View Full Version : Ice Blue (Challenge to a darksider)

Alera Starreyes
Nov 24th, 2002, 03:36:44 PM
Alera stood on the roof of the towering building, watching as the world flew by. Shadows from the lights of the buildings around her flickered somewhat eerily over her gentle face, bringing the scar under her left eye into sharper focus. It was a starless, chilly night on Coruscant, and sadly Alera was beginning to think she was catching a cold. She sniffled, brushing a few strands of her dark hair behind her ear.

The darkness on the edge of her senses was coming closer... the challenge she'd sent out had been accepted. Good. Hopefully she'd be able to stop the darksider before they caused any more trouble. Alera took her lightsaber, Dream, in hand, though she didn't ignite it, and waited. Her ice blue eyes closed as she readied herself for a fight.

Nov 24th, 2002, 04:51:51 PM
Chimes could be heard ringing as Casseopia stood forward, eyes a little tired from her kill. The man she had killed had struggled endlessly, and refused to yield to her command.
Sensning the presence of the young jedi she had followed halt in the street, she drew her light saber.

Her cloak covering her true image, a grin spread on her vile lips as she proceeded to the hunt.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 24th, 2002, 07:29:51 PM
Alera did not turn as the darksider came closer. She simply sighed quietly and ignited her lightsaber, so pale a blue it was nearly white. The glow gently illuminated a small area around her. Slowly she opened her eyes, turning around to face her opponent.

Nov 25th, 2002, 02:50:37 PM
Smiling at her newest game, Casseopia let the hood of her cloak fall backwards, blood red hair flowed down her shoulders. Her merciless black eyes betrayed any form she could take.
The light saber was merely a new toy she learnt to come accostomed to, usually she wouldnt bother with the combat of skills.

Even if she had been hired to kill this jedi from causing her client any more trouble, she would take great pleasure in the fight. She could tell now, that the young one had a lot of determination, that would perhaps lead to her end.

'Well well, why i think i have a challenge' she laughed. Without warning, she struck the first blow, aiming for her head.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:22:06 PM
Wraith walked the down the dark streets of Coruscant, bored out of his mind. Immediately he sensed the presence of a fight when the two combatents clahsed. Interesting.... A vibrant wave of light could be seen coming from the top of the building, one that he knew too well.... Wraith pressed on and made his way to the top of the building.

{OOC: Hey Alera! Long time no see. You know if the rider and Jeran still RP? We should finish that thread we started along time ago...Oh well. Its good to be back.}

Jeran Conrad
Nov 25th, 2002, 07:44:27 PM
"Looking for me, ice cube?" The voice was firm and aggressive, a voice all too familiar to Wraith Frostmourne. He had been here, waiting. Alera had told him it was possible that the frigid warrior would show his face here. She was seeking him, for Wraith had dissapeared and had not surfaced. He hadn't in a great while--Jeran had desperately tracked him. One of his greatest hunts--one of his strongest prey. He could never seem to locate him after...previous events.

"Didjya miss me? I figured you might." He came out of the shadows, his body shadowed still by the night sky. He was hardened--they had not met for some time and the Hunter had only grown stronger. His bare chest shone brightly, however, as the moon reflected off of it. At his side, his saber hilt hung, menacingly. Across his back, his staff was strapped. It was a sight Wraith was used to by now. He was prepared to defend at any second, but wondered if Wraith would engage in any dialogue--the two usually duked it out in both words and actions.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 25th, 2002, 09:46:02 PM
As Wraith reached the top of the building he stopped, sensing the figure behind him. It was the same familiar presence he had felt long ago in several places that he could not forget. Only this time, Jeran's pride for the "hunt" had carried him too far. Once again, the three had been reunited. This infinite continuum of conflict would be put to an end. What a more perfect place to die than a rooftop on a cold night. An icy grin slid across his face.

"So our destinies have crossed again Jeran. Are you willing to take this to the next level?"

Wraith stood still with his back to Jeran, his hand off of his weapon, for it did not need to be on it. Wraith knew Jeran enough to know that he didnt need to be impatient with making the first move. Jeran always did.

Jeran Conrad
Nov 26th, 2002, 12:28:39 AM
OOC: By the way, Wraith, it's good to see you back! Thought you were dead or something!! :D


Jeran almost snickered as he spoke. The same, overconfident Sith he had always been. He had been absent for quite some time, but his demeanor and his attitude had never changed. This was no suprise to the hunter. However, it would work against the ice blue warrior. Jeran would be able to read the Sith like a book--like he had known him to fight. He, on the other hand, had many new tricks for the Sith.

"I'm not sure you know what you're gettin yourself into, princess. I think you ain't gonna find the same warrior you left. Things change, Wraith. People get stronger." His words were rather fierce in meaning. He challenged the Sith. Usually, he would make the first move--charge into battle like an angered bull. Not now, however. He had become a patient man. Learning to control his own agression, he had become a dangerous weapon.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 26th, 2002, 02:57:59 PM
{OOC-Haha, No I wasn't dead.....}

Wraith grew impatient for battle as he listend to Jerans words. So the warrior had learned to control hi aggression. So be it. In the end it wouldn't matter to Wraith.

He turned around to face Jeran. The Jedi looked no different from the last time he had seen him, except this time his overbearing confidence seemed to be at an extreme. An extreme that Jeran would learn to regret. He ignited his scythe and rose his right hand into tha air. With a roar he pummeled it into the metal top of the building. Its impact released a wave that momentarily froze his opponent. Wraith took the chance and came in with a down slice to his paralyzed foe.

Nov 26th, 2002, 03:47:24 PM
Unable to retain her YAWNING, Cas opened her wings ready for flight. If anything wiuld kill her, she was sure the boredom would. This small jedi warrior was hardly worth a fight, victims are all the same night after night.

Beating her dark wings furiously, Casseopia rose from the roof in search of a more interesting environment to fight.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 26th, 2002, 04:29:12 PM
(OOC: Really sorry 'bout the delay, RL got in the way of posting for awhile! Heya everyone!

Alera had blocked the stroke to her head, though apparently her hunter seemed to have lost interest in her prey. The young woman shook her head ruefully.

Spotting Jeran's plight, she reached out with the Force and grabbed Wraith's scythe with an invisible, iron grip.

-Oh no you don't.-

The woman flung the weapon to the ground, a slight smile appearing on her face.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 27th, 2002, 10:17:45 AM
Wraith felt the sudden grip and then he lost sight of his scythe, only to see it lying on the ground. She would'nt get in the way this time. He kept his focus on Jeran and decided to end this quick and easy. He looked at Alera, then put his hand out towards Jeran only to powerfully force push the paralyzed warrior over the edge of the building. He didn't even watch as he fell. Wraith turned now to Alera, weaponless, or so she thought. He looked at his hand sullenly as a long ice blade began to form upon it. He moved to the side and began to circle her, keeping a good distance, and a close eye on his unattended weapon.

Jeran Conrad
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:06:14 PM
The ice covered him enough to paralyze his movement momentarily. Lucky shot, he thought. It wouldn't happen again. As Wraith leapt toward him, scythe ignited, he had ignited his own saber, cutting through some of the frozen prison. The blade was hot, and it seared away much of his restraints. However, his feet remained stuck and, as the Sith grew closer in proximity, he prepared for impact.


The scythe had been whipped from his hands, the work of Alera. He thanked her, silently, and he would thank her more verbally later. Wraith looked in both directions, now puzzled on who to harm. It was no matter, as Jeran would be out of his restraints soon enough. He cut into the ice that held his feet. Almost there, just one more--


"Ugghhhhhh!" The Force trembled as what felt like a fist came blasting through the air and into his chest, the Hunter groaning. It had ripped him out of his frozed constraints, greatly spraining his ankle, and threw him from the top of the buliding. He felt the sensation of weightlessness as he flew over the edge. He had little time to react. Maybe 4 seconds, he thought, untill impact.

Letting down the blade of his saber, he clipped it to his belt. He spied a pole of some sort sticking out from the building's lip.

He reached to his belt, unclipping the grapple wire from it and pulling out some length to work with.

Using the Force to guide him, he aimed the wire at the pole and let it loose to catch it.

With a violent tug, the wire caught as his momentum stopped. Hanging in mid-air on the wire--meters from the groun--he sighed relief.

"Piece of cake," he joked with another sigh of pure relief. Climbing back up the wire, he headed towards the building top.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 27th, 2002, 05:38:52 PM
Alera closed her eyes for a moment and breathed a quiet sigh of relief as she sensed Jeran had avoided harm.

Reopening her eyes, the girl calmly stood where she was as Wraith began to circle her.

-Well, Wraith, it's been while, hasn't it?- she said into his mind conversationally. Her lightsaber hummed in her hand as she waited for him to move.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 27th, 2002, 05:42:29 PM
It sure has, and I've been waiting for this for a long time. Wraith ran towards Alera with his ice blade high. Before he reached her he managed to recall his scythe back to his hand and emit it right before he engaged in battle. The deadly blade came through followed by Wraith's scythe.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 27th, 2002, 05:49:06 PM
Alera whirled around to block the ice sword with her saber. At the same moment her mind stopped the scythe in mid-strike, giving her time to draw her metal blade, Starfire, with her other hand. Surprisingly, the ice sword did not melt when it came in contact with her lightsaber. Hmm. She released the scythe, letting it clash off her sword.

The girl pivoted, striking with her sword at Wraith's head at the same time as she swung at his middle with her lightsaber.

Jeran Conrad
Nov 27th, 2002, 10:56:31 PM
Hopping up to the top of the building, his ankle had already began to heal. His healing ability had increased with his training, and he was becoming very hard to knock down. Even harder than perhaps Wraith would remember. Coming to his feet, he ignited the blade of his lightsaber. About to charge back into the fray before him, he felt a strange presence.

Scannin the rooftop, he notice that someone else's presence was here. Odd. He hadn't noticed it before. He must have been to enthralled in his dealing with Wraith to notice it. It was different from Wraith's or Alera's, and he wanted to discover exactly what this presence was.

"Who are you?" He spoke, his words aimed at Casseopia. The figure was oddly clad and had...wings? Maybe the right question was what are you, he thought.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 28th, 2002, 10:06:27 AM
Wraith's two weapons were blocked as he saw Alera draw a second blade and strike at Wraith. He held his scythe vertically out infront of him as the blade deflected off the metal shaft and the saber came in contact with the blade of his scythe. He shifted his momentum in Alera's direction and pushed off his left foot. Since their weapons were interlocked, his shoulder pummeled straight into Alera, knocking her hard onto the ground. He jumped back into the air several feet and brought out his ice blade. The spire disengaged from his hand and went soaring towards Alera.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 28th, 2002, 11:10:01 AM
Alera sent a strong Force push head on towards the icy blade, shattering it in midair. She was on her feet even before all the shards had hit the ground, summoning her weapons back to her hands.

-'Fraid you'll have a harder time of it tonight, Wraith.-

She smirked slightly, using the Force to pick up all the shards of the shattered ice blade (there were some six of them) and send them spinning towards Wraith.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 28th, 2002, 11:32:10 AM
The shards came spinning at Wraith. He concentrated on the force, for the ice fragments could not hurt him. They were a part of him. As they came flying he controlled their movements, and the shards began to circle around him furiously as an icy shield. More and more began to from around him. Soon all that could be seen was an icy haze. He walked towards Alera with scythe in hand. I believe it is you who will have the hard time tonight, Alera. Wraith began to summon all of the force to his hands. Pieces of the shield were sucked in, forming a malevolent ball of blue flame. He hurled it at her with great force, following closely behind with his scythe.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 28th, 2002, 01:50:25 PM
Alera watched as the ball of blue flame flew at her.

-Mistake, Wraith. You fight with ice... I fight with fire and light.-

The girl caught the ball with the Force, and absorbed the energy from it. A slight blue glow flickered in her eyes briefly, and she seemed slightly more energized.

She looked up in time to see Wraith coming at her with his scythe. She blocked with Starfire quickly, but was knocked slightly off-balance by the abruptness and force of the blow.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 28th, 2002, 02:21:48 PM
Except you forget, my ice burns more than the fires of hell!

Wraith stormed in again, only this time, before Alera could react he slid onto his back and whipped out the shaft of his scythe to her legs. it caught Alera while she was off balance and brought her to his level. The whirling ice shield began to carve into her skin. Bringing his weapon up, he propelled himself off the ground and behind Alera. Upon landing, the butt of his scythe struck the floor, sending a blazing cold blue fire at Alera. The roof split in two as the scorching fire rushed towards the Jedi. Wraith jumped to the other platform as his side began to collapse.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 28th, 2002, 04:30:35 PM
Alera gritted her teeth and threw up a Force shield as the icy fire surrounded her. It wasn't long before it dissipated... but then the side of the building began to collapse.

The girl got to her feet and used the Force to help her as she jumped to the other side where Wraith was, landing in a crouch. She cringed as she felt what people were inside die, and the survivors' pain and terror.

Knew this was a bad place for a fight, she thought sadly.

Alera stood to face Wraith, her eyes glinting darkly. Starfire blazed with a silvery light in her hand.

-Let's get one thing straight, ice cube.- Her 'voice' dripped scorn and fury. -When we fight, you leave innocents out of it. Because otherwise, I can get very, very[i]ugly.-

She trembled with rage, just barely able to control herself.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 28th, 2002, 08:26:59 PM
The remaining half fo the building barely stood now. The collapse of the other half had knocked the stability out of it. Wraith could feel the sway of the building know underneath his feet. It wouldnt be standing much longer. Wraith looked to find an escape route for when the building would fall. The Sith beckoned Alera, remaing poised to strike at any moment.

Jeran Conrad
Nov 30th, 2002, 02:48:09 PM
He could no longer wait for a response from the other. Alera was in danger and, with the structural damage of the building, was also in danger. It was time to move. Looking around for a point of safe escape, he remembered the wire on the pole. It could be an easy place to climb down from...as long as the building held.

Alera...can you get off of here alright? I've got a route planned... He spoke to her in the Force, letting her know that he was thinking of her and that he cared. Why did they always end up in these types of situations? Was it just bad luck? He made a mental note to just have a nice, friendly one-on-one with her sometime soon.

Making his way back to the side of the building he had climbed up on, he got to the wire and began to climb down. About halfway down, the top half of the structure shook, begining to fail. Holding on tightly, the pole was jarred loose. The Hunter felt gravity strain as he the foundation of his escape was torn away. He dropped about 30 feet or so, bouncing heavily on the ground below him.

"Unnnnnhhhhhhh..." he goaned. "Not good."

Alera Starreyes
Nov 30th, 2002, 10:41:44 PM
Alera glared at Wraith, her control straining. It was extremely lucky Jeran's Force message had distracted her, or she would have done something she'd have regretted later.

-I think so...- she said in reply. Yeah... this was definitely a battle better fought on the ground.

-Meet you down there, icicle.- The girl glanced at the route Jeran had taken... but the pole seemed to have come loose. Nothing's easy anymore, is it? She made a snap decision and jumped off the edge that the other side of the building had detached from, catching herself on the floor below, then letting go, then catching again. On the fifth floor from the ground, though, a piece of the floor crumbled beneath her fingers. Unable to catch herself on the fourth or third floor, she finally managed to get a firm hold on the second, breathing a slight relieved sigh before finishing her little fall.

"Well, that was kinda fun," she remarked softly, brushing herself off and glancing upward at Wraith before jogging over to Jeran, who hadn't had such an easy time of it.

"Are you all right?"

Nov 30th, 2002, 11:30:17 PM
:: The two goody too shoes were thrown down to the ground with black wind. The black wind swirled and then came around into a vortex that wrapped itself around a point then dissipated until only I stood there. My eye blazed for a moment as my hand lifted and I pointed to Jeran with a sneer.::

You are the remnant of Plague? I can smell Nemesis on you...

:: I turned to the girl who was pushing herself up and my face suddenly contorted and changed. It resembled the face of Dios Kane, my own real Nemesis and former host to my parasitic beginning.::

Do you remember this face? The face of Dios Kane? What was your name again? Alera? I was in Dios head when he saved you that time, I wasn't fully aware but I can remember a few things then. But this time there is no Kane to the rescue. And I wouldn't think it fair that you my General, Wraith, should have to fight two pathetic creatures all by himself. Where's the game in that? It's like taking out the trash but not bring the fireworks.

:: I rolled my shoulders as I noticed Wraith come down next to me. He gave me a bow and I smiled with a nod, I turned back to the two and tilted my head to the side with a popping noise.::


Alera Starreyes
Nov 30th, 2002, 11:33:17 PM
Alera narrowed her eyes and got to her feet. Once again she drew Starfire, which was now outright blazing silver. She sighed.

"Why do I feel like this is going to get ugly?"

Nov 30th, 2002, 11:42:58 PM
Because you feel it everytime you run your hand across your face in the morning.

:: I drew out my saber and it screamed as it was revived. The red saber lighting up the ground before me like fire. Black lightning scraped over the suface of the blade.::

You play with two elements now dear girl. The Ice of Wraith that freezes over Hell and my Fire that is eternally burning down this universe. Now let's see if your friend can at least stand up for us.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 1st, 2002, 12:15:55 AM
The man's face was as cold as the ice that coursed through Wraith's viens and his eyes as firey as this new...menace had appeared.

"I'm fine," he replied to Alera, no hint of his usual kindness towards her. His mind began to concentrate--it would take much more work to battle the two of them. Afterall, he and Wraith had always had climactic, exhausting fights. Anyone who Wraith might have associated with could be equally as tough. This one sure had the confidence of the icy Sith. Did he have the strength?

"Nemesis..." He spoke the name as though simply reorganizing and confirming that it was indeed the name this new warrior had spoken. "Indeed. However, the smell that radiates from you is much less noble. It is that of the dark side...the stench of it."

Jeran ignited the saber he held, it's brilliant blue glow accenting the darkness around him. Two foes stood before him--two with lightsaber weapons, two Force users...two very real threats. Extreme times called for extreme measures.

From his back belt pouch, he pulled out something no one had ever seen of him before. For, up untill now, he usually worked one-on-one with his enemeis. Another hilt--this one old, rusted, and yet very attractive. Igniting the soft green blade, it's brilliance pushed the darkness away from him. The two blades threatened death to those that opposed them, and their weilder was not one bit more merciful.

"Your stench sickens me. If it is not immediately taken from my presence, it will be rubbed out." His tone was stern and vicious. Alera stood by his side, and for that, he was admittedly grateful. However, his own pride prohibited him from backing down from such a fight.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 1st, 2002, 09:14:27 AM
Alera's face was now serious as well as she regarded Wraith and his new companion. So this was what had happened to Dios...

Great sorrow passed across her face, as well as something in her eyes... pity.

"Dios was a good man," She said quietly, almost inaudibly.

She met Fiend's eyes, and sadness left her face... though not quite her eyes. Starfire flashed once brightly in her hands. She was glad she had the weapon, that could stand up even to the heat of a lightsaber.

-So you wield the power of fire... but it is dark fire, cursed fire. Such flame cannot withstand true light... and I'm stronger than I used to be.-

"I stand with Jeran." She said aloud quietly. "You will leave now, or you will fall here." Her eyes blazed with intensity. Somehow she didn't think any of the four of them were going to back down.

Dec 1st, 2002, 02:46:33 PM
:: I smiled at their words and the sight of Jeran's other lightsaber. I roated my wrist letting the saber ease over the back of my hand and back into my palm. I sniffed as I turned to Jeran.::

I think you just smell the sweat of fear from your body. For all the big talk you two share, I could care less what you smell and that you'd only shut up. And if you're not obligated to quietness, I'll break you so hard you'll be screaming for eternity.

:: My other hand was down by my side and I slowly flexed it in and out, gaining an hold on my ecstatic power. I lifted my boot and slammed it down, the force of it making a large indention. I closed my eyes and when they reopened a large cracking noise was heard.::

But I suggest you not tarry for too long children of the light. Or the planet shall swallow you for your innocence.

:: A large crack started at my foot and split farther as it traveled to the two. It seperated them both and the ground underneath the crack flew up like a wall. Now I faced Jeran and Wraith was left with Alera. But I knew this mortal's limits and his skills with the lightsaber could not contest mine combined with the force so I would get to have my own fun with Alera when I was finished with him.::

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 1st, 2002, 05:20:58 PM
{OOC-Sorry guys, i was out on vacation!}

The tables had turned. Wraith welcomed Fiend, for now the scales weighed heavily on their side. With a bow he turned to face Alera. He had lost a bit of his breath after the fall from the top. Wraith said nothing, for words only made battle longer. He liked it short and to the point. And this time, the point was death for the two Jedi.

Wraith did not flinch as the giant stone wall rose from the ground to separate the combatents. A small glint of joy appeared on his face, something that he hadn't felt in a long time. Igniting his scythe once again, he began to concentrate on the force. Wraith would analyze his opponent more thoroughly this time by letting her attack first.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 1st, 2002, 05:26:49 PM
Alera said quietly, "I'm sorry to disappoint you Wraith, but I prefer to defend rather than attack. After all, it's my job." The girl swung Starfire through the air, not really attacking, just a practice swing of sorts. The sword seemed to sing as it cut through the air.
"Your move."

Jeran Conrad
Dec 1st, 2002, 07:32:15 PM
Jeran's brow furrowed a bit as this...man spoke. It was sad, really. His confidence burned much past its own bounds. He could feel the saturation of the dark side around him. It was like sweat--disgusting. Clingly, vile, and full of a terrible stench. Fiend underestimated Jeran, as the Hunter had become strong in his training. He made few mistakes now-a-days, and he was quite an excellent fighter. Expecially with his instincts, which had grown.

He sensed that his opponent doubted his ability in the Force. He was well trained in its arts--he was once a Jedi. It was suprising that Fiend had not sensed his potency.

It was no matter, really. Afterall--it wasn't as if Jeran cared about Fiend. Another disease was all he was. One more virus. Jeran had the cure for this kind of virus.

"Too afraid to handle us both, I see? I understand." He taunted the dark sider, no hint of incompetence or fear in his voice. He had seen worse. He had stared into the eyes of much more dangerous opponents--Sorsha, Vega, even The Rider. Holding a defensive stance, he would not be suprised by any attack from Fiend.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 1st, 2002, 07:43:38 PM
"Alright. I've grown tired of your patience. It only provokes my impatience. I will make you learn to regret this." Wraith ran in from the side and pushed of the stone wall for more force. Flying at Alera, he unleashed a barrage of attacks in every direction.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:06:53 PM
Alera blocked most of the attacks except for a cut that resulted in a light gash on her arm. However, the sudden ferocity of the attack caused her to stumble backwards.

Before Wraith could attack her again, though, she shoved him backwards with the Force.

-Trust me, you don't want to see me lose my patience. It's not fun for anybody.-

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:13:53 PM
"I will loose my patience first by the way your acting. If you don't want to fight, I'll make you fight." He was getting tired of this ignorant girl. She seemed to want to delay everything. There was only a distance of about 10 feet between them now. She had not pushed Wraith back that far. At that instant he thrusted the end of his scythe out to emit three ice needles. They flew at a blinding speed as they tore through the air at Alera. There was no way that Alera would be able to deflect all of them.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:34:37 PM
Alera deflected two of the ice needles with Starfire... but the third plunged on faster than she could block and plunged deeply into her side.
The girl staggered backwards, pain ripping through her. She gave a slight gasp, really too shocked to react more strongly.
Shaking herself and setting her jaw determinedly, the girl lunged at Wraith's chest, quickly, cringing as the ice needle twisted in her her side at the movement.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 3rd, 2002, 06:29:53 PM
The blue scythe answered the call of Starfire. The two blades locked in mid air as Wraith fell back to to the sudden attack of Alera. Wraith sent a quick thrust kick to Alera's midsection where the needle had penetrated to regain his position. By now the freezing paralyzation effects of the needle were beginning to kick in. He could see it in her eyes, the pain that she could not help. He concentrated on the expansion of the ice needle. Slowly it began to increase in size inside her torso.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 3rd, 2002, 08:48:30 PM
Alera's breaths rasped harshly in her chest as she continued to fight with Wraith. The intense pain and the needle's effects were slowing her down and weakening her alarmingly.
As the ice needle started expanding she stumbled, hard pressed to keep her feet. Wraith took the opportunity to stab at her, and she forced herself out of the way - barely.

Dodging another blow from Wraith, she drew a small dagger from her belt and threw it. In the second it took Wraith to knock it aside, she gritted her teeth and ripped the needle out. A cry of pain escaped her lips as blood flowed freely from her side. She dropped the bloodstained needle to the ground, where it shattered. She swayed on her feet, managed to steady herself with effort.

The girl outstretched her hand in Wraith's direction, palm outwards. When she started the motion, she'd only intended to push Wraith with the Force, maybe into a wall. But halfway up, the image of half the building collapsing rammed itself into her mind, and the pain she was in was growing almost unbearable. And that made her angry. She changed her mind without even noticing it, and before she could stop herself, the energy leaped from her hand at Wraith - in the form of Force lightning, channeled by her anger.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 10:10:42 PM
Undestand what? That I'd rather kill you by myself than share it with Wraith? You catch on quick.

:: I stepped forward, my saber whistling in the air like the noise you hear when lightning strikes right in front of you. It was a rare noise but after they had faught me, they would either remember it for the rest of their short lived lives or it would be the last thing they here. My other hand came up and I made a motion for Jeran to come on.::

Do not waste my time though, be sure to fight your hardest so that I may taste the false strength in your pitiful blood.

:: I began to call forth my power once more, my eyes flaring suddenly and sharply as the ground near me began to tremble and crack. Small pieces of rocks begna to lift as I charged to wrip this human in half.
But I stopped midway, with a loud ripping noise. I stumbled back and leaned against the wall, and looked away from Jeran. I tore the glove off my empty hand and with a scream looked at the sizzling flesh. My power had backfired once again and completely melted the flesh off my hand. The meaty muscles pulsed and blood soaked into the dry ground of the alleyway. I looked to Jeran with gritted teeth and pushed myself up once more, both hands gripped tightly to the handle, blood drenching the black and silver handle ruby red.::

Well? Let me show you the beauty of destruction.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 4th, 2002, 09:26:42 PM
Breaking his concentration on the neddle, Wraith deflected the incoming dagger just in time. He gazed back at Alera to see the needle shatter on the floor. As he watched her about to disperse a force push, she suddenly began to emit force lightning at Wraith. At the right moment, he held up the blade of his scythe to absorb the lightning. He could feel it coarsing through the energy of the blade. He firmly planted himself on the ground, for the lightning moved him back several feet. Wraith brought the scythe down to his side when the last bit of lightning came from Alera. That was an unexpected attack, he thought to himself. "Well, I didn't think you had the guts to pull that one off. Nice try," he added slyly with a smirk on his face. "Now, are you ready to resume this sad excuse for a battle?"

Jeran Conrad
Dec 5th, 2002, 12:41:43 AM
"I understand you fear the power of the light, darksider." He let one of his saber blades down as he returned to behind his back. He always fought fairly, and he considered 2 blades to 1 an advantage. Just as he did so, the man before him made the ground shake with some kind of power again. It appeared to be a fairly good trick--a good scare-off for the weak. He found himself unnaffected.

However, he did make ready for the coming attack. The other charged him, saber high--apparently ready to slash Jeran in half. The Hunter lowered his body, into a crouch, so that he was prepared to brace the attack. Then, as the darksider came near him, he prepared to parry--

The man nearly yelped away from him, untouched by Jeran or his blade. Something else had happened. Apparently, through some kind of freak act, the man's hand began to...melt? It was as if it was on fire, simmering. Strange, to say the least.

"What in the frell is wrong with you?" He muttered it, quietly under his breath. This opponent may have had some kind of power, but he could not even keep himself together. This would definitely prove to his disadvantage in their battle.

Well? Let me show you the beauty of destruction.

"Well what?" Jeran stood, undaunted and, to be honest, fairly confused by the other's talk. He wasn't exactly understanding this man's--or thing's, for that matter--blabber, and he was finding himself irritated with the waste of his time.

"What will you show me? You can't even contain yourself." The Hunter spoke with narrowed eyes as he held his saber tightly in defense.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 5th, 2002, 04:36:13 PM
Alera swore under her breath, angry with herself for losing her control. Why does this always happen to me...?

"Damned right I am," she growled, launching herself at Wraith, striking at his shoulder.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 5th, 2002, 06:51:57 PM
Wraith parried underneath the attack with the arc of his blade and forced upwards, throwing Alera's saber out of the way. He followed in with an elbow to her bloody ribs.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 5th, 2002, 08:13:35 PM
The girl doubled over in silent agony, tears of pain stinging her eyes. Her mind screamed against it, falling into such a dangerous position, but she couldn't help it.

Dec 6th, 2002, 03:28:42 PM
:: I closed my eys as I felt the pain of Alera. How sweet. The darkness, the agony, the pain... I fed off it like a leech to blood. My eyes flared as they opened and I stepped forward with a new fervor as my self destructive power was revived thanks to Wraith. This was the tactic I had counted on y allying with Wraith. His ice attacks seemed to put his victims in a perpetual stage of pain.::

When I am done tearing you guts out, I will be sure to reiterate the words, "you can't even contain yourself!"

:: I slowly eased forward my saber moving in front of me. The man was in a defensive stance but then that could always be a good offense too. I would ensure that didn't happen. I walked casually forward and then stopped quickly, kicking dirt up into Jeran's face and then following up with a stab.::

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 7th, 2002, 05:26:47 PM
He watched the girl as she collapsed onto the ground. This day had just brought to much good fortune for him. First he was able to destroy thousands of innocent lives. Next, he has the life of a Jedi in his hands. Wraith was all too pleased. He stuck his hand out, summoning the force to him once again. Wraith let out a continuous shrill force blast that began to crush Alera against the ground.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 8th, 2002, 11:59:26 AM
Alera gasped in pain. That's it. I've had enough of this. She forced herself to ignore the pain, calling on the Force. It took much more concentration than she usually needed, but she was able to send Wraith flying at high speed towards the wall of a nearby building.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 8th, 2002, 12:25:21 PM
He felt the impact of the blow as it knocked him sensless against a wall behind him. Wraith got up from the ground and stared at Alera with an everlasting gaze.

By now, a great number of civilians had gathered around the decemated building behind them. Some to discover the cause, others to mourne for loved ones. Wraith rejoiced in their agony. The endless noise of their cries and shouts filled the air. More and more people began to show up. He realized that Alera would want to take this battle elsewhere to avoid further harm to the civilians. The Sith would not let this happen.

Using the force, Wraith dragged to him a hostage that was a short distance away. She was struck with panic as the girl was removed from her current position and into Wraith's grasp. Tears streamed down her face as the blue blade was brought up to her neck. This would be the best way to break the Jedi. Wraith looked to the hostage and then to Alera. "Well Alera. What will you do now? Care to try that move again?"

Alera Starreyes
Dec 8th, 2002, 03:05:18 PM
Alera had struggled to her feet after shoving Wraith into the wall. Now, seeing the little girl held hostage by Wraith, cold fear gripped her.

Sending comforting thoughts to the little girl, she said, "Let her go, Wraith. She hasn't done anything to you." She didn't take her eyes from his, not for a second.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 8th, 2002, 04:37:20 PM
"Not a chance Jedi scum." He held his grip tightly around the girl.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 8th, 2002, 06:47:29 PM
"You can do what you like with me, okay, just leave her alone."

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 9th, 2002, 02:56:31 PM
"Time is running out Alera. This girls life depends upon your actions." He tightened his grip around the girls neck, just enough to make her choke a little.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 9th, 2002, 05:10:49 PM
Wraith suddenly felt an invisible force enclose around his neck.
-Harm her and I snap you like a twig,- Alera said coldly into his mind. -It's as simple as that.-

Jeran Conrad
Dec 9th, 2002, 06:47:30 PM
The dirt came to his eyes, but little phased him as he shut them qith a quicker than lightning reaction. When he reopened them, the quick slash of a saber came sweeping in to cut him in two. Luckily, he blocked it easily, finding little difficulty fending off the shot. Unfortunately, he found himself not focused on his opponent. His mind was in the general direction of Alera and Wraith. Wraith was threatening innocent life...that wasn't fair.

"I'll come back," he spoke with a smug smile to the man who had just struck him. With a quick Force push, he shoved the man away from him and into the ground. Getting across the gap to Wraith, he glided over towards the Sith, coming only steps away from him.

"Hey snowman--why don't you stop playin with the woman and children and pick on someone your own size." Jeran challeneged Wraith, knowing that if he had a weak spot, it would be his pride and his relationship to the Hunter.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 9th, 2002, 07:38:14 PM
"How nice of you to join in Jeran. Don't you have business elsewhere?" Wraith barely got the words out due to the choke hold around his neck. He was growing tired of this constant interference and the girls screaming. It was going to end here and now. He let the girl fall from his grasp and into the blade of his scythe. The head slid from the shoulders as it hit the ground. The carterized wound spilt no blood. A quick and easy death.

"You see what I had to do Jeran? I didn't have to, but I thought it might please you to watch her die." Wraith broke the invisible hold upon himself. "And you too Alera. This didn't have to happen, but I took your reaction to this situation as a little aggressive. Now the girl has payed for it with her life." Wraith faced the two, ready to take action. Any minute now Fiend would take shape before them.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 9th, 2002, 07:54:25 PM
Alera glared at Wraith, suddenly moving forward, intending to lunge at him. However, pain at the sudden movement seared through her side, and she stumbled, had to stop. Her gaze returned to Wraith's, and her eyes were bright with tears. Not tears of pain this time. Tears for the little girl.
-Jeran, we need to get out of here. There are too many people like her around here. Maybe we can draw these two off somewhere else.- She kept the thought closed to the two darksiders.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 9th, 2002, 08:45:17 PM
The Hunter's eyes grew colder than the aura that Wraith Frostmourne himself produced. He watched the girl fall to the floor, dead. Innocent. A child. No longer anything--she would never breath again. She had ended so quick, her life a flash.

That was it. That was Wraith Frostmourne's last mistake.

Alera's words came to his mind but did not register with the Hunter. She could feel the anger seething from him. His eyes grew to an intense level, unseen by even Wraith himself.

With less than a second thought, The Hunter charged the cold Sith. With a combo of attacks orchestrated through blinding speed, he unleashed his rage upon Wraith. Three slashes, barely blocked by the Sith, followed by a kick that landed into his mid-section, pushing him back. Coming down with a strike toward's Wraith's shoulder, the Hunter's eyes glowed with intensity.

"That was a big mistake, Wraith," he yelled as he came in with the attack.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 10th, 2002, 03:09:16 PM
Wraith was prepared for Jeran's attack. He deflected the three slashes then left his side open for the kick. Falling back a bit, he pushed off to meet Jeran's strike. The two sabres clashed and released a giant energy wave thath shook everyone in the vicinity. They stood there, still engaged in a locked position. He could sense the fury eminating from Jeran. "Thats right Jeran. Unleash your anger. Show me this side that I've never seen before. Give in."

Dec 10th, 2002, 04:00:46 PM
:: I was behind Jeran before the other's could sense me. No one ran away from me and this one would pay for turning his back on me! Wraith and Alera could sense the pain and the way Jeran's face now looked was all I needed to see. I had come behind him and hamstrung him in behind his knee cap with my sickle.
I kicked him down to the ground and grabbed him by the hair and hit him in the forehead with the hilt of the sickle. I turned around and brought my knee into his back. He was knocked away and I faced him but turned my head to Wraith for a moment.::

Wraith, stick to Alera, I have little time now...

:: I showed him quickly the scorch marks on my arm and then turned to the Hunter.::

Stand Jeran, if you can. I know the weaknesses of your body and I'd like to see a human walk after I cut his tendons from his leg. Where are your jedi miracles now?

:: The saber in my hand glowed blood red and sizzled as black lightning arced up it for a moment.::

Well? Like Wraith said, get angry, please, or just sit there and know the pain. either one, I'll feed off them both.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 10th, 2002, 06:39:14 PM
Wraith felt the presence of Fiend as he watched Jeran get pulled away from him and beaten. Jeran had a new contender now. Wraith's fight was still with Alera. Backing off from Fiend and Jeran, he sent a quick thought to Alera. Now where were we?

Alera Starreyes
Dec 10th, 2002, 07:34:52 PM
Without responding Alera summoned Starfire back to her hand and swiftly attacked Wraith, swinging first at his head, then in a slant at his chest, then another slant at his stomach. She grimaced. It was becoming harder and harder to ignore the pain in her side, even with the Force. Still, she was determined to get Wraith out of the way so she could help Jeran. Her attacks were followed by a quick Force push at Wraith's throat.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 11th, 2002, 06:07:20 PM
Wraith countered each strike with swift and cunning movements. Before Alera could make the force push, Wraith soared into the air. Upon falling, he twirled his scythe into a powerful downstrike.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 12th, 2002, 02:59:11 PM
His leg ached painfully as the tendon felt like it was severed from his muscle. He hoped it wasn't--that would be some kind of wound to fix. At least, out here, in the middle of a battle, relying soley on Force healing. He pulled himself over, onto his side, holding his leg. He was gonna be down for a moment at least, trying to stabilize this.

"I am no Jedi," he spoke firmly.

The words of the dark thing above him faded out as he began to concentrate on healing his wound. If he could at least get it stabilized, he could then escape with his life. He was quite worried about Alera, though--he felt angered that they could never meet on a common ground. They always saw each other in the heat of battle, and for that, he was not gratefull.

He laid on the ground, incapacitated with the gash across his leg, looking with fierce eyes up at Fiend.

"If you are to kill me, I guess your best chance is now." He spoke, his voice dead serious and equally firm. He did not fear death--no, he had looked it in the mouth before. Of course, he didn't want to die, but there was little he could do now. He wondered how honorable this Fiend was--not very, he thought. He had attacked him from behind, and now he could probably easily kill him. He closed his eyes, letting the healing process take over. He let the Force come to him--if he were to die, it would be in the arms of the Force itself.

Dec 12th, 2002, 03:27:58 PM
:: I shrugged with a smile.::

I guess so. But I'd take it as a lesson learned eh? I mean, everyone makes mistakes, and I don't care if you're a jedi or not, you still use the power of creation and for that you deserve to die. You will learn many lessons this day but you will not learn of death. I will say it once so stay awake long enough to hear. Plague and Nemesis will pay, do not deny you are of them. They are only a emnant of noting really, but I owe Nemesis and you will be te messenger. This and my previous message to him will be the only warning he has.

:: I moved forward to th crouched man and my leg came up as he focused on the force. My steel toed boot flew into the side of his face and the spur on the back cut his cheek as it passed across. I twisted and my other foot came around and slammed into Jeran's chest.::

Now lie there and bleed.

:: I stepped back and looked at the building across from us. I had other things to attend to then play with these lightsiders and I had business with Wraith. I drew out a thermal detanator from my jacket. I hurled it into a window and focused the force, pressing the ignition switch. The building blew and shuddered from the top to bottom. It began to collapse and I turned to Wraith as debris fell from the sky.::

Wraith, divert the woman,let us go!

Alera Starreyes
Dec 12th, 2002, 04:58:32 PM
Alera blocked Wraith's strike and shoved him to the ground with the Force.

That was when the building blew up.

Alera staggered and shuddered, only partially from the shaking earth beneath her.

Fiend was leaving, Wraith was leaving... Alera started to follow, to stop them before they left... but she suddenly changed her mind. Let them leave. She had a feeling this wasn't the last she'd seen of Fiend, and she knew she'd definitely see Wraith again.

So with a last grim glance their way, she knelt next to Jeran, calling on the Force to help him heal his injuries.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 12th, 2002, 06:49:15 PM
Before Wraith exited the area, he decided to play one last trick against his foes. Summoning his ice strength, he struck the ground once again, releasing an icy tidal wave. It completely hit every civilian in the vicinity of the building. He grinned as he watched the building begin to collapse and shed debris upon the helpless victims. Sending a quick message to Alera and Jeran, he left the scene. You failed one poor soul today. Maybe you can do better with this handful?

Alera Starreyes
Dec 12th, 2002, 08:25:12 PM
Alera's head snapped up as she heard Wraith's Force message, sensed what he had done. Letting Jeran know through the Force she'd be back quickly, she got to her feet and ran a little closer to the building.

Focusing on the Force, she shoved upward against the falling debris. Sweat stood out on her forehead, but that was the least of her problems. She had to fight against her growing pain and lightheadedness that came of losing so much blood. She closed her eyes. Focus!

Finally, the debris came to a halt, suspended in the air through her efforts. Gently, the girl laid it on the ground nearby, where no one was standing at the moment.

The instant she laid the rocks down her knees gave out. She gasped as the pain in her side increased still more. Her head reeled, her vision swam. She closed her eyes with a shudder and bit her lip. She reached out to the Force, trying to heal her wounded side, knowing she likely wouldn't be able to live long enough to help Jeran - or anyone else for that matter - if she didn't.

Dec 13th, 2002, 01:53:42 PM
A thundering boom, then violent hissing accompanied The Raven's arrival. The moderately sized gunboat drifted downward, but maintained a safe distance from the building's roof and those below. Brilliant light, radiating from within the vessel’s hull, erupted from an opening at the ship's aft.

Moments later, a cloaked figure leapt through the craft's gateway, plummeting to the structures surface at a velocity which would have easily killed any normal man. Upon landing, snow white embers, in place of eyes, scanned the surrounding carnage before spying a prone man who appeared to be badly injured.

The inky persona deftly made his way amid fire and rumble to the broken warrior's side.

With an odd mixture of severity and care, the dark clad stranger spoke, "Jeran...."

He had not yet noticed the wounded woman, only a short distance away.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 15th, 2002, 02:34:05 PM
Wraith had taken his usual exit, one of great fireworks and equal danger. Typical of the Sith--always fashionably late, always a spectactular exit. He rolled over, the pain of his leg aching sharply. Fiend had spared him...it was not the last that the darksider would see of him, that was for sure. His mind already plotted his attack on the man or thing or whatever.

Then, as he lay, his mind drifted to Alera's. She was in trouble--hurting worse than he was. Finding his way to a crawling drag, he got over to her. Placing his hands upon her side, he concentrated all of his healing energies into her, transmitting them from his own body to hers.

"Hang on, Alera." He felt a strange presence as something above him seemingly descended upon their position. Lights bore down on the broken street and the two hurting warriors. Jeran could feel something familiar...a signature of life that he knew..."Hang on Alera, help is on the way."

Nemesis dropped to the street about 6 meters from him as he lay, trying to stabilize Alera's wounds. The Hunter painfully used his power to help, almost feint of exhaustion.