View Full Version : Looking for a room and friends(open)

Marga Alton
Nov 23rd, 2002, 10:28:49 AM
Marga enters the LQ for the first time today. Her purpose, to find a room for herself. Her reason, because she is to become a Jedi and to prove to herself that she is worthy.

Walking down the halls, nodding to ppl as she passes them, she is looking for an empty room which she can call hers.

Her thoughts drift to her brother. Will she be a murderer back home if he doesn't survive?? It was an accident what happened. Just sitting there, doing some needlepoint, he came along and grabbed it from her. After he looked at it, he rolled his eyes and tossed it in the fire. I didn't mean to do any harm to him, but he destroyed his birthday present. He didn't even care that I had gone through all the trouble to get specially made threads to make it for him and all he did was roll his eyes as if it was just garbage that I was working on. It was then that I exploded. Jerimas went flying across the room and he hit his head on a corner, immediatly going into a coma with severe head injuries. I didn't mean to. It was an accident. But if he dies, I will be labled a murderer and banished from my home at best.

At best, I hope for banishment if he dies, at least that way I can still learn and help ppl.

Marga at this point bumps into somebody.

Rognan Dar
Nov 23rd, 2002, 04:29:50 PM
Rognan was walking the halls the Living Quarters, which he did often, mostly to meet the new people around. But manly because he was a little shy, so he thought that this is a good way to get over that.

He continued walking when he bumped into someone, someone new. He took a step back and saw that a young girl was infront of him.

"Sorry, didn't see you there. May I present myslef, Rognan Dar, are you in need of help?"

Marga Alton
Nov 24th, 2002, 10:15:02 AM
Marga looks up at the person she bumped into and smiles slightly. Through telepathy which is her mode of speaking now, she says.

I'm sorry Vai Dom. I was just being clumsy, please forgive me. I'm Marga Alton of Alton. I'm not really in need of alot of help, though I am looking for a room to stay in since I am new here.

She then uses one of her hands to tuck a lock of her fiery red hair behind on her ear.

Rognan Dar
Nov 24th, 2002, 06:06:16 PM
Rognan smiled at the comment about a room, alot of people ask that question so he knewthe answer.

"Well then let me welcome you to the Living Quarter. This is where all the Jedi stay, which you propubly already knew that. Anyway, If you will fellow me I will find you a room, anything pacific you want in a room?"

Marga Alton
Nov 25th, 2002, 11:04:20 AM
Marga smiles for a moment.

I just need the basics in a room. Bed, dresser, bathroom, kitchenette. Just a few things so I can live in comfort here. Oh, and also heat. I'm not wanting to get up first thing in the morning to a cold room. You can understand that can't you Vai

I do appreciate this help which you are willing to give me though I do feel unworthy of such help.

Rognan Dar
Nov 25th, 2002, 12:22:07 PM
"Everyone needs help, even if they dont ask for it, even if you think your not worthy of it." Rognan said giving a welcoming smile.

"Ok, this way," Rognan started walking down one of the many halls, looking at doors to see if anyone was in there. "Most rooms have what you want, just wondering if you wanted a big room, smaller, any other detail. But if your not picky then any room will be fine."

Rognan thought a room near the entrance would be a good spot for her. So looked around there, it look as if all the rooms here were taken, but there was one with the door almost closed. He looked inside and noone was there.

"Hey, I found you one. Take a look to see if you like it."

Marga Alton
Nov 26th, 2002, 10:17:09 AM
Marga follows Rognan until he finds a room that is empty. She takes a step inside to take a look around. After a couple of moments she smiles and motions for Rognan to come on in as well.

This room is very nice. Thank-you Vai Dom.

Please, tell me something, how long have you been here studying and learning to become a Jedi?

Rognan Dar
Nov 26th, 2002, 04:37:14 PM
Rognan walked in the room and thought about the question for a moment.

"Not sure really. I've lost the sence of time here, but I would say about four months. And I'm glad you like the room. It's really close to the entrence so you shouldn't get lost." Rognan said smiling.

Marga Alton
Nov 27th, 2002, 11:02:41 AM
Marga smiles back at Rognan.

An Alton can't afford to get lost so we learn from an early age to learn where we are and how to get to where we want to go.

Please tell me something, what is it like to study to become a Jedi?"

Rognan Dar
Nov 27th, 2002, 07:54:35 PM
"Its been great so far, never thought I'd be learning the stuff that I'm doing. But it has made me life better."

Marga Alton
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:09:32 AM
Marga's smile gets bigger.

I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying it here. I only hope that I can learn everything I can here which I have been denied at home.

Rognan Dar
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:14:16 PM
"I hope you enjoy it here too. Hey, you want somthing to eat, we can go to the Bar and Grill if you'd like?"

Marga Alton
Dec 3rd, 2002, 10:04:57 AM
Marga smiles and nods her head.

I would like that very much Vai Dom, though I don't want to be much of a burden.

Rognan Dar
Dec 3rd, 2002, 11:54:35 PM
"Oh no burden at all, I like to help out in anyway that I can." Rognan said extending a hand to the door. Rognan was nerves talking to girl, but helping them out, he just was normal. It was that way all the time, he was the best when he was helping someone.

"Shall we, I know the best place that will not your socks off."

Marga Alton
Dec 5th, 2002, 01:26:07 PM
Marga smiles again.

Please, lead the way.