View Full Version : Stage Presence (Open Challenge)
Milivikal k'Vik
Nov 17th, 2002, 01:33:00 AM
The microphone at the center of the stage dropped, along with a fresh body. "Arina's" body slumped over, onto its knees, and dropped off the stage.
"Citizens of the galaxy, more specfically, of Alsakan Plaza. You have slipped. As cruel a joke as I may seem," Mili pointed at the body at the foot of the stage, "was a far bigger and crueler that I."
She pursed her dark red lips together into a thin smile, and stared at the shocked crowed with her pale green-blue eyes.
"I may be violent, but I AM NO CHARLATAN." A twelve stringed instrument of some unfamiliar sort floated to the Dark Jedi. But it was no matter to her. She strummed it a few times--and knew it. This was part of her gift.
"Choices always were a problem for you.
What you need is someone strong to guide you.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow,
what you need is someone strong to use you...
like me,
like me.
If you want to get your soul to heaven,
trust in me.
Don't judge or question.
You are broken now,
not even faith can heal you.
Just do everything I tell you to do.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow.
Let me lay my holy hand upon you.
My God's will
becomes me.
When he speaks out,
he speaks through me.
He has needs
like I do.
We both want
to rape you.
No one can save your lives now.
Open my eyes and blind me with your light
and your lies."
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 24th, 2002, 04:58:45 PM
The sounds of a few panic stricken voices caught the attention of the Knight not too long after the subtle change in the Force that alerted Navaria of some danger nearby. Quickly she crossed the street, ignoring the angry horns aimed in her direction. She found herself coming closer to the well known Amphitheater here on the planet Alsakan and grabbed the nearest citizen quickly, who was running away. A strange mixture of confusion and fear washed over the Empath.
Navaria tried to help calm the man through the Force as he quickly stumbled over his words, answering the question that Navaria had yet to pose.
"She came outta no where Master Jedi and killed Arina! Then, with no respect!!! TOOK OVER! Some are still in shock. Others, like me, who were in the back, left as soon as we can. We didn't want to be next!"
It was enough for Navaria, who simply gave the frightened man a reassuring smile and sprinted inhumanly fast towards the theater ...
Nov 24th, 2002, 05:12:30 PM
:: The only person as far as I could tell that wasn't shocked was me. I sat their and listened to her song and laughed at different points in the song, especially throughout the last verse. when she the song was at a pause I clapped and my glowing red irises flared with a dark color. My white hair shifted as I leaned my head back and laughed.
The lyrics were beautiful, they sang to me like water to thirst. I stood up and grinned. Nice song... I wanted to see if she could stand up to such sweet blasphemey.::
Milivikal k'Vik
Nov 28th, 2002, 01:18:38 AM
The song was over, but she continued to pluck a slow melody anway as the crowd began to panic.
"Stop. Yes, stop, and stand still." Silk smooth and soft, the half of the trowd closest to her stopped.
"Better?" A nervous murmur settled about the crowd.
"REMEMBER YOUR PANIC! RUN! SAVE YOURSELF!" This was too precious. The crowd fled in mass stampeed, some tripping and finding the end of thier days underfoot.
Nov 30th, 2002, 10:08:40 PM
:: I stood next to her when the noise of the running crowd had left and the moaning of the trampled could still be heard. I clapped lightly with the muffled noise of my gloves as I approached her.::
Wonderful song, and I loved the innocent influence you have on the crowd. But I do have to say again, that song was most captivating. So much truth...
:: I stood there for a moment watching her pluck at the instrument, listening to the tune with a smile on my face.::
But did you reallly mean it?
Navaria Tarkin
Dec 3rd, 2002, 03:26:59 PM
The swarm of of pedestrians had become even thicker the closer Navaria got to the entrance of the amphitheater. It was near impossible for her to make her way inside until the mass panic was quelled.
She relaxed; letting the screams and emotions of panic filter off into a distant hum. What was replaced was her own feelings of calm and clarity for what was happening. People were being injured in the stampede; others were being killed. Navaria would not be one of them and those that she could reach would not either. The Knight then projected outward her own feelings to those around her.
Calm. It penetrated their panic filled minds. Overpowering the deadly emotion of fear. Everyone began to settle down. The drive to escape was still there but it wasn't a mob of beings in terror.
Navaria walked quickly forward, still projecting her emotions so the closer she got to the building, the more beings would feel her presence and quit their dangerous escape. The Knight didn't know who caused this insanity but it was clearly someone that could wield the Dark Side. It was sickening to feel being so open with the emotions around her.
Her hand went towards her lightsabre. Only carrying it in defense; the blade not lit. She needed to tread carefully upon entering. There were still innocents to be mindful of while revealing who was responsible.
Milivikal k'Vik
Dec 13th, 2002, 01:37:16 AM
A black eyebrow raised.
"Some of it now, more of it later. Ah!" She stopped, and looked into the crowd. Something was moving against it.
"It is time for me to depart. I've little interest in notoriety at this point, so unless you feel that attention is what you want, I'd be on my way as well." Mili suggested, although she had no doubt the stranger would not heed it. People like that craved mindless hatred without purpose.
For the Hand, her purpose was to confuse and bewilder. As long as she amused herself in the process, she would continue to do so.
Milivikal took a bow to the strange darksider, and dropped off the stage, fleeing into the crowd.
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:07:44 PM
The overpowering presence of the Dark Side was thick and viscous. Her eyes were transfixed towards the source. Two figures, a man and a woman, were standing on the stage. She could make out Fiend by focusing on his form momentarily but the woman was unfamiliar. Yet, by the way she fled into the crowd, held the guilt that caused this fiasco.
Her face tightened in concentration, narrowing the focus of her mental abilities to part the crowd in that Woman's direction and moved forward at a faster pace, her Force Signature becoming almost second nature to the Knight's senses.
Milivikal k'Vik
Jan 30th, 2003, 06:05:08 PM
There were steps that were out of sync with the other's chaotic rush away from the stage.
Footfalls that rang with a sense of purpose.
Just the sort of attention she sought to avoid. Subtle changes took place to the unenlightend observer. Her skin seemed to gain a bit of color, and her eyes lost their icy sheen, moving more to a calm, reasuring grey than the errie blue-green. Always stylish, her choice of dress shouldn't present an issue: black pants with a red and black patterend shirt with half-length sleves.
Mili fell in with the rest of the crowd, mirroring their scared but no longer terrified or frantic pace. She looked like anyone else.
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 18th, 2003, 08:50:01 PM
Her eyes widened as the woman jumped off the stage, blending into the crowed. Navaria's eyes lost track of her quickly because of the people that lay between them. Time was not on her side at all. The chance of catching up to apprehend this being was growing slimmer by the second. The woman failed to do anything about her dark nature though, which could not be changed. It was a shiny beacon for the Jedi to track.
Navaria weaved her way quickly around the people here, moving hastily in the direction that woman was heading...
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 2nd, 2003, 09:12:25 PM
"Oh no." Milivikal blinked. She was about to be tripped, but had no idea how to avoid it.
There was a wet slap as she hit the concrete. It would be high irony if she was trampled, but the crowd had thinned out and slowed down enough that they simply went around her.
She could feel the blood dripping out of her nose. The red liquid tingled, and Mili supressed sneezing. Milivikal got to her knees, one hand pressed beneath her nose, and started to walk away from the stage again, but slowly, and cursing every fifth step.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 4th, 2003, 10:12:52 PM
Seemed that more then the Force was on her side today as Navaria watched the culprit stumble to the floor. It bought her ample time to hurry in her steps and catch up to the woman. She shifted her eyesight to perceive the aura around the woman since she had the perfect vantage point to study her. This would help in tracking her better incase her quarry got away. In a sense, the woman had been 'marked' by the Jedi.
So far it seemed that she was unaware of Navaria coming up behind, at least she made no outward sign of it. There was no immediate danger, except the persistent one that this woman posed. It was now or never and Navaria grabbed at Milivikal's arm and spun her around.
"Hard way or the easy way ... You are coming with me ..."
She wasn't stupid. They were quite close together and Navaria was ready for an attack ... The Jedi wasn't just going to take her down with force first but will if it came to it. Milivikal will pay for her crimes ...
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 5th, 2003, 09:37:44 PM
Alchohol was what she wanted most in the world right now. Get smashed enough, and it doesn't matter. The Vodka poison would be most welcome.
But Mili had none, and her nose ached and tingled terribly.
"Ahh... ah. Choo!" Her entire body spazamed, and Navaria was peppered from the shoulders down in a mix of mucous and blood. Crimson dripped down from her nose to her lip.
"Frell." Mili murmured, somewhat nasally, and looked her would-be captor over. Dale.
What the frell? What the everloving frell?!? The Siren sighed.
"Are you still bitter about the glassware?"
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 6th, 2003, 10:58:24 PM
The slimy combination of mucus and blood fell upon her lip. It was cold, disgusting and tasted bitter. Causally she brushed it away with an index finger and then proceeded to rid her face of the rest. Navaria didn't say anything. Her stoic stare was probably enough to let the woman know of her feelings on the matter. What caught the Jedi off-guard was why this woman was acting like she knew her. Perhaps it was a distraction of some sorts but Navaria didn't think so. Still, she wasn't being hostile so Navaria would give her a chance.
Very slowly, Navaria reached into the pocket of her outer cloak and produced a handkerchief. She handed it to Milivikal.
"Here. I have no time for your games. Be reasonable and come with me."
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 9th, 2003, 02:47:23 PM
Mili took the hankerchief and wiped her nose. This was bizzare.
"Frell off, Dalethria. This isn't funny" she growled, low, and threatening. She was Dale but wasn't Dale. If that made sense.
Mili's dagger slowly slid up her leg from her boot. It hovered against her side, out of Navaria's view.
"Let. Go."
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 9th, 2003, 10:13:11 PM
Navaria let go.
"I see."
And with that exchange everything made perfect sense. This being had been in contact with her ... Sister. She thought that Navaria was Dalethria. With more thought and less pain, she probably would have figured it out by now that this was a Jedi standing before her. Now she was in a precarious situation. Pretending to Dalethria was out of the question. It was plain wrong and Navaria didn't have it in her anyway to play such a role. There was only one way through this and be prepared to pay a lot of Hell when it came at her.
She had to tell the truth.
"You are mistaken. I am not Dalethria. I am Navaria Tarkin. A Jedi Knight."
She was hoping that the blunt and honest truth would either surprise Milivikal into a stunned stupor, wouldn't believe her and think 'Dalethria' was playing with her, or attack her outright.
Mar 9th, 2003, 10:18:53 PM
Be careful. She's got a knife ready to fly against you.
Daleethria could feel Navaria's surprise ... Not that her Guardian Spirit was looking out for her, but that she completely missed the danger she was facing. Usually her sense of danger was impressively acccurate but Daleethria knew that anything regarding her Sithling self sometimes put Navaria out of the game.
The bluish incandescent form of the deceased clone continued to watched from a distance, only perceived by the Jedi Knight. This Dark Woman was ready to explode with anger and even she couldn't predict what her reaction would be towards Navaria's statement ... though she thought that tactic was clever.
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 11th, 2003, 09:32:51 PM
Mili stared hard at Navaria.
A sister? A clone? Clone. How... odd. The concept still bugged her, even though she was far better aquainted with it after two years of being free.
A clone of Dalethria meant she was bested physically. Not that besting Mili physically in combat was difficult.
She whirled, dagger blade trailing behind pale knuckled in a neat ark. Navaria went to counter, as Mili had predicted.
There was a dull, loud thump in front of the Jedi. Air concussed outwards, blowing the clone off her feet.
Mili ran.
Mar 12th, 2003, 11:04:49 AM
Navaria heard Daleethria chuckling in amusement to the situation. Milivikal got her by surprise and watched the Jedi fall flat on her butt.
She's getting away....
She said matter of fact, as if Navaria couldn't figure it out for herself.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 12th, 2003, 11:34:43 AM
A miniscule moment was taken to look at the ghostly apparition of Daleethria. Navaria's brows were furrowed but her eyes remained confused... because of the comment more then the odd attack by Milivikal.
Since when did you acquire a sense of humor?
She didn't wait for a retort as the Knight got up and took chase, grateful to have the crowd thin now because of her previous efforts. Increasing her speed would not be a problem now ... and she did so. Quickly gaining on the Dark Jedi. Most of her focus was geared upon the chase, but her computer like brain was still analyzing what had happened to knock her off her feet. Her previous experience had witnessed Dalethria's powerful telekinetic ability to compress air in such a manner. It was used as a shield around her body and for a method of attack.
In theory, she had that power within her, even though she was in a cloned body. Daleethria was a living breathing sensory receptor and computer who could manage some more Force tricks, but Navaria was much more then that.
It would be a use full trick to apply in this situation but Navaria didn't have that much time to figure out how to use it. Instead, once she reached directly behind Milivikal, Navaria dropped down low and sweeped the Dark Jedi's legs from underneath her. Hopefully this would slow her down enough so she could incapacitate her fully without too much of a fight ....
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 13th, 2003, 10:47:20 AM
Mili landed on her butt hard, but her momentum pitched her forward into a messy roll. She tried to get up, but Navaria was already on top of her, yanking Mili's arms behind her back.
"Frell OFF!" The volume was incredible. The sound washed over Navaria like a wave of water, making her entire body tremble.
She writhed beneath her somewhat stunned captor, catching her in the jaw with an elbow. With a grunt, Mili shoved Navaria off of her.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 13th, 2003, 09:15:43 PM
Milivikal's attack took her completely by surprise. She wasn't sure if it was the Force or an innate ability to scream like that. The pain was brutally painful for her because every waking hour, her senses were already heightened.
The scream was excessively high and the pitch was well over the decibel level. Her ear drums were going to burst if something wasn't done. She did the only thing possible. With the Force, she completely suppressed her hearing. What was it that Marcus said to her not that long ago?
A Jedi needs not his eyes, or ears. With the Force I can see what I need
In theory, her other senses should magnify in response to the deadened one. And it did, it just would have been nice to have this revelation sooner as her jaw got cracked by Milivikal's elbow. She actually had felt the rush of air caused by that movement but was still too stunned to do anything about it.
The pain was nothing, especially after that sonic attack. Still, it kept her stunned and then that's when she called upon the Force again. The cobwebs were shaken clear as its strength invigorated her body and grabbed the Dark Jedi again ... Decking her across the face. Something Navaria wasn't too happy about.
Milivikal k'Vik
Apr 4th, 2003, 10:53:37 PM
Mili's vision blured as Navaria's right snapped her head around. She hit the ground, and tasted blood.
"Bitch.BITCH!" the Dark Jedi screamed in outrage. Her other dagger was in her hand, and Mili lunged. Navaria nimbly danced aside, and kicked her assailant down. With a terrible screech that the Jedi felt but did not hear, k'Vik hurled the blade into Navaria's arm.
A maniac grin grew on Milivikal's face. Her screech shifted up in tone several notes, until it matched the sympathetic frequency of the blade burried into Navaria's arm It was an annoying hum through her bones. It stopped.
It began again, a moment later. The Jedi's whole body trembled with the injection of unnatural sonic energy.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 9th, 2003, 08:09:34 PM
Her entire body reverberated against the intrusive frequency. It even led Navaria's teeth to begin chattering. The pain was intense, causing difficulties in raising her arm to remove to dagger, the source of Milivikal's attack.
On the second failed attempt, Navaria knew her moaning became a scream. A scream she did not hear. Her concentration would soon begin to waiver and her only defense against the Siren was going to be lost.
Navaria held no fear, only determination that the Dark Jedi was not going to get the better of her. She was a Tarkin, a for good or ill, a Tarkin never gives up.
Because of her silencing her sense of hearing, Navaria's other senses gained in power. To break away from her worldly sensations also connected her deeper into the Force. Something that was needed now and the Jedi sent out the call for its aid.
The hilt of the dagger began to wiggle up and down, causing Navaria to grit her teeth in pain. Milivikal's only control was over her sonic abilities, not the dagger itself. She already had forsaken her weapon. It was just up to the Knight to concentrate fully on pulling it out.
A cry of pain and relief burst forth as the dagger was ripped out, flinging away in some random direction. Navaria's chest was heaving from the exertion but it would take more then that before she gave up. The wound was to her right arm; her sabre arm. Fortunately, and oddly ... thanks to Dalethria, she knew instinctively how to fight with either.
The sabre jumped from her belt and activated before Navaria clasped the hilt of her weapon. Eyes snapped opened in determination and swallowed the image of Milivikal on the floor.
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