View Full Version : FSU Football - things can't get much worse.

Nov 25th, 2002, 09:35:20 PM

Posted on Mon, Nov. 25, 2002

Bowden dismisses McPherson from team
Associated Press

Florida State quarterback Adrian McPherson was dismissed from the team today for violating an unspecified team policy, coach Bobby Bowden said.

School officials would not divulge the reasons for the dismissal or which policy McPherson violated.

McPherson, a 19-year-old sophomore, replaced Chris Rix following a 34-24 loss to Notre Dame in October, going 3-1 in four starts.

I wonder what he did.

I think it it was a legal issue he'd be arrested, most likely.

Either it's money or drugs, I'm guessing. Bowden tends to try to be forgiving with his players - he'll penalize them but usually they can get another chance. Such a sever action makes me think that it has soemthing to do with something that could have a negative effect on the whole teal or ewven the University.

Nov 25th, 2002, 09:37:03 PM
I heard check forgary was involved. I can't believe FSU is going to get into a BCS game. Can we PLEASE get a playoff system sometime in our lifetime?

Figrin D'an
Nov 25th, 2002, 09:37:52 PM
I thought I heard something that he was or might be expelled from the university... do you know if that is true?

Either way, it has to be something pretty serious...

Nov 25th, 2002, 09:40:41 PM
Eb even if we had a playoff FSU would be in as a winner of a major conference. Believe me they would not just invite the top 4 or 8 schools. They'd do conference winners and at large squads.

Nov 25th, 2002, 09:41:17 PM
What gets me is that the kid already has a lawyer representing him. I heard one report that said his lawyer was thinking of suing the school. How the hell does some college student on scholarship get a lawyer to represent him the day he gets suspended from the team? Oh wait, this is college sports we're talking about...

Nov 25th, 2002, 09:42:46 PM
I think they should blow off the conferences and stick with the rankings to get their 4 or 8 teams. But that's just silly ol' me.

Nov 25th, 2002, 09:45:55 PM
No way can you just blow off conference winners...you would end up with a scenario like last year. A school could conceivably win the conference at like #12(which is about where LSU was last season), while a school that didn't even win it's DIVISION in the SEC(Florida) was in the top 8.

You call that fair?

Nov 25th, 2002, 10:10:06 PM
No, I call it Eb World. Where all follow my whims, no matter how unfair!

Nov 25th, 2002, 10:12:43 PM
LOL, glad we don't live there. ;)

Nov 25th, 2002, 10:33:06 PM
You'd love Eb World. Everything is made of chocolate and Shemp was never one of the Stooges. Everything would be as it should in Eb World.

Sanis Prent
Nov 25th, 2002, 10:49:25 PM
How the hell does FSU get a BCS bid and Bama gets NCAA probation....this is a travesty

Sene Unty
Nov 26th, 2002, 08:36:39 AM
I love watching FSU rolling around in the dirt ......ahhhhhhh Stupid Noles!

GO CANES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 26th, 2002, 09:40:41 AM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
How the hell does FSU get a BCS bid and Bama gets NCAA probation....this is a travesty

I just figured out who Sanis is.

:p :p :p :p :p

Nov 26th, 2002, 09:42:29 AM
Tallahassee Democrat Sports (http://www.tallahassee.com/mld/tallahassee/sports/colleges/florida_state_university/4606283.htm)

"Posted on Tue, Nov. 26, 2002

FSU suddenly has different QB controversy

It was hardly a secret Monday morning that another quarterback controversy was brewing at Florida State.

Then came Monday afternoon.

That's when this latest dose of QB turmoil took a strange and sudden twist with FSU annoucing that starting quarterback Adrian McPherson had been dismissed from the team "for a violation of team rules."

Then, like a grounds crew scrambling to cover a baseball diamond from a thunderstorm, out rolled the thick cloak of secrecy. FSU officials weren't saying much even after the Tallahassee Police Department issued a curious press release announcing it planned to question McPherson as part of an ongoing investigation into an alleged theft of a blank check from a local business.

So all we really know at this point is the fact that we now have an altogether different kind of quarterback controversy.

On Sunday afternoon, FSU head coach Bobby Bowden had said he was throwing open the competition for the starting job between McPherson and Chris Rix, saying he would name a starter for Saturday's game against rival Florida by the end of the week.

Less than 24 hours later, Bowden had decided to throw McPherson off the team.

He just wouldn't, or couldn't, say why.

"It's a Florida State team policy ... If (the decision) wasn't mine, it would be an athletic department decision," said Bowden. "I really can't say more than what I'm saying to you.

"I can't stand to talk when I can't talk."

The only clear-cut news of the day is that Rix is back in the huddle after losing his job to McPherson a month ago. Fabian Walker moved up to No.2 on the depth chart.

Bowden realizes his silence on McPherson's dismissal leaves a bunch of unanswered questions. And rumors.

Especially since there has been no arrest - a point that McPherson's attorney, Grady Irvin of St. Petersburg, wanted to stress. Irvin said that any disciplinary action by FSU was premature since McPherson has not been charged with any crime at this point.

Even senior offensive tackle and team captain Brett Williams was stunned by the swiftness of the disciplinary action.

"Coach Bowden always has treated the players in situations like these as his own kids. He wants to be lenient," said Williams. "He doesn't just want to kick someone straight off the team and ruin any of their chances. It must have been pretty serious, and that surprises me. I never thought A.D. would do something like that, or something that serious."

What McPherson has or hasn't done remains a mystery.

And that just fueled the rumor about a possible connection to gambling that quickly made the rounds on FSU's campus, in Tallahassee restaurants, on radio talk shows and in internet chat rooms. But that's the one thing FSU officials, including complaince director Bob Minnix, were quick to address and deny.

FSU officials said McPherson would remain on scholarship through the year, but they did not want to address his future as an athlete other than to say he would not play any more football or basketball this year.

"I don't know what is going to happen," said Bowden. "I really can't look past January. Whoever is involved will have to do their thing before I know what is happening past that."

Nov 26th, 2002, 09:49:23 AM
The main story:
<a href=http://www.tallahassee.com/mld/tallahassee/sports/colleges/florida_state_university/4605778.htm target=new>T.D. Sports</a.

Posted on Tue, Nov. 26, 2002

McPherson off team
Seminoles' quarterback part of police investigation
By Steve Ellis

Quarterback Adrian McPherson was dismissed from the Florida State University football team Monday amid a police investigation into his alleged involvement in a check forgery.

According to a Tallahassee Police Department news release, the case involves the theft of a blank check from a local business. The check was forged and cashed at a local bank.

No one, including McPherson, had been charged as of Monday afternoon. School officials said they do not think another FSU athlete is involved in this investigation. McPherson had not been questioned by TPD at the time of his dismissal.

His attorney, Grady Irvin of St.Petersburg, said his client might not be charged in the case. He also said McPherson contacted police about the incident.

"Adrian did not write the check," Irvin said. "He did not endorse the check or receive any funds from the check. It is our understanding that McPherson may have knowledge of the check."

Sources said the check was stolen from R&R Truck Rental on West Tennessee Street, and Irvin said the forged check was cashed for $3,500. Dale Acosta, R&R's owner, said he was "a victim in all this" and he is cooperating with police. Acosta said he would release a statement this morning.

Irvin said McPherson was disappointed by the turn of events.

"He took the initial steps. He was proactive through all of this. People who are proactive certainly warrant some reservation on the part of the institution to hold back and let's say, 'Let the dust and smoke clear and find out what is going on,'" Irvin said at a news conference in St. Petersburg. "To dismiss him from the football team is very disconcerting."

McPherson's departure comes five days before the Seminoles' showdown against Florida, although his position as starting quarterback already was in question after last weekend's stunning 17-7 loss to North Carolina State. Chris Rix, who started 20 games before being replaced by McPherson, will start Saturday for 23rd-ranked FSU.

FSU coach Bobby Bowden said he can't discuss specifics of the investigation or the dismissal. "I can't stand to talk when I can't talk," he said.

Details were unclear Monday, and rumors were rampant. McPherson's attorney further muddied the situation by giving apparently conflicting statements.

At first, Irvin said McPherson told coaches last Friday about the situation and that he was allowed to play anyway.

"At some time last week Mr. McPherson approached members of the coaching staff and informed at least one member he was concerned about some contact," Irvin said.

Irvin later said the coaching staff became aware of the matter over the weekend.

Bowden told the team Monday that McPherson was kicked off the squad because he had lied to him. Bowden wasn't specific about their conversation, according to two players. It is a normal practice for players who run into legal problems to be suspended until the case is concluded with a police investigation or through the court system.

"It all depends on the circumstances...circumstance and information we know to be accurate," FSU athletic director Dave Hart said.

Hart said McPherson has not violated any university or NCAA rules and that the decision to dismiss McPherson was made within the athletic department. Although Tallahassee was abuzz Monday with rumors that McPherson's dismissal was related to gambling, FSU compliance director Bob Minnix said his office has not investigated it as a gambling-related matter.

Sports information director Rob Wilson also confirmed that this investigation does not involve gambling.

McPherson, Florida's Mr. Basketball and Mr. Football in high school, also will not play basketball for the Seminoles. He remains enrolled and on scholarship at the university.

The dismissal of McPherson - who started the past four games and was 80 of 155 for 1,017 yards, with 12 touchdowns and one interception - stunned teammates.

"It's a shock," said tailback Nick Maddox. "A guy losing eligibility is shocking."

Offensive tackle Brett Williams said McPherson let the team down.

"It's very disappointing," Williams said. "I remember just thinking to myself ... 'Man, he's going to be a great quarterback and might win the Heisman or something one day.' He kind of let us down.

"We've been through similar situations like this around here. I think we will be able to handle it well."

McPherson's dismissal comes at the end of a roller-coaster regular season for FSU. The Seminoles won their 10th ACC title outright and will play in a Bowl Championship Series game, likely the Sugar Bowl. But FSU also lost at least four games for the second consecutive season and will be without offensive starters Maddox and Antoine Mirambeau when it hosts Florida.

Nov 26th, 2002, 10:02:43 AM
It's very easy to explain Sanis...the Tide had some of the worst violations in NCAA history. FSU has not. Don't worry Bama will be back.

End of story.

Sanis Prent
Nov 26th, 2002, 10:27:29 AM
Ok, we violate fluffed-up NCAA sanctions. FSU violates real-people crimes, like "check forgery", "narcotics possession", and so forth.

Does anybody else see the injustice?

Nov 26th, 2002, 10:40:09 AM
There's hardly a program in America that doesn't have a player with the occasional run in with the law.

How would you govern that?

Sanis Prent
Nov 26th, 2002, 10:45:42 AM
The same way you govern boosters that pay players kickbacks, because like you said, there's hardly a program in american that doesn't do that. Same difference.


Nov 26th, 2002, 10:51:40 AM
If there was hardly a program that didn't play it's student athletes a HELL of alot more programs would be on probation. I'm sure there are schools that are doing it and not getting caught...but it can't be THAT many, or the NCAA would punish more. If all 117 schools had boosters that paid, you'd have to be naive to think the NCAA is ONLY gonna punsh, on average, of one school every 2 years.

The SMU death penalty permanently changed the way boosters look at paying players. The Mustangs will never be the same.

As far as the crime thing...normal students get in touble with the law all the time. Are the players somehow different?

Sanis Prent
Nov 26th, 2002, 11:14:44 AM
Is the NCAA investigating kickbacks given to star valedictorians?

Nov 26th, 2002, 03:08:59 PM
:lol Well since the NCAA govern athletics, no.

Also, I highly doubt kickbacks of valedictorians occurs. :p

Sanis Prent
Nov 26th, 2002, 05:09:41 PM
Who's to say, if no investigations occur. The thing about looking for dirt is that if you're determined, you'll find it...even in the cleanest places.

Nov 26th, 2002, 05:14:20 PM
Alright Sanis..I guess you should be the lightningrod for a new committe to look into payments made to valedictorians to choose their schools.

I think we should start at Ivy League campuses and then proceed to other well regaurded institutions. :p

(The previous post was tongue firmly planted in cheek)

Sanis Prent
Nov 26th, 2002, 05:19:02 PM
Don't see why not.