View Full Version : The handprint on the wall(Open)

Selinica Miriya
Nov 24th, 2002, 06:25:00 AM
*In the garden courtyard of the royal palace in Muriel City, Eva Spher:

It's been too long since i've been home. I thought...in returning I would find joy reacquainting myself with mother and father...But the Queen is gravely ill, perhaps dying. Maybe it's all my fault. I know the council rejected me long ago. But after finding myself again, I could not stay away. Now i'm thinking it would have been better if I had just stayed away. Perhaps then, my mother would not be dying. Damnit...it's so wrong. This shouldn't be happening. I should be happy that Damian is being considered for the Holy council...and my brother is soon to be married. But I am not. Why does this have to happen!? WHY???

Miriya slams a clenched fist against the brick courtyard wall. Fingernails with several weeks growth dug so hard into her palm that they draw blood when her fist hist the wall. She feels this, but the pain is very dull. She's so used to the pain...heartache and blood having their fair share of her body. She leans against the wall, head hanging, a bloody handprint on the light brown bricks.

Agony can be overcoming.*

Selinica Miriya
Nov 26th, 2002, 06:30:08 PM
*A hot day in Muriel City. A bloody handprint on the courtyard wall dries quickly. Carefully tending to a self-inflicted wound, and the aura of calm in this place are the only things keeping Miriya from flying into a blind rage. Her face is still wet with hot tears. *

"I sure wish Markis were here. Even Nobe would do the trick. But..."

*Pain...so much pain. It really hurts, doesn't it?*