View Full Version : What you perceive with your mind...

Lord Soth
Nov 16th, 2002, 01:22:01 PM
The Dark Knight sat in the unremarkable meager dwelling. More like a hovel it was to him. Just the simple things of life made up this humble abode, with a hint of an occasional extravagance here and there. But simple, like the woman in front of Soth. It seemed like hours had elapsed, but only a short time had past. It's rhythmic beat had an erie thudding to it. Like a pitter-patter. The Knight watched almost amused, transfixed at the way it fell in perfect usance. It's timing never wavered.

The Vampyre looked into her far off distant eye's. The blue in them seemed to glisten and sparkled, but the Death Knight seen nothing there. There was no indication to Soth to argue the point further.

"Why are you looking at me that way... If I may ask sir? Soth paused for a moment at her question.

"I'm looking for an answer to a question...M'lady." Soth said coolly.

She looked at Soth in a curious way. "And what may that be sir?"

"Can you tell me why a woman as beautiful as yourself has not the company of a significant other?" The woman blushed at the Soth's question. A question that gave her cheeks a rosie tinge to them. It was quite forward of the Knight to ask such a thing, seeing they had only know each other a short time. But the look of insistence upon his noble face seemed to demand it.

"Well, at one time their was another. But he was called off to duty. A soldiers life I suppose. It was his dream to join the fight against the Galactic Empire. How could I blame him? It's all he talked about." She reluctantly recounted as Soth leaned back in his chair, still looking into her distant eye's. Her blue eye's that welled with the hint of tears.

"I presume you still love him?" Soth interjected at this point. The woman gave Soth a nervous smile, tucking her hair behind one ear." I did...Very much so. I guess after some time had passed, without a word from him. I thought, well, maybe he found someone else." The steady thuds became lite taps now.

"Perhaps, but only to his great loss m'lady." Soth words sounding most comforting as she gave him a coy glance of recognition. "Your to kind sir. But why all the interest in me all the sudden?" Soth interlaced his long Vampyre fingers together as he eye'd her. Her own eye's seemed to glaze over. Hiding the darkness of her pupils, the windows to her soul.

"I see a lonely woman. One that is looking for peace in her spirit,...Her soul." Soth silky words were smooth, tipped with an air of confidence as he finished his sentence.

"Now you presume to much my lord," replied the woman. She then stood up and walked over to a counter were she then poured two glasses of red wine.

"Do I?...In the market place this evening. Is that what your smile and lovely eye's told me?" Soth finished smoothly. The maiden turned to look at the Knight as she shot him a seductive smile.

"Yes,...I guess your right my lord." She returned to the table and placed a simple looking goblet in front of Soth. But before she could turn, the Knight gently took her by the wrist. He pulled her in closer to himself. Her blue eye's were wide with anticipation, but still distant.

"Do you know who you've invited into your home this night m'lady? The woman gave Soth a puzzled look. The tapping had almost ceased. Only an occasional drip could be heard. It's rhythm was now more like an irregular pattern. Precisely fifty-eight in all was the count. The sands of time had almost reached there limit.

"No,...I,..I can't say...Your kind, and...Her mouth slightly parted. But there was no color to them. More of a ghastly blue now, a stark contrast to the vibrant red they once were.

Soth let out a slight chuckle. "Hurmm...Now you presume to much my fair lady. You see only what you wish to see." Then he let her go. Her flesh was cold. Ashen and pale. Not the rosie flesh color as before. She noticed the same of the Knight, but said nothing at his sudden touch. A simple kiss from the creature of the night would cause such symptoms.

"I don't know if I understand what you mean by that?" She sat back down at the table as she sipped her red wine. Savoring it as if it where the last time. Her face was expressionless. The tapping stopped, the sand's of life had now faded into oblivion.

The Death Knight then stood and slowly walked over to her. "Let me tell you m'lady..." As a lover would, Soth brushed her hair to one side with his Vampyre fingers.

"...If you look hard enough, long enough,...Into that place you fear the most...You'll find me waiting there." She said nothing. "It was your loneliness that brought you to me this dark night. Soth caressed her lifeless form. Rigormortis had already set in her now cold beautiful body. She lay there on the table. Distant, unmoving. Clouded eye's that looked into darkness, a never ending void. Her lips where still slightly parted in an eternal gasp. Her last breath drawn as her wine mixed with her own blood. "How poetic, yet at the same time pathetic." Soth thought to himself. "How blind humans are." Her conversation was less then amusing. Her loneliness, his hunger, two powerful forces of nature. The Dark Knight always pursued his prey never in the same way twice. It was the subtle things, the small things that amused and entertained the restless Knight of old. Like the blood drops that fell in a rhythmic pattern to the floor. Forming to make a lager pool of waste.

"Yes, fair one. This was the answer I was looking for. To see if your blood would fall as long as our meaningless conversation we had while you were yet still alive." The Dark Knight laid a black rose on her breast. Then he folded her hands over it. She looked so peaceful now he thought. Soth then leaned in slowly and kissed her lightly on the forehead. Then he was gone. Away, to find another, to count the blood drops...Like sand when it falls through the numerous cracks, never to be seen again.

Chronicles of Soth