View Full Version : Relaxing After A Long Day(Open)

Bunny Rourke
Nov 25th, 2002, 11:27:13 AM
The day is coming to a close and what all has happened. Some ppl will dwell on that. Others, well, they are just happy that they day is over. Not for Bueneka Rourke. Older sister to Natia. Only sister to Natia. This had been a long and hard day for her. Coming back here after being gone for awhile, only to find that her sister is no longer with the Jedi. The day couldn't have gotten any worse. Or so she had thought only an hour ago. Now she's just sitting in the B&G with bruises all over her and a new knife slash on her face. She calls over a waiter and orders a pitcher of Corellian Whiskey. Not to her surprise, she's told that they only sell it by the glass today, but after a short yelling match, he finally agrees to bring her a pitcher and a glass. After what seems like forever, the Whiskey is finally placed on the table infront of her and a glass is poured. Bunny takes a huge gulp of it and makes a funny face as she swallows.

"Now to find somebody who is willing to talk, my day just might get up from being rock bottom."

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 25th, 2002, 03:50:03 PM
"Hello, my friend." A warm, kind voice sounded behind her as she could feel the touch of a soft hand lightly on her shoulder. Turning, she saw the man--medium height, medium build, and short, blonde hair. By the look of him, he was a Jedi Padawan, with the familiar hair cut. A caring smile fell across his face as he spoke. "My name is Terran Starek, Jedi Padawan to Verse Dawnstrider and memeber of the Greater Jedi Order."

"Have you come to relax in Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill?" He asked, this time with a grin on his face. "Many come here to unwind. However, not so many with such a weary and roughed up disposition." He spoke of the bruises and the slash across her face. The wounds looked stabilized, but he was sure they had not been pleasant to recieve. "Might I join you?"

Bunny Rourke
Nov 26th, 2002, 10:12:46 AM
Bunny turns around, her hand dropping to her side where she normallly wears her blaster, only to remember she had to hand it over upon entering the B&G. Blinking her ice blue eyes she looks Terran over before motioning for him to join her.

"Hello Terran. So, your the Padawan to my little sisters Grandfather are you. Anyways, my names Bunny."

Bunny glances around after taking her black sunglasses that are propped on her head off and placing them on the table. Her clothing is all tight black leather.

"Yes, I came here to relax knowing that if any of my previous employers wish to tell me off again today, they would be crazy to do that while I'm here. Oh, one more thing, don't even think of making fun of my name because this bunny bites, and after she bites, most of the time, ppl end up seriously injured or dead. I'm just warning you so you aren't taken by surprise."

Bunny takes another gulp of her Whiskey before leaning forward to talk some more with Terran.

"Tell me something Terran, do you know of a girl called Natia Dawnstrider?"

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 26th, 2002, 01:15:44 PM
"Rest assured, Miss Bunny, there will be no need for biting." He smiled and chuckled a bit at his joke. He did take the woman seriously, though her name was Bunny. It was a clever way to fool those who would not take her seriously, he was sure of that.

"Natia Dawnstrider...the name is familiar in some way, but I do not believe we have met. She is your sister, you say? Is your name Dawnstrider as well?" He thought back to his encounters. Perhaps the Dawnstrider name just struck a chord in him. He was very...connected to the family in a couple ways.

"Would I be out of line to question who your 'previous employers' were? Perhaps why you have come here with that incredible slash across your face?" He said these things in a friendly tone--no accusations or threatening tones in his voice were heard.

Bunny Rourke
Nov 27th, 2002, 10:59:12 AM
Bunny laughs slightly at the thought of herself being in the Dawnstrider family. No, it was best that she left her little sister in the capable hands of those who could raise her without the risk of serious injury to her.

"Natia Dawnstrider is my younger sister yes, but no, I am not a Dawnstrider. After she came to the Jedi Academy here, she became friends with Xazor and shortly after that, Xazor adopted her."

Bunny gets a thoughtful expression on her face as she leans back in her seat and takes another sip of her whiskey.

"I offer my services to those who can pay my price. I had to make a living somehow after I moved away from home. If somebody needs killing, I kill them. If somebody needs to be captured, I do that. I'd do anything for the right price more or less, though I will not kill my family. As for the knife slash on my face, I've had worse. I didn't complete a job and the person who hired me to kill the person hired some other ppl to capture me and bring me to them. You know how things are if your dealing with criminals and crime lords. Though what my employers don't understand is that I can detect all danger coming my way.

Natia and I are the lucky ones. We're the Force users of our family though she's the one wanting to get completly trained in the usage of them. Why you so curious about my previous employers?"

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 27th, 2002, 10:33:10 PM
He took a long sip of the water he had just ordered.

"Just curious, I suppose," he said, with a grin. He was just curious. Meeting and greeting people that entered Yog's Bar and Grill was something he rather enjoyed doing. He also enjoyed learning of their pasts, their cultures, and their attitudes. It was a diverse bunch of people from all around the galaxy, and he enjoyed what each and every being had to offer.

"You say that you are a Force user? When have you been trained to use it?" His question was phrased politely, as all his questions were. He aimed to spark conversation and learn about others--not pry or offend.

Bunny Rourke
Nov 28th, 2002, 12:29:57 PM
Bunny smiles slightly.

"I got my Force training from my legal guardian shortly after I left home. I wasn't thrilled with the way he taught so I left to live on my own.

But tell me somthing, what about meeting new ppl do you like??"

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 29th, 2002, 12:19:41 PM
It became obvious that she could at least feel the traces of the Force, for she had sensed his happiness in conversation with her and his thoughts that laid on meeting others. He wondered what she had focused her training on, an open thought that perhaps she would recieve if she was paying any attention to his thoughts.

"Most everything, I'd say. Every single soul is different, and each has much to tell of itself. Sometimes they are praises, sometimes they are sorrows, sometimes they just details." He smiled warmly. "And, perhaps, to give them a friendly welcome here. It's good for the weary travelers that frequent this bar and grill to be greated warmly by the Jedi."

"How was your guardian affiliated with the Force? Was this person a Jedi?" His question was again inquisitve, but not pushy or impolite. A simple question.

Bunny Rourke
Nov 29th, 2002, 01:59:58 PM
Bunny smiles to herself.

"What makes you think that I can just feel the traces of the Force Terran?? Perhaps it is my culture that has taught me to read ppl as if they are an open book.

Regardless, it is good to know that someone is interested in welcoming travellers when they arrive here."

Bunny takes a large gulp of her whiskey before continueing to speak.

"My legal guardian was not Jedi. If he is, I probably would have stayed and continued my training. As it was, he was training me to be Sith like him. I now use the Force whenever I want to get something done which I can't get done without it. If I use my anger, I use my anger, if not, I don't.

You know something, you are a very interesting person to read. You are exceedingly curious about things, but you politely find things out, not like most really curious ppl.

And to answer a question that you are probably wanting an answer to, I don't use the Force to read ppl. That is just taking the easy way out. I just look at you and by the way you hold yourself, the way you speak, in general, you body language gives me a ninety-five percent chance at correctly guessing what your thinking. If I'm lazy, I will use the Force to peek into somebodies mind to figure out what they are thinking, but most of the time, the ppl I'm talking to will just use there body language to tell me without even realizing that they are telling me. If I'm confusing you, please, just let me know and I will try to clarify things for you."

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 29th, 2002, 04:53:57 PM
"No, your explanation was quite clear, I assure you." He smiled. He had underestimated her talents. Something he would need to work on. Perhaps he could mention it to Master Verse so that they could further his training on reading the skills and strengths of others. Something to remember.

"Sounds like you are fairly well trained, then. I understand your philosophy of the Force, however, I would caution you, as is my duty, to be weary of your anger. It can take control of you, in some cases." He spoke as soft and gentle as a friend. It was not a disciplining tone nor was it a fatherly tone. It was as a friend--nuetral and caring.

"I try to be friendly," he said in response to her compliment. "It is the duty of a Jedi to be warm and to respect others. I like to make those that come to this place feel respected and recieved."

Bunny Rourke
Nov 30th, 2002, 10:31:39 AM
Bunny smiles at the thought of her being well trained in the Force.

"I am well trained in my cultures ways. Everybody of my culture is well trained from when they are just little kids. Every where from reading others to communicating with others through just body language. All without even using the Force. As for me being well trained in the Force, I'm no where near as good as I could be if I sat down and got complete training. I'm good enough that I don't have many ppl sneaking up on me.

I know full well that my anger can take control over me if I use it to much. To protect myself from actually becoming Sith, or even just a Dark Jedi, I only use the Force when I need to since I have no training in the Lightside, nor am I going to seek it in the near future.

As to it being a Jedi's duty to be warm and respectful of others, it's only there duty if they want it to be. I've come across Jedi which have been exceedingly rude to me, just because I dress in black"

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 30th, 2002, 03:25:12 PM
"I am sorry that this has been the case, Miss Bunny," Terran frowned sympathetically. "I guess any one group of people can be a diverse one. The Jedi are no exception. Some are personable and kind...others are not so friendly." He thought of the Jedi he knew. Most would at least respect another's presence. He wondered if there were Jedi who were blatantly rude or uncaring in innappropriate times. He guessed that they could be.

"You talk much of your culture. Tell me, where are you from?" Once again, his kind, inquisitive voice was as soft and gentle as the smile he sported.

Bunny Rourke
Dec 1st, 2002, 11:39:37 AM
Bunny laughs lightly, a happy cheerful sound, not one that you would expect from one dressed as she is.

"You have nothing to apologize for Terran. It's not your fault that some Jedi are rude and inconsiderate. It's not even your job or duty to make sure that Jedi behave the way that they are suppose to behave."

Bunny gets a very happy look on her face as thought of her culture race through her head.

"I was born on a colony planet. The ppl who colonized it were from the planet Lorrd. Though the town that I grew up in was not one that I would have wanted to grow up in. My Father ruled there, and his word was law. What was worse was he treated his family worse then he did the slaves he kept. Those of us that he was willing to keep, he gave us names that are degrading. That's the main reason why I use an alias for a name. One which throws my prey off guard. The planet itself is very beautiful. Forests everywhere, rivers, lakes, you name it, if it's beautiful, it's there."

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 1st, 2002, 02:54:03 PM
"Nature abundant, that does sound like a very beautiful place." He smiled thoughtfully, thinking of how her planet must look. The Living Force was undoubtedly very strong there, with all of the nature that grew. He would like to visit it, as few were planets were as rich with life as the natural ones.

"I imagine that the name 'Bunny' does not strike fear into the hearts of your opponents." He chuckled. "For someone who does the jobs you do, however, it seems to be a wise choice." He found that though she had such a rough background, she seemed fairly personable. Perhaps it was just that he was polite enough to inviter her conversation, but Terran believed it was because good rested in her heart.

Bunny Rourke
Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:52:54 AM
Bunny gets a slight smirk on her face as she looks at Terran.

"Everybody has at least a bit of good in there heart. From the most cruel person, to the nicest. There is good in all. Some choose to refuse it, that is all. Me, I do what I must to live. I don't go out of my way to hurt ppl because if I did that, it would make me no better then my Father.

Even before I got any training in the Force, I would go to this spot just outside of town where there is a little pond and a stream in a clearing. I would sit down on a stump that has been there for ages and I would imagine being a Force user. I would pretend that I would lift a rock from the ground and spin it around the clearing. Well, you can imagine my surprise when I succeeded in actually doing just that."

Bunny takes a sip of her whiskey and makes another funny face.

"Why do I drink this stuff. Oh well.

You are quite correct. My name doesn't strike fear in my opponents hearts. At least it didn't at first. If I'm hunting in my normal area, well, if a person gets me on there tail, they worry and make there last Will which they give to me with the request to give it to there family. They've learned that I'm only doing my job, nothing more. Though someday, I wish to settle down with a family of my own and to watch over my little sister. She's had it worse then me. Not having any buffer from our Father's anger. It's no surprise that she killed him with her anger.

Tell me Terran, where do you come from??"

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:42:12 AM
Terran listened to her words. Sometimes, he doubted the ideals of those who did this kind of work because it was 'just a job.' Afterall, he believed in pouring oneself into what one did. Even a Sith had his heart in killing. He hid these thoughts from Bunny as a Jedi could, keeping his own disagreements secret.

"I can see that you are professional in your work, keeping it seperate from your own heart. This is a good thing. Remember to keep your head." He smiled. "I can see that you will, you are a very headstrong woman."

"I come from a planet called Gias. It is not well known--it lies past the Outer- Rim. However, it is much like you describe your own. It is beatiful--rich with nature and spirit." He thought of his home thoughtfully. "It is a wonderful place. I should like to visit it again sometime."

Bunny Rourke
Dec 3rd, 2002, 09:53:29 AM
"I may be a professional in my line of work, but it's not something I enjoy doing. I started in my work so I could search the galaxy for my sister. I had found her, but now the Jedi have let her turn to the Darkside, to continue the training our guardian started with her. I just hope that she will see that error and come back here to finish her learning. She is loved here, and I doubt she is loved where she is now."

Bunny smiles at the description of Gias. It definatly sounds like her homeworld.

"Sounds like home to me. I just wish I could go back home. You're fortunate, you can go back home if you wish to. I can't while my legal guardian is there. Not that he has the responcibilities to take care of me now, but, it's just that, if I go back, oh, why should I be bothering you with my limitations. Your a very lucky person Terran. A very lucky person."

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 3rd, 2002, 04:32:44 PM
Terran smiled as she spoke. He a lucky person? Perhaps. He was surrounded by people that cared about him, people he cared for. He had friends and mentors and trainers and a lover here--it had all fallen into place. So much, however, of his life had been wasted to the Dark side and then to almost Force-blindness. He didn't consider it to have been the best path in life, but then again, it had made him who he was today--and that was what really mattered.

"Perhaps through your strong-will, Miss Bunny, you will one day return to your home, strong enough to face the troubles you left." He was hopeful for the girl--that she would and could achieve a proper homecoming.

Bunny Rourke
Dec 5th, 2002, 01:37:55 PM
Bunny nods her head slightly.

"I may someday be able to go home again, but when that day comes, it will mean that I am very desperate. The troubles I left behind, well, the main one is gone. I know though that if I go back, especially now, my life will forever be in darkness. If I go back while he's there, he will continue my training so I don't risk going there at all. The only way for me to avoid having him continue training me is to bring someone he wants more. Only person I know of for that is my sister Natia, and well, Xazor would never allow that and I would never consider doing that."

Bunny goes silent for a couple of minutes.

"I'm truly sorry for putting all my problems onto you, but you seem nice enough to listen. And, well, it's quite refreshing to have somebody listen for a change."

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 5th, 2002, 02:44:20 PM
"Please, think nothing of it." Terran smiled, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "This is my home and, as a guest, I am honored by your company." He hoped that perhaps he had personified how truly kind and compassionate a Jedi could be. He wanted Bunny to leave this Bar and Grill feeling confident that the Jedi were a great group of people, true to their core being--seeking peace.

"I should only wish that you feel comfortable here and welcome." He smiled as he spoke, giving off a warm aura with the Force. He had that skill down well--he could portray a kind spirit (which was his true spirit) in any situation, no matter how he felt. In this one, in his good mood today, it was very pleasant.

Bunny Rourke
Dec 6th, 2002, 10:38:24 AM
"If I didn't feel comfortable here on my first visit, which didn't go to well I might add, I would not have come back. I know for sure that this is a safe haven and that I can regain my stregnth from the last fight I was in while I am in here."

Bunny smiles and for the first time since getting here, it is a truly happy smile.

"Really, the only thing to make this a better day for me is for Natia to show up and reassure me that she is in perfect health."

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 6th, 2002, 01:30:12 PM
"Well, I hope that this happens for you, Miss Bunny, as I would wish that you would have a good day." He smiled, coming to his feet. Laying down a credit for his drink, he pulled his cloak back onto his shoulders.

"I greatly apologize for cutting this visit short, my friend, but I must be going. I have to meet an appointment." He extended a hand to her and bowed his head slightly.

"It was pleasure to meet you, Miss Bunny, and I wish the best for you." He waited for her response.