View Full Version : Spice Ale and Jedi

Iago Kent
Nov 16th, 2002, 11:49:04 PM
The sight of the bar and grill was pleasing to the goateed man as he entered. The smell of the food and ale filled his senses with everything as he saw various Jedi walking from table to table, eating various delicacies.

Iago Kent sat down at the bar, ordering a spice ale for himself, and paying the barkeeper with some Almanian Gold Currency, which was about equal to three credits.

He'd been away from Almania for almost a year now, travelling the galaxy for various support for his family while they fought the Je'Har.

Technically Pydyr, the moon above Almania was his home, but ever since his father- the lord Farragut Kent- began colonizing Almania again, building a large city called 'Varmakta' on the edge of the Damatas Mountains. Farragut Kent had done a passable job at keeping the Je'Har at bay. But Farragut Kent needed more help from the outside world, a reason why Iago was out in the galaxy hoping to learn.

"Keep the ale coming," he said, checking his dagger on his chest and his sword on his belt. He took a long draught from the ale, letting the spicey-sweet flavor coat his tongue.

It was good ale. Very good ale.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 17th, 2002, 11:50:43 AM
A bright figure clad in white robes passed by security and they bowed their heads in greeting to her. Smiling to bare her elongated canines, the Knight laid her eyes upon those in Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill.....stopping upon a face she did not recognize. Walking through the crowds gathered and speaking with one another, she slowly approached his table with a friendly look in her eyes.

"Greetings.....I don't think I've seen you here before. I'm Xazor Dawnstrider. Who are you?"

Though she could have easily found out his name through the Force, the young Garou refrained and instead, waited for his invitation for her to sit. He had a good aura surrounding him and something told her he was not the usual passerby of the establishment. Perhaps he was a new Padawan....or just a man looking for the Truth. Either way, Xazor was not busy and she could use the company.

Iago Kent
Nov 18th, 2002, 07:58:06 AM
Iago raised his head from his tankard at the sight of the woman. He nodded his head in greeting.

"I am Iago Kent from Almania," he spoke, letting the lightly accented Basic come out.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintace Xazor."

He shifted in his seat, moving his sword around so it wouldn't bump into the newcomer.

"If you wish you may sit down."

Gurney Devries
Nov 19th, 2002, 01:42:02 AM
Slipping his sword out of its sheath, Gurney reluctantly handed it over to the Shambler standing guard at the door. He'd rather have left it in his room, but he didn't want to keep Iago waiting. He scanned the room quickly, his keen eyes finding the man sitting at the bar. The Jedi Knight Xazor, whom he'd met once in a spar, was standing next to him. Gurney approached, nodding a greeting.

"I see my directions didn't fail ya in getting here, lad. Good. Sorry about not walking with ya... I had some papers I needed ta deliver to the council."

He turned, giving a nod to Xazor.

"Good ta see ya again, Ms. Dawnstrider."

Iago Kent
Nov 19th, 2002, 01:50:25 AM
"It's all right Gurney, I can have a spice ale here for you soon enough," Iago replied motioning for another two ales.

"Do you want anything to drink Xazor? I'll buy."

He then noticed Gurney's empty scabbard.

"Were we to remove our weapons before coming into the bar? No one asked for my weapons when I entered this establishment."

Gurney Devries
Nov 19th, 2002, 02:07:30 AM
"Issat so?", Gurney inquired, arching an eyebrow. "The bouncer must've been looking the other way when you walked in, then. Just be sure he doesn't see you with them."

The Padawan sat himself down on a stool, swirling to face the other two people. The bartender slid a frothy mug of ale over to him, which Gurney caught without even looking at it. He lifted it up, tilted it towards Iago, and began to drink from it.

General Tohmahawk
Nov 19th, 2002, 02:26:18 AM
A shadow passed over the table... a bearded man, getting towards middle aged, with reflective eye shades that hid his eyes totally. He stood at the end of the table, taking in the three beings sitting there.

"Good day to ya.... the name's Tohmahawk. I'm sort of ... in charge around here. Can't help bout overhearing you have weapons on you. Can you hand them over please? Only Jedi Knights and above or others with clearence are allowed any type of weapon in here. And I'm sorry, but there's no expections"

This'll be much easier if I could actually damn well see. Let's see... I sense Xazor and a Jedi I think is familiar to me, third voice I dont know, tho he fels strong in the Force. Wonder who he is?

Gurney Devries
Nov 19th, 2002, 02:38:05 AM
Gurney spun around in his seat at the sound of the man's voice. So... that familiar tingling in the back of his neck was there for a reason.

"Huh. Figured you were still alive, Tohmahawk. Old dogs like you just don't die easy."

General Tohmahawk
Nov 19th, 2002, 02:45:59 AM
The sound of the familar voice snapped his attention to the speaker and he allowed his perception to reach out, to read the .. man properly.

ANd a long, slow smile appeared on his face.

"Gurney, are you still hanging around this rat hole? I'd have expected you to have moved on by now! How are you, ya old pirate?!? I haven't seen you since.. damn, when did I see you last? "

Whitetown. Before Whitetown. Wasnt he your your Padawan? You have an apology to make here Marcus. Even when you came back, you shoud have contacted him

Iago Kent
Nov 19th, 2002, 02:51:48 AM
Iago almost bristled at the request to remove his weapons.

"Regardless whether I am in a friendly bar or not, I fear I cannot let go of my arms. To do so would make me ill prepared should attack come to this bar."

He got a 'look' from Gurney and Xazor.

"Very well then," He set his sword down on the bar, and the long curved knife on top of it. A shorter sword followed from behind his back and that was all.

Iago took another long draught from his tankard.

"Are you satisfied sir?"

Gurney Devries
Nov 19th, 2002, 03:00:30 AM
Gurney grunted, taking another sip of his ale. He sat the glass down, wiping his upper lip before speaking.

"Hmm... last I remember seeing of you was.... Arcan IV? Is that right? Yeah, it has been a while. What you been keeping yourself busy with, old man?"

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 19th, 2002, 03:13:54 AM
"Who are you calling old man, young pup?"

The potential malice was offset by the grin on his face. "Ahh, been around. Had a bit of an ambush cause me a few propblems in a shithole called Whitetown. NIce place if you like snow. Laid low for a bit, now I'm back in active serice. Got a few things up my sleeve ya might want to hear later... but first..."

The noise of the swords on the table, tho faint, was enough for him to locate the weapons. He concentrated, feeling the Force and letting it tell him their size and shape.

"Hmmm... short sword, curved knife... fancy yourself a bit with a balde of steel do you? Bit antiquitated in this time eh?"

He reached over and picked up the last sword and as soon as he did, he felt something. The weight was different, It was... balanced. The hilt felt crafted. As he lifted it, he could feel almost the tempering, the work that had gone into it. The superb balance made the sword so easy to swing through the air, as he experimented, using his wrist to swing the sword in a circle.

"Well.... not bad. Single hand broad sword, with a half hand grip for two hand if needed. Spring steel, hollowed along the blade for lightness, but worked for strength. Not bad... either you dont know what you have, or you might actually know what your doing. What's the name stranger?"

Iago Kent
Nov 19th, 2002, 03:20:16 AM
"Iago Kent," he replied, brushing a part of his hair from his eyes.

"From Almania. And you are, sir?" he glanced at both Xazor and Gurney. This guy was something else, even his rudimentary Force senses could tell him that.

"You fancy a blade yourself?"

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 19th, 2002, 04:09:38 AM
There was some amusement on Xazor's face, he scould sense it.

"As I said, name's Major General James T. Tohmahawk, tho Elessar, will do. Yeah, you might say I know my way around swords."

He bundled the weapons up then made as if to go, before seeming to remember his manners.

"Well Master Kent, you can retrieve these from the door when you want to leave. I take my leave of you all. Master Devries, I'll be around. I would dearly love to catch up with you. M'dm, you too"

Iago Kent
Nov 19th, 2002, 04:13:45 AM
Iago nodded, "Of course, I will get them when I'm finished here."

Then he ordered 3 more drinks.

"I suppose you can't be too careful around here. Ah well..."

Xazor Elessar
Nov 19th, 2002, 07:08:15 PM
Xazor sat down and was offered a drink which she did not refuse. Smiling to herself as everyone talked and Marcus took Iago's weapons, she finally felt ready to speak when things quieted down.

"As I do as well, my Lord."

She said softly as Marcus departed and then her eyes fell upon Iago.

"I'm Xazor Dawnstrider, not sure if you heard,....now that you've met everyone else."

The Knight laughed and extended her hand to the man across from her.

Iago Kent
Nov 19th, 2002, 07:29:06 PM
Iago smiled a half smile.

"Of course, Xazor. I believe I caught your name earlier."

He stared over the bar taking it all in, "To a degree I didn't expect Coruscant to be like this...though I was told to expect a large 'city planet'."

Gurney Devries
Nov 19th, 2002, 08:48:48 PM
Gurney gave a slight chuckle, setting down his glass for a moment.

"Aye, I know the feeling, lad. Where I came from, hovercars were quite uncommon. We had to, ah, 'persuade' the local animal population to give us rides."

He laughed. It was a full, hearty laugh and entirely good natured.

"Just where do ye hail from, Master Kent?"

Iago Kent
Nov 20th, 2002, 07:13:30 AM
"Almania," the goateed man replied, after another drink from his glass.

"Out on the Outer Rim. My father's a lord out there...fighting the Je'Har as best as he can. He sent me here to get training in the Force. Hopefully to help them defeat the bastards."

Iago looked at Xazor quickly, "Begging your pardon madam."

Xazor Elessar
Nov 20th, 2002, 06:54:07 PM
Xazor laughed as the man used a slight of profanity. She shrugged at his apology and shook her head.

"It is quite all right, Iago....you would be terrified to hear the things that come from this lady's mouth."

She winked his way, noting to herself that for being a woman she did have terrible language...but this place and time was not for that now...she was changing slowly....and with it a new sense of maturity came.

Iago Kent
Nov 21st, 2002, 07:54:41 AM
"All right," Iago finished his glass of spice ale. Two was enough for now.

"I suppose I need to talk with someone about training me," he turned to Gurney, "You don't suppose you could give me a hand do ya?"