View Full Version : For Better or Worse

Christian Rineheart
Nov 24th, 2002, 09:57:32 AM
It was all like a bad dream, the planet being a wasted ball of ash and rubble, having to live in fear and staying underground because they were getting hungrier... and meaner. The roaming packs of tribes slowly being demolished while some actually make it off planet, the things chased down the others before liftoff was possible. The Static screams as the pods exploded or ripped apart by the reptiles...

Rineheart awoke with a start, his green eyes fully alert as he snapped his head back and forth looking for the hulking dragons which roamed his homeworld. Nothing...

Relaxing, he figured he slept outside the Jedi HQ for long enough for the sun to rise and set again behind the clouds of flying cars and trees of buildings. Rineheart had been hoping to start a new life here, away from the dragons, where he could continue as a Enforcer of the Peace rather than live underground.

Pulling on a worn bomber's jacket with the sleeves removed, Rineheart slowly pulled himself up to his feet and streached by moving his arms behind his back and pulling the elbows as close as he could together. It was time...

Walking up to the double-backed doors which lead into the Recruitment Center, as the plaque suggessted on the arch, he studied the trim and metalwork before pressing one door in which slid open with realative ease. Rising a brow, the refugee entered. His rubber soled boots clicked loudly against the tile floor, giving his position away to everyone in the room...

"Well, Dis' bigger on the inside than it looks," He commented lightly, examining the interior..

Morgan Evanar
Nov 29th, 2002, 01:54:44 AM
Morgan blinked as he wandered through the recruitment center, a summarization of notes from the last trade conference.

Normally Xazor would be here, but it was probably time for her lunch.

"I suppose it does." he commented absentmindedly, looking up.

"Welcome to the walls of the Jedi Order." the Master added, with more conviction. He didn't normally have much to do with Padawans. He had a bad history with them: they either turned to the Darkside, or they found the Jedi life wasn't for them, and one Pierce Tondry had too many other commitments. Morgan supposed it was his greatest limitation as a Jedi.