View Full Version : How soon is now? (open)

Torriana Marx
Nov 25th, 2002, 09:31:30 AM
When you say it's gonna happen 'now'
Well, what exactly do you mean?
See I've already waited too long
And all my hope is gone

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way?

I am human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does


The streets of lower level Coruscant were, to the ordinary passer-by, hostile and unsafe. Thugs and freaks of the highest order roamed these parts, on the constant lookout for their next victim: anyone displaying the slightest sign of vulnerability, wealth, or status. Blasters and switchblades were necessary articles to even the youngest urchin; muggings and assault, just another day out on the town.

She paced slowly down a lane, wading through the near-impenetrable carpet of litter and garbage, and occasionally nodding to the punks sitting hunched in some doorway or other. Only a few even acknowledged her presence; a mere fraction of those bothered to respond, and when they did, it was usually in the form of a grunt.

To Torriana, this was home.

The Jedi had embraced her with open arms, but they couldn't rid of the wayward rat that still existed in her heart. For her part, Torri made no attempt to forget her personal history: after all, if she didn't have something to look back to, what point would there be in building a new future? Her past was her identity. Without it, she was just another mindless zombie, emulating the masses.

Stopping outside the entrance to a homeless shelter, she glanced around. Everything appeared as it had when she left. It seemed that the more things changed... the more they stayed the same. Torriana was no exception.

Kyle Krogen
Nov 25th, 2002, 12:35:29 PM
Kyle had been out for a stroll in the slums of coruscant he remembered how he had grown up on streets like the one he was on

he wasnt afraid of any of the bums and thugs because he was a jedi and was armed with a lighsaber

as he walked he noticed a young woman walking all by herself he decided to follow her to make sure she didnt get hurt

Kyle kept to the shadows hoping she woud not hear ot see him

she stopped kyle ran into a nearby alley as he entered the alley he crashed into a couple garbage cans that fell over makeing a loud noice that he was sure the young woman had heared.

Torriana Marx
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:25:36 PM
Her thoughts were quickly brought back to the present at the sudden clamor sounding from behind. Frowning, Torri swiveled around and walked down the street, away from the small building she was facing, then turned left as she came to a narrow alleyway.

One brow rose. "...hello."

Kyle Krogen
Nov 30th, 2002, 03:25:38 PM
Kyle hid behind one of the falled garbage cans wondering of she had seen her yet

she stood there not moving so Kyle came out of his hiding spot "hello".

Torriana Marx
Dec 13th, 2002, 04:43:51 PM
She placed her hands on her hips as the man literally came out of hiding. "Any real reason why you were following me?"