or ears then continued, "What can you tell me about them, Licentia?"

Nov 28th, 2002, 10:46:07 AM
"You better whisper if you're gonna call the Sith 'fallen jedi'! What can I tell you about them? just the same as any one around here. They stop by every now and then for a good time."
"I don't know... what is it you'd like to know? and is there any particular reason?"

Nov 28th, 2002, 10:14:28 PM
Nequitia returns to the table and sees the two of them sitting close to each other.

well now don't we look cozy!

She stomps off to find entertainment elsewhere.

Tunaris Sori
Nov 29th, 2002, 09:36:35 PM
Sori shot Nequitia a sort of "mind your business" look and turned back to Licentia.
Sori felt strange for calling them "fallen jedi" he had always considered himself a "fallen jedi" or even more often, a "failed jedi".

"I am sorry for the misuse of the term, Licentia," Sori started again in a very low whisper, he looked past her and then to both sides once more, "Are there any Sith here now? I can't sense them. I have been looking to meet with them for a few weeks now, however, I have never been able to sence their immidiate pressence, just the constant feeling of them being here on this planet."

Nov 30th, 2002, 04:56:21 PM
Looks around
"I don't recognize any of those here as Sith, but they tend to keep to themselves and I only know a few by face. As to your being able to sense them, I do believe that there are some who can hide their force signiture. But I do not know much on the subject."

Tunaris Sori
Nov 30th, 2002, 07:11:30 PM
Feeling somewhat disappointed, Sori sighed......
"Do you know what time they usually come around? Or someone who can introduce me to them?"

yakali tarian
Nov 30th, 2002, 10:46:59 PM
*gets up from a table nearby and walks over* if you want to meet a Sith so much why don't you go to their palace. It's in the mountains to the west of the city. *looks him in the eye.* there's an aprentice there that I do believe stowed away on your spacecraft. her name is Dea Potentia. I've been sent by her mother to make sure she's safe. Do you think you could keep an eye on her for me?

Tunaris Sori
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:05:27 PM
Sori put his hood back over his face, concealing it once more in the shadows.....
"I shall seek out this temple. As for this 'apprentice' Dea, I will try to find her. However, it will be very difficult to find this temple if they continue to hide their force signatures from me."

Sori stood up from the table slowly, and looked toward the exit, then back at the other 2.

"You would think," Sori started "That a group as powerful and fears as the Sith would be harder to find. I guess I was wrong."

He looked over his shoulder as he started to walk towards the exit of the bar. "Farewell, I feel our paths shall cross once again."

He continued to walk until he eventually faded from view in the dark Corellia night.

Gouyen Chee
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:19:37 PM
Gouyen had been wandering the streets of Coronet, half exploring and half keeping the peace as a goodwill gesture from the Order when she quite literally ran into a rather unusual looking man dressed in a black cloak and hood. Glowing blue eyes shone out from the depths of the hood and her eyes caught a flash of red from his torso and his feet.

"Hey, watch where you're going, buddy," she snarled ill-temperedly; then, regaining her composure, "Sorry 'bout that -- you okay?"

Tunaris Sori
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:33:10 PM
Sori gave a chuckle under his breath.
"Fine, fine," he said, "I am in no hurry."
Sori looked up from the ground to see the woman who had bumped into him.
"Who might you be?" he said

Gouyen Chee
Dec 1st, 2002, 12:18:36 AM
She held out a hand to help him up. "My name is Gouyen," she replied, "and, after I have the pleasure of knowing your name, I would like to buy you a drink to appologize for my rudeness."

As their hands clasped, she felt a strangely familiar sensation -- that of one with Force ability. This should be interesting, she thought, a potential recruit. She kept her thoughts closely to hersself.

Tunaris Sori
Dec 1st, 2002, 09:34:01 AM
As Sori touched Gouyen's hand, he felt that slight pressence of the force. He quickly rose to his feet. "I am Sori," he started, "I'll take that drink. Pleased to meet you."

Gouyen Chee
Dec 2nd, 2002, 12:42:03 AM
They walked back to the same bar that Sori had just left, and went inside. Gouyen ordered a glass of honey mead and let Sori order what he wished. After finding a cozy table tucked away in a corner, she asked him in a conspiratorial tone, "Have you ever heard of the Sith Order?"

Tunaris Sori
Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:20:40 PM
Sori ordered honey mead just as Gouyen had. He removed his hood once more before he answered: "Strange you should ask me," he said very suspiciously, "I have heard of such an order." He affixated his eyes on Gouyen, trying to read her, but he realized he could not determine her motives. After what seemed like minutes, already having an idea of Gouyens reply, Sori spoke again "I have been looking for them. However, I take it you already knew that....."

Gouyen Chee
Dec 2nd, 2002, 04:03:17 PM
She looked at him, obsidian eyes unblinking. "I suspected as much," she replied. It was obvious to her that he was looking for the Order for the usual reason: to be trained in the ways of the Sith.

She took a meditative sip of her mead, letting the sweet, slightly fizzy liquid roll around in her mouth and slip down her throat. "Why do you seek them?" she asked, not letting on that she already knew the answer. She was beginning to look at him as a potential apprentice, one she would test right here, right now. She waited, giving him time to think over his answer.

Tunaris Sori
Dec 2nd, 2002, 04:41:15 PM
Feeling somewhat relieved and somewhat irritated at the same time, Sori said "I see there is no fooling you, Gouyen, I shall not continue this muse anymore." He stared deep into her, and from this he realized that she was indeed strong. "I can feel your strength, and you no longer need to amuse me. You know why I seek the order." He paused for a moment and took another sip of his mead. "I have found myself complete in the dark powers of the force. I have been tempted by the power it creates, I wish only to become a master in the dark arts. I wish to become one with Darkness itself. I seek the Sith Order because I wish to become a powerful Knight of the Sith." Sori broke his concentration for a moment and took another drink. "Now I want you to tell me, can you assist me in my desire?"

Gouyen Chee
Dec 3rd, 2002, 04:38:34 PM
She chuckled softly to herself when Sori remarked that there was no fooling her. Then she heard him out, her obsidian eyes unblinking, reading his sincerity.

"I see you are sincere in your desires, Sori, so I will let you know that I am a Knight in the Order. But before I take you as my apprentice, I must ask you this: the Sith Order is like a family, and its members are expected to stay together like a family. If you wish to leave at any time, you may do so peacably, else you will be named traitor to the order. Do you understand this?"

Tunaris Sori
Dec 3rd, 2002, 04:56:44 PM
Sori let loose an audible laugh at this last comment.

"What do you take me for Gouyen? Only a fool would make an enemy of the Sith. However, I do understand the nature of the Order and your request."

Sori stopped and took a long drink of his mead.

"I do have a question for you, Gouyen. I was told earlier tonight to seek out a Sith apprentice called 'Dea Potentia'. Do you know her?"

Gouyen Chee
Dec 3rd, 2002, 06:51:53 PM
"Don't be so quick to ridiclue the idea, Sori. The order has just recently endured such a rash of treason, of which I was a direct witness, so I'm rather a stickler on this matter. But if you dedicate yourself body and soul to the Order, you will discover power beyond your wildest reckonings."

She paused and sipped slowly, thoughtfully on her mead. She had sized this one up and did not find him wanting. She would have her hands full with three apprentices, but she knew that the experience would benefit her.

She finished her drink and had just set the glass down when he asked her, "I was told earlier tonight to seek out a Sith apprentice called 'Dea Potentia.' Do you know her?"

A warning flag waved in her mind. "I know her, yes. May I know who asked about her?"

Tunaris Sori
Dec 3rd, 2002, 07:08:11 PM
Sori looked puzzled. How could one betray the Sith Order? A death wish no doubt. He felt a feeling of unnerve as he heard of this 'treason'.
"Of course, I dedicate all my life to the Order. As for the one who asked about Dea Potentia, I only spoke to them for a minute, but I believe the name was Yakali. She said she was sent by Dea's mother."
Sori considered this and felt a thought of doubt enter his mind about Yakali.
"Why do you ask?"

Dec 6th, 2002, 07:42:12 PM
comes by with a foamy pitcher filled with honey mead and refils their cups
"I see you've managed to find yourself a Sith, Sori."
smiles and goes to serve another table

Gouyen Chee
Dec 9th, 2002, 03:23:33 PM
She mulled the new information over in her mind. "A Twi'lek bounty hunter, if I'm not mistaken. We had a run-in once before, some time ago."

She turned in her seat and scanned the crowd, looking for the afore-mentioned bounty hunter.

"Dea ran away from home to become a member of the Sith Order. Her mother wants her back, and has sent the bounty hunter after her. Though I doubt that she'll have any success."

Tunaris Sori
Dec 9th, 2002, 10:52:54 PM
Sori wasn't the slightest bit surprised
"Ran away? A common event for Force users."
Sori looked around for the hunter in the crowd.
"She should still be here, I only saw her minutes earlier in this very bar..."

yakali tarian
Dec 9th, 2002, 11:11:11 PM
*had snuck out of the tavern as soon as she saw Sori returning with the warrior woman who made her life so difficult. On the way had stoped by Nequitia and promised her money for the knowledge of wether or not sori mentioned her and told the girl that there would be a petite brown haired lady waiting at the door with the money for the information.*

Dec 9th, 2002, 11:45:20 PM
Nequitia decided not to pass up a chance to earn some spending money. Besides she had decided that she didn't much like this Sori and thought it would be amusing to know just what he was up to. It was not difficult for her to find a welcoming lap not far from where sori and the sith were seated. She sat there whispering sweet nothings in her perch's ear and listening until the desired information came up. Then, glad she had not been forced to wait through their entire conversation because the guy she was using as a chair smelled like molding cheese and too much beer, she got up and slunk silently to the door where the brown haired girl was waiting.

yes they did mention the twi'lek.

she takes the offered credits, counts them, nods that they are satisfactory, goes up to the second story of the tavern (the family living area) and stashes the money in her room. Then returns to the tavern

yakali tarian
Dec 10th, 2002, 12:07:58 AM
*walks away from the tavern still guised as her sister ariel.* I should have known that woman would once again spoil all my plans! *growls* It's impossible to get the girl away from the sith, almost as if she had known how well they would protect her! *boards her ship and leaves Corellia* Well, warrior, you haven't seen the last of me. best keep the little brat near you at all times or else I'll find some way to get her. puting you out of service might actually be worth the trouble if you keep getting in the way!

Gouyen Chee
Dec 10th, 2002, 03:46:54 PM
She scanned the tavern intently, using the Force as well as her acute vision. A transaction between one of the servers and a petite brown-haired woman caught her attention. There was something familiar about the woman, a feeling that she was not what she appeared to be. Gouyen watched as credits changed hands and the server turned away from the door. For one brief moment Gouyen caught a glimpse of her face and managed to make eye contact. It was the bounty hunter, as she had expected after noting the unreality of her appearance.

"I think we've been sold out, Sori," she remarked, rising from her seat and tossing some credits on the table. "Come with me and I will take you to the Sith Palace, where you can find a room." With that, the two left the tavern.

Tunaris Sori
Dec 10th, 2002, 03:52:59 PM
Sori jolted up from the table as Gouyen did, feeling very angry. He despised being a muse for the weak minded, how could he have not seen through this shroud?

"What do you mean 'Sold out'!?"
Without another word he followed Gouyen out of the Tavern.

Gouyen Chee
Dec 10th, 2002, 05:30:17 PM
"I saw something in the corner of a back doorway -- a transaction of sorts between one of the servers here and a petite, brown-haired woman," she told him as they made their way back to her waiting speeder. "There was a familiar feel to the woman -- she was, in fact, the bounty hunter who is seeking Dea. And I believe the knowledge of our awareness of her was the comodity that was being exchanged back there."

She clicked the doors open and the two got in. "This is a skill I will teach you as my apprentice," she said as she accelerated up the hill towards the palace. "In fact, your first lesson is now: what did the Force tell you about the people in the tavern?" The speeder hummed softly through the darkness as the Order increased by one.

Tunaris Sori
Dec 10th, 2002, 07:31:59 PM
Bounty Hunter scum.
"There was a familiar feel to the woman... How could he have not sensed it himself? Perhaps his force sensitivity was not quite as attuned as he once thought.

"The force tells me many things." Sori started in responce to the question, "It was one I met earlier in the bar, one of the twins. One of them made this deal with the twi'lek."
Sori lowered his head more than normal as he felt his first true failure in using the force as a tool. Perhaps it was his tiredness.
"I was blind to see this , I did not use the force as I know I should. It will not happen again." Sincerity was heavy in Sori's voice as he said this to Gouyen as he stared off, thinking more about this twi'lek bounty hunter.

Gouyen Chee
Dec 11th, 2002, 02:32:18 PM
"Don't be so hard on yourself, Sori," she said reassuringly. "You are as of yet untrained, so it was not surprising that you didn't notice the similarity between the two females. But in time you will be so attuned to the Force that little will escape your notice."

The speeder slowed as they entered the compound of the Sith Order, the massive gates of the main sally port swinging open at a Force touch.

"Welcome to the Sith Order," she announced by way of greeting. "Tonight, I'll show you to a room and tomorrow you can begin your training, if you wish. Or I can take you on a tour of the facility so you can acquaint yourself with it."

She parked the speeder and got out, stretching. "This way," she said, leading Sori into the palace, and into his new life.

Tunaris Sori
Dec 11th, 2002, 03:25:25 PM
Sori followed Gouyen into the Palace. He looked around for others, of which he saw none. He sensed many other force signatures all around him though, it brough a slight smile to his face to know there were others like him. Others that shared his same pain and same hatred.
"Before I retire for the evening, I would much like a tour of this facility. I would also like to meet this 'Dea Potentia', if it would be possible."
Sori continued to look around for any signs of life, he couldn't see any, but he still sensed others around him.
"I would love to start my training, as soon as possible."

Dec 14th, 2002, 12:39:03 PM
OOC: As much as I'd love to have you all stay here, you've kinda left the tavern. this continued here in the palace as it should be (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25845)

notices their departure and clears the table of the two half full mugs and the credits left in payment.