View Full Version : Secrets best keep in the unknown

Nov 14th, 2002, 08:53:23 PM
The messenger arrived aboard the Bloodfire class Carrier . Lashes fleet sat posed to attack deep in the unknown regions waiting for the signal. The messenger walked into Captain fela's Chambers and handed him a sealed folder. Captain Fe;a dismissed the messenger and waited for him to leave then opened the message.

To: Vice Admiral maxfe'laode'nuruodo
From: High Admiral Stela'shlit'nuruodo

"Good to see you well my friend . I sent this in a way no one would ever be able to duplicate. I need you to preform a very special mission for me Vice admiral. You are to go to black point zero . The asteroid has been reactivated. Prepare for Operation Dragon Heart. report to me upon completion. Destroy this letter upon completion of reading it. This is priority omega one so no one is to know . I will await your response.
Lash out."

Fela Set the letter afire and sat in his chair . At long last the day has come.

Nov 14th, 2002, 10:26:08 PM
Fela set the letter afire and sat in his chair . At long last the day has come. His heart was racing, he felt alive again. He was needed. He had a mission. Fela got up and went to bridge.
"XO, ready the ship for departure. I'll put in the coordinates."
"Yes sir!! Sir, the ship is ready for departure at any time." The XO reported.
Fela went to his command seat and punched in the given coordinates.
In minutes the Bloodfire jumped out.

After two days of patient waiting and going over the plans the alarms finally sounds and the Carrier emerged from the hyperspace tunnel into open space. In front of the ship was a huge spinning asteriod. Fela studing the display screen and looked at the XO.
"Take us here." He pointed at the holo display and pointed to a hole in the asteroid. The XO looked at him and Fela nodded.
"Do it commander."
"Yes Sir!! Helm make our speed one third and close on that asteroid."
"Yes sir!! Speed one third, aye sir."
The ship slowed as it closed on the asteroid.
"Take us into that cave."
"Aye sir!!"
The Bloodfire closed and entered the darkness of the cave. Fela knew the map by hard and timed the ship. Throughout the whole time he was shouting "Turn now!!" or "All stop, rotate to starboard!" In the end the cave opened up and Fela smiled. He went over and touched the XO's sholder, smiling.
"We are here."
He looked out as the ship entered a huge hanger and the lights came on.
Fela walked to the hanger with the XO and took two more pilots. They got into a shuttle and went off to the hanger entrance door. As they walked through the door, they headed for the turbolift. They took that to the 15th level and as the door opened a scanner scanned him and asked for an ID code.
"Unstoppable" Fela replied and the lights and computers lit up.
He looked over as the lights came on and smiled as the Raiders were exposed. He pointed at the two closest ones and the pilots ran to them and started them up.
They all left and the raiders flew out.

Aboard the Bloodfire Fela watched the Raiders fly out.
"Move us out."
The ships moved back out into space and than it and the Raiders jumped to the edge of known space. There Fela wrote and sent a letter to Commodore Lash.

To: High Admiral Stela'shlit'nuruodo
From: Vice Admiral maxfe'laode'nuruodo

"I'm at the coordinates that we set and everything is complete and ready. I will see you soon my friend."

Nov 14th, 2002, 11:02:45 PM
Lash sat at his desk and was reading over fleet readiness reports when the alert sounded form the bridge.

"Commodore I have a transmission for you from Captain Fela."

"Very good send it to my desk Lieutenant."

He read over it and deleted it from his data pad. He stood and walked from his chambers to the Bridge. the crew snapped there hells and stood at attention.

"As you were."

" How is your night Commodore?"

Captain Jeffers ask as he walked to Lash's side.

" Good Captain. I have to take a trip. I am leaving the fleet in your command till my return."

"Of course captain."

" I will be taking the two raiders . we will be back in two weeks captain. Until then wait for word from Desaria . "

"Yes sir."

Lash turned and walked out. He had sent for a small chiss group. They loaded the raiders and the Craft released from the docking clamps in the lower hold. Jeffers watched as the strange chiss craft speed away and then entered hyperspace. He had no idea where or why Lash had left but it must have been important.

Nov 17th, 2002, 10:09:15 AM
The two strange Craft exited Hyperspace 42 hours later at the outer boarders of the galaxy. Ahead of him the Bloodfire class ship sat motionless. the com awoken with the sound of a mans voice.

" Welcome High Admiral you are clear to dock Vice Admiral Fela awaits you in his private dinning hall."

"Very good tell the Vice Admiral i will be there shortly."

The ship docked with the Cruiser as the second circled the area. Lash walked through the docking ring and into the Cruiser.He approached the private dinning hall and the 2 Chiss guards stood at attention. the door opened and he entered. At the table sat Vice Admiral Fela and before him lay a beautiful meal and wine.

"I see you have prepared a meal for me my old friend."