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Nov 21st, 2002, 08:07:51 PM
Live in spain, france, italy or monaco?
Just curious, as this summer I'm going to those four places as part of a program called Student Ambassadors. figured I might want to see if I could get tips on what to do and how to act from pplz that actually LIVE there. lol
And I also get to go to Toldeo Spain to watch someone forge a sword, and probably will buy tons of arms and armor there! :D :)
Sejah Haversh
Nov 21st, 2002, 08:39:41 PM
I don't live there myself, but if for some bizzarre reason you pass through the town of La Guardia in Spain, do not drink the local wine.
It is nasty.
My last name is de la Guardia, and that is the town my father's side of the family comes from. But I hope you have fun, and try to look for the things people normally don't on a trip like that. Watch the people, and expeirnee life in each of those places. Don't just be a tourist, actually get to know where you are. That's possibly the best way to travel.
Loki Ahmrah
Nov 21st, 2002, 08:49:15 PM
Spain is an absolutely delightful country. Do not go to the tourist hotspots if you can help it or big, industrialised hellholes. Try Cantabria, la Costa Verde is beautiful and the mountain range just south of the coastline, specifically south of Santander is breathtaking countryside.
Spanish red is my favourite wine, with regulations of course, I can't speak of the wine from the La Gaurdia region however but that's another matter entirley. Eat well and drink well in Spain, France and Italy for they are what the trio have in common, wonderful quisine and wine.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 22nd, 2002, 01:59:23 PM
Lucky! :)
Admiral Lebron
Nov 22nd, 2002, 04:00:15 PM
Student Ambassadors = *** They've tried to get me to go three times now. The first time it was to Northern Ireland and Scotland when the conflict there was heating up. Then it was to like Greece and Italy and Turkey and I'm like nah. Then this last year, they wanted me to go to germany, spain and france. And I'm like 'France. Eww." So yeah. Don't go Alpha. Don't piss away your summer with tree-huggers!
Nov 22nd, 2002, 04:08:01 PM
Ive been to paris...but not much fun...
Nov 22nd, 2002, 05:09:01 PM
I'm already signed up actually Leb. :D See, Toledo is worth the whole trip, right there. Plus I get to see the Grand Prix track, which is kewl too. And then there's the fact that I have family in Italy who own a vineyard...:D
Ray~We're actually not going to Paris...*shrugs*
Kelt Simoson
Nov 22nd, 2002, 05:24:05 PM
What do you mean by "Tree-Huggers"?
<< Is a Wiccan
Sanis Prent
Nov 22nd, 2002, 07:39:58 PM
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 22nd, 2002, 07:47:57 PM
Tree huggers? The people we in Oregon like to call "chainsaw bait." ;)
j/k anyway
Paris is great! OMG I love it there!
Sanis Prent
Nov 22nd, 2002, 07:48:24 PM
I wanna go to Paris, and find Julie Delpy :D
Admiral Lebron
Nov 22nd, 2002, 08:46:34 PM
Tree Huggers, Hippies, 'Enviormentalists.' They piss me off. So do French people. And Canadians.
Nov 22nd, 2002, 09:19:02 PM teacher is the pres. of the enviromentalist club...i think that he is gay...:lol
Kelt Simoson
Nov 23rd, 2002, 06:26:36 AM
I actualy find that very offencive Lebron, im a Wiccan and my faith is to love nature and so does many friends i have within my life but thats not to say we go around destroying industrial equiptment...Wiccans and enviromentalists have the same beilfes only Wiccans go about it and dont go wrecking and chaining themseves to trees and such.., that does not make us gay or stupid or idiotic. I dont sit there and mark your believes by mocking it do i?...If you dont like people like that keep it to yourself or find out about us before you judge our or there faith or beivies.
Taylor Millard
Nov 23rd, 2002, 06:35:01 AM
Regardless of faith, Kelt does has a point. I believe we covered this debate in the 'Election thread' when someone mentioned they insulted people by calling them 'Democrats'.
Now...were it sarcasm by Lebron (which it could be)...then both of you (Lebron and Kelt) need to lighten up. more mention from either of you about 'hating treehuggers' or 'being offended' all right?
Let's stay on topic, which was Alpha's potential trip to Europe.
And speaking of the topic...
I enjoyed Europe greatly when I went back in '98.
Italy is wonderful, especially if you go to Florence or Rome. There are some really neat cathedrals to visit. Pisa is okay but all they have is the Leaning Tower. The museums in Florence are excellent as well.
France was all right. I enjoyed Notre Dame. The Eiffel Tower is neat too. I do warn out for swindlers. I had $50 worth of francs stolen from me because I wasn't paying attention. Also watch out for pickpockets
Foodwise...Italy's best, then France. Spain I have no gone to so I can't comment on it.
Hope you guys have fun :)
Nov 23rd, 2002, 10:08:52 AM
Thanks Taylor...:)
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 23rd, 2002, 03:31:03 PM
And if you're a girl, which you aren't, don't LOOK AT ANY FRENCH MEN!
Or even pretend you're about to look. !!!! Never!
imported_Ambrose Braeden
Nov 23rd, 2002, 03:45:32 PM
:lol :lol :lol
imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 23rd, 2002, 04:21:38 PM
I actualy find that very offencive Lebron, im a Wiccan and my faith is to love nature and so does many friends i have within my life but thats not to say we go around destroying industrial equiptment...Wiccans and enviromentalists have the same beilfes only Wiccans go about it and dont go wrecking and chaining themseves to trees and such.., that does not make us gay or stupid or idiotic. I dont sit there and mark your believes by mocking it do i?...If you dont like people like that keep it to yourself or find out about us before you judge our or there faith or beivies.Do you get offended when animals urinate on trees?
Silus Xilarian
Nov 23rd, 2002, 04:34:55 PM
It just seems like some people look for an excuse to be offended when it comes to things like that........It makes no sense
Rima Xavier
Nov 23rd, 2002, 05:21:14 PM
I'm serious, if you're female and you look in the eyes of a frenchman, thats like saying "Lets do it! I'm ready and willing, just let me put down my shopping bags."
Serious! ^_^;
Nov 23rd, 2002, 08:10:49 PM
:lol. I'll pass that piece of advice along to the female members of my delegation...:lol
Kelt Simoson
Nov 23rd, 2002, 08:36:34 PM
Originally posted by Grev Drasen
Do you get offended when animals urinate on trees?
Nov 23rd, 2002, 11:19:04 PM
No? What about when I urinate on trees?
Sanis Prent
Nov 23rd, 2002, 11:24:50 PM
Then I tie you to said tree, and burn you alive, because I hate you.
Nov 23rd, 2002, 11:29:49 PM
Sounds like it could be fun. Does this involve gasoline? I do so love the smell of gasoline.
Taylor Millard
Nov 23rd, 2002, 11:32:14 PM
Isn't he immortal though?
Sanis Prent
Nov 23rd, 2002, 11:32:17 PM
It involves my own urine. I'm drunk enough....should be flammable.
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 23rd, 2002, 11:32:53 PM
I love the smell of Europe in the morning.... :D
Nov 24th, 2002, 11:10:38 AM
Telan Desaria
Nov 24th, 2002, 08:52:02 PM
In France, do not mention Sedan and the words Germany or Prussia or Germany in the same sentence. You will mobbed by the jealous and vengeful.
In Italy, never remind them that they lost the World Wars. That S was intentional. Definitely, do not say Alpenkorps.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 24th, 2002, 09:06:13 PM
*jumps on Telan's back*
piggyback rides!!!
Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 25th, 2002, 12:21:52 AM
Leeloo Mina
Nov 25th, 2002, 01:33:47 AM
Originally posted by Rima Xavier
I'm serious, if you're female and you look in the eyes of a frenchman, thats like saying "Lets do it! I'm ready and willing, just let me put down my shopping bags."
Serious! ^_^;
I'm glad amercian men aren't like that... at least most of them :lol
Sanis Prent
Nov 25th, 2002, 02:00:06 AM
Telan Desaria
Nov 25th, 2002, 06:05:32 PM
*makes note to go to France*
***polishes contakts
Nov 25th, 2002, 08:56:07 PM
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