View Full Version : Family Reunion (Xazor Leo Dawnstrider)

Jeran Conrad
Nov 14th, 2002, 08:01:46 PM
Reluctantly, he gave up his weapons at the door. He was a bit embarassed--he had several different blades. It was ok, though. He was in the Greater Jedi Order. He had never been here before--the temple, the people, the customs were foreign. However, the feeling was not. The Force was so strong in this place--much like it had been when he had surrounded himself with Jedi years ago. He was safe here, there was no doubt. Though the Jedi philosophy and his own did not meet eye-to-eye, they were both of the light, and in their presence he was at ease.

He would find her here, so he had learned. Most all of the Jedi eneded up here or frequented here somehow. He would find her. He had little trouble tracking others and, if need be, he would seek out her living quarters. He had business to settle.

Taking a seat at the bar, he ordered juice. Pulling his hat down over his face and his collar up, he hid himself from the onlookers. He would draw no attention to himself or to his face. This would take as little time as possible.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 14th, 2002, 08:11:22 PM
A figure moved past the guards at the door and she smiled gently at them...they returned with a bow of their heads in a respectful manner. The presence of this being...this woman.....was bright and enveloped the whole establishment of Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. Nothing was hidden of her now, even behind her flowing white robes she was herself....a Jedi Knight of a great Order. Her cyan eyes searched the bar and without even seeing him, her senses met the presence of one familiar....and welcome: Jeran. Immediatly she found him and made her way through the bustling crowds and groups before finally coming to stand at his side.

"Greetings Brother of the Wood.....you have sought me out, have you not?"

She knew that he had and she smiled, baring her canines as she sat down on the seat beside him. Promptly she ordered some Namana Juice and it was set before her.

"Welcome to the Greater Jedi Order.....this is my home outside of the forest and such. Otherwise I take refuge here among friends and Brothers."

Her words were said with cheer as she looked about and smiled upon those she recognized...and even those she did not. It was good to see so many faces in the place, and so much Light radiated from them. Her mind wandered to the first encounter she had with Jeran and she wondered what he had come for this time....to seek her out all the way on Coruscant must have been a bit shocking to him, for lack of anything but buildings and darkness. Hopefully though...he wished to know more of Terran and his whereabouts....

Jeran Conrad
Nov 14th, 2002, 08:28:19 PM
"You manage to suprise me again," he said as he was startled by her words. Not in a bad way, just simply startled. He was always startled by others. As she sat next to him, he let his collar down a bit.

She looked...different than he remembered her. She was radiant with peace, when before she was more defensive and on guard. Still peaceful, just not like this. However, it could have been the forest or the trees that had caused this illusion. Truly, he missed them now. He longed to smell the leaves and the wood of his brothers in nature. She was at home here with her family and friends, as she explained. He wondered what it was like to be here among people again. People that shared your own vision. People that respected you for what you believed in. People who worked with you for the same goal in the same way and understood what the Force meant to you.

He would probably never know this, he thought. He had the Plague--but there was hardly a Force-user among them. They were a great group of warriors, but they could not understand him. Nemesis, one of his truest friends, even he could not understand fully the pain of such a life. And Dae....

"I think you know why I am here, Xazor." It had been a short while since they had met, but Jeran had worked the courage to come here. He found the strength in the curiousity that overwhelmed him. It did, so much, to the point that it would be impossible to ignore any longer. I have a brother. He would meet his brother.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 15th, 2002, 05:16:49 PM
Xazor smiled gently as she startled Jeran and he began to speak rapidly, though a bit hushed. Indeed, she knew why he was here but wanted to hear it from him. Her eyes met those of the young man and she nodded simply.

"Indeed, I know why you're here......you have come in search of Terran......you know the truth as well as I do."

She said softly, turning away and taking a sip of her Namana Juice. Her mind was deep in thought now and she smiled to herself for a moment as she wondered what Terran would think.

".....Maybe he shouldn't know yet.....I don't want to tell him myself. I want you two to meet up somehow. Perhaps I could arrange something? It's just....this is about you and your Brother....not me."

Jeran Conrad
Nov 18th, 2002, 03:16:30 PM
"You speak the truth. Let me. I came to you--came here--because I trust your judgement in how to approach my brother." He watched her eyes as he spoke, knowing that she was listening. It was comforting to be listened to so intently. It was different, compared to what he usually surrounded himself with--the silence of nature.

He sat before her, wondering what she was thinking. He thought it best to ease into this situation by carefully laying out his options. This was a big deal, especially to him. She was compassionate and her aura kind, so he knew he would have little difficulty in dealing with her. She would understand.

"Will he..." He paused. "Will he recieve me?"

Xazor Elessar
Nov 30th, 2002, 02:46:41 PM
Xazor nodded gently and smiled as she had done before.

"Will he receive you? Of course he will! When we went to see your parents....he was heartbroken to hear of you....to know you were out there somewhere but not within his grasp. I promised him we'd find you....that I'd work harder and find you for him, and alas, here we are."

She continued smiling, thinking of how delighted Terran would be to finally reuinte with Jeran. The Knight thought of that moment for a minute or so before finally being drawn back to reality.

"I can easily arrange to have you meet him...."

Jeran Conrad
Nov 30th, 2002, 04:35:20 PM
The hunter scanned the room relieved. He had wondered if hostility would be met by his brother. He wasn't a model do-gooder, he thought, and though he had figured Chase--Terran, now, would be understanding, he wondered how understanding he would be.

"If you would..." He didn't need to go any further. He wanted the Jedi Knight to understand that this meeting was important, but he hoped she wouldn't sense his eagerness. Still trying to play the smooth, uncaring man he played it off as though it was a favor, and not neccesssary.

"Of course, it's not that big of a deal. I could always just come back later, you know." His words did not do him justice. The Jedi could easily see through his rougue, as foolsih pride generaly did not hold up against the power of the Force. It was the truth, and it was a truth that Jeran actually knew fairly well.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 29th, 2002, 06:12:29 PM
Xazor grabbed Jeran's hands in her own and grinned brightly.

"Of course I would! We can go to him right now! I know exactly where he is!"

She exclaimed all at once, before realizing that perhaps she was a bit overbearing. Sitting back in her place, she drew her hands from his and simply smiled.

"If you want, that is...I don't want you to feel pressured into anything."

Jeran Conrad
Dec 29th, 2002, 06:39:22 PM
"No, I want this..." He spoke rather sure of himself. He had convinced himself that he would meet his brother. It was something he had to do--he needed to do it. So little stood in his way. Nervousness nor foolish pride could stop him now.

"I want to meet him...finally." He looked back at her. He felt as though he knew her fairly well. The only explanation, he thought, was simply that through her kindness and some kind of bond between Terran and he--a brotherly connection--it was possible.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 29th, 2002, 08:13:20 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled once again before rising to her feet.

"You want to go now? He'll be most pleased to see you!"

She beamed while she spoke. Taking his hand, she tugged at his arm a bit, hoping that he'd wish to go find Terran with her. This day would change all of their lives....forever.

Jeran Conrad
Dec 29th, 2002, 09:15:03 PM
The Hunter stood, nodding. His frame was large, and his posture solid. He walked behind her, ready to follow her to wherever they needed to go.