View Full Version : First Impressions (Rognan)

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 15th, 2002, 03:20:15 PM
Daylight began to fade has the suns finished their routine descent below the horizon. The residents of Coruscant began to head home for a good night’s rest, only to wake up once again at the crack of dawn.

Kindo was by himself in his quarters; silently resting upon his crimson-red chair. He had spent the majority of the day working to further enhance his Force skills, leaving him quite tiresome, however he did not plan to call it a night just yet. He was awaiting the arrival of Rognan Dar, one of the newer Jedi recruits.

Earlier that day, Maia had spoke with him on the matter of who was to train Rognan. Though she cared deeply from him and wanted to do so herself, she was occupied enough with the Padawans she already had. This led her to ask if Kindo would be willing to be his master, and of course he was. He now had two pupils, and that was perfectly all right with him.

Ki Adi planned to learn everything about his new Padawan, just like his master had once done with him. He had invited Rognan over for tea so that they could become better acquainted, and the following day, commence training.

Rognan Dar
Nov 15th, 2002, 08:17:08 PM
Rognan was in his room feeding Yarden, his wevicat, when he saw that it was getting darker out. He remebered that he was meeting his new master tonight and was a little nerves. He hadn't met this man before, so he wasn't sure about it all, but he still wanted to see who his man that Maia spoke so fondly of.

After seing that Yarden was alright he left the room, with a paper in his hand, that had the location of Kindo's room. He made his way through the Living Quarters for a few minutes before finding his room. He was even more nerves now. He slowly lifted his hand to the door and slowly nocked on the door.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 17th, 2002, 09:12:00 PM
Ki was quick to rise, yet casual when going to answer the door. Opening the door, a genuine smile appeared across his face at the sight of the man he had been waiting for.

" Rognan, please come in. "

Rognan Dar
Nov 18th, 2002, 03:35:32 PM
"Thank you.

" Rognan said as he stepped into the room. It was a nice room that looked just like all the either ones, but this one had its own personality to it, which was a good thing because he didn't think everything needed to be the same. He looked around one more time before turning back to the man, not know what to do or say.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 18th, 2002, 05:18:51 PM
Kindo waved his hand towards the couch, beckoning Rognan to have to a seat.

" I am Ki Adi Kindo, Knight of the Greater Jedi Order and pilot for the New Republic Rogue Squadron. Has you know, Maia was your master, but she became too busy with her current Padawans that it gave her little time to train you. I am your master, the one who will teach you in the ways of the Force all the way until you too, are a skilled and elite Jedi Knight. "

" I am your authority, you must obey and trust my decisions. I am your teacher, you will learn more from me than anyone else. Most importantly, I am your friend, you can always come to me whenever you need me. I know it's hard, being a new recruit and all, but understand I was once in your shoes. "

He chuckled slightly, for it wasn't long ago when he was beginning his own training. He had came such a long way, but none of it came easy. He was proud to have earned the title of Knight.

" Your past mistakes or choices don't matter anymore, for by the time your promotion comes along, you'll be much wiser, smarter, and respectable person that people can learn from. I look foward to through each lesson and experience watching you grow in heart, to watch you become you develop many new abilities over time. "

He paced about for second or two, silently gathering his thoughts.

" Most of this will not be easy. It will require a series of early morning exercises, long days of hard training, overnight missions, but all of this will shape and mold you into what I am now, maybe even better. You will have several confrontations with the darkside, but if you rely on what you learn nothing will keep you from progressing has a Jedi. I plan for the two of us to become great friends and have great times, but I will be strict in order to teach you discipline. "

It wasn't till after he was done that he realized how long he had been speaking, and he hadn't even rehearsed anything he said. It just sort of poured out of him,and he hoped that Rognan had taken all he said to heart.

Rognan Dar
Nov 19th, 2002, 03:55:37 PM
After Rognan sat he litsened to Ki Adi Kindo, hearing every word and every movment that he made. Rognan is a Lorrdian, he could almost read people like a open book through there body language.

Watching him he could tell that he was friendly and would do him good. Rognan felt better and not so nervous, but he still felt uneasy meeting someone that would be everything in his life from now on. He didn't want to disopoint him, or say somthing stupid, so he just took in everything and at the end of his speech all he could think of was. "Yes Master. I will do what you ask of me."

Discipline was somthing Rognan knew and respected. He knew that it teaches oneself to do better. He was a hard worker, he looked forward to do somthing besides sit in his room doing nothing.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 19th, 2002, 04:47:45 PM
" I will also show you how to wield a lightsaber. "

Ki gave a clever grin, then proceeded into his bedroom. A few seconds later, he strolled back into the den and stood before Rognan, his hands held behind his back.

" Here is your lightsaber. "

The Jedi Knight extended his right hand, within it's grasp a polished steel hilt.

" It took me nearly a month to make. I stayed up an hour later each night making it. The metal is an impervious steel, and the blade color is blue. Take good care of it. "

Rognan Dar
Nov 19th, 2002, 06:11:25 PM
Rognan looked at the the piece of steel before taking it from his hand. He held it in his hand and looked at it closer. Rognan had never seen a lightsaber before and didn't know what it did but it was a amazing all the same.

"Um..this is a great pleaser but what does it do?" Rognan felt so embarresed about it but he knew he had to ask.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 19th, 2002, 07:21:48 PM
He pointed to the ignition switch on the lightsaber.

" It's simple. Push up on this and a colored beam of energy, which can cut through most anything, will emit from the metal handle you are holding now. This is the standard weapon of all Jedi. "

Rognan Dar
Nov 20th, 2002, 02:05:43 PM
Rognan looked a the switch and pushed it. To his surprise a blue light came out, he almost dropped it but gripped it furmly. He moved the lightsaber around, back and forth before turning it off.

"Wow, this is what all the Jedi use. You say it can cut through anything, can I cut through myself if it touches me?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 20th, 2002, 09:40:20 PM
Kindo grinned.

" That's true, and something I wouden't want to try if I were you. I will teach you how to protect your own life and the lives of others using this weapon. I would like you to have it clipped to your belt at all times, however, do not use it until our first combat lesson. "

His tone remained polite and gentle, yet stern in his request.

Rognan Dar
Nov 20th, 2002, 09:55:54 PM
Rognan looked at the lightsaber for another second before clipping it to his belt, and looked back at Ki Adi Kindo.

"Yes master...um can I call you master Kindo, if you think that would be correct." Rognan was very respective of other people and didn't want to just start calling him somthing that he might not like.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 22nd, 2002, 11:23:20 AM
" Master is fine. "

Kindo stepped over towards the chair mere feet ahead of Rognan. Sitting down, his azure eyes remained upon his Padawan.

" Tell me a little bit about yourself. "

Rognan Dar
Nov 22nd, 2002, 04:55:24 PM
Rognan watched Kindo sit then was silent for a moment, thinking of where to start. He desides to start from the begining.

"You need to understand or past to understand who we are today. During a period called the Kanz Disorders, a species called the Argazdans subjected the Lorrdians and barred them from communication with one another." Rognan said mimicing a deeper sounding voice; his fathers, but Kindo would now that.

"However, the Lorrdians devised a type of sign language consisting of subtle hand gestures, body postures, and facial tics and expressions. They also taught themselves to read the body language of others as one would read an open book." Rognan returned to his normal voice.

"With this language they made a plan to overthrow their masters and free themselves and return home. Today we continueously celebrate and improve this language. Each generation teaches the system to the next, finding new ways to elaborate upon what we now call 'kinetic communication.' We are taught to carfully interpret movments, gestures, and mannerisms. We read body language so well that we can tell a person's mood and intentions within a matter of seconds."

"Thats the histroy of my race. But as for me, I'm sixteen, green eye's and blond haired. I left my family when I was fifteen in search of this place. Back at my home, the other kids didn't like having someone that was better the everone. I had a speed problem there, well not a problem but it was not natural. I was smarter then all the other kids, I could learn faster think faster and even somtiimes move, but that was uncontroled. I can also mimic people, another thing that was past down.

Then I heard of a place that excepts people with gifts like what I had. But I wish I didn't leave so early. My reading body language isn't as keen as it could be, but I couldn't stay there." Rognan took a breath and let it out slowly.

"Thats mostly it. Oh I almnost forgot, I have a pet wevicat that is my best friend and my only family I have here. But she is really protective over me, but she's getting used to this place and not as protective as she was when we came." With that rognan relaxed, he had spoken for longer the he thought.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 23rd, 2002, 09:52:13 PM
Kindo nodded with intrigue.

" I suppose you should know a bit about my past. "

He grew quiet for a brief moment.

" I grew under the Count of the royal planet Serenno, my father Lance Kindo. I never got to know my mother, for she died while giving birth to me. Though my dad had an extremely busy job to do, he always found time to spend with me. "

" I was raised learning most of the things my father had been taught, everything from battle strategies to proper negotiation. Although I had always looked up to my dad, I would spend whatever spare time I had out in the wilderness by myself just trying to get away from the pressure that was put on me to be like my father. I would sometimes even get angry with my dad, but things were soon to change. "

" When I was 19, my dad was giving a speech regarding the successful removement of an unknown underground crime organization, a man appeared on the stage and stabbed my father, killing him. "

" Now I was the heir to the position has Count, a term I served for five years until discovering information on how my father was once a Jedi Knight. Upon learning that, I realized that my place was in the Jedi and not in Serenno, and here I am now. "

Rognan Dar
Nov 23rd, 2002, 11:42:43 PM
Rognan listened with a understanding and sorrowful stare. Losing a father must be hard, but this hasn't happened to Rognan so Kindo must be feeling worst then him.

"I'm sorry for your lost, but I see that because of it you became a Jedi Knight, no?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 25th, 2002, 05:54:38 PM
" That's true... "

He gave a slight nod.

" ... but my destiny has always been in the Force. One way or another, I would have ventured down that path, had my father died or not. His death woke me up and helped me to realize the truth. "

Rognan Dar
Nov 25th, 2002, 05:58:16 PM
Rognan thought about it for a minute and agreed with him.

"I guess your right." Rognan just sat there silently, getting nerves over the silence. He didn't know what to say so he just sat back and tried to relax.

Nov 27th, 2002, 04:32:11 PM
ignore post

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 27th, 2002, 08:10:30 PM
OOC- I'm not Raiden by the way.

Kindo leaned back into the seat, his sapphire eyes fixed on Rognan. After a few more seconds of silence, he peered at his learner with a perplexed expression upon his face.

" Why this place...why the Jedi? "

Rognan Dar
Nov 27th, 2002, 08:14:43 PM
"Well I mentioned before that I wasn't excepted there, only my family wanted me. So I went looking for a better life and thought that the Jedi would be that. And I like to help people, I dont know why, but I get a joyful feeling out of helping others."