View Full Version : Err...H..Hello?

Nov 23rd, 2002, 10:14:13 PM
Mykal' heart was beating very fast indeed just standing in the recruitment hall was scary enough without having to meet the Jedi as well. "H...Hello, is anyone there?...i..err..im here to see the Jedi" He called softly as he stood in the circular room. Suddenly he spun as the door behind him swung open his face became puppyish and he stepped back away from the door as if he might be attacked.

"I...didnt' mean to come in here..im sorry..im sorry if it was bad!" He called softly yet nervously to the opening door.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 23rd, 2002, 10:30:37 PM
"Do not be sorry for acting upon what your heart spoke to you...you have come here seeking the Jedi and there is no fault in such actions."

A calm voice gently rang out through the large room that the young man was standing in. He was shaken with fear and immediatly a calm presence seemed to envelope the room.

"Please do not fear me....I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider. I mean you no harm..."

She spoke once again and stepped into plain view, revealing a beautiful woman with a muscular frame that stood close to 5'6" tall. The smile dancing upon her lips was gentle, though it exposed her elongated canines which at times appeared more menacing than not. She meant not to alarm him though, it was just a part of her anatomy. Moving forward a few paces, a breeze caught the white robes upon her and gently they blew behind and arond her. The Garou Warrior Braids in her waist length blond hair swung in time with her steps and a clanging sound could be heard due to the silver coins woven into the locks. The Knight stopped to stand a meter or so from the young man before she bowed elegantly and rose up again to rest her cyan eyes upon his face. Silver specks glinted in the blue orbs and gave the appearance of shards of glass upon the ground that caught the light of the rays of the sun on a partly cloudy mid-afternood. Above all though, she was glowing with the joy of a Lightsider and he could feel no evil in her presence....only, Peace.

Nov 24th, 2002, 10:24:19 AM
Mykal quickly took a few steps back to provide space between the woman and himself pressing himself against the wall.On his face was an expression of terrific fear, ifact he looks likea child that had seen some sort of monster or had seen a ghost...the strange thing was that he was or looked around the age of ninteen or even early twentees but acted as a scared child.

'Pl...please dont hurt me...please!' He cried softly to Xazor putting his arm out to halt her advance.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 24th, 2002, 11:51:28 AM
Xazor smiled gently and shook her head, giving a quizzical look as he placed his arm between them for space.

"I'm not going to hurt you...I'm a Jedi and to you I bring Peace and welcomeness."

She said softly, then against her better judgement, the Knight took his hand in her own and immediatly waves of the calming Force went from her hand into his, down his arm and into his body. It was a strange sensation indeed, but it didn't hurt and it was an incredible experience to feel.

"I do not seek to bring harm to you or to make you fear me....I could never do that."

Her voice was soothing and gentle as she tried to bring the boy into reality. She hoped that he would trust her and begin to drop his defenses.

Nov 24th, 2002, 04:44:14 PM
The feeling was infact very comforting and warm but regardless he snatched his hand away from her and straffed right to try and go around her,this time revealing for the first time his folded great white wings like a dove. He noticed her looking at them as if in amazement and he tried to flank her and escape her grasp.

' I should not have come here...' He said in a very soft and shakey voice. 'But i have nowere else to go....im an ophan..and rejected wherever i go...and even you try to advance on me!' He cried, great floodes of frightend tears washing over his face as he tried to get around her,his wings and body shaking violently.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 28th, 2002, 11:22:38 AM
Xazor sighed and shook her head, backing away and making room for him to escape if he wished to.

"Coming here was not a mistake......you were drawn here just as I was so long ago. I know this for a fact...there is safety here and you sought that. I wish to offer that to you, but you seek to run away from it...that is your choice alone, I cannot make it for you. I will not force you to do anything though...the life that you find here is wonderful. This place offers the family you don't have and a warm place to stay. And if you just seek refuge for a short amount of time, I can hook you up with that too. You just have to open your eyes and see that I nor anyone else here wish to advance on you and hurt you."

Her voice was gentle and her eyes understanding as she looked up Mykal. The Garou Knight did not know what to do...but the more she tried to make him feel comfortable, the more he pushed her away. Lowering her eyes to the floor, the feeling of rejection she had once known came creeping back in though she gave it her all to fight it.

"I know what it feels like....I too have been in your shoes standing in the very place you are."

Nov 28th, 2002, 08:25:24 PM
'Di...did you?' He said moving closer to her in interest 'You had the same sort of life as me?

Xazor Elessar
Nov 28th, 2002, 09:00:25 PM
Xazor looked up with tender eyes and nodded slowly.

"....Yes.....I did. I'm not proud of my past....but slowly I'm rebuilding my life with my present and future. My memory was erased of my parents and my mother was killed....all of this was done by a Sith Master. He basically forced me into the life of a Sith and then I.....accepted it. I was a monster...and an Orphan like you. I was feared and I didn't know what love was. I was rejected....until I came here. I found what I was lacking...I found the pieces to fulfill my soul."

Her eyes shifted to the floor and the Knight sighed out of a bit of sadness. Shaking her head, she let her thoughts sink into his mind...and resound in her own once again. Silence filled the space and time between them as they thought.