View Full Version : A Rock Concert where you get drunk off everything but Beer (open to all)

Nov 21st, 2002, 04:35:24 PM
:: This was beautiful, sheer chaos! The music beat was like a beating heart and my voice would be its blood. I stood before a million people, all different races and shapes and sizes. All mortals begging for anarchy and chaos and freedom. All for destruction! My band played behind me and they played as hard as they could. Pain was their motivation. The better they played, the less the cells hurt them. It made good musicians sometimes.
But the noise of the crowd was overwhelming, the way they cheered when I jumped back an forth singing my songs of blasphemey to the light. the balance had been disturbed and I was here to preach it. I made my own pyrotechnics and occaisonally we had people brought up to the stage and I personally slaughtered them, but the crowd thought it was all show. I loved it!
I made another jump into the air, force aided, and landed as fire shot from my finger tips into the air. I pounded on the stage and my band played their cacophony of destruction and power. I spread my darkness across the crowd like I had been doing for the last 12 hours. People got in fights from being drunk or being too close or just because of an adrenaline rush. But the real party hadn't even started. I was waiting for midnight specifacally and it was about to strike. I sang the last verse to all the die hard fans and exagerated the volume wuth the force, carring the sound waves acroos the ears of them all.::

Welcome to my Hell tonight
Let my Fire light your Fight!
I scream for Blood and and evil times!
You'll all burn at when the moon climbs!

:: They were facsinated by it, entranced, so easy to mold, their minds had become putty to me. I let my influence spread and my eyes blazed in red heat. I saw flashes similar across the entire crowd, people who had sucessfully been taken under my power. I laughed and turned back to my band. Their eyes burned with the same light also and I nodded. I turned about and watched the clock hit midnight. I let loose one of my metallic laughs and I heard glass crack from the pitch. The whole crowd was quiet now and their silence grew and built with anticipation. I snapped and the sprinkler systems came on.
Dark liquid sprayed forth in every direction, from the ceiling and from the floor, everywhere. More of my slaves came from backstage and began throwing large objects into the crowd. Those under my control began to cheer and open their mouths as if they were drinking rain, revelingin the liquid, but those not under my conrol began to scream as they realized what they were soaked in and what they had been catching from stage.
Blood fell like rain and Human orans were tossed into the crowd with ease. My slaves were drinking blood and now eating the organs with a fervor I hadn't even expected. Beautiful. And then I had gaurds posted at the doors, some people tried to escape,t hey were brutaly murdered and the slaves dropped on them like a feast, still warm, bleeding bodies.::

Malice Draclau
Nov 22nd, 2002, 02:54:38 AM
One man still stood still amongst the chaos. His once white robes now drenched blood red. Bending down he picked up a human heart in one hand, and a lung in the other. Two vital organs, he stared at each one before looking up at the musician.

(Quite a concert you have put on. I suppose these are partying gifts)

The force message rippled through his mind with a hint of a minacal humor. Malice now slowly made his way towards the stage. Snapping a couple peoples necks. Many of the poor fools were still under the darksider's control, their heads hung back with their mouths wide open. Letting that red crimson liquid of life ooze down their throat. His gaze swept the floor, all who werent under the mans control, had either been killed, or is being tortured by the others....dying a slow painful death. By now he was standing in an ankle deep pool of blood, the stench of such an amount, even the sight of so much would make a normal person hurl till their very own guts came out.

But to the sith, the sight was as beautiful as a bright summer afternoon when the flowers were in bloom. The scent of blood as intoxicating as a womans perfume, carried on a soft gentle breeze. This chaotic concerct was like heaven to Malice, such destruction he loved to witness, even create when he had the time. For now though he would enjoy the moment. Picking up a dead womans body, he presumed to dance with her smelly soaked carcass around the room. The people and beings around him still entranced by the music being played.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 22nd, 2002, 03:08:56 PM
The roaring noise could be heard from outside the concert room. Every step that Wraith took, the blasphemous noise clanged in his ears. It was rather annoying to listen to. Wraith came to twin doors that led into the room. They were barred shut. How interesting.....

The noise was ever so loud now. Wraith put his hand upon the bar, and broke the frozen section of it all the way through. As the doors opened, a sullen mist enveloped the entrance as Wraith strided in. IT was a morg fest. Complete an utter chaos. People feeding upon eachother and blood falling from the cieling. It disgusted him. What a weak way to emphasize power. He stepped aside as someone tried to chew on him. With a quick movement, he brought his knee up into the commoners face. As the body hit the ground, he pushed through the crowd, trying to find the source of all this death and decay.

Torriana Marx
Nov 23rd, 2002, 04:57:03 AM

She swallowed. Hard. Maybe she should've paid attention to Navaria's warnings against coming here. Maybe she should've left the gig hours ago, when it was still light outside. As she headed over to the exit, the person at the front of the long queue that had formed was met with a most painful end. Torri grimaced: that bouncer would be cleaning dried blood from under his fingernails for weeks.

Maybe she should've called the funeral services beforehand. Well, if anything was left to bury. A man some distance away seemed to literally explode, showering his neighbours with blood and human debris. One of them had a huge, triumphant grin plastered across his face.

You're an idiot, you know that? IDIOT. The Padawan slowly retreated from the heavily guarded doors and looked around, hoping to spot one of those ventilation shafts that always made for easy escapes in movies. Nothing. That explained the nauseating smell... and thank the gods she had decided to wear trousers today. Her high leather boots, complete with metal buckles up the side, were crusty with blood and whatever else she had happened to step in.

This was it. The end. With a small whimper, Torriana pressed herself into a corner and squeezed her eyes shut.

Malice Draclau
Nov 23rd, 2002, 05:06:36 AM
Malice stopped in his walk towards the stage. Turning he noticed a man walk in. Or so he seemed. Looking past him, Malice noticed ice shards surrounding the broken door. Complete with the cold mist that had just floated in, the sith concluded this being had the abilities of ice.

*How interesting. I wonder.....does he want to join in on the fun*

Before he cold answer his question, a tremor within the force rippled through his mind. It was the essance, the scent of a jedi he smelled, and felt through the force. Even with the stench of blood filling the room, his demonic side made it possible to smell beyond this. Now he only needed to locate the jedi.

With his link to the lightsider set through the force, he decided to play with the jedi and sent them a message.

(Welcome to the party jedi. I was wondering.....what would a jedi be doing at such a party as this? care to join in the festivities?)

Malice asked while walking around the room. It would be mere minutes before he found the jedi. Then, then his fun would really begin. In the meantime though, he killed a few people who had gotten to close to him. He would forget about the ice man for the time being.

Nov 23rd, 2002, 04:02:53 PM
Watching the jedi and sith at play, Casseopia sucked the strawberry lolly she had accostomed herself to in this form. The little girl, looking no older than five years in this form, followed the sith as he moved across the stage with widened eyes. Her blond braids remained still as the wind blew around her on the high tower looking onto the stage.

Smiling, Cassie raised a hand, laughing her childish chuckles as the people where thrown aside, leaving a path to the stage. Skulls cracked and screams were heard, yet the din of the music continued.

Skipping towards the crowds of people, her little toys to be killed mercilessly, she made her way across the trail of fresh blood.

Nov 24th, 2002, 04:09:11 PM
:: I cackled at all the power flowing from all the hate and destruction. The primal evil here was like the fountain of youth to me. My eyes flared like fireworks as other force users demonstrated their ability. I smelled them all throughout the crowd.
I continued with my lyrics as I watched the carnage.::

Come my little children, its time to play!
Earn your work and feast all day!
Let your power flow in ecstasy!
Kill and thrash with intensity!

:: And then I whispered slowly but loud enough for everyone to still here::

Come children of the force...
Let Time and I take its course!

:: I raised my arms into the air and the spotlight focused on me. All those attuned to the force felt a pulling sensation towards the stage as I focused. The Sith searching for the girl in the corner began to lose the scent of her and I made sure that my pull was stronger. The ice man in the back felt my pull too. The girl with the candy that had no true feeling of being a child felt my presence too.
Fire reached into the air and the entire front row of people around the stage were mangled and thrown backwards as burnt corpses. People behind them lunged and began to devour their scorched skin like it was steak. I laughed again and ran a hand back through my hair.::

Anytime folks...

:: I used the force and spread the crowds so that each of the people; the ice man, sith, little girl, and the wall flower, had a clear path to me.::

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 24th, 2002, 04:27:45 PM
The pulsing message flowed through the crowd as Wraith proceeded towards the center of it. This bloody fiesta had to end. The crowd separated before Wraith. An icy walkway appeared as he made his way to the front. Slipping away into the shadows, he came up onto the stage and waited, waited for the chance to reveal himself. The intense heat from the flame still lingered. Wraith felt uncomfortable in this position, for small beads of sweat began to appear upon his blue skin. He never sweat.

The singer was an ugly sight to look upon, maybe it was the unusual amount of blood being shed in every way, shape, and form. For some odd reason, Wraith felt linked to this horrid man. He had felt his presence before, but not in this gory of a way. Wraith would make sure a slaughtering such as this would be done in a more honorable fashion.

Nov 24th, 2002, 04:32:44 PM
Sensing the power growing from the little man, Casseopia rose into the air, several feet above the desecrated bodies.
To her surprise he had managed to clear a path, inviting his enemies, possibly allies to come forth. Power like his would surely make hers grow.

"Curious" her sweet voice echoed.

Casseopia let her form manipulate once again. The little blonde girl stopped skipping in her tracks. The combined forces of the sith and jedi were not far, she had to be careful. Giggling, she crossed her arms tightly and closed her eyes.

A small amulet on her forehead began to glow. It's luminesence grew stronger as the shape shifter began to change. Quickly the form changed within seconds- small currents of lighting flowing over the childs body were all that could be seen. Dark wings tore from the flesh of a grown woman as she made her way through the air.

Distant though her presence she growled sensing the jedi near , and remained for the time being above the chaos to watch the little man.

Nov 24th, 2002, 04:48:38 PM
:: I sneered as I saw the false girl turn into a deomin cisage before me and my head snapped to the side as I saw the ice man. My eyes flared at the sight of the two and I laughed in a high shrill laugh. I motioned for both to approach me sense they had been nice enough to show themselves, or as much as the ice man would get near me.
My white long hair flowed with wind that wasn't their and all the blood across me blew like an explosion. My now clean garments also picked up the wind that wasn't their as I closed my eyes. I focused as black mist seemed to emenate from my body. The mist seemed to form hands reaching for the heavens as the mass grew. The light from the stage was sucked into it like a black hole and the noise stopped as it hit the mist also. All those under my control stopped and just stood there, staring at me, the others continued in their fervor or they took the chance to run and hide, but the doors were locked and I had gaurds ready to kill any escapees.::


Nov 24th, 2002, 05:10:06 PM
Drawing her right arm backwards, a long whip slashed through the doors of a vehicle already making its way out of the concert gates. Holding the whip in both hands as it coiled in a merciless grip she pulled with anger. She had learnt long ago the mistake of not typing any loose ends.
The family screamed as the vehicle spun, and finally made its collison with a group of hysterical people, all screaming for their freedom. Their screams were soon dimmed however, as the ground before them rose, and threatened to collapse at amy moment.
Repulsed by the impotent little man, not matter what price she had been paid to oversee his small escapade of a concert, she waited.

Garmollo Apostate
Nov 24th, 2002, 06:05:10 PM
Garmollo wandered to a corner where a girl was cowering.

"Why so scared, little one?" he asked taking her hand and pulling her close to him.

"Yes, stay with us, we keep you safe!" another personality said, Garmollo's eyes flashing with sadism.

A chuckle escaped Garmollo's throat. "Such a pretty flower, would you not agree?" A third personality said.

"Come, join the crowd. Lord Fiend puts on quite an impressive show yes?" Garmollo laughed and dragged her closer to the stage. Garmollo held her firmly in his arms and his armor would protect him from her attacks should she struggle. But he tied her up with the long chain from his weapon just in case.

"Don't be scared," he whispered in his ear, letting some light from the stage glint off of the sickle he held in his other hand. "I'll take good care of you."

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 24th, 2002, 06:34:27 PM
Wraith approached the man as the dark vortex of light seemed to rotate around him in all directions. "Could I have the name of the one who creates such terror and madness?"

Malice Draclau
Nov 24th, 2002, 08:26:13 PM
The sith master stopped on his trek towards the jedi woman. The message rippled through his mind, as the one that had caused all this called him to the stage. Not wanting to dissapoint, he forgot about the jedi woman. Instead turning around, Malice used the force to clear a path. Many people were instantly flung to the side, clearing a bloodied walkway for Malice to take, directly to the stage.

A grin slid across his face as he watched the singer scorch people in the front row. The other's within the room, the ice man, and the little girl were making it to the stage before he would. Though, the little girl quickly disappeared, being replaced instead with a visage of a grown woman. The deon sith grinned.

*And so the truth about people are shown. Or so it seems*

He wondered if he should show his true form, or wait a little longer. After all, everyone knew that in this much destruction, a demon could always be found close by. Though none closer to this destruction then in Malice would they find the demon.

Torriana Marx
Nov 25th, 2002, 09:25:21 AM
It appeared that corners were magnets for interest of the wrong kind. Whereas normally Torri loved attention directed towards herself, regardless of who from, this situation was tilted heavily against her. First there was that annoying voice in her head asking her to participate in the "festivities". Then, just as she was about to edge away from her so-called refuge, there was that odd pull she felt from the stage. Like hell she'd go there!! But no... the throng of moshers surrounding her seemed to clear, as though beckoning her to follow. Well, why not? You're gonna die, either way. She took a step forward...

...only to be swept into the arms of a tall, dark, and handsome stranger. Handsome..? Okay, so all that armor didn't allow for much ogling, and the guy was more intent on babbling to himself than take much notice of her, but heck, what else did she have to lose?

And then there was that big ugly blade. Wrapping the chain around her, he pulled her closer to himself. Torri didn't resist, but her 'other half' couldn't refrain from commenting. Kinky!

"Shut up," she muttered quietly to herself under her breath, still cringing in fright.

Garmollo Apostate
Nov 25th, 2002, 09:36:31 AM
Garmollo looked to her.

"So there are voices in your head too? How perfect."

Garmollo pulled the chain tighter around her, and lifed her a few inches off the ground so he could look her in the eye.

"What a pretty flower. Fit for a king such as myself."

"You are no king."

Garmollo looked at her some more, helpless and cringing with fright. She was perfect. At last the insane man reached the stage with his captive in tow.

"Lord Fiend, how can we serve you?" Garmollo's personalities all talked at once, all saying the same thing. There was focus, direction. And with it came power.

Nov 26th, 2002, 08:22:39 PM
ooc- Casseopia needs to know that this is a closed concert area, but don't worry, I'll make sure you know

:: The vortex wrapped about my body flustered then focused to a focal point about my body and then seemed to draw back into my body. I looked up to the beastial woman in the air above the crowd. Then I turned to the ice man and laughed as my eyes flared.::

You will know in time snow man. But to solve a few mysteries for you, I am the terror and madness, not just the cause. We will wait for the rest though.

:: My "friend" Garmollo approached the stage and he spoke with a zeal I didn't know his multipersonalities had. Quite an image though, what with the girl under his arm and everything. I nodded to him and my hair flowed behind me with the wind that didn't exist.::

Glad you came friend, you came to my summon, for that I am grateful. The time has come that the darkside will tip the scale and the light shall be vanquished and devoured. And you shall help me...
But what is this toy? Bring her closer...

:: I didn't even bother with Garmollo bringing her closer. I just pulled with a small amount of the force and she was right in front of me, the marks of the chain still about her neck. My hadn went over the marks and my eyes flared. The chain mark was gone but now my hand imprint was left there.
I pulled her to me and kissed her. The vortex that had subsided within me exploded with a fury as it blasted into the girl. I forced all of my destructive thoughts into her mind, filling it with the ecstasy of the moment and the evil that I was. I would think there was nothing sweeter in life but I was not her. She could think whatever, if she accepted it, she came with me, if not, I killed her. But I pushed her back to Garmollo as the other man approached.
This man was different from the others. I could sense the aura about him... darker, sweeter, like a vintage wine. I laughed, and heard the echos as the slaves imitated with a moronic drone to it. I stopped as I noticed it and then I turned my eyes back to the man and smiled, all my teeth showing as my eyes flared.::

Glad you could make it, welcome to my party. Introductions will come in a moment, I assure you.

:: I nodded to the man and then looked to the winged thing in the sky. My silver eyebrows furrowed as my mouth opened in a silent scream. The vortex reappeared about me and with a small gesture of my hand, the ceiling above the woman cracked and with startling speed, it began to fall and before this thing had a time to react, she was caught underneath it.
It fell down and she was smashed into the ground. The slaves near her and the bodies that were now beginning to rot suddenly exploded like bombs. The blood splattered everywhere as it boiled. The simultaneous explosions hadn't taken much and superheating them hadn't been a trouble either. I just liked the show. The ceiling wrapped about her like a roll and she was pulled to me. I dropped her right in front of me, where the black hands coming from the mist now turned towards her.
The ceiling unrolled and her body was layed before me. My boot went to her neck and I leaned down. I spit in her her face and smiled.::

You wanna go back to the little girl so that when I smash your face you don't have to be on your knees?

Malice Draclau
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:51:30 AM
Malice watched this display of power over the darkside. Amused to say the least. Walking closer, Malice stood side by side with Garmollo, the man whom had taken the jedi woman he was hunting earlier. Reaching out with the force, Malice could feel the ever growing darkness around him. the darkside began to flow through his body, it's addictive ecstacy felt like heaven.....or rather hell.

Looking at the man on the stage, Malice floated into the air. Only high enough to land on the stage as well. Turning around he could see full view of the chaos that had been caused. Many of the people lay dead, others were fighting one another, while still many tried to run. With a grin on his face, Malice turned to Fiend.

*No wonder you stand up here. There is a better view of the destruction and chaos*

Malice waist length white hair rested against his back, stained red with blood like the rest of his clothing. The only part of him not red was his eyes, those dark blue eyes that could instill fear and death into those he looked at should he so wish it. Hearing that introductions would come later, Malice scoffed. He cared not whom these other people were, he only cared about joining in on this festival of death.

Nov 27th, 2002, 09:15:10 AM
:: I looked up from Casseopia and smiled to Malice. Still with my boot on her neck, I ignored her as I straightened up and looked out across the field. I caught Malice initial intentions of the night and laughed. He was very experienced in the force so I couldn't read him like others but I could pick up the bare top and that was good enough.::

Malice... I offer you this, but across the galaxy.

:: I pressed down with my boot as I turned to the others.::

I offer all of you a chance to join my real "party!" I am Fiend, I am the darkness you draw upon, I am what was there before, I am the reason the light must create, because I was the first to destroy. Now the balance has been tipped and the scales weigh down on my side. I would have it that the whole universe burn in chaos and destruction, but I require those who call upon the darkness. Everything I say is truth, and by joining me, you shall see that.

:: My hand went in a waving gesture to the crowd and a line formed like a wave and as people were pushed aside they blew apart into pieces. Blood flowed across the floor like water and it kept going.::

All will fall to my army, The Horde. I shall run the light into the ground and what is left will be for the taking.

:: My eyes flared as I looked off into the crowd, watching the murder, gore, and insanity. Where was the light in this? Oh right, my head turned to the girl standing next to Garmollo, the light was my captive.::

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 27th, 2002, 12:12:55 PM
"I accept your invitation dark one and am willing to submit myself to your cause, as I can see that your power is great. " Amused by the beating of the winged warrior, Wraith moved out from the shadows to join the group. Wraith usually didn't work well with others, but he felt that this indiviual was the key. The key to turning the tides of time. With this powerful an ally, and if by what he says is true, then they could easily crush the GJO and all of Wraith's enemies. Wraith longed for this oppurtunity, to see the balance of life and death shift. He could only wait.

Torriana Marx
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:21:16 PM
Voices..? True, Torriana was known to talk to herself on occasion, but she wouldn't go so far as to say that she actually heard voices in her head. Not that she had too much time to contemplate whether or not she really was insane: her captor had dragged her all the way across the room to the stage and was addressing the band's frontman. She had been called perfect, a pretty flower... now a toy?!

Unseen hands seemed to pull her towards the man, this Fiend, and she gasped as his hand pressed onto her neck, still sore from Garmollo's chain. It tingled slightly, then burned over with something far more painful. Darker. But nothing could have prepared the Padawan for his kiss...

An overwhelming surge of darkness and hatred washed over her and she found herself kissing back, hungrily, craving for more. It tugged at something embedded deep within her soul, something primal and with the most carnal of envies. Her thoughts clouded over and the fiery sensation on her neck grew, carrying through to her insides until her whole body was ablaze, and she could do nothing to stop or heal the pain. The girl had little training in the Jedi arts, and apart from her twin blasters (why hadn't she thought it odd that she was allowed to bring them in?!), her only weapons were her fists. She had no experience with the Force.


Fiend moved away and Torri dropped to her knees, her eyes wide. Her cheeks were flushed and it seemed unusually warm. Probably aftereffects of the otherwordly kiss... but as she looked up, she saw that one of the man's band-mates had been consumed by fire.


Malice Draclau
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:37:24 PM
Malice thought about Fiends proposal of joining him in bringing destruction and chaos to the galaxy. As mch fun as that sounded, he would have to refuse. Glancing down at the jedi girl, he snickered before looking back up at Fiend.

*What you promise is every darksider's dream. To fill the galaxy with endless chaos and death. To trap it in utter darkness and destruction. But to join with you and others i will have to refuse. My loyalties are already with a dark group. The Sith Order is where i serve, as a sith master. Though should you still accept, i will accompany you all on this quest, as an ally in the dark, but not as a member....or a recruit*

Malice too longed to see the death of the jedi. But the training his master had given him at The Sith Order left him with a strong sense of loyalty and devotion to the order. He would gladly die for the sake of bringing glory and praise to the sith he served. Still, he would want to, and could if he so chose to accompany this group in starting the chaos. After all, he as known in his demon form as the bringer of chaos. Besides, this group would find his skill in sith sorcery, illusions, as well as the force very useful.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 27th, 2002, 03:03:09 PM
"Why do you refuse Fiend's offer Master Sith? Wouldn't it be more plausable to fight for his cause, for its possible for you to join Fiend and still remain loyal to Sith? I am a member of the Sith myself, and I understand your statement. But I dont belive you recognize what you are passing up here. The Sith Order doesnt seem to be in the position to try and accomplish what Fiend is trying to do. The thing is, they never have been."

Malice Draclau
Nov 27th, 2002, 03:10:22 PM
Malice's dark blue eyes shot a stern stare at Wraith. Catching is last remark about the order in which he served, the darkside began a quick rise in his body.

*You'd be safe to watch your tounge Wraith. I know full and well of what i say and do now. The Sith Order does not look highly upon those who would swear loyalty to them and go and join with another. But to say we are in no position to do what has been offered here to me, is quite an understatment. As well as a death wish.......if you get what i'm saying*

The anger in Malice beckoned him to rip Wraith apart. But he would wait, for he was not foolish enough to attack when there were so many against just him. But then again, if something like that should happen, he was confident in his power and skill to fend them off.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 27th, 2002, 03:19:23 PM
"I meant not to offend you Malice. But I believe this is not a specific division such as the TSO. Pardon me, for I do not wish to make an enemy of you. The more Fiend rallies to his cause, the better. I wish that you would reconsider, because this is not a giant faction here. This seems to be an underground organization, that does not dwell with any of the major factions. It would only be right to fullfill your purpose and use the darkside for what its truely meant for." Wraith backed away, wishing not to provoke any further anger with the Sith.

Nov 27th, 2002, 05:07:10 PM
Feeling the uncontrolable rage now rising from this dishonour, she wiped the spit from her face.


The sith had a temper, that was for sure. But the flaw could now easily be seen through his ego. His confidence was annoying, in fact the little man had proven himself now, that he acted on what didnt know. How VERY wise indeed...
A Jedi?! she mused.

She would rather die than bother lying and showing devotion to this..beast!

She did the only thing she had learnt over the century- laughed, not caring for a damn in the world whether she died or lived.

Malice Draclau
Nov 27th, 2002, 05:25:03 PM
Before Malice could reply to Wraith, a loud laughing sound tore all of their attentions. Malice watched as the woman Fiend had attack earlier, having the roof fall on her and all. He was a little confused as to why she was laughing. Waling towards her, Malice bent down, putting his face just inches from her.

*And just what do you find so funny Mi'lady?*

The sith master asked.

Wraith Frostmourne
Nov 27th, 2002, 05:46:37 PM
Wraith heard the laugh echo throughout the room and watched as Malice disengaged from the conversation and ran towards its source. Once Fiend is done with her, this demonic little girl would soon learn her place.

Nov 27th, 2002, 08:41:29 PM
:: I nodded to Wraith and then looked to Malice.::

I have nothing against the Sith or any other Darksiders unless they oppose me. And you're right. I do offer every darksider's dream, at least true darksiders. But I would be more than welcome to have you accompany my Horde on my mission. But know this will not begin so quickly. Certain things must be put into play, like chess.

:: I had ignored the laughing item underneath my boot until now, her laughing was beginning to annoy me though and I took the chance when Malice stood up to talk to me to silence her.
I stepped off her neck and stood back as I pulled her to her knees. I circled her once and then mimiced her own laugh perfectly.::

Don't waste my time little girl. I'll snap you in half and leave you to the dogs of the jedi to clean up when I'm gone. And I would really suggest turning back into that child. Being on your knees could be painful from here on.

:: I was in front of her when I twisted on my back heel and borught my shin across her face. My foot came down right when my hand caught her head by the hair. I wrenched her neck to the side and my other fist suddenly burst into flame as it slammed into her face. I held her there and walked behind her, my other hand running across her neck. My hand went down her neck and came to her wings. My eyes flared and with a blasting sound I broke her wings where they were and hurled her into the zombified crowd by the broken limbs. She landed in the middle of them and with a small gesture the ceiling plates were hurled next to her. The cannabilistic slaves lunged to the bleeding woman and I turned my back on her. The way she acted, she'd probably survive but if she laughed again, I'd make sure she didn't.::

Well, that's one down, Wraith, I accept your pledge, Malice, thank you for doing what you can, Garmollo, I already know your answer, and you...

:: I pointed to the jedi girl and I pulled her to me with the force. My hand went to the mark I had made on her neck.::

Choose, its a very simple answer with complex consequences.

:: I laughed for a moment.::

Come with me and let me help those cravings or die...

Garmollo Apostate
Dec 1st, 2002, 06:30:50 PM
Garmollo growled. He was getting impatient. He began swinging the chain around. Once she gave Fiend her answer, he would have her back. Garmollo had found her first. She was his. Garmollo had agreed to work for Fiend, and Fiend had promised him great rewards. Garmollo saw Torriana as one of those rewards.

He shifted in his seat. The other personalities were all impatient. Some about Torriana, some about getting things underway. Either way, Garmollo wanted to get started.

Malice Draclau
Dec 2nd, 2002, 12:19:06 AM
Malice could feel the emotions running through Garmollo's mind....all of them. Reaching out with the force, he spoe to them all. His voice flowing trough all their minds.

(You cannot have her my friend. As i had felt her out first, she is mine. But, i see no reason why we cannot share......those are your choices. Either she goes to me........or we can share her?)

The demon sith master awaited his answer. The darkside pulsating within his body.

Garmollo Apostate
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:32:44 AM
Garmollo thought that over. The others argued in his mind.

"Are you kidding me? How on earth can that be?"

"What to do...what to do?"

"Why should we share? A prince such as myself should not have to share what is rightfully mine!"

"I hate your cry-baby attitude!"

The more the voices bickered the more angry Garmollo became. It welled up inside him and he longed to release it all in one gigantic wave of destruction.

(What would you do with her, old man?) Garmollo growled in his throat as the prince personality shot and angry remark into Malice's mind.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 04:33:07 PM
:: My eyes turned from the woman before me to the bickering Sith behind her. My own voice coming from the vortex like a piercing scream to silence the rest and my eyes flaring with a new manner.::

You fight over one mortal? Why waste my time?I do not need your power to be wasted on each other but on the creation and the light. We all want something and if a woman is what you need, ask. I'd just as rather make you as many as you want then weaken the bonds I need to keep this army together. I could kill her and then'd we'd move onto something else wouldn't we?

:: I pushed the girl with the force so that she stood between the two. Then again, if they'd rather fight, a little chaos to end the night wouldn't be bad. But I didn't need the fight really. I needed able people ready tohelp me vanquish the light. Not darksiders fighting over a girl.::

Malice Draclau
Dec 3rd, 2002, 12:43:01 PM
Malice simply grinned at Garmollo's question. Replying in a sly cocky manner.

(Something you obviously couldn't do my friend. Something, that comes only with time and age......little boy)

Then it happened. Malice's attention was diverted as Fiend had interupted the two. He he had known they were arguing was surprising to him.....unless he intercepted the force messages. Shrugging as the girl was pushed infront of him, he merely turned and walked away.

*Have her, no matter. There is another which is in my grasp, a jedi woman far more delicious then she*

Malice walked a little ways further towards the back of the stage, turning around so that he could see all who were present.

*I will no longer follow you and your horde Fiend.....*

He let the words sink in, letting them think what they wanted before he continued.

*Instead, I shall join you. Should you accept, i will be asking for a favor in the future......from all of you*

Malice awaited an answer. This would be a perfect time to set the plans in motion.

OOC: If any of you are interested, then pm me, or e-mail me at trisancouch@cs.com. I have an interesting thing we all could do as maybe like a group kinda thing.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 3rd, 2002, 02:52:23 PM
Wraith suddenly turned as he heard Malice's words. Had Malice just accepted to join Fiend? To become one of his legion? This was a sudden turn of events for the stubborn Sith. He pondered upon why Malice had suddenly changed his mind.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 03:07:05 PM
:: I turned to Malice and laughed. This was a most fortuanate event, for a moment I had believed I had lost him. But he asked for a favor in return. I would be owing many favors if it all went like this but that as they say, is that.::

Agreed Malice. Then it is done. All are welcome and Garmollo can extract the answers from the mute woman later.

:: I drew out several sabaac cards and tossed one to each of the darksiders.::

Transmitters unless you need me or I need you. Expect a call soon. I will have a meeting of the minds so to say.

:: I laughed at the statement because that had several meanings, especially to Garmollo.::

Malice Draclau
Dec 3rd, 2002, 03:13:33 PM
Nodding Malice took the sabaac card and placed it in his pocket. Before leaving, Malice glanced at the demon woman, almost forgetting she was even here. Turnng back to fiend, he grinned.

*I think she should come along as well. Never know when her shapesfting abilities would come in use. Deception is a great ally if used properly*

With those words of wisdom, Malice turned and began to walk out. Using the force to push the guards and the door out of his way. His clothes already begining to smell of decayed corpses. This would be a deal he wouldn't forget.....and in the long run would prove very fruitful.

Dec 13th, 2002, 02:00:38 PM
As Malice swings the door open, a shadow darts in past him. It's 5'8" tall, with a long braid that trails behind it like a serpent. A long pole tipped with a blade flashes in the streetlights outside before it enters the general darkness of the concert hall. The shadow's face bears a happy smile, one recognizable instantly to those who knew him. Zeke has arrived. Much thanks to the massive dark Force signature at the door, and more thanks to the faint signal of light in the midst of the 4 smaller points of darkness. Seems he's too late to stop whatever they've been planning, the place gives off an atmosphere of a business deal completed. But he can still save Torriana. In the end, that's all he really needs to do.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 13th, 2002, 03:18:49 PM
Wraith took the sabaac card as he sensed the presence of a lightsider near outside. Jumping down from the stage, he proceeded towards Malice's position. Maybe this nights not over after all, how interesting, He said to himself.

Dec 13th, 2002, 03:34:29 PM
Zeke skids to a halt, his Force Pike slung almost lazily over his shoulder, assessing the situation. Garmollo is on stages swinging his chain. Fiend has a grip on Torriana. The ice-guy is heading his way, the little girl appears not to have noticed him yet and Malice is turning to see who got in by him. That's...one two...three...four five...vs him. Suits Zeke fine. He's just gotta get to Torriana so he can make his escape with her.

Torriana Marx
Dec 13th, 2002, 04:22:41 PM

For once, Torriana's sentiments reflected those of her obstinate 'inner self' - or precisely, the thoughts that usually seemed to contradict her every action. She hated being ignored... but greater still was her hatred for being shoved around like a puppet, much as they were doing now, both physically and verbally.

Unlike a more experienced Jedi who could perhaps contain her bitter resentments, Torri's answer was to lash out. Not that it was possible for her to do so consciously... Fiend's ravaging of her mind, coupled with her growing anger, was gradually causing the fire that had started with the guitarist to spread to the remaining band members. The Dark Siders were far too occupied with their personal affairs to distinguish this stench of burning flesh from that of the hundreds of dying corpses, littering the grounds of the concert hall.

This fire, however, would not be as easy to quench. Although her Force skills were limited, Torri's only known ability involved pyrotechnics, and completely uncontrolled at that. The taste Fiend had given her of his dark powers was feeding the flames in an uncanny manner. Not that it would make much difference if he suddenly decided to kill her, right then and there...

And then, he arrived.

Torriana's eyes widened with recognition. Fiend and the others had been temporarily distracted by Zeke's entrance... giving her the chance to scramble back up to her feet, hop off the stage, and make a mad dash towards the other Jedi.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 13th, 2002, 05:39:29 PM
From the corner of his eye he saw the girl escape. She took off directly down the center isle, right where Wraith was. "Oh no you don't." He turned around before she could reach the door and stuck his hand out. When her right foot made contact with the ground it froze immediatley as her left foot succumbed to the frost. The sudden stop to her increasing momentum must have stunned her. Torriana stood there, frozen in her tracks as Wraith approached her.

Dec 13th, 2002, 06:09:28 PM
This Zeke won't allow. He comes flying up the aisle, the electricity on his Force Pike off, and cuts the ice that binds the girl to the ground. Dialing up the electricity once again, he blocks Wraith's path to her.

"Not a chance, pal!"

Garmollo Apostate
Dec 13th, 2002, 08:17:18 PM
Garmollo had been too angry to notice Zeke. But one his other personalities saw him and threw the spike on the end of the chain at him.

"Stop there!"

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 13th, 2002, 08:19:41 PM
He watched as the quick warrior cut the girl's bindings. Wraith twirled his scythe out and ignited it. "I hope you realize that neither one of you is going to walk out of here alive. It is a failed effort."

Dec 13th, 2002, 08:33:11 PM
Zeke grins wildy and jacks the power on his Force Pike, catching Garmollo's chain around it's electric blade. Bolts of lightning raced through the metal links and into the man's body. Zeke shook the chain off and left Garmollo to do something about the shock.

"Bring it!"

Dec 13th, 2002, 09:57:09 PM
Quickly Malicemade a 180 degree turn, sensing the lightsider that had dashed by him when he was going to leave. Watching the events unfold, Malice closed the doors behind him, Melting the hinges an the edges of the doors together with aid of the force. Once this was done, the demon sith master slowly made his way towards the new jedi.

*Trying to steal our toy now are you? Don't you know that we sith don't like to share with oher's. Pity, you'llhave to find out the hard way*

The darksie began to wrap it's self around the sith, fueling his dark powers. The force pike scared him not, for he knew many ways to get past the deadly blade. He also knew many ways of torture, ways that would make the jedi wish he had never exsisted.

Dec 14th, 2002, 12:36:04 AM
:: I slowly floated over the crowd and landed near the melee at the back. I laughed as I watched Zeke atempt to save this girl and I laughed harder when I felt the girl's emotions stirring within. I walked to her and kissed her again forcefully. I turned to Zeke and then my gaze drifted to the other sith around him.::

What were you planning to do? You versus me and them... I mean, I don't even have to fight you and you'll die.

:: The zombie like people slowly trudged forward, and walked past me, an endless wave of people as they begin to swarm about Zeke. Their dimly lit eyes never leave Zeke and from some, a short moan of hunger escapes.::

Dec 14th, 2002, 12:45:29 AM
The Force Pike flashes, clearing a circle 20 meters in diameter around Zeke and Torriana. His Force Pike's electric current is at it's max, it simply has to brush his opponents to deliver a deadly shock and blow them back.

"And I don't even have to touch you to win."

Dec 14th, 2002, 01:04:34 AM
:: The swarm of people come on again, there desire to feast on the lightside of the humans stronger than the feeling of pain that Zeke's pike delivered. I myself had pulled a body in front of me that absorbed all the damage for me. I stood before the crowd in front of Zeke but the others around him pressed on. I laughed and held out my arms.::

Truly? Well, let me ask her something first Zekey boy. Torriana, I offer you a choice, come with me and I will let Zeke go, or I'll have Zeke killed before your eyes and you'll be dragged along anyways. So either make the choice willfully or make it resistantly, the only consequence is if Zeke lives or not. I mean, wouldn't you want your knight in shining armor to save you later then die in his moment of false glory?

:: I turned to the other sith with a nod.::

I mean wouldn't you agree Malice, willful volunteers make so much better than slaves and in her postion, life of her hero would be much more favored than the tragic death of him.

Dec 14th, 2002, 02:49:41 AM
Malice glanced at Fiend and nodded.


Lifting a hand, Zeke suddenly found himsel rising within the air, his body floating 6 feet above them.

*But it would still be fun to kill him. Though i suppose i could spare his life if she joins us*

Malice's gaze then fell upon her. His eyes staring right into her soul. He really wouldn't mind killing them both.

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 14th, 2002, 10:51:59 AM
Wraith fell back just out of reach of the electric current. He wanted them both dead, quick and easy. Whether the died by the hands of Fiend or Malice he didnt care. He watched as zeke slowly lifted up into the air.

Torriana Marx
Dec 27th, 2002, 05:59:10 AM
Her leg was frozen... and in the next instant, it wasn't, but she was being kissed again by Fiend. And then, through all her rage and fury at being manipulated and thrown around, she was asked a question, and all eyes turned on her (an effect she tried to produce often, but under the circumstances, it was something she could do without). Silence fell over those gathered.

Torri stumbled for words. There was only one solution that came to mind, one she had practiced endlessly while homeless and on the streets: when in doubt, lie. It wasn't very 'Jedi-like'... but heck, neither was anything else about her. She was a damn good liar, and proud of it, too.

"Fine, fine. If you love me that much, then sure, I'll come with you. But first you have to let him go," she said with genuine conviction. The girl knew nothing of mental blocks or the like, but if Fiend or any of his horde attempted to probe her mind to determine whether she was being truthful, they would find nothing but the purest sincerity. "Oh, and uh.. you there, the dude who thinks I'm not 'delicious' enough for him? Mind putting my poor Zekey back down please?"

Crystal StarRider
Dec 27th, 2002, 09:24:09 AM
The combustion of violence painted the virulent canvas of human blood that was the concert's eradicative scene. The Jedi Knight emerged in the sea of humanity as an interloper of justice, enveloping her in the cries of the victims, drowned out by the frenzy of inebriated patrons voicing their roused enrapture in the rhythm of fusion.

Crystal felt the Darksiders as she would the most sensitive of touches onto her skin. It breathed decadence and havoc on the brunt of the assembled inhabitants. Motioning towards the malefic warriors, the Jedi Knight unclipped her regular light saber hilt, leaving her spare secured to her belt if multiple attacks would ensue at her uninvited accession. Azure eyes mirroring the lightest of skies, scanned for culprits responsible for the atrocities that blanketed the square.

Dec 27th, 2002, 10:43:27 AM
:: My eyes rolled as I sensed another lightsider. What a waste of time. I flicked my hand in a shooing motion to some zombies as they staggered off to overwhelm the jedi and eat her or something, just like the one floating in the air, not even a jedi could withstand a bunch of mindless humans, and this wasn't a bunch mind you but thousands on thousands. The auditorium was huge and the music and the darkside and all I needed, I didn't even control them all now they just ate each other and when a stronger influence came near them they got pulled into it. So those that left now would start a chain reaction until many many more were sudden;y doing the same, I smiled, have fun jedi.
Turning back to the girl next to me. I nodded.::

That was the agreement wasn't it. You come with me and he is freed from Malice's grasp. But we must leave now to spare me some more time.

:: I showed Malice quickly my scorch marks meaning that my powers were draining for the night and I was finished and I privately sent him a message asking if he wouldn't mind "escorting" Zeke out and then beating the living force out of him, out of view from Torriana of course and then to meet me at a certain hotel later that night. We had many things to discuss.::

Come with me Torriana, we are finished and I'm sure my limo has idled for too long now. Wraith and Garmollo, I wouold say that you should leave, because when I leave these zombies will have no influence to hold their hungry mouths and I don't even think I could take them under again if I tried, their all bloodlust and that rot you know?

:: I put an arm around Torriana and took her through the door and helped her into the limo that waited there. Good bye and Good night, it was lots of fun and I hope if there are any jedi left in there that they rot in hell and get eaten very slowly. And I hope Malice just kills that poor sap too. I got comfortable in the car and then poured alchohol onto my burn marks and hissed, my eyes glowing a soft red for the moment. My limits were still bound by these pathetic physical bodies. My limo began to move and my escort with it as we left.
I turned to Torr who sat across from me.::

And don't lie now, I don't care if it was sincere or not, I saw your look before you agreed, its pointless to switch so quickly and not show any desperation beautiful. If you're gonna lie, at least try to keep a long running one a good one you know. But it doesn't matter now, you're here and I don't think you'll see him for some time now.

Aura StarRider
Dec 27th, 2002, 11:26:29 AM
Walls of decaying zombies converged on the two Jedi sisters, Crystal and Aura, Aura being far more experienced in the Lightside than Crystal, had successfully masked her presence to the Darksiders till now. Their combined Force pushes knocked down enough of the walking carcasses to skirt by them in an open trail, while Crystal unhooked her second saber igniting both of them in consecutive uniformity, as the twin beams of cobalt blue darted forth from their metallic havens forming into lethal lances of plasma.

Aura nodded to Crystal as she mirrored her sibling's gesture, giving birth to two electric green beams of dazzling emerald. They both stood back to back as the army closed in to envelope the Jedi Knights. They thought as one, and in retrospect, fought as one as well.

There was no time to waste. Submerged in danger and combat sense, the Jedi moved apart, then spun into multiple rotations that appeared to an untrained eye as twin gyrocopters, blinding the creatures in a blue/green hue of devastating weaponry. Aura and Crystal plunged themselves into Force speed, calling on the Jedi technique... Enhance Attribute...

Limbs and heads were lopped off, followed by torsos, as they made their way to the exit to avoid the mindless drones. The Darksider had underestimated the Knights' capabilities, and in doing so, had failed to notice Aura's signature already encamped amongst them. Such was the usual trait of an overconfident cocky follower of the Dark regime.

Dec 27th, 2002, 11:56:19 AM
OOC:Yeah, let's go ahead and end the thread and all that. Not like Zeke and Garmollo are on vacation, or anything.

IC:Two more Jedi? Well there goes the neighborhood. Now he's got to save them as well. Jeez, it don't get much better than this. He lowers his hands to his sides and gestures upwards, sending the two women flying into the domed concert hall's high rafters. How the two StarRiders got in is a frikkin mystery, Malice welded the door shut and there's no other ways in or out, unless they hacked down part of the building. Now Zeke stands alone in a corridor of zombies, with Malice at the other end. Past him is Torriana.

"Bring it pal, let's duel!"

Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 28th, 2002, 11:11:48 AM
Slowly now the essence of the darkside was beginning to break up as more and more Jedi arrived. Wraith watched Fiend depart with the girl and looked for a way out. The main entrance appeared to be sealed shut and all others were blocked by hordes of mindless zombies. It would only be fitting for him to make his own. Pressing his hand out, he froze a relatively large portion of the nearest wall. His scythe tore through the frozen concrete leaving a gaping hole. Proceeding through, he left the battle and planned to meet Fiend later that night.

Dec 28th, 2002, 01:38:46 PM
Malice nodded to Fiend as he left with the girl. As Fiend exited, Malice flew Zeke across the room and into the far wall. Before the demon sith master could advance however, more lightside spots could be felt making it's way through the darkness.

Looking around, Malice noticed two jedi woman, both seemed a little strong. Fighting of the hordes of zombies......the sith grinned as he watched. But looking around, Malice noticed the other darksider's were leaving as well.

(Hmmm....they seem to be going to meet Fiend already. Well, don't wanna be a party pooper)

He thought as he walked towards the exit Wraith had made. He stopped when Zeke had issued a challenge to the master. Turning, Malice grinned.

*Pathetic fool, do you want to die tonight. Well forgive me for not giving you that death. For i have other matter's to attend. Besides, with these zombies, it seems like you will have your hands tied just trying to get out*

Lifting both hands, Blue bolts of lightin spewed forth in all directions. Some heding for all three jedi, and some striking many Zombies. First hiting one then conecting it to another, starting a chain reaction. With that done, Malice turned and began to walk out, before the Zombies had a chance to bother him.

Crystal StarRider
Dec 28th, 2002, 02:39:36 PM
The Knights were no match for a Sith Master as both were targeted by the dark bolts of lightning. Safely on the rafters aided by Zeke, the Jedi sisters screamed as their bodies were racked with indescribable pain. While barely holding on as the energy streams flowed through them, burning vulnerable nerves, an aftermath of the stygian tendrils, it pilfered their dwindling reserves of strength rendering an altercation impossible till they had healed.

Crystal spoke to her sister 'via the Force' when the attack had ceased, as they carved an opening with their lightsabers boring through the dome, fortifying an escape route.. Crystal nodded to Zeke with a smile as they disembarked the abyss of dissolution on quest to thwart the demons, whose merciless campaigns gave birth to terror and demise subjecting it on thousands of untold innocents.

Dec 29th, 2002, 04:14:39 PM
:: I felt the pain from where I was. I laughed I sensed the incompetence of the jedi and I eventually passed out on Torriana's lap as the exhertion of the night overcame me. The gaurds sitting across from us eyed her, she could try something if she wanted but she would die just before it. They smiled coldly as their red eyes glowed dimly. I, unconcious, smiled softly as the screams of all the walking dead wailed, those jedi had killed so many sheep this night, I had meely set them before the wolves, they had done it to themselves.::

ooc: don't worry zeke, this shoulda ended a while ago

Jan 1st, 2003, 09:36:11 PM
Zeke clamped his jaw tight. He refused to scream. He didn't the last time someone had blasted him with Sith Lightning, and he wouldn't now. Sure it hurts, and it's physically draining, but he'd like to think he's tougher than that. He's too focused, so shot through with adrenaline he's not fully aware of the damage dealt to him. He'll feel it later though. A pale hand on his collar shakes him back to reality. Zeke specializes in telekinesis. He uses it to draw his sabers, forming a shield of whirling blades that manages to hold back the zombies long enough for him to make the door. By the time he reaches it, he's not sure he can run another inch. Wraith, Garmollo, and Malice are nowhere to be seen. He's not sure of the StarRider sisters' positions, but doesn't especially care. He's got missile lock on Fiend's limo. Torriana's in there. It's driving away. He hijacks a speeder bike and takes off after it. He won't return to GJO without the Padawan. Even if it kills him.

Crystal StarRider
Jan 2nd, 2003, 08:49:15 AM
The two Knights, Aura and Crystal, escaped outside the arena utlizing the rigging from their utility belts to lower themselves to the ground with grappling hooks and secured lines. Their weapons were fastened to their belts to be called upon again in time of a consecutive injustice. The Force lightning was incredulously painful, (Return of the Jedi: note: Luke was screaming after struck by lightning by the Sith Master) and with the massive amount of Dark forces sequestered in the sector, it was nearly impossible to numb the pain, especially by a Jedi Knight, wondering how anyone but a Jedi Master, could have staved from voicing their anguish from the dominating affliction rendering their bodies ravaged by the explosion of puissant energy. A Jedi should harbor no ego, as vanity is the Sith's attribute, so they were not disconcerted at crying out in pain; it being a natural response.

Focus, the Force of Will, and telekenisis, can only be used to an extent, unless 'overwhelmed' by a multifold of enemies, but as in this case... the zombies created by Sith magic, or a close facsimile, there of, affected their attunement with the Lightside, posing as unavoidable distractions, representing themselves as hindering obstacles in the strife. Battle Meditation could be peformed by a Jedi Master and an experienced Knight, yet they were overburdened by the army of ravenous lumbering corpses dampening their permeation with the Force of Light.

Aura asked her sister to join her on her trek to the academy, to solicit more help in combating the sinister Sith of which had eluded them. Crystal shook her head in obvious reluctance, her eyes slipping to the ground in apparent dread, as she made her grim confession.

"I had disobeyed the Council elders when I sought you out, my sister. I felt you to be in trouble. The Council said no interference was to be tolerated, as Aura was engulfed in trials in the deliberations for her rank to Master. I told them I would rather be a Rogue than allow you to fall prey to the Darkside."

Aura sighed as her fears were confirmed. While placing a gentle hand onto Crystal's shoulder, she promised to speak to the Council on her behalf. The two went their separate ways, with Crystal bent on seeking the abominations held accountable for the deaths of myriad spectators. As far as she was concerned, the zombies were beings void of no live essence, as Life Detection was not emittting from the entities, so killing some only freed them from their undead services to their Dark Masters, liberating their pilfered souls and defouled paths of cannibalism. What they needed were more Jedi to form a Force Harmony... only then, could the battle be concluded today; yet it was too late, as the human rivers of wandering souls devoured one another in morbid oblivion.