View Full Version : The Krath: Circle Of Nine

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 15th, 2002, 02:32:52 PM
Cinnagar was a cold and misty city, especially amongst the mountainous regions where Jehova had set their ship down. Jeseth was the first to step down the loading ramp and onto the rocky, snow-covered ground. “This is your chance to spin some dreams with me,” he whispered to the others who had followed him. “Jehova and I have rebuilt this place - the Iron Citadel.” Through the mist they could make out a large imposing fortress. It was surrounded by a thick forest, which was for the most part composed of nothing more than dead gray trees and white, muddy snow.

“The Sith have been dead for so many thousands of years – but their blood flows in my veins. I won’t let their proud race die.” Jeseth turned around and activated his saber. He had a distant look in his eyes, as if he was remembering <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11202>something</a> long since past. The others watched as he carved a perfect circle into the ground around himself, its edges steaming red.

With effortless precision Jeseth split the circle into nine equal pieces, and inside each of those pieces he etched a unique rune. He closed his eyes and stepped back into a single section of the circle, deactivating his saber and clipping it to his belt. “Choose a rune that calls to you, and step forward.” Only Jehova, Cherice, and Salem could feel runes calling to them. The others were not yet ready to survive the trial.

Nov 15th, 2002, 05:57:23 PM
What foolery is this? Has he dragged them out to this remote planet just to show off how well he doodles? Inu simply watches for someone to move.

Jehova Eaven
Nov 16th, 2002, 01:29:29 PM
Cinnagar was once the center of power for a small group of Sith. A dying forest now replaced the city that once flourished around the halls of the Iron Citadel. This once mighty castle had been reduced to debris due to a great conflict. Now a new group of Darksiders wished to reclaim that which was lost to the light and forgotten by time.

Jehova was a part of this new group of Darksiders. He followed Jeseth hesitantly as he walked through the forest. He held an ornate chalice in his hands and carried it carefully. He wasn’t too sure what it was for, or what Jeseth was doing with his light saber. Jeseth carved a circle into the cold ground and Jehova did as instructed. Everyone would know Jeseth’s intentions soon.

He chose the spot across from Jeseth holding the chalice out with both hands. This place seemed right. He could keep both eyes on him from here should he try something.

Ishan Shade
Nov 16th, 2002, 05:25:45 PM
The Falleen made his way behind Jeseth and Inu as they exited the ship. The flawless snow still fell, rather heavily in fact. Ishan cared little for cold, although it did not bother him. His homeworld of Falleen had been known to have it's cold spells.

The ill-forgotten snowy planet had almost made him forget about the trouble he had back on Courscant. Ishan's business, Shade Industries, had come under fire for it's regional occupancy of an Outer Rim planet. But soon Ishan would have it taken care of. For good. How easily and thoughtlessly a flame can spark a fire. No matter.

He approached the circle Jeseth had carved. “Choose a rune that calls to you, and step forward.” Ishan was hesitant at first and felt nothing. He remained quiet and called upon the Force as he moved next to Jehova. He took a step out onto the circle and waited for Jeseth's instruction.

Nov 17th, 2002, 02:34:15 PM
The misty air travelled through Cold's lungs as he took a deep breath. The area seemed abandoned, but the reconstructed Iron Citadel seemed like that most modern object there.

As Jeseth traced the circle around himself, Cold observed, and did not question. Cold stood outside the circle, and felt nothing. No attraction to the runes was felt. Yet, Cold felt a slight curiosity for the runes.

Standing outside the circle, Cold waited to see who would stand on the runes, and who would not.

Cherice St_Hilare
Nov 18th, 2002, 11:50:16 AM
As the ship landed, Cherice followed Jehova off of the ramp. After the training mission, she had finally broken away from the sufficating binds the Order had placed on her by joining Jeseth's side. This was where she truly belonged - with the Krath.

“Choose a rune that calls to you, and step forward.” She suddenly felt annoyance ripple through the air and glanced at Inu with distate, then looked down at the circle. There. She could feel it calling; yearning her presence. Stepping onto it, she was now by Jehova's left, and let out a soft sigh.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:40:03 PM
No one seems to be making a move. He, Cold, Jared, and Feliciana are standing outside the circle idly. It seems Salem is trying to decide something concerning Jeseth's doodles. Inu walks around the outer edge of the group, watching them. Finally, he settles on an apprentice at random. Inu approaches Feliciana.

"Do you have any idea what this is meant to do?"

Feliciana Devano
Dec 11th, 2002, 10:36:20 PM
Feliciana stood outside of the circle and laid her cyan eyes upon her Master, Jeseth. He was instructing them to go to the stone that they felt drawn to, but she felt no attraction from any of them. Sighing slightly, the young woman pushed her long black hair out of the way and then side-glanced Inu when he approached her. Shaking her head at her fellow Apprentice, she attempted to whisper.

"I don't know, but I heard my Master say something about the leadership of the Krath and the Circle of Nine. I also heard him mention something about having the true blood of the Sith. I guess none of this applies to me seeing as though I am following him on the path of the Dark Jedi. Who's your Master, Cherice, right? She's a good teacher you know...this may involve you somehow if she is called to a rune."

She brought her eyes back to the happenings before them as she was just as confused as the others who felt no draw to the stones. Somehow, she felt a bit left out, but was grateful to be there anyway seeing as though this was some type of ritual. The wind blew and caught up her black robes and they billowed about her slender body. Still she kept her eyes upon Jeseth, unwavering with the hope that this event would be explained.

Salem Ave
Dec 12th, 2002, 12:02:30 PM
The arcane symbols were known to Salem. Both he and Jeseth had discussed them with the others before coming here, though he was not sure as to each of their singular meanings. He knew every unique glyph had a purpose, though in such raw states he could not piece together what each of these purposes were.

Still he knew which he would be drawn to, and came to it quickly, laying down a three pronged hand atop it. The texture and shape were tested beneath his grasp as he felt the calling of the particular state, revelling in his newfound leadership and acceptance.