View Full Version : A honeymoon to remember, or never be forgotten (closed)

Dios Kane
Nov 17th, 2002, 02:29:59 AM
:: The Galactic Cruise ship was very nice. Very nice indeed but not as good as the suites inside it. The beds were very comfortable and the temperature regulated to the visitors inside it. Which made it just right for the conditions. After that incredibly long marriage ceremony I was glad we were having the reception after the honeymoon. Or maybe we had just skipped that part altogether. But anywho...
I had just gotten out of the shower and returned my suit when I turned into the bedroom and spotted Maia sitting up in bed.::

Well, hello there? You know, I can never seem to tell if its day or night on these ships. But I would guess from the look on your face you really don't care what time it is huh?

Maia Tharrinn
Nov 17th, 2002, 02:37:00 AM
Maia watched her husband approach the bed. His body glistening from the shower. He was so beautiful to her. Her heart always beat faster at the sight of him. She could not ever remember being so happy.

He had given her a wonderful marriage ceremony and now a vacation fit for a queen.

She pulled the covers back, her beautiful nightdress glistened against her body. "Night, day it does not matter my love, as long as I am with you. Come keep me warm husband." Her whisper was soft and seductive. Her eyes watched his every move.

Dios Kane
Nov 17th, 2002, 02:41:56 AM
:: I turned my head to the side as I placed myself in the bed.::

You know... I think I have heard that voice before, oh that's right, it was that vamp lady, Stormcloud.

:: I ran a hand over Maia's stomach shaking my head with a smile.::

Scary I tell you. And I thought she was a temptress...

:: My other hand went behind her head and pulled her to me as I whispered in her ear.::

I shall keep you warm forever!

:: My mouth moved to her lips and slowly kissed her, running my hand through her hair. I pulled her body close to mine, twisting one of my legs around hers.::

Maia Tharrinn
Nov 17th, 2002, 02:48:37 AM
Maia fit her body into his, a soft sigh of satisfaction came form her as they kissed. He had always made her feel warm, loved, and very special.

"I better be the only temptress in your life." She whispered softly in his ear. She kissed and nibbled at the side of his neck. Her hands ran over his strong shoulders. Leaning back she looked into his face. Her eyes traveling over his face. Her finger trailed along his bottom lip. "I don't think it can get any better than this."

Dios Kane
Nov 17th, 2002, 02:53:05 AM
:: I held her close to me and looked down, into the mirrors of her eyes.::

You wanna bet?

:: I pulled her mouth towards mine and with playful vigoration kissed her as my hand ran along her body. I held her there for mintues, we were immortal, breathing was not needed but I knew she would gasp after too long so I let her go. My other hand traced a line across her cheek.::

Learn to think out of the box Love, it can always get better.

Maia Tharrinn
Dec 1st, 2002, 10:04:16 AM
Maia kissed Dios back with just as much passion as he gave. Her eyes glowing with happiness. He had over come so much in his extended life time and through it all he had continued to love her. It had seemed long ago, wen she had first met Dios, that they had already known one another. He had come to beg her not to cry because he could feel her pain. They had survived an ultimate evil. Now was the time for an eternity of happiness.

Maia tucked her face into his neck. Her lips pressing small kisses there. Her hands wandered trough his hair. "I don't think I could ever be any happier than at this moment Dios." Her soft breath whispered across his skin...