View Full Version : Moving in (open)

Nov 17th, 2002, 08:51:04 PM
Rast leaves his speeder bike parked in the hangar, in an out of the way corner to prevent incoming and outgoing ships from bothering it. He enters the palace and after some searching, comes across a room. It's empty, nothing's in there but an unmade bed. He throws his giant duffle bag into the room and starts unloading.

"Home, I guess."

ra hath
Dec 6th, 2002, 12:38:05 PM
As ra is walking by he see somone unloading things on to the empty ded he stops to address the preson his back is trun to Ra.he asked the preson . you new?

Zatania Duvall
Dec 7th, 2002, 07:30:12 PM
Having recently learned how to sense life forces, Zatania noticed that someone new was lurking about in one of the nearby quarters. Her own wasn't too far off, so she exited her room and peeked into the room a few doors down.

"Hello there neighobor."

ra hath
Dec 9th, 2002, 11:03:03 AM
Ra standing in the door way felt somone coming. He truned around there and there was a young woman. Standing there saying hi to him and the other guy he replyed .how do you do I'am

Dec 9th, 2002, 02:33:11 PM
Rast looks up to find a guy and a girl standing in the door of his room.

"Yeah, I'm new." he says in response to Ra's question. "Name's Rast. Who are the two of you?"

ra hath
Dec 10th, 2002, 01:20:07 PM
Ra reply's to the youg man's question . my I'am ra hath kinde of new my self been here a few weeks apprenticing under malice draclue.And her well I don't who she is . Ra truns his hed and asked the ladie next to him. who are you if you don't minde my asking.

Judas Escariot
Dec 10th, 2002, 01:31:43 PM
Judas approached around a corner and felt three new spirits hanging about. He remained quiet and walked towards them. He felt very bored so he decided to go to the library, like he usually did in his spare time.

ra hath
Dec 10th, 2002, 02:00:57 PM
Ra felt anther being comeing it was a guy white hair.Ra had seen him around but they had never spoken.He seemed like he coming this way. ra wondered if he was going to say anying thing now.As he walked by he sayed nothing

Judas Escariot
Dec 10th, 2002, 02:06:44 PM
Judas noticed one of them peering at here. He approached closer until he met up with him. He moved next to him and stopped looking in the direction he was going.

"Do you have something to say little one," he said.

Dec 10th, 2002, 02:15:24 PM
As Ra and Judas started chattering Rast waved his hand dismissively at the group standing in his door.


He starts packing his clothes out, setting them in the chest of drawers on the left wall, then throws a bundle of sheets on the bed. He'll make it up later when he goes to sleep.

Judas Escariot
Dec 10th, 2002, 02:20:36 PM
Judas faced Rast as he randomly blurted the comment. He looked at the character next to him and continued to proceed to the library.

"Maybe, when you are ready, we can talk sometime," he said as his voice fainted away.

ra hath
Dec 10th, 2002, 02:45:26 PM
when judas was waying away Ra remember where he saw him. Ra spoke out . Hay i'v seen at that bar in town talking to my master

Zatania Duvall
Dec 10th, 2002, 05:49:59 PM
Zatania shook her head, suddenly finding out that she had spaced out for a minute there. She laughed and held her hand to her head for a minute.

"Sorry, you were saying something?"

It took her a second to remember hearing Rast ask for names. "I'm Zatania."

"Looks like I haven't had enough sleep. That or there's too much on my mind these days." She thought to herself.

Dec 10th, 2002, 08:20:09 PM
Cool...so they're not just using his room as a meeting grounds. One of them wants to talk to him. Luckily, its the hot one.

"Just wondering why all the people are standing in my door if they're not here for something. I'm a new apprentice, haven't started training yet. Got a master though, name's Videl Ryu. How are you faring here?"

Zatania Duvall
Dec 10th, 2002, 09:20:20 PM
"Ah, fresh meat, huh?" She said, snickering faintly. "I'm fairly new too, but I came here a few weeks ago. I train under Sasha Kovalev(damn his last name I can't spell it!!! lol)."

She paused for a moment, sneaking past the others that were standing in the doorway. "Kind of crowded.. But I think the reason why there's so many of us is because we're all 'a family' here supposedly. So why not meet a new face as soon as it comes smiling by, huh?"

She realized how cheesy that sounded and made a face. "Oh God, I'm too chipper today."

Dec 11th, 2002, 10:03:26 AM
"At least you're not fanatically morbid or obsessed with world domination or something. I don't buy the whole family thing, sounds like a crime syndicate or something. You'd think Sith would be above that form of coercion."

ra hath
Dec 11th, 2002, 01:26:57 PM
When ra sayed that the white haired men payed know minde. Kept walking ra paused for a second. And realized the other to people where talking. last time he checked the grile had spaced out. Ra truns to poeple and says. (Sorry for that whole thing I'll get to that guy later.But yeah I'am ra been here a few weeks studying under malice draclue .And did I here somthing about family)

Zatania Duvall
Dec 11th, 2002, 01:27:48 PM
"Eh, I don't mind the whole family thing. Makes it easy to get to know people faster."

Now that she was out of the crowd in the doorway, she leaned against the wall. "Doesn't seem to get in the way with training either."

ra hath
Dec 11th, 2002, 01:33:12 PM
well I just came to chat for second not many folks around here seem want to talk to a newby

Dec 11th, 2002, 01:59:08 PM
"Training hasn't started for me yet, but judging from the overall...I dunno...impression I get from Videl, I'll probably learn to explode things and fight hand to hand."

He looks at Ra, who has apparently ditched Judas at the door and come in.

"If no one wants anything to do with the new guys here, then they're all screwed. If we don't learn anything the order's ranks stagnate. They'll be sitting ducks if powerful Jedi come knocking on the door."

Zatania Duvall
Dec 11th, 2002, 02:06:41 PM
"I didn't get that feeling. Or maybe I just butt in on everyone around here to get noticed."

She chuckled and shrugged. "I wouldn't worry about it. As long as you're getting trained, right?"

ra hath
Dec 11th, 2002, 02:16:38 PM
Ra nodes and responeds . Yeah well may thats what i should do maybe it's my. one day I was siting in the loung by my self and a few mintens later some more poeple walked in and the whole time they didn't even look my way. thats been heppening to me sines i got here.forget me.when you start lerning. If your trainer is any thing like mine when lessens starts you'll have to listen very carefuly becusae it tuff love rules around here with out the love

Malice Draclau
Dec 11th, 2002, 02:56:00 PM
*Very few jedi ever last when coming here. Powerful or otheriwse*

A voice spoke out. Turning, they could see a figure standing within the doorway. Much like his other visitors, Malice was there to greet the new member. He hadn't done this often, and figured it was time to do so now. For though he was a longtime member, many new faces still appeared.

*Training begins, ands handled differently with many masters. Some want to get their deciples trained and out of the way as fast as possible. While others like to take their time with them, making sure they stay on track*

Malice glanced over at Ra, grinned at him as he did.

*Me, on the other hand, i like to torment my deciples. Giving them a hard time is always fun*

He chuckled at his own little joke before looking at Rast.

*So, like the order so far? As i can already probably guess, you havent taken too quickly to the "family" type enviornment. Ture it isn't well known for sith to do such a thing. But this order has survived for a longtime by sticking to this way of life. Through tight bonds and family instinct, we get stronger*

He cut himself off there. Not wanting to spew into a teacher mode, which he tended to do sometimes.

ra hath
Dec 11th, 2002, 03:05:48 PM
Ra herd his master then saw his enter and he thought to him self. ( oh crap ishould off studing some waer ) but malice didn't prees on ra to herd and when he left ra wondered if herd that part about the tuff love

Dec 11th, 2002, 06:46:26 PM
"Do I like the Order? I'm fairly impressed with our leadership, but the family policy comes off like a cheesy movie mafia. Oh well, whatever, I'll do my part. I'm Rast. You got a name, pal, or do I just call you 'Creepy Sith Master Number 4'?" Rast asks jokingly.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 11th, 2002, 06:53:14 PM
Zatania smirked, recalling having met Malice once for a short moment somewhere, but really couldn't put her finger on it. Perhaps it was at the local drinking establishment? Oh well, in the past, at least she remembered his name.

"I believe it's Malice, right?"

Malice Draclau
Dec 11th, 2002, 07:21:44 PM
Malice nodded to Zatania.

*Yes, Malice Draclau*

He looked on over to Rast, a smirk on his face.

*Humor in my opinon is needed here....otherwise you become dead and boring, like the training droids*

Dec 11th, 2002, 08:19:20 PM
Rast grabs big fistfulls of his hair and rolls his eyes in a spastic expression of frustration.

"Yes! Hell yes! The Sith I've seen are so serious and deadpan its like they're droids with skin! You never see 'em smile unless they're about to cap someone!"

Malice Draclau
Dec 12th, 2002, 02:03:48 AM
Malice chuckled at his remark about the sith. True, most always walked around seeming to hold a grudge against the world, or just seemed plain grumpy all the time. But most if not all of the sith here had a sense of humor. You just had to get to know them.

*In time you'll see alot more smiling faces around here i can assure you. You simply need to get to know everyone else here first*

Looking around, Malice remembered what it was he had to do a few minutes ago. Looking at them, he nodded his head.

*Now if you'll all excuse me, i have some researching to get to*

Turning around the demon sith master left the room. Deciding to play a little joke on Rast, Malice used the force, shoving him from behind into Zatania. He was the one to watch out fore within the order. For he was one of the main sith that loved to cause trouble with the other sith.

Malice Draclau
Dec 12th, 2002, 02:04:18 AM
double post

ra hath
Dec 12th, 2002, 10:20:30 AM
After that ra sayed (well this was fun but i'am do for a workout right about now so i'll be seening you around)and he left

Zatania Duvall
Dec 12th, 2002, 11:43:32 AM
Zatania hadn't expected Malice's little prank and stumbled when Rast was forced to bump into her. She smirked and looked back towards Malice just as he was exiting.

"Yeah yeah, well pay backs aren't pleasant y'know."

Her tone was mocking, but still in good fun. "I have to agree with him though."

She turned her attention to Rast, helping him to his feet. "Things would be a bit boring around here if no one had a sense of humor."

Dec 12th, 2002, 02:35:10 PM
Rast let the Force push take him forward toward Zatania. What a perfect setup! But as he falls forward she shifts, stumbling aside. Rast falls flat and sits up, rubbing his face.


Zatania Duvall
Dec 12th, 2002, 06:16:32 PM
Zatania blinked at Rast for a moment, checking to make sure he didn't break his nose.

"Cripes, you just fell full force, didn't you?"

Dec 12th, 2002, 09:48:30 PM
"Hell yes I just fell full force! That...rat...URGH!"

Rast rubs his nose and growls low. He'll get his own. He'll show Malice.

Zatania Duvall
Dec 12th, 2002, 10:20:08 PM
"Oh calm down. At least he didn't throw a huge solid object at you."

She went silent for a moment and almost laughed because Sasha did the same to her, but only for her own good.

"Eh, just lighten up. It was just in good fun. Besides, he was just proving a point. It's not like you're bleeding... to death."

Mon Malfoy
Dec 13th, 2002, 05:51:14 AM
Nice to meet someone who have the same view of the Sith order as me... Finally, I am accepted as a padawan of great Sith master Malice... she said that my training will start in two day... for the mean time, I have to familliarize myself with othe Sith master, knight and padawans like me for you are all be my family... as long as I live...

Dec 13th, 2002, 10:39:15 AM
"Padawan's a Jedi thing...'round here we just get labeled 'apprentice' with a number stuck on it."

More visitors. When will it ever stop? It's like moving into an apartment, all the neighbors just HAVE to see who you are...but usually they bring Jello or something with them.

"You got a name? And if you're Malice's apprentice, best not offend him by saying 'she', pal. I'm Rast."

Zatania Duvall
Dec 13th, 2002, 01:40:15 PM
Zatania chuckled, wondering if this guy had a lisp or just had a blonde moment.

"Eh, don't let it bug ya. Maybe it was a slip of the tongue. Or maybe now we know what he truly thinks of Malice."

Mon Malfoy
Dec 14th, 2002, 03:42:03 AM
Oh... I don't know much about Sith... :) Good to know that you people talk normal here... I thought we all have to talk as if we're in a book... Anyway, I didn't know that Malice was a guy... but now I know... :) Nice meetin' yah...

Mon Malfoy
Dec 14th, 2002, 07:30:10 AM
BTW, how do you duel here? The one who referred me to this site is a Jedi Knight... he said that if we see each other here, he'll kill me! :) Is it possible?

Dec 14th, 2002, 07:40:55 AM
Rast waves them all away and flops down on his bed.

"Yeah, whatever. What's a guy gotta do to get some rest around here?"

Zatania Duvall
Dec 14th, 2002, 03:01:14 PM
OOC Uhh... Mon. o.O We are in character like in a story book. LOL


Zatania smirked and shrugged. "Yeah, alright. Have a nice nap."

She turned and walked out into the hallway, after a bit of work since there was a crowd to push past.

Mon Malfoy
Dec 14th, 2002, 10:56:30 PM
Thanks for the info.....

"I might aswell take a nap too..."