View Full Version : Favorite Cutscenes?

Nov 19th, 2002, 04:36:17 AM
Remember to use the spoiler tags where appropriate, people. :)

Thief: the Dark Project - Post-Return to the Cathedral.

I'm referring to, of course, the cutscene where Constantine reveals himself to be the Trickster and Viktoria rips out Garrett's eye.The Thief games have always had the most stylistic and moody cutscenes in any game. This particular one was just so creepy and cinematic, it's a must on any list.

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete - Luna's Boat Song.

Anyone who's seen this will have to agree. It was so completely emotional and beautiful. Working Designs has always managed to integrate great vocal sets into the Lunar games, and this was a shining example of it.

Final Fantasy X - Tidus and Yuna at the Lake

This was just remarkably well done. Definitely the first scene from an FF game which moved me. The quality of the CG was top-notch and I rather liked the vaguely J Pop-ish music.

Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain - Moebius' Beheading

There are a ton and a half of cool cutscenes in this game, but this one was always my favorite. The dialogue between Kain and Moebius was morbidly funny, and I still credit this as being one of the most violent deaths depicted in a game, at the time.

Diablo II - Act 4

This is the cutscene where the Wanderer makes his full transformation into Diablo, the Lord of Terror. Mephisto's speech is very cool, and his voice sound excellent. Plus, this cutscene set up the ending quite nicely, since you're led to believe that Marius (I believe his name was) went through the portal, when he did not. It was a tough call, deciding whether to include this one or the Act 3 cutscene where Tyreal fights Diablo, to prevent him from freeing Baal.

Warcraft 3 - Prince Arthas Returns Home

I watched this cutscene like 10 times over. The CG in WC3 really approached cinematic quality. That detail and style truly shone during this short. Frostmourne looked absolutely amazing. Plus, I loved Arthas' line as he killed the King.

"What are you doing?" / "Succeeding you... father."

Anachronox - Lost in Space

One ship, stranded in space. A cynical scientist, a failed detective with a drinking problem, an old man with a cane and a completely psycho helper robot. Stuck together for 2 weeks. Hillarity ensues.

Metal Gear Solid - Psycho Mantis

"You Like Castlevania, don't you?" :)

Final Fantasy 8 - Intro

The great fight between Squall and Seifer, along with some really cool imagery, all set to Latin chanting. Definitely one of the most memorable openings to a game.

Soul Reaver 2 - History and Destiny Collide

Truth be told, I loved every cutscene in this game. They were each completely amazing and moved the story forward. But I was really on the edge of my seat for this one. "If what you say is true, you should be terrified. I could kill you here and now." / "And so you do." :eek

I'm almost certain I'm missing some great ones, so feel free to toss in your suggestions. :)

Tyreal Dalarsco
Nov 19th, 2002, 10:45:58 AM
I'd just like to say that the sword from WCIII is called Frostmourne, not Wraithmourne.
I like all the Cinematics in Starcraft, Diablo II, and WCIII.
Most notably the Orc cinematic in WCIII, the Act 3 Cinematic and Closing Cinematic in Diablo II, and the final Cinematic in Starcraft Original.

Sene Unty
Nov 19th, 2002, 12:05:45 PM
I love all the cutscenes from every FF game.....that is all.

Nov 19th, 2002, 02:03:16 PM
You're right, of course. That's what I get for writing my posts at 5:30 in the morning. :)

Peter McCoy
Nov 20th, 2002, 03:54:33 AM
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption - Dark Ages/Modern Nights transition

I just liked the way Christoff punches straight through the coffin. It really gave me the impression that he was pissed off for being woken up after 800 years! Very cool in my opinion.

Resident Evil 2: Leon Scenario B Completion

I loved this one! Best ending to the game in my opinion! "Hey! It's up to us to take out Umbrella!" *Cue guitar riff and drums*

Resident Evil (Gamecube version) Intro Movie

Never thought I'd see such gorgeous CGI from a Nintendo console!

Metal Gear Solid 2 - Most of them! :)

I especially like the intro movie with Snake running along the George Washington Bridge in stealth. And I enjoyed the one later on in Arsenal Gear where Raiyden asks if he's got enough ammunition, and Snake replies "Infinite Ammo" whilst pointing to his bandana. Capcom really did think about that game (and the first game) to make it funny by including little in-jokes.

Red Alert 2 - Intro video

Enough said really! Just superb through and through.

Grim Fandango - The first "One Year Later" cutscene.

This is one of my top fave's! I just love the transition between day and night, with the angle going up to the sky and then back down to reveal the night club with all the lights - it was just a simple cafe a year earlier. And I like the one where Manny "reaps" Mercede's and she says" I guess they couldn't save me.", to which he replies "No.....but there's still a chance you could save me". Again, another really funny game. Well done Lucasarts!

StarCraft: Brood Wars - Terran Campaign Completion

Very Starship Troopers-esque! I was expecting it to say "Do you want to know more?" :)

Sonic: The Hedgehog 2 (Genesis) - Outro cutscene.

The music was fantastic and really vit the mood. Alright so it was simple compared to what we've got today, but it was the first video game I ever played that had cutscenes.

Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis) - Outro cutscene.

Exactly the same reasons as the Sonic ones. And the music was even better!

Taylor Millard
Nov 21st, 2002, 02:20:13 PM
I like the Thief ones too. The beginning one to me was always cool. Man I need to get those games again.

Red Alert: Opening Scene. Graphics aren't great but the music makes it all.

WC IV: the very end. I just like the idea of flying off into the sunset.

If I think of anymore I'll tell ya.

Nov 22nd, 2002, 08:38:19 PM
1-The introduction of the first Resident Evil game: "Alpha team is heading into northwest Racoon city..." , oldschool horror at it's finest

2- Almost all of the Cutscences of Wing Commander 4: The Price of Freedom ( especially the intro)

Sean Piett
Dec 10th, 2002, 06:35:23 PM
Warcraft III: Arthas Returning Home

Definately the best I've ever seen, but Onimusha 2 is full of great cutscenes.

Jennifer Sunstriker
Dec 14th, 2002, 01:59:34 PM
My Favorite cutscenes?

Well, Nup has a few in his list(ie- Lunar SSSC and FF10)

But I say the best is the tower cut-scene in Final Fantasy 9....

Hee-hee, Steiner's face as he flew through the air was the best.

Final Fantasy IX Burmecia Defeat

Okay, FF9 WASN'T what you'd call the best, but seeing Kuja ride off on his silver dragon as Freya looked on and Vivi and Zidane are knocked out was probably one of the best in the game, other than Brahne's summons.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 14th, 2002, 08:18:36 PM
I always appreciated the animated scenes in Thousand Arms.

Dae Jinn
Dec 14th, 2002, 08:42:07 PM
I'd have to agree with Nup on the FFX lake scene. It made me cry ^_^; But I like mushy romance stuff....:rolleyes

There's one in a new DBZ game where Cell inhales Kuririn with his tail, and you have to fight a tiny orange Cell which was weird -- funny too if you're a fan of the show.

Kelt Simoson
Dec 14th, 2002, 09:22:42 PM
my fav cuts are from the game MOH: Spearhead and Hitman 2

Jared Mriad
Dec 15th, 2002, 07:23:45 PM
I'd have to say the cutscenes from Hitman: Code 47 where 47 is suppose to poison Lee Hong in the Lee Hong assassination, but the fat guy tests the soup first. The fatty pulls a deagle on you as he dies, Hong starts to run away and you follow only to be tripped up by the not-so-dead fat guy. You kick him twice in the head before grabbing the barrel of the dropped deagle and tossing it up into the air and catching it. Bang Bang.


Alice -> The scene were body parts are falling from the sky, as well as the end boss.

Dec 15th, 2002, 08:16:21 PM
I like all RE movies, but my favorite movie in any game is probably Wild Arms 3 opening. After you save and then load you get a beautiful video. Revealing all the character and story changes. It is so beautiful. The song is great too. I absolutely love the song!!!! *begins to sing* "My shield is strong....."

Heero Jii
Dec 16th, 2002, 09:54:13 AM
WILD ARMS 3 OPENING! Don't make me L-A-FF, Laugh!

Tis the Wild Arms 2-2nd Ignition opening that kicks big-time butt!