View Full Version : The winds of change(open to any sith Apprentice)

Nov 24th, 2002, 02:09:14 PM
Tatooine was a remote planet. Neither Jedi nor Sith had control of it. It was mainly for smugglers and bounty hunters to do their buisness. Mainly because the planet was controlled by the Hutts. The Hutts were gansters, not to be reconed with. As Raymius walked around a town that he had no clue of what the name could be, he was thinking of things. Of his family. Of his friends. As he was walking around the dirt road streets of the town, a breeze started to pick up. The padawans robes flutterd about him and he became very cold. He rapped his mouse colored cloak around him tightly. Folding his arms under one another. But it did not help a lot. So instead of staying outside, he decided to go inside and get warm. He did not know where to go, mainly because he did not know the layout of the town. So he found the nearest building and walked inside. As He walked through the doors into the building, he found that it was abandoned. And by the looks of it, it had been abandoned for some time. He looked around the dimly lit room and could see nothing.

Raymious stretched out with the force. He calmed himself. Giving himself up to the force. His one true ally. The one thing that he could depend on. And would continue to depend on for the rest of his days. But to his supprise he did not find what he was hoping for. As he was using the force, he senced the darkside. He immidiatly ignited his lightsaber. Incace it his speculations were true.