View Full Version : Who does "Strider" training?
Morgan Evanar
Nov 25th, 2002, 09:12:39 PM
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 25th, 2002, 09:18:51 PM
I sort of thought of Strider training as something that the character came with. Like how Wei has his martial arts style he learned from his Grandpa.
Gurney Devries
Nov 25th, 2002, 09:22:46 PM
Uh huh. ¬¬
Nov 25th, 2002, 10:07:57 PM
Yeah, I was wondering this myself. Best I can tell, it's made entirely of gay.
Sanis Prent
Nov 25th, 2002, 10:09:02 PM
Thats "The Gay", you peon!
Anthony Scott
Nov 25th, 2002, 10:11:24 PM
:lol Yeah, I'm wondering too!
Nov 25th, 2002, 10:12:15 PM
No, you miss the context... something CATCHES "the gay". The material is simply known as "gay".
But before this thread is hijacked, I would also like an answer to the question at hand.
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 25th, 2002, 10:13:34 PM
Yeah, I was wondering this myself. Best I can tell, it's made entirely of gay.
You owe me a lung, cause I laughed it up. Bastard
Nov 25th, 2002, 11:51:42 PM
Always glad to oblige, Marcus. Anyway, what are you worried about? You've got a spare!
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 26th, 2002, 06:29:16 AM
...Don't hijack this, I actually think this thread may be useful.
Strider skills, when used appropriately, are okay. Unfortunately, I think the ONLY Stormrider that uses it appropriately is Lance. The other stormriders either ignore it altogether or borderline godmode with it.
Nov 26th, 2002, 07:05:12 AM
I can tell that. But I don't care how you use it, the whole "moving so fast that there's four of you" is not physically possible, Force powers or not.
What exactly is the full list of Strider abilities, anyway?
Nov 26th, 2002, 07:19:07 AM
Ive always wondered this too. Ive been in a couple of spars with a 'Strider' and it just seems that they say, 'I can do this, because its a strider skill'. To ME, it looks as if they are force skills and they simply justify using the skills because they are striders. Id be very interested to know a skill list.
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 26th, 2002, 05:03:01 PM
So would I...limitations, weaknesses, strengths, please?
Nov 27th, 2002, 03:12:48 AM
OHH!!!!! Ansatsu knows some sweet martial arts!!!!!!!!
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 27th, 2002, 03:17:11 AM
...Sweet martial arts don't compare to the power (cough, godmoding!) of Strider skills!
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 27th, 2002, 03:27:54 AM
* Scrtaches head *
Do any of the Stormriders read this forum??? I would have hoguth someone would have bitten by now
Nov 27th, 2002, 03:35:47 AM
Yeah, I was thinking that yesterday.
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 27th, 2002, 04:01:09 AM
:lol...who is there? Xenorodos, Straffe, Lance...
Nov 29th, 2002, 03:22:30 AM
Think thats about it...
Helenias Evenstar
Nov 29th, 2002, 05:55:04 AM
"Strider" always reminds me of some unwashed male with filthy clothes walking with hobbits.
Seriously for a monet, am I wrong in remembering that Council has already smacked down Jedi for teaching things above and beyond Jedi skills?
Now I would say that I would have to call "Striderism" or whatever it is as an attempt to gain advantage above and beyond Force powers. Okay, duh. But it should be called as Moding unless logical Star Wars explaination given.
In other words, this has been a ME TOO!! post
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 29th, 2002, 06:49:39 AM
But it was a good "Me Too!" post! At least yours are more than my "Me Too!" posts, which are basically like this:
"ME TOO!" :lol
Nov 29th, 2002, 02:33:29 PM
Well, is there any way we can declare it illegal or simply not real? Basically, so that if anyone attempts to use it, it's branded "no-no"?
Morgan Evanar
Nov 29th, 2002, 03:29:08 PM
I dunno... I want the parties responsible brought forward.
Nov 29th, 2002, 03:54:27 PM
I don't think anyone actually does the training. It appears to me as if it's just written into the characters' histories.
Sanis Prent
Nov 29th, 2002, 04:14:56 PM
Helen, that wasn't what the council ruled against. What they ruled against was Padawans being able to teach. To the best of my knowledge, Lance Stormrider is a Knight (I think). Therefore, he can teach special techniques, as its a Knight's prerogative. However, that doesn't make them exempt from godmoding...which is the real issue at hand.
Sameer Aryan
Nov 29th, 2002, 07:12:04 PM
*Is Destiny Stormrider and just read the Stormrider part!*
Hey! I don't even know what Strider techniques are! LOL
Can I get a real definition? (instead of the god-moding stuff) Please..:)
imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 29th, 2002, 07:25:13 PM
I'm a Strider and Straffe. That's about it,why is there a problem you wish to discuss about Morgan?
Sanis Prent
Nov 29th, 2002, 08:22:45 PM
namely WHAT THE HELL is it?
imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 29th, 2002, 08:36:41 PM
Ever played Strider Hiryu. or Marvel Vs Capcom?
Morgan Evanar
Nov 29th, 2002, 09:44:24 PM
Yes to MvC. That explains nothing.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 29th, 2002, 10:23:12 PM
I just thought I'd throw in my two cents...
Most everybody here at SwFans has some sort of ability or talent that automatically came with their character's past. Example, Kindo was once Count, therefore he's always been good with diplomacy and leadership skills.
Now I have seen all of the Stormrider's seperate threads, and though some use these Strider abilities to make up excuses to why they can challenge experienced Knights and sometimes Masters, I know that it would be unfair to take away these privledges from Lance. I am currently sparring with him in the Academy and he used one of these Strider skills to knock me down, but I simply got back up and continued the match.
In the official rules, it say's that the Force is always the main power of all these RP's. So no matter what skills they may bring forth, the Force adept are most likely going to overcome. Many times, I see these Strider skills has a way to have a good challenge or something along those lines, but I have to admit this Straffe character has taken these priveledges too far, but to take them from Lance would be unfair.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 29th, 2002, 10:28:50 PM
Ok, if you have observed Strider Hiryu you may have noticed the special double handle on his sword, Striders use this special style of sword plus Ninja techniques. So in a way Strider is like a ninja+the special sword style. I see people are pissed because of the 4 image technique, well I don't see why you stress so much this is just rp, it's not like your gonna die because I perform that technique. And please dont even bother to type your speed and human body resistance things o_O You dont even make sense. One second you talk about Star Wars Universe the other you talk about OUR universe. In a way what i mean is everyone should be free to customize their characters how they want. But if it bothers you SO MUCH, then I will simply tell Straffe not to use it, and I wont use it either. Happy? :) I dont mean to be rude here or anything but really, you people are so damn stressed relax! We can talk this through just chill ppl, look at me Im totally chill, so is there anything else you need?
Sanis Prent
Nov 30th, 2002, 12:55:40 AM
I'm glad you can gauge emotion through simple text. We're simply trying to reduce sillyness in RP's here, and being able to move fast enough to create 4 images at once is of the mindboggling power of Tardium.
Nov 30th, 2002, 03:33:16 AM
Couldn't have said it better myself Sanis. Basically, Lance, the problem is not OUR universe. Physics still apply in this universe. As to our comments of movement speeds and their effects on the human body, they make perfect sense. Science is still in effect in this universe. True, the Force is here, and technology is higher, but things still must be rational. For example, let's say I want to deflect a missle with the Force. Ok, I yank a rock from the ground to intercept. Well, that does nothing, because the explosion from the missle would still kill me. On the other hand, let's say I instead divert the path of the rocket with the Force. That's a sound move, because the missile is no longer going to hit me. That's the kind of thing we're trying to get across here. Having extraneous skills isn't the problem, as long as they're rational. Your sword technique, etc, is fine. One of my characters uses a different technique from the norm as well. The problem arises when you make an extra skill that is not physically possible. And that's why we're asking for an exhaustive list of techniques. See what I'm getting at?
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 30th, 2002, 08:57:19 AM
Like Kindo said, Lion's past life as a mercenary/assassin lends itself certain skills. He's an accomplished marksman and a fairly good pilot. Of course, both of those skill are rather useless outside their respective fields, so I end up having a normal fight most of the time.
Strider skills, on the other hand, are "kind of" legal, but I think of them as godmoding...why? Because of how often they are used in combat. Also, during a spar, it seems like a new skill always comes up to counter your last move. If this "new skill" was worked on and trained up for a while, then I have no problem with it. Strider skills, on the other hand, are often just made up of people thinking "What can I counter my opponent's last move with?". When they can think of nothing within their established abilities, they make something else up, post it, and slap "Strider" in front of the ability.
So, I don't have a problem with the skills so much as what they are as how they come about.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 30th, 2002, 10:00:00 AM
Perhaps a more experienced Stormrider could begin teaching these Strider skills to other newer Stormiriders. That'd be interesting.
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 30th, 2002, 10:02:27 AM
The problem is, these skills are, for the most part, depending on the user. Lance for example, has completely different skills than Straffe. There will always be a lot of variation.
Nov 30th, 2002, 04:58:21 PM
The biggest problem I can see is that someone, anyone from padawan to Master can perform a move or use the force to do something and one of the striders counter it with relative ease. Someone is about to say, hold on, you cant do that your not strong enough in the force or you havent recived enough training to do that and they turn around and say, oh no, its ok Im a strider. Its a strider skill.
Ive only had experience of sparring with Lance briefly and some time ago and I seemed to think it was a little unfair but I was fairly new and went with it. To the degree he used it, I think it was possibly do-able but in the subject of one of them projecting four images of themselves, most people here are saying, er no, dont think so.
Lance, if we had a list of the skills you and the stormriders can perform, then we may know if it is an actual skill and not something youve made up on the spur of the moment so you can equal a Jedi Master at something, which would be god moding.
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 30th, 2002, 06:01:01 PM
The biggest problem I can see is that someone, anyone from padawan to Master can perform a move or use the force to do something and one of the striders counter it with relative ease. Someone is about to say, hold on, you cant do that your not strong enough in the force or you havent recived enough training to do that and they turn around and say, oh no, its ok Im a strider. Its a strider skill.
Then it is a God mode. It does not matter what your skills are supposed to be, when you statrt roleplating, you are a newbie. You start from the beginning, the ground floor. You do not have Uber skills. Sure, you might have better aim or knowledge of fighting, but YOU START FROM GROUND ZERO whereever your story says you came from.
You can not say "I have special powers" because you are trying to gain unfair advantage. We are in Star Wars, thence the mystic power is The Force. If you cant explain it in The Force, then it can be called Moding. If it defeats the physical or technical limits of Star Wars, it is God Moding.
Leeway is given, but that leeway has to be earned. That leeway i s earned by good roleplaying over time. The fact is, good players DO get away with stuff, cause they are fair, resonable, and have proven they can be trusted that they are not Uber-playing with their thing that goes tooo far. There is also a thing called Common Sense and Fairplay.
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:21:00 PM
Well, except for Helenias, but she's an exceptional RPer.
Helenias Evenstar
Dec 1st, 2002, 06:14:54 AM
Helen, that wasn't what the council ruled against. What they ruled against was Padawans being able to teach. To the best of my knowledge, Lance Stormrider is a Knight (I think). Therefore, he can teach special techniques, as its a Knight's prerogative
Fair enough. But might I point out that because we are Jedi, that we would ask even Knights and Masters to tend to teach Jedi skills within the Jedi halls? I would think truly non Jedi skill sets would be frowned on. Anything extra taught must compliment the Jedi Arts. Woud that be a resonable expectation?
Well, except for Helenias, but she's an exceptional RPer.
Slightly confused as to what you meant - if your referring to the fact I did not start from the beginning as a Jedi, it is because this character has existed within roleplay for a good deal longer (three years?) under two different id's. If I was totally new, I would expect to be treated like everyone else and start from the beginning, no matter how well I could write, or whom I knew.
And thanks for the compliment :)
Lion El' Jonson
Dec 1st, 2002, 06:34:41 AM
Actually, for both reasons...:D...but, I was thinking of the fact that you didn' start off at the beginning in the GJO.
I also agree, about the statement that anything taught should complement Jedi arts, but I'm not sure to which degree you mean that. For instance, the rooms that make up the academy DO allowed for other skills to be trained in. For instance, the Combat room technically allows you to practice marksmanship, it just isn't really done there.
I think that the real thing we've got here is a matter or background...should somebody be allowed to have superior abilities, just because they were born with them? Well, yes and no. Strider skills just seem like moding, and there would have to be around a 1 year training on those skills to even get the basic ones down, since even the basic ones allow Striders to do exceptional things. I don't think many people are willing to devote that much time to developing those sets of skills.
Even if they do choose to pursue the Strider route, they would likely become a jedi knight far before they acquire an RP'd mastery of the abilities, which would make it more believable.
My marksmanship, however, cna also be RP and trained in, and I'm thinking that a good way to "show" that I have skills with ranged weaponry is to join the NR. The weapons themselves may not be very jedi-like, but even Luke Skywalker uses blasters, and ranged weaponry gives Lion a special place in any kind of RP as a supporting character.
Strider skills are generally just all around. They are used in combat, training, scouting,'s just too broad of a category to be able to use one set of skills in. Also, I've noticed that people using Strider skills don't get tired...they do them a trillion times, and they can still outrun the foe...
I know I've rambled on for a bit, but Strider skills qualify as moding in my head, and need to be toned down...
Figrin D'an
Dec 1st, 2002, 04:01:36 PM
As has been suggested, a list of the "Strider" skills would be helpful. I'm sure some of them are legit and fair ideas, but there are issues with others. For that reason, to categorically rule on the matter without more detail being given would be ill advised.
If Lance and/or the other people that use these skills could compile a list of the techniques they have developed and give a brief explanation of each, it would be of great assistance.
Dec 1st, 2002, 04:09:31 PM
I agree... but since they've yet to say anything on the subject, and we've asked about 20 times, I think something's gonna have to be done anyway.
It seems to me that if they wanna use a modified saber and techniques, fine. Doesn't bother me in the least. But I'd think that pretty much anything else should be a no go.
Lion El' Jonson
Dec 1st, 2002, 05:10:34 PM
Basically what I'm thinking of, Akrabbim. I agree...
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2002, 08:38:46 PM
Well, the four images thing sounds like it could be re-made into an illusion trick.
The modified saber is cool too.
Morgan Evanar
Dec 1st, 2002, 09:36:26 PM
Well, the four images thing sounds like it could be re-made into an illusion trick.
Yeah, but do you know how hard illusions are to do? I'm sorry, a Padawan off the bat shouldn't be able to pull 4 moving images of himself out of his ass.
Sejah Haversh
Dec 2nd, 2002, 02:36:37 AM
Goody goody gumdrops, I get to say something!
Well, all I have to say is probably a re-has of what the others said, but here goes, and it just might be humorous.
As to Strider skills, some I find acceptable, and others are rather outgageous. But, what I often find to be the problem is not the skill which is used, but the context it is used in and how well the writer thinks the move through.
See, I have always used a system I've dubbed "Fight Logic". As the name implies, it uses logic to rule the conflict, and everything should be thought throgh. The "Common Sense Nunchakau" are sometimes used to whack people, but I do try to refrain from using them too much as people occasionally mistake me for Bruce Lee.
When bringing in a character, the preferred way is as a blank slate. You might have a few life skills, but nothing better than what you yourself already are in real life if you had your chartacter's life. If you were a master martial artist, I'd expect that you would spend little time goofing off and playing around, and a lot of time practicing and being professional. A pilot would be more prone to work on his ship, and hang around with those who share similiar interests. If your character comes in with a great skill, make him or her suck even worse in other areas. If it is a skill such as great strength, perhaps you should be dim-witted, or maybe can only use one arm or something. Were you super fast, maybe you can only use your speed for a short time, and then have to nap for a few hours afterward to balance out all the energy you burned off.
In any case, be realisitic. I'm going to use Sejah as an example here. He hates me doing it, but, he doesn't have any say in the matter. So, here goes.
Sejah has a skill, and a good one at that. He is a near master-level fencer, and is competent in martial arts as well.
How did he get this way? I'm glad you asked. See, he came from the ghetto, but was able to join a local fencing school at the age of thirteen (he's 26 now). His master saw a desire in him, and Sejah became his main focus. He wasn't able to go to school, so, he essentially grew up in a fencing school instead. It's all he can do, his only real skill. But, it is a good one. Now, that didn't translate directly to a lightsaber, that still took some work, but odds are he could out-fence many here at the Order in a pitched duel. But his moves are mostly real, and I try to make all of them physically possible.
Super-moves, however, like instant illusions and mega-speed and strength are different though. Those would require massive amounts of concentration, especially speed. The mind can only think so fast, often slower than the body can react, so speed is one of the most insane powers to give a character. Strength requires muscle mass, and carbohydrates to burn as well. So, I would expect that you would spend a good deal of time eating after a battle because you've depleted your energy reserves.
I've now gotten sidetracked, but, my main point is that special powers require more than just an explaination of training. They require shortfalls in other areas as well, and you leaving the occasional hole to be hit through. Sure, ninjas are cool in movies, but they were little like that in real life. The reason you had a clan was because then you had members who could specialize. Not all of them could walk across a thread while thowing stars and doing ten backflips to land in freezing water where they held their breath for ten minutes before engaging in a sword battle with a master. Not bloody likely.
Try to stick to the physics of this universe first and foremost, and then, if you have to, do soem special moves; but don't jsut give the explaination that you're a super-character, actually explain your move. Think it out, and make sure it still makes sense. Logic is your ally, trust me.
Lion El' Jonson
Dec 2nd, 2002, 04:39:22 AM
Wow...Sejah literally tore thoughts out of my head, made them sound much nicer, and posted it. Damn, dude, you hit the nail on the head. I've been waiting for somebody to emphasize common sense...:lol
The "Common Sense Nunchakau" are sometimes used to whack people, but I do try to refrain from using them too much as people occasionally mistake me for Bruce Lee.
:D...The Stormriders have been hit with those so many times they've probably grown to be resistant to them...:lol
Helenias Evenstar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:12:25 AM
"Common Sense Nunchakau"
Ooh, I like that one. Can I have permission to use them?
Lion El' Jonson
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:14:33 AM
....Lucky me...Helen will probably whack my head off with those for trying to eat Jax...:lol
Wei Wu Wei
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:55:01 AM
How true, Sejah. Wei knows his Grandfather's martial art, but the price Wei paid for those was his lack of perceptiveness. He's very trusting and naive and gets himself into lots of trouble. I have two threads in which a Sith or a Dark Jedi caught me off guard and Wei's martial arts skills barely got him out of some tough scrapes.
Lion El' Jonson
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:08:27 PM
Such as the Waterfall thread?
imported_Lance Stormrider
Dec 6th, 2002, 08:41:06 PM
Originally posted by Figrin D'an
As has been suggested, a list of the "Strider" skills would be helpful. I'm sure some of them are legit and fair ideas, but there are issues with others. For that reason, to categorically rule on the matter without more detail being given would be ill advised.
If Lance and/or the other people that use these skills could compile a list of the techniques they have developed and give a brief explanation of each, it would be of great assistance.
WIll do dood ;)
Actually, Im not gonna read all the people's comments ^_^; sorry but Im really tired right. I will make a ist of the strider skills later cause right now I dont have much time to go on the puter (as you may have noticed) so probably in like 2 weeks. But anyways, about the 4 image technique I had thought about it myself and actually it doesnt bother me at all to let it go. Since I dont really use it. Also because of the last events in lance's life I think the strider thing will be something thta will dissapear from him his fighting, Ill just keep the sword style, star throwing and a bit of the agility.
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 22nd, 2003, 01:07:02 AM
* Bounce *
Seems this issue has come up again, and reading, I'm going to say one thing. Since we did not get any list of Strider powers to decide which ones are on and which ones are not, I'm tempted to simply declare them illegal in total. PLease address this issue ASAP. List them and explain them in the Force please. If this is not done within one week, there will be a GJO staff ruling anyway, which, on the basis of no-one coming forward, will be unfavorible I suspect. Simply by the fact there has been no list and no explaination does not look good.
I think getting a week to explain and list is, however, fair.
Figrin D'an
Feb 22nd, 2003, 06:07:07 AM
Perhaps a PM to Lance as well to jog his memory, in case he somehow misses the thread, would be prudent.
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 22nd, 2003, 03:38:28 PM
PM sent. Clock's ticking
imported_Lance Stormrider
Feb 22nd, 2003, 06:52:17 PM
Well havent really been active for the past 3 months, plus I did say I dont care bout the "strider" thing nemore. Me and Straffe decided we wouldnt use illusions and super speed thingys anymore. Plus I dont really have time to actually make a list THIS week. I'm a very short on time for the next 7 days
Marcus Telcontar
Feb 23rd, 2003, 06:07:57 PM
Then give me a date you will have the requested info ready.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Feb 24th, 2003, 05:15:12 PM
I told you. Forget about the Strider thing. I gave up on those skills the day Morgan made this thread, Straffe though misunderstood what I told him. So there is no need for me to do a list since I dont use the strider thing nemore, its just part of Lance's story and nothing else. I swear they wont be used by me again, as for Straffe I have to get in touch with him or at least make him read this thread >_<
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