View Full Version : Congratulations! (OPEN TO ALL AS OF 12/9)
Nov 22nd, 2002, 03:17:56 PM
He knocked on her door. It was a light, almost playful knock. In his hand he carried a bottle of chilled champagne. He had heard the good news on his flight back and had been thinking of nothing since he'd heard the good news. Now that he was back, they had some celebrating to do. He hoped to go down into the city, with Gouyen and Robi, and perhaps some others who wished to celebrate, but before anyone else joined them, he wanted to congratulate her himself.
His violet eyes sparkled happily, and he leaned against the door frame casually as he waited for his friend to open the door.
Nov 22nd, 2002, 03:35:11 PM
Robi answered the door, knowing that it was Sasha.
So you've heard, she asked him through the Force, then jumped up on him, tail wagging madly, in a canine version of a hug and a kiss.
She's been resting a lot lately -- the mission took a lot out of her, but it also made her stronger -- I can sense it. And I think she's been expecting you.
She nosed open the door for Sasha to enter the room. Mistress -- a visitor she said, her tail still wagging.
Nov 22nd, 2002, 03:40:09 PM
He laughed as Robi jumped up on him. He knew it to be a hug, and returned it. And then he followed her in to see Gouyen.
“Thought you could keep it a secret, huh?” He joked as he set the champagne down on the table, then walked over to where she was resting to give her a hug.
And then he sat down near her, and looked to her with concern.
“Are you feeling better?” He asked, sincerity in his tone as he inquired about her.
Gouyen Chee
Nov 22nd, 2002, 03:59:47 PM
Gouyen looked up from her seat on the sofa. She had done a little redecorating since she came home, making the room more like a small apartment. She was clad in a cobalt blue caftan, with elaborate embroidery adorning the neckline and the edges of the flaring sleeves. She also had her hair down, and it enveloped her in an inky, waist-length cloak. She reached over and shut off the holovid documentary which she had been watching to keep her mind occupied while her body rested and greeted her brother with a broad smile.
"So you heard, eh?" she replied to his quip as he set the bottle of champagne on the table, then took a seat next to her.
"Are you feeling better?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.
"Yes, much," she replied. "It's amazing what time can do -- time and the opportunity to do nothing at all."
Nov 22nd, 2002, 04:57:31 PM
At this he chuckled.
"I'd have gone crazy, I think..." He replied to the idea of sitting around so much as Gouyen had been forced to do.
"But I thought perhaps you'd be feeling well enough to celebrate...afterall, it isnt every day that my sister is knighted." He added, his eyes full of pride.
He had come to care immensely for Gouyen, and took pride in her accomplishments, as much as he had felt her pain after returning from the training mission.
"You're looking like you feel better..." He added, his voice carrying a bit of mischief in it, hoping to entice her into celebrating.
Gouyen Chee
Nov 22nd, 2002, 07:42:07 PM
"Actually it's been nice to have nothing to do, at least nothing that you have to do," she replied, smiling. "I've had a chance to do some reading, as well as watching holovids til I go blind," and she rubbed her eyes in mock irritation.
"But I thought perhaps you'd be feeling well enough to celebrate -- after all, it isn't every day that my sister is knighted." His pride in her acomplishment was evident in his face. She smiled -- she had felt much the same way when he was knighted. As he was her brother in all but genes, she cared immensely for him, and it was obvious that the feeling was mutual.
"You're looking like you feel better," he added, no doubt trying to coax her into a partying mood.
Gouyen needed no coaxing. "Actually, I have been going a little stir-crazy lately," she said, rising from her seat. "Give me a bit to get properly dressed and to braid my hair," which mysteriously began to braid itself in a trick of the Force, "and we can celebrate properly." With that, she vanished into the fresher.
Nov 23rd, 2002, 10:59:11 AM
As Gouyen left to get changed, Sasha turned to Robi with a co conspiritor sort of grin on his face.
"I knew it wouldnt take much convincing..." He stated happily.
And then he stood and walked into the kitchen area, and found, with little effort, a few glasses for the champagne.
Just as Gouyen was returning, he popped the cork and held a glass out to her.
"You really deserved the promotion." He stated, his smile fading only in an effort to express his sincerity.
Gouyen Chee
Nov 25th, 2002, 04:26:53 PM
She came out into the room, her hair neatly braided in the traditional Assazi warrior's braid and dressed in a brand-new uniform. It was still the familiar black mandarin collared tunic and black leggings, but the tunic was trimmed in purple on the collar, sleeves and hem, and elaborate purple cording adorned the sleeves.
"What do you think?" she asked him, only to be greeted by the loud pop! of the champagne cork.
"You really deserved this promotion," he said as he held out a foaming glass for her. He was trying hard to look sincere but his proud grin kept forcing its way out.
"Thanks, Sasha," she replied, her own grin expressing her feelings at her promotion. She took a cautious sip of the champagne, the bubbles tickling her nose. "You know how hard I've worked for it. That's why I'm wearing this new uniform -- purple is the color of a knight, a tendi in my language."
She took another, longer, sip and gestured towards the table. "Or would you prefer to relax in the 'living room'?"
Nov 25th, 2002, 04:56:45 PM
He grinned.
"I like the purple..." He replied, nodding approvingly.
"Tendi..." He tried it out, just for kicks to hear how it sounded coming from his own tongue.
His head cocked slightly, a thoughtful expression on his face as he compared it to the title of knight. Yes, it seemed to fit, he thought.
As she gestured towards the table, he merely shrugged. He was content just about anywhere, so long as he was with good friends.
"The table is fine..." He replied, then looked to Robi.
"Unless you prefer the 'living room'..." He added, an eyebrow raised in question.
Gouyen Chee
Nov 26th, 2002, 03:01:26 PM
"Then the table it is," and she pulled up a chair and sat down. "I've been doing too much' living' in this room anyway. I wonder if I'm elegible for larger quarters now that I'm a knight...." she mused.
She took a long swig from her glass, draining it, then set it down on the table. "I hope you have something else planned," she remarked. "I mean, I don't want to be 'all dressed up with no place to go...,'" she grinned mischieviously.
Nov 26th, 2002, 05:16:56 PM
He laughed.
"Im not good enough company for being all dressed up?" He replied, a mock expression of hurt on his face.
He slid into a chair across from her and took a drink from his glass.
"Well, I was hoping you'd be up to going into Coronet. Maybe grab a few others on the way if they're around...."
Nov 27th, 2002, 04:30:42 PM
Robi had hopped up on a seat and lapped champagne from a large glass that was sort of like a brandy snifter. She sneezed a couple of times from the bubbles tickling her sensitive nose, and reached up a nimble paw to rub it, all the while paying close attention to the two knights' conversation.
"Well, I was hoping you'd be up to going into Coronet. Maybe grab a few others on the way if they're around...."
Her ears pricked up when she heard this -- she hadn't been to the city since the debacle with Inu-Aku, and was looking forward to the trip. She said nothing, letting her wagging tail speak for her.
Dec 1st, 2002, 05:18:32 PM
Sasha glanced over at Robi, her tail wagging distracting him only slightly. He grinned widely.
"Theres a new place that just opened up down there, I guess. I think its called Saraceno's or something like that."
He shrugged with a slightly sheepish look.
"I overheard these girls talking about it when I was waiting in line to renew my piloting license." It wasnt that he was looking, but he certainly could have used a night out just as much as Gouyen could have.
"They said the place has good drinks..." He added with a grin.
Gouyen Chee
Dec 9th, 2002, 04:35:47 PM
"Of course you're good company, Sasha," she replied with a mock-pout. "It's just that I want to make this a more general celebration."
"Well, I was hoping you'd be up to going into Coronet. Maybe grab a few others on the way if they're around...," he added.
"Of course I'm up for going to Coronet. Any place in particular?"
Then he told her about Saraceno's. "They said the place has good drinks...."
"I hope they have good food too -- I've been eating like a starved vornskyr to get my strength back. I'm overdue for a night out -- or would that be a Knight," and she emphasized the diffrence by pronouncing the "K," "out?" She grinned mischieviously. "I'm ready any time you are."
OOC:Sorry about the long delay, but I finally have my computer problems licked. :)
Dec 9th, 2002, 04:43:35 PM
At the mention of eating like a starved vornsky, he blanched slightly, remembering all too well his confrontation with two of them a few months back. It had not been pretty, and while the wounds had healed, the scars ran down his arms from where they had grabbed hold and tugged.
But then he grinned.
"Well...if they dont, we'll go somewhere else." He promised and then stood from his spot at the table. He finished off the champagne in his glass and set it over by the sink.
"Well come on then...." He suggested, looking to both Robi and Gouyen, "Lets round up a crew and head down to the city..."
Gouyen Chee
Dec 11th, 2002, 03:13:17 PM
She gulped down the rest of the champagne with a hiccup and put her glass alongside Sasha's, then took Robi's glass and did the same.
"Well come on then...." he suggested, looking to both Robi and Gouyen, "Lets round up a crew and head down to the city..."
With that, Gouyen locked the door and the trio headed out down the hall, looking for company.
"It's strange, but in all the time I've been in the order, I feel like I hardly know anyone. Too much time studying, I guess," and she grinned sheepishly. "Do you know any of the others in the order?"
Dec 11th, 2002, 08:46:14 PM
He smiled at this.
"Well....we didnt really have a big starting class when we joined the order..." He offered in terms of an explanation for her. Those entering now had so many others like them, so many others that Sasha didnt recognize half the faces he saw in the hallways.
"I know a few..." He admitted, his cheeks flushing a bit. He was a social kid, and always out to meet new people.
"Zatania and Judas, both my apprentices, this guy Adrian that I met in the library, Dea, of course, Malice would probably come...."
He paused. Lady Vader would possibly go...though, one could never know with her.
"Theres Lady Vader and Lord Dyzm, too...though, Im not sure if they're around or not..."
His forehead wrinkled in thought.
"Xandra...shes a new recruit...I met her on the High Roller..." He explained.
He chuckled.
"We could just knock on every door we pass on the way out and drag them along..." He suggested half joking half serious.
Dea Potentia
Dec 11th, 2002, 10:41:49 PM
*sneaks up (or at least does a job of sneakig up that would've been perfect if not for their ability to sense her presence... darn it... sith ain't no fun when ye can't sneak up on them! :p ) and pokes gouyens shoulder. Smiles, with some difficulty after a long time of crying* I hear someone *pokes gouyen's shoulder agin* has been newly knighted.
Dec 12th, 2002, 08:05:54 AM
Sasha grinned widely upon seeing Dea. He hadnt seen her in quite some time, and had been wondering about her.
He noticed that her eyes seemed a bit red and puffy, perhaps from crying, and an expressionof concern crossed his features for a brief moment.
He would ask when the right time arose, but for now, congratualtions for Gouyen were in order.
"You heard right...." He stated with a lazy grin.
"We were just going to come see if you wanted to come out and celebrate with us...." He added, his words followed by a questioning expression.
Gouyen Chee
Dec 12th, 2002, 01:13:27 PM
She noticed the poke and quickly turned to embrace her sister in the order.
"Dea!" she exclaimed in pleasant surprise, then fell back to arm's length to study her. Her eyes looked red and watery, but otherwise she looked to be well recovered from her ordeal.
Then Sasha broke in. "You heard right," he stated with a lazy grin. "We were just going to come and see if you wanted to come out ane celebrate with us."
"I'd love to have you join us," added Gouyen. "After what we've both been through recently, I think we both need to relax and have some fun."
Dea Potentia
Dec 12th, 2002, 09:50:12 PM
*nods, her wavering smile strengthing* Sound's like fun! *smile falters but after a brief strugle everythings under control.* And twould probably do me good to be with others... *sniffle* Thank you for the invitation. tis good to feel included.
Dec 13th, 2002, 10:53:06 AM
Sasha grinned.
"Its settled then." He stated, moving past the mushy girl stuff and ready to get on with the celebrating.
With that, he gave a quick rap on the door in front of which they were now standing, prepared to invite anyone who wished to go to head down into the city for food, drinks and fun.
Dea Potentia
Dec 29th, 2002, 12:24:54 AM
*decides that if there was someone in the room behind the door on which sasha had knocked who wanted to join them they would have answered the door by now, knocks on the next door down the hall.*
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