View Full Version : I Just Can't [Open to Everyone]

Nov 14th, 2002, 04:12:01 PM
Baby, would you walk me home ?

Sitting in a too-large-for-her booth, Esuna rested her right shoulder on the table, her cheek leaning against her hand while her other hand circled the top of her glass, making a discreet but beautiful sound to those who could hear. There was nothing but water and melted ice inside her tall glass - It looked intact, she didn't even take one tiny sip. Her eyes were looking outside the large window on the side. Her eyes - The right one green, the left one blue - closed half-way down. She came here for Jedi training, but she was getting doubts. She didn't know if she was able to fufill all of the responsibility that will, maybe, be given to her.

She looked down on the table at her pale hand, her fingers still circling around on the top of her glass. She wasn't much of a fighter, more of a white Force summoner. If that even existed. Maybe that was why she came here - To be strong. But that wasn't the main reason. To be surrounded, to have friends, to have a family, to not feel like she was alone on top of this horrible universe. Maybe that was what she truly wanted. Maybe.

On the table rested her long odd-looking glaive that was always seen with her. She lifted her hand from the glass to the glaive and stroked the top gently with the porcelain-coloured fingertips. A new start now. That was what she truly wished for.

I don't want to go all the way alone.

imported_Blade Ice
Nov 14th, 2002, 04:20:33 PM
Blade sat at distant Table as he probed the womens mind for information he could use against her. Maybe it could be used to turn her to the truer side of the force or maybe just to crush her thought of ever being a jedi it really didn't matter witch.

Blade slow stood up and made his way to esuna. He had a long black hooded cloak on and he carried himself with allot of confidence. H ehad a very cocky smile and rough exterior on him battle wounds on the face but he still wasn't an ugly man. The scars just gave him charcter.

" Hello there I sense a bit of trouble in your mind ma'am."

Nov 14th, 2002, 05:01:27 PM
"You've sensed wrong, Sir. Everything is fine." She smiled softly as she looked up to the man.

She closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again, looking back outside of the window, her fingers pushing back a few locks of her brown hair.

imported_Blade Ice
Nov 14th, 2002, 05:13:11 PM
" Do you say I'm reading you wrong sense your thoughts are on weather you will make a good jedi or even a good fighter because you don't know if you can handle the responsibility. Those are doubts and I count that as a troubled mind."

Blade took a sip of the scotch he was holding in his hand.

" I am a force user and I'm usually not wrong after I read some ones thoughts and you left them out in the open because you have not learned how hide them yet."

blade sat himself down across from the Jedi soon to be or wanna be witch ever. He really didn't ask to sit down he just gave himself an open invitation.

" My name is Blade ice and your Name is?"

Nov 14th, 2002, 05:18:55 PM
"Actually, you are right that I was thinking that - But those were usual thoughts for me. So it doesn't really trouble me anymore."

She tilted her head to the side.

"You can't count that as a troubled mind then."

imported_Blade Ice
Nov 14th, 2002, 05:26:34 PM
Blade shrugged

" close enough trouble minds and pessimist get me confused if I don't know them long enough. So what makes you think the Jedi are truly the right path for you?"

Nov 15th, 2002, 10:55:41 AM
"To beat down arrogant, sarcastic and all-around macho people."

She smiled softly, knowing very well that he knew she was talking about him.

imported_Blade Ice
Nov 15th, 2002, 11:36:02 AM
Blade laughed it off it wasn't the first time he had been called those names and certainly not the last. Blade noticed though when she spoke she talked of beating him down. That wasn't a normal trait of a jedi most would try to convert you first then kill only if you attacked them.

" So you would beat me down, perhaps you chose the wrong path ma'am. Jedi do not teach the path of killing and enjoyment of beating down arrogant people. They teach you protect those arrogant people that annoy you, There called nobles."

Nov 15th, 2002, 04:45:25 PM
"You ? The path of killing and enjoyment of beating you down ? Who ever said I'd kill, or even enjoy beating you down ?"

She smiled once more, standing up as she grabbed her glaive and stepped out of the booth. She bowed her head.

"It's hard to enjoy myself, just surrounded by the likes of you."

Her voice was soft and delicate, though her words didn't really stick to her face expression. She sighed, disappointed that her first visit to this place was such a waste of time before walking out of the exit, holding her glaive with both of her hands.

imported_Blade Ice
Nov 15th, 2002, 05:15:54 PM
As Esuna began to leave blade put his feet up on the table and crossed them. The he put both his hands behind his head and leaned back.

Blade thought to himself as Esuna was about to the exit. What an interesting women especially for a Jedi perhaps he would have to come back here more often now that the Jedi where producing intriguing Jedi such as Esuna.

Blade decided to make one last comment just she opened the door and began to walk out. He yelled it out to her

" I never did get your name! Mines blade Ice! Maybe I'll be seeing you around!"