View Full Version : What I found while I was away (open)

Angelica Shin
Nov 14th, 2002, 02:05:56 PM
She held something wrapped up in her coat as she ran up to the B&G, she huffed and shifted the thing.

"Damn.....Your heavy." She muttered as she pulled part of her coat away from it's face. She held a young boy, about 13 years old, he seemed pretty beat up just froma quick glance at him. She had met the boy about 2 weeks ago in the slums, when a bunch of bigger 'children' were beating up on him, and had sorta scared them off.....

"It's a good thing I decided to find you today." She spoke almost jokingly as she pushed the door to Yog's open.

"Hey! I got someone who is hurt here! Get me a good healer ok? Or at least a wet cloth!"

Nov 14th, 2002, 02:22:43 PM
Hearing the call, jumped up and took the child from her arms without even looking at Ange's face.

"Wow, the little guy's pretty beat up. Mind telling me what happened?"

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 14th, 2002, 05:12:24 PM
Wei eyed the child. "Isn;t it obvious? He got ganged up on and beaten senseless."

Wei knew how to tell a person;s physical weaknesses or injuries, and how they were caused. It helped him to fight people better.

Nov 14th, 2002, 07:04:46 PM
Hunk looked over at the young man, slightly annoyed.

"No, it is not obvious. I can see that the boy is beat up. He's got several lacerations, extensive bruising, and some internal bleeding, if I'm not mistaken, but what's not immediately apparent is how he got these injuries."

He briefly considered bringing the boy to his ship, the Salvation, but it was in a landing bay a few buildings over and he didn't want to move him any more than necessary. He cleared off a table in the diner recently christed as the new "Yoghurt's Bar and Grill." And layed the frightened boy on it. It wasn't the most sterile of places, but it would do.

"Don't worry, champ, we'll have you up and running around again in no time. But i'm going to need you to lay back and relax for a bit, can you do that for me?" The boy nodded and layed back on the table, his eyes half closing. "Ok, now just try to let your mind drift; imagine you're laying in a nice warm bed, just waking up from a nice long night of sleep."

Reaching out, Hunk placed his hands on the boys chest. Reaching out with the force, he started with the internal bleeding, closing the damaged blood vessels, preventing further blood loss. From there, he moved on to the lacerations, including a rather ugly one on the boy's scalp. Under his care, the skin bonded together at an accelerated pace, as the blood clotted and the wound closed. Finally, he moved on to some of the more severe bruises, easing the pain sensing nerves to relax.

When he was done, he stood up again, a little drained from the experience. He had directed a lot of his own energy to the boy to help his body with the repairs and it had left him a little weak. Feeling much better, the young boy began to sit up.

"You should be fine, son, just take it easy since you'll be sore for a while."

He turned to the woman.

"He's a tough little guy, ma'am, but don't worry, your son will be jus.....Ange, is that you? I heard you'd left the jedi. What's the story?"

Angelica Shin
Nov 15th, 2002, 09:55:28 AM
"Hm? Oh, um....I left to find myself, and well found him."

She nodded in the boy's direction.

"He's, um...My half-brother, Mikl, he got into a fight with slum kids.....Um....It was a good thing I was around there...Um, thanks."

She bowed slightly to Hunk.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 15th, 2002, 10:15:39 AM
Wei smiled. He was right. Hunk was no doubt annoyed at his guessing and decided not to mention his success in correctly identifying the source of the bruises and cuts.

"So, let's get the kid patched up."