View Full Version : Need a S.T.A.R.S team
Jill Valentine
Nov 22nd, 2002, 07:12:33 PM
Someone come help me out please. My thread is the one in Storytelling called infiltrate. Come help me please. ANYBODY!!!!!!
Jill Valentine
Nov 22nd, 2002, 10:22:01 PM
Okay someone who has played Resident Evil and knows alot about it. I need three characters that are willing to do this permanently. I need an Alber Wesker. I need a William Birkin. I also need an Alexia Ashford. Thanks everyone. Bye
Ceres Duvall
Nov 24th, 2002, 04:23:19 AM
I know a lot about Resident Evil, I'm a total freak. But I dunno who Alexia is. o.O If she's from one of the newer games, I haven't played them yet(which includes any Gamecube games there have been. I also didn't play the gameboy version or the n64 version. Dunno if those had different storylines or not). Plus I dunno how you're able to mix this with a Star wars universe.
Jill Valentine
Nov 24th, 2002, 10:47:09 AM
Yeah its kinda hard. But hey its all just imagination so its cool. Alexia is the main villain from Code Veronica. She is the head of Umbrella Corporation and cirectly descended from Veronica the founder. She is very powerful and has the ability to like morph into a tyrant type form and then back. So its only if you want too.
Nov 24th, 2002, 11:05:42 AM
Im a big,, BIG RE fan but i dont think i will join in, we are talking about a SW resident evil thread correct?.
Ceres Duvall
Nov 24th, 2002, 03:41:48 PM
Oh yeah, forgot about Code Veronica. I never got through that, I got stuck immediatly and I'm one to not look in a guide or get help. LMAO So there it sits..
Jill Valentine
Nov 24th, 2002, 06:25:53 PM
Okay I need a S.T.A.R.S team for Jill. We found a way to make it Star Wars related so please help me guys. I do not ask for much. I need a techinical guy, a communications expert, a pilot, two sharpshooters, and a weapons expert. Thanks anybody who wants to participate. Just sign up here. Thanks again.
Makoto Neo
Nov 24th, 2002, 06:30:15 PM
I'd be interested in creating a char to fill one of your sharpshooter spots.
What's the 'tech 'secs on the group?
Jill Valentine
Nov 24th, 2002, 06:53:12 PM
He's the guy who has all the keycards and works all the computers. Yeah thats it.
Makoto Neo
Nov 24th, 2002, 06:54:20 PM
Errr... ;-;
I ment the Techinical specifications,
what do they do, how and so forth ^^;;
Derric Rienhardt
Nov 24th, 2002, 07:14:08 PM
Sharpshooter # 1 Filled, Mako here ;)
Ishan Shade
Nov 24th, 2002, 08:42:23 PM
I've got a character for Sharpshooter #2, he's an upcoming bounty hunter so this may fit his stotyline well.....i will post in a bit with my character so sharpshooter 2 is filled.
Nash Stolar
Nov 25th, 2002, 12:33:26 AM
I'll be intrested in the Pilot or Weapons expert spot, take your pick and I'll make up a char and get mako *kicks him* to make me a sig. :D
Nov 25th, 2002, 01:09:05 AM
Merged threads.
Makoto Neo
Nov 25th, 2002, 05:31:25 AM
Originally posted by Nash Stolar
I'll be intrested in the Pilot or Weapons expert spot, take your pick and I'll make up a char and get mako *kicks him* to make me a sig. :D
That was mean :-p
Jill Valentine
Nov 25th, 2002, 05:28:08 PM
Okay Nash you take the weapons expert. Love the sig!!!!! Can you make one like that for Jill. Anywho....technical specifications, K basically they come in with Jill on her missions. First though there will be an intiation. The sharpshooters are kinda cocky. They come in and cover Jill when she needs it. They carry usually a sniper rifle, a magnum, and if they dont want the sniper then a shotgun. The technical guy carries alot of equipment. The pilot carries a handgun and a shotgun. The technical guy has a magnum. Weapons expert...youre lucky. You get a magnum, a berretta, a flamethrower, and a submahcine gun. Downside you dont have any extra ammo. Whenever we need our weapons fixed though your there. Communications, a portable sattelite, a computer, a revolver, and a radio. Well thats it. Besides that...if you want to make a sig go to and then the games titles. Hey if u make me a sig use the pictures from the best place ya can. Thanks.
Captain Tyle
Nov 25th, 2002, 05:46:50 PM
You may want to reconsider how you're going about this. Borrowing elements is one thing, but going practically verbatim is another entirely. The first post I've read is like you've ripped it straight from Resident Evil. Be creative, and don't rely on the work of others to fill your posts. There's no need to have a Jill Valentine from S.T.A.R.S. who fights against Umbrella Corp and zombies, using weapons from Earth. See where I'm going?
Jill Valentine
Nov 25th, 2002, 06:23:11 PM
Okay people get off my case!!!!!! This is imagination! I can do this because I found someone who will help me tie it in to the star wars universe. So get off my back!!! Leave me alone about it!!!! Thank you sorry to get mad.
Captain Tyle
Nov 25th, 2002, 06:25:59 PM
Then take said imagination and start putting it to use, because what has been done so far is profoundly lacking imagination. Its not too hard to change up a few things, so what's the big deal? Don't blow up next time somebody offers some constructive criticism.
Nov 25th, 2002, 06:40:33 PM
Well al you guys have been picking on me. I dont want a lightsaber, i dont want stupid future weapons. I am not going up against sith or anything. I am just saying that i wish peeps would leave me alone about it. Now someone needs to tell me where the thread is that they are talking about me. I need to know so i can see what everyone thinks about me. Plese post the link. Thanks.
Nov 25th, 2002, 06:41:10 PM
Sorry i control tomak and ansatsu too.
Gurney Devries
Nov 25th, 2002, 06:47:39 PM
Originally posted by Ansatsu
I dont want a lightsaber, i dont want stupid future weapons. I am not going up against sith or anything.
Captain Tyle
Nov 25th, 2002, 06:50:35 PM
Then use a blaster, or a rail gun, or some other kind of mass-driven particle weapon.
Now someone needs to tell me where the thread is that they are talking about me. I need to know so i can see what everyone thinks about me. Plese post the link. Thanks.
What on earth are you talking about?
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 25th, 2002, 06:57:03 PM
Who knows, but I wouldn;t be surprised if there was such a thread. People sure do like to give old Ansatsu/Jill/Tomak a hard time. You people need to learn how to respect other people's creativity or lack there of and let them do what they want sometimes. In other words, leave Tomak alone. Quit giving him the raw deal in RPs, stop harassing him OOC. It makes me so mad.
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:02:26 PM
This is not an example of disrespect for the person's skills, this is a case of respect for copyright laws. Plagiarism is illegal, plain and simple. And besides, this board is not a Resident Evil Role-play board, it is a Star Wars Role-play board.
Captain Tyle
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:02:31 PM
Did it ever occur that we "give a hard time" due to the possibility of seeing something that needs to be fixed? I'm sorry, but if you're at a SW board, and you want to do a Resident Evil RP that has nothing whatsoever to do with SW, then you probably need to find a RE board. Nothing wrong with borrowing a few ideas here and there, and melding them into SW, but there's zero creativity here. Its not a verbatim rip, otherwise he would have gotten a warning similar to the one that the Ninjai guy got for plagiarizing that work.
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:05:12 PM
Oh god....
I smell a flamefest brewing.
OKay, you will all step away from your PC's take a breath and discuss issues respectfully and with matureity.
Else I'm closing this thread immediatly.
Edit : I'm not takign sides or singling out anyone... I just have a bad feeling that I sense someone is going to up the ante. Please dont - think before replying in anger
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:08:02 PM
I understand your concerns, Marcus, but this is an issue that needs to be addressed. I think Tyle offered constructive criticism in the most polite manner possible.
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:11:32 PM
For anyone interested here is our current copyright statement for our forums..
Notice that Resident Evil is not mentioned.
Jill Valentine
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:12:56 PM
Okay i am going to be calm here. Plagirism.....we are copying star wars. We use there universe and lightsabers and some people even use the names and storylines from star wars. I bring in resident evil and i am getting in trouble. We all are plagirizing. Also the way i am tying it into star wars is through fiend. His cells will be infecting dead bodies. They will then bite people and infect them. So thats how i do it. I prefer to use real weapons instead of lightsabers and other stuff. Guys plaease dont crap over all of this. Thanks again. I am very sorry.
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:13:21 PM
True. But ever been criticized all the time for no reason at all? It gets you so upset that when good, constructive criticism comes along, you can;t take it. Believe me, I know. It's happened to me alot.
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:14:24 PM
Originally posted by Jill Valentine
Okay i am going to be calm here. Plagirism.....we are copying star wars. We use there universe and lightsabers and some people even use the names and storylines from star wars. I bring in resident evil and i am getting in trouble. We all are plagirizing. Also the way i am tying it into star wars is through fiend. His cells will be infecting dead bodies. They will then bite people and infect them. So thats how i do it. I prefer to use real weapons instead of lightsabers and other stuff. Guys plaease dont crap over all of this. Thanks again. I am very sorry. We are protected in using ideas from Star Wars by our copyright statement. I cannot go modifying our Copyright statement for every little thing that comes along. This is SWFans as in Star Wars, lets stick to that. :)
Captain Tyle
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:18:51 PM
All we're asking is to modify the storyline so it isn't a full-on port of RE. I mean, you even used the exact names from Resident Evil. How hard is it to use another name? Jill Valentine, STARS, Umbrella...see where I'm going?
Jill Valentine
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:21:20 PM
We had sayians. We had final fantasy. Why is it i bring in resident evil and i get in trouble. Now im all depressed and I dont know what to do anymore. I am just thinking no one likes me or my chars. No one roleplays with either ansatsu or tomak. Jill is starting to get hated now. I dont know what to do. I am sorry. I know you guys are bein constructive but i just dont know what to think anymore.
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:22:36 PM
Because in this instance exact names from the series of games are being used verbatim. The FF, Sayin and other ideas used did not use exact "intellectual property" in that fashion.
Gurney Devries
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:29:24 PM
That's exactly what Tyle is suggesting: If you want to have a storyline that resembles (key word here) Resident Evil, you can do that. How about a team of New Republic Special Force Ops who are sent in to investigate an Imperial Genetics lab? Even the saiyans adapted their characters to be Jedi / Sith (mind you, most people still didn't take to them very well, for many of the same reasons).
Jill Valentine
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:29:35 PM
I am so lost. I like the jill and stars thing. Why is that so wrong. Do you want me to change her name to Julie Vagarbeld or somethin. I just want you guys to help me. I mean we used to have lukes and stuff. Ill do what iu can. I just really love resident evil. Its like the one thing i know moire than anyone about. I mean im not that smart and when i find something that i like it becomes part of me. Thats what i do this for. I love it. But now i just feel as though im not wanted. I mean no one roleplyas with my characters. So what should i do people?
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:53:04 PM
As I have said before, it is not up to anyone else to make your roleplaying exerience the best - it is up to you. If you want people to RP with you, you need to make characters compelling, readable and fun. And dont expect everyone to post with you straight away, be patient - once you build somethign interesting and compelling, People WILL RP - fact is, you'll be like me and have to really regulate your time.
Now as for the RE thing... well I would just say change a few names, maybe bring a few new elements in and no one would be the wiser. Total ripping from source is Plagerism and is illegal. What you need to do is make a few adjustments to fall under "fair use". Just make a few minor changes and bring it into a SW setting and with SW rules.
No one would know and I for one after that would not care where it came from.
Nov 25th, 2002, 08:21:56 PM
Takes along time to get a chracter upto speed and recognized, hell my main char Sieken is just being recognized propoly and ive been here 1 year and 9 months...Kelt to. Just stick with it and hold on tight, its the best way...dont force things and listen to the Admins, they are trying to help not hinder:)
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 25th, 2002, 08:50:47 PM
Patience is a virtue, it is true. I don;t know how many people know about Wei or how they feel about him as a character. Most people take notice of me in OOC threads. LIke this one.
imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 25th, 2002, 08:54:04 PM
If you still need another sniper, I'm in.
Nov 25th, 2002, 09:09:26 PM
Well thanks everybody. I am just not havin a good day, and I am sorry I came here and took it out on you guys. I got away for a while and I cried a little too. I just feel really unwanted. I just want to be like my friends. I mean my friends like Zeke and Wei and Dios and Kindo could make a character up of the spot and everybody loves them. It just seems like no one likes to rp with me. I mean no one hardly ever joins my threads until I come in and ask. I just feel that no one wants to rp, talk, or speak with me. So I just get depresed about it. Then you guys try and help and I screw it all up. Well I am here to apologize. I am very sorry. I want to remain as Jill and keep the S.T.A.R.S team. I really like those two aspects. I think i will drop the RE theme though and go and be star warsish. Even though i still dont want to. So now Jill and her S.T.A.R.S are a team out for hire. Thanks guys. I am very sorry again.
Nash Stolar
Nov 25th, 2002, 10:52:54 PM
About time you got this cleared up, I liked the STARS team idea and was still hoping it was gonna hold through. :D
Nov 26th, 2002, 11:43:34 AM
Yep im gonna strick with it. Well guys i am at school now and doin a whole lot better. I thought on what yall said. Thanks alot guys. I understand where you are all comin from. Sorry to give yall such a hard time. Toodles!
Lucivar SaDiablo
Nov 27th, 2002, 11:30:14 PM
Quack. :D
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