View Full Version : Reflections: I Am

Xazor Elessar
Nov 14th, 2002, 07:55:36 PM
Never-Ending Story

Armies have conquered
And fallen in the end
Kingdoms have risen
Then buried by sand
The Earth is our mother
She gives and she takes
She puts us to sleep and
In her light we'll awake
We'll all be forgotten
There's no endless fame
But everything we do
Is never in vain

We're part of a story, part of a tale
We're all on this journey
No one is to stay
Where ever it's going
What is the way?

Forests and deserts
Rivers, blue seas
Mountains and valleys
Nothing here stays
While we think we witness
We are part of the scene
This never-ending story
Where will it lead to?
The earth is our mother
She gives and she takes
But she is also a part
A part of the tale

We're part of a story, part of a tale
We're all on this journey
No one is to stay
Where ever it's going
What is the way?
We're part of a story, part of a tale
Sometimes beautiful and sometimes insane
No one remembers how it began.

* * * * *

A dove, or so it seemed, flew along the streets of lower Coruscant. But no....it was a woman with white robes clinging close to her body save for the excess cloth that floated gently in the wind behind her. She glowed with the radience of the Light and her heart sang of freedom....freedom from many things that had put a heavy burden upon her heart. The gentle breeze kissed her hair and caught the long blonde braids up in it, rattling the silver coins decorating the locks as she seemed to move in a dance with the invisible force around her. A smile caressed her lips and her rosy cheeks were like red cherries from the lands of Eden.

Indeed she was a sight to behold for until this very day a shadow had hung above her and anger had consumed her very soul. This person had changed, somehow...and to many it seemed overnight. Her spirit was humble and her hands gentle. Though she had the heart of a Warrior, she was a defender and would not use her prowess for Dark purposes every again. Though having made this promise to herself once before proved in vain, this time she would hold true to the silent words that were enscribed upon the very fibers of her being.

As she walked....or danced, it seemed....her cyan eyes fell upon the poor and oppressed and her heart went out to them. The silver specks within the canvass of the deep blue orbs of her eyes glinted in the sunlight like shards of glass upon the ground. They spoke of a hidden energy that flowed through her now....something completely pure and of the light. Those around her could feel this new sense of life within her soul and truly it was magnificent. The Garou Knight continued upon her path through the slums until suddenly a blind beggar threw himself at her feet.

"I.....I've seen an Angel! You must.....bl.....bless me! Please! If you have any heart at all!"

He cried out to her in a shaky voice as he outstretched his hair arms. The man looked as though he had not been bathed in months nor had he shaved in quite a while. Xazor's heart sank at this sight and she felt humbled once again...and lucky to have what she did.

"I am nothing more than a common woman, good sir. My heart has stains upon it too....I am far from perfect. But I can offer you the hope which I have found so that you too may have it in your life. It is not much...but it is something....."

Gently her hands moved up to her flowing locks of hair and she removed a silver coin from one of the braids and then took his hands in her own.

"Please take this and remember me....my name is Xazor....that is who I am."

With that she placed the token in his hands and smiled gently upon him. Though blind, his eyes glowed with the sense of joy and though poor, he stood up with the stature of a rich man. He had found goodness in the Galaxy among the wretched and evil that lurked everywhere. Once again the Knight began on her way and she moved past a family...a young mother and two little boys. Xazor was touched deeply by their hope for survival on the streets and she knew not how to place this among her words. Her eyes met the sky and she felt the wings of freedom beat close to the rhythm of her heart. Kneeling down close to their makeshift home of cardboard boxes and sheets, she set her gaze upon the three shadowed figures. Tears stung at Xazor's eyes as she reached out and touched them....though their skin was dirty and bugs at away at the shreds of clothing hanging from their small frames.

"Take these and buy for yourself some food....."

She said with a gentle voice and again from her hair she removed a coin...then another and another. Little did most people know but the young woman walked around with a fortune on her head. Each coin was worth several thousand Rebublic Credits...and they were still good here though manufactured on the planet she was born on: Eden. The family took the coins in their hands....the little boys and their grubby faces glowed with excitement as they hugged their mother.

".....How can we.....repay you? We have....noth...."

But her words were interrupted by the hands of Xazor being brought up into the air. She shook her head and smiled kindly.

"You have something many others do not...a good heart and the gratefulless for what you do have...something greater than even the richest men possess. Bless you for you have shown me something this day..."

Again the Knight set out and approached a loud scene where a man was being beaten by four others. A frown embraced her features and she made her way past the onlookers and positioned herself beside the fallen man. Suddenly a blow connected with her cheek and left a deep gash near the bone beneath her eye. Her natural healing abilities took over and began mending the wound before she could even react by turning her head to let her eyes seep into the soul of the one who dished the hurtful swing. Something about her soft stare put him in his place and he backed away...followed by the others. No violence was needed for her to get the point across....unlike other times where she would have openly attacked the attackers, lowering herself to their level and beyond.

"Why do you hit this poor man? Does he have something you desire? Or perhaps are you stealing away his very humanity in a sad attempt to restore you own? If he has done something to you, forgive.....if not.....then forgive yourselves for what you have done. The darkness you sow you shall also reap and the favor will be returned to you tenfold unless you learn to see the Light."

Again Xazor reached her hands up to her hair and removed a few more coins, then handed one to each of the attackers....and two to the one who had been beaten.

".....Care for yourself and your families.....they are what matters, not this false shadow that we call our own life. For who is really in control, the Creator or the work? Live on and may Gaia smile upon you."

They knew not what to say nor did they need to say a thing. A silent message touched Xazor's heart and she smiled, then continued walking. The destination she was going for was not important....for there was not one....not this day. It was what she encountered on the way there and how she dealt with it that mattered. Very much like life that was. She was learning new things and each instance she came in contact with could be solved by giving...and by words.

A wise man once told me that words form sentances and those sentances are like whips of fire. They are very powerful and what we do with those words can affect others in so many ways on so many levels. How right that man was...and how grateful I am to him....

The thoughts drifted through the young woman's mind as she rounded the corner of a street in lower Coruscant. A small bird flew overhead singing a song of joy that lifted the spirits of those whom had been crushed in their life. A new freedom sang upon Xazor's breath as well and she inhaled the air of a new life, giving oxygen to a being borne again in the Light. She was the same person yet....different......


It was all that needed to be said or thought....felt or beheld. She just....was. She continued on her journey...wondering, yet not worrying about what she would encounter. She knew how to handle herself now....and she would not be controlled...she would not let herself fall to the hands of the shadow that loomed over the Galaxy. She was an individual....she just was and there was not a question about it. She was Xazor Dawnstrider...Jedi Knight and Warrior....defender of justice and above all: freedom.