View Full Version : Death Of Another Van Derveld

Galatea Van-Derveld
Nov 25th, 2002, 05:22:50 PM
Galatea ran through the streets of the crowded city, breathing heavily. She kept looking back through her long dark hair to see if he was following, but didn't see very well. She continued running, violent thoughts running through her mind. Her eyes were getting teary, but she was too occupied to run for her life than to cry. He finally found her. After a few months of tracking her down, he had found her. All that work that took her to run away from her horrible family for nothing ? She knew she couldn't win against Darius. He even killed Thanatos before. She wanted to avenge her little brother's death, but Darius was just too much to handle.

"Stop it !" She yelled, though no one seemed to have heard her. "Leave me alone, Darius !"

Darius Van-Derveld
Nov 26th, 2002, 02:32:05 PM
Darius thundered after her, coat flying in the wind.
through the haze of adrenaline from the chase, he saw her sprint off around a corner, and up a narrow alleyway.
without breaking stride, he smiled inwardly, and ducked into a sidestreet, which he knew would bring him out in front of her.

he stepped out of the alley, blocking her way with the lighted sabre he now held in one hand.

"evening, sis" he said, cheerfully. "nice night for a death, no?"

he wouldn't swing the sabre yet, he would wait, let her plead for life, let her hope she could escape... see if she would be fun

the outcome would be the same, of course, but the flame of life burned so brightly in her, it would be a shame not to watch it before he snuffed it out.

Galatea Van-Derveld
Nov 28th, 2002, 04:09:21 PM
"What do you want from me, Darius ?!" She cried out.

She held her clenched fists up on her chest, as if to protect herself, but knew it was useless. Tears strolled on each side of her cheeks as she stepped back slowly, her lower lip trembling.

"Why are you doing this ?! Why ??"

Darius Van-Derveld
Nov 30th, 2002, 04:26:51 PM
Darius reached out one hand to wipe the tear from his sister's cheek, and he looked at it for a second, before absently wiping it on his shirt.

"I am doing this, sister, to destroy the cancer which has been festering on the name of the Van-Dervelds for long enough." he said, coldly.

"So," he asked. "Going to sit there and die quietly, or try to redeem yourself by fighting?"

he decided to antagonise her further, and withdrew a long, silver chain from around his neck. on it hung a large, sharp fang, the root still stained with dried blood, attached to the chain by a small silver cap.

"Know what this is?" he taunted, dangling Thanatos's fang in front of his sister's face.

Morrigan Van-Derveld
Dec 1st, 2002, 07:51:34 AM
Morrigan had been puzzled as to why Darius left Volfstadt with such enthusiasm, though instead of questioning him later, she decided to see for herself. Now, the Lupine was slinking behind the two, a sibling and a girl that she herself contained a fragment of, among the shadows. The creature's dark fur stood on end for a moment. She could almost taste the fear coming from Galatea.

Licking her teeth, she set the saber she'd brought with her on the ground. Her features stretched and twisted, as she extended to her hind legs, her growing fingers remembering to lift the saber. Morrigan had recently, luckily, become more careful about switching back and forth in forms with her clothing. Otherwise, the large, ragged "x" still stitched across her chest with be visible.

Her bare feet made little sound as she strode forward, toward the twins. A grin slid over her face, her eyes, studdying Galatea. In all honesty, she wasn't sure if she was supposed to defend the woman, or join in the fun of killing her.

"Tsk..Darius, brother dear, it's not very nice to go on such an amusing mission by yourself."

Darius Van-Derveld
Dec 1st, 2002, 03:10:13 PM
He looked around, recognising the prescence of Morrigan even before he heard her voice.

"Decided to join us Morrigan?" he asked, pleasantly.

he quickly re-assessed the situation, before turning back to Galatea.

"Quite the family reunion, hm? You, me.... and Thanatos, in a way."

though whether she will act as Thanatos would, is yet to be seen, he thought, icily.

Galatea Van-Derveld
Dec 1st, 2002, 06:24:13 PM
"Morrigan ..?" Galatea sobbed. "Who ..."

But it wasn't time to ask questions. Galatea stepped back at the sight of that chain, trying to take her eyes off of those canines that were once her brother's.

Darius Van-Derveld
Dec 4th, 2002, 03:59:40 PM
Darius grinned, knowing how the sight of the fangs affected her.
"And mine, somehow, still seem to be attached," he said, letting the sharp tips of his own canines show over his lip, he continued:

"Even going to try to knock them out, or just going to let me finish you off like I killed Thanatos?" another grin, and a slight incline of the head, to indicate Morrigan,
"A clone of Thanatos, made by Mother.... I don't think even she would bother to make a clone of someone as worthless as you."

Morrigan Van-Derveld
Dec 8th, 2002, 09:12:31 AM
"Now now, Darius.. To be fair, I have some of sister dear's DNA in me, as well." A wicked grin spread over her lips as she turned to face Galatea, her eyes wild with bloodlust.

"How do you think this is going to feel, Galatea? Not only being killed by your twin brother... But by a set of hands that, if it weren't for you, may not even exist." She pulled a sympathetic face, before grinning again, her head tilting to the side. Her fingers, tipped with painted claws, ran across Galatea's cheek, scraping over the skin just enough to draw blood.

"I was made because your sorry <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> is exactly that. Sorry. Weak. Pathetic. That's all you've ever been, my dear.. And, sadly, that's all you ever will be."

Darius Van-Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:09:08 PM
He looked, approvingly, at Morrigan. She proved that there was still nothing wrong with Van-Derveld blood, that it was just his sister's own failings that had made her so weak.

the blood running freely down his twin's face... that was Van-Derveld blood. pure blood, despite Galatea's weakness.

he ran a finger through it, and tasted it, looking her dead in the eye.

"Fight me." he commanded. She looked at him, numb.

"FIGHT ME!!" he commanded, rage snapping in his voice, as he swung a boot hard into her ribcage.

Van-Derveld blood wouldn't die quietly.

Dec 16th, 2002, 03:33:23 PM
Something, with the weight of the bantha, was thundering through the city streets. It wasn’t just running, it was snarling, growling and making all manner of ferocious noises. The three Van-Dervelds could here it coming, and one would find a certain comfort in it. The hulking blue figure was that of Naa-nuk, the feral chieftain and Sith warrior who had become a permanent travelling partner and guardian for Galatea. In his left paw an immense spear was gripped and ready to be driven beneath the flesh of the one’s attacking his companion, whilst the gaping maw of fangs he bore naturally was eager to tear them limb from limb.

A resonate roar rushed out of the beasts lips, with the underlying sound of the words: “UNHAND HER!”

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 03:52:28 PM
There the sith stood...far off in the distance. His black robes bellowed out at the bottom from the changing winds. The glint of gunmetal grey and sapphire blue could be seen ever so often from under that ominous hood. He looked out to the Van Dervelds in question...And watch as they went about killing one another...such a pity. such a pity, indeed...

Darius Van-Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 04:04:31 PM
Darius heard the roar, and turned from the prone body of his sister to face the howling creature.

a harsh laugh escaped his lips, as he recognised Naa-nuk, the pathetic excuse for a protector which had evidently followed Galatea into the alley.

"Fine," he replied to the cry, "She was getting boring anyway."

he looked the creature over, assessing how it would probably fight.

"no chance of fighing it man to man....." he thought, half aloud...
"Better just kill it off quick then, like all the other unwanted animals."

the sabre ignited in his left hand, and he crossed it fast towards the creature's torso.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 04:06:29 PM
He shook his head lightly as he muttered to himself...

"Vega...dear brother, what has become of your children?"

He sighed lightly as he watched the onslaught ensue.

Dec 24th, 2002, 07:07:40 AM
“Run, Galatea,” the huge creature’s voice boomed into the girls mind as the blade of Darius saber caught down against its stomach. A second blow wouldn’t be permitted, however, and Naa-nuk brought down the quantium spear on a full body guard to fend off another hit from the red haired idiot. This down, he drove the saber-resistant pike out, aimed straight at Darius gut.

Galatea Van-Derveld
Dec 24th, 2002, 09:42:33 AM
She stood up, slowly, holding onto her wounds. She didn't want to run, she knew today was the end. It was no use in resisting her brother, and that ... That thing, he called a sister. She stood behind Naa-nuk, reaching up for him.

"Stop it ! It's no use !"

Darius Van-Derveld
Dec 24th, 2002, 09:56:03 AM
Darius sidestepped the pike neatly,

"This is how it's done..." he murmured, driving the sabre forward at the creature's stomach, in almost an exact mirror image of the beast's move.

he thought it would be nicely poetic to skewer both the protector and charge in one swift movement, but knew for a fact that the sabre was too short to run them both through.

Dec 26th, 2002, 09:56:11 AM
The lightsaber punctured his insides as any blade would have done, though instantly sealed up wounds within as it made its course. In the fury of anger, the beast only continued to charge forward and planted both huge paws on Darius’ shoulders. Being a Sith, as such, it too could draw on pain, and at this very moment it was at a zenith of agony.


Darius Van-Derveld
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:19:55 PM
Darius' eyes lit up with sadistic glee, the creature would fight on would it?

he understood the way it drew on the pain, and looked into its mad, rolling eyes, holding their gaze as as the creature scrabbled at him.

one leisurely turn lopped the dying beast's head from its shoulders, and sent it flying into Darius's outstreched hand. He raised it, holding it by it's plaited hair, and slung it, hard, at Galatea.

Risevli Ark'ak
Dec 26th, 2002, 09:41:43 PM

Galatea Van-Derveld
Jan 20th, 2003, 02:15:41 PM
Galatea's attempt to run failed, when Naa-Nuk was thrown into her. She sat up and looked down at the creature, the tears still streaming down the side of her face. She bit on her lower lip, before looking up to Darius.

"Why are you doing this ?! I need to know !" She yelled at him.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jan 20th, 2003, 03:21:54 PM
"Why do you think?" he replied, loud, but calm, as if talking to an idiot. "There's a cancer growing on the Van-Derveld line, I cut out half of it, only a bit more to go...." He drew the sabre again, lighting it, hovering the blade over her.

"Get up. Just one punch, however ill-excecuted, and you might earn a bit of respect in this family."

Galatea Van-Derveld
Jan 20th, 2003, 03:31:27 PM
"I am not going to fight you, Darius."

Galatea let Naa-Nuk lay down as she stood up slowly, stepping away from the lightsaber discreetly. Her legs trembled. She knew it was the end, and she should just give up. The look in Darius' eyes angered her. She took out suddenly a laser gun and aimed it a few centimeters in the air, close to Darius' face before shooting, aiming to only scar his face.

"I never wanted to be part of your godamned family."

Darius Van-Derveld
Jan 20th, 2003, 03:37:30 PM
The projectile quite neatly cut a lock of hair from the side of his head, and left a thin burn line. It hurt like hell, but he wouldnt show it.

"Well done, my dear." he sighed, he supposed it was time to finish this.

its been fun


Darius smashed forward, hard, one elbow crushing into Galatea’s solar plexus.

She crumpled back into the wall, her head hitting the solid concrete with a sickening crack.

Dearest father….

Darius wiped the line of blood from his temple, regarding his hand, with the few strands of red hair clotted into the blood on it.

….I am writing to inform you, that……

He smiled into his terrified sister’s eyes, she needn’t worry, it would all be done soon, and took the sabre back, behind him, the tip of the blade still pointing toward Galatea’s heart.

….the job I started with Thanatos…..

he snapped the sabre forward, suddenly, watching the blade sink into her, then withdraw just as quickly, leaving no sign of its presence but a slowly spreading red stain. He looked into her eyes, as she registered the shock of death, then let her fall to the ground.

…is now….

He toed the cooling corpse over with one boot, so she lay face up in the gutter, knelt by her, and rolled back her upper lip. His fingers closed around one distinctive Lupine incisor, and snapped it free, wrenching the root out through her gum.

He twisted it round with a snip of wire, and hung it, still running with her blood, on the chain around his neck, next to the larger fang which had belonged to her brother.

[…. Finished.]

Darius stood up, taking one last look at the lifeless body of his twin.

"Come, Morrigan." he commanded, absently, almost having forgotten her. He tossed a bloodied fang to her, before stalking away without even looking back.