View Full Version : Judas Escariot.

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 14th, 2002, 05:43:12 AM
This guy has outlived his welcome at a rate that defies belief. . I would call on AB to outline what he's been doing at TSO, but I will outline what he has done at GJO.

1) He has been harrassing posters, namely that I can name right now Videl who AIM'ed me with her complaint. I believe she is not the only one.

2) He posted harrassing and apparently vulgar statements in Arcan Trading Post. He was not caught red handed as he then pulled a Gue and edited out all offensive comments before I got to them. I did go and count however, I witnessed about 20 post editings.

3) While spamming is tolerated at GJO to a degree, it is distrubing to find that one person is marked as last poster on a full 30 threads. That is well and truly beyond acceptible. And not a single post was worthwhile or above 5 words.

4) Nup posted in the GJO adimin forum that Judas was here only to cause trouble. I would ask Nup to confirm what he posted.

5) I understand TSO have their own issues and I would ask Lady Vader to outline those. I believe however they are similar,with harrassment being the main problem.

And that is in three days. He has been warned over PM once by me, warned in a thread as well and also warned twice more, with the last making quite clear that if he even so much as farted in the wrong way, I will ban him at GJO.

After Lady Vader contacted me with similar concerns from TSO, I now believe this is not just a GJO problem, but a board wide issue.

Sorry to draw this to your attention, but this guy has been mind boggling at the rate he has been angering and annoying GJO posters. If he is now doing likewise at TSO, I believe action needs to be taken globally

Nov 14th, 2002, 05:50:34 AM
2) He posted harrassing and apparently vulgar statements in Arcan Trading Post. He was not caught red handed as he then pulled a Gue and edited out all offensive comments before I got to them. I did go and count however, I witnessed about 20 post editings.
Do you know of any where there is a large period between the posting and the edit? If so, can you link them, or any where someone saw it and took offense in-thread?

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 14th, 2002, 06:00:25 AM
Yeah, rock through About Chase thread, or just about any thread that has been in existance for a while in Arcan IV. Look about Sunday board time.

Posting time and edit time was..... I dont know. I didnt pay attention. All I know is that Videl and Zeke both AIM'ed me real fast when I logged in and gave me a heads up to what had happened.

Got one for an example - Look for post 95 of this thread....

Nov 14th, 2002, 11:34:46 AM
Just going to respost what I said over at the GJO:

Jeseth introduced this guy to the boards because he wanted to stir up some trouble (his own words, not mine).

Judas is indeed a good friend of Jeseth's and Warren's. I... know him. Unfortunately. I'd hardly consider us friendly. He's tossing around my name, claiming to be my friend, because he apparently thinks it gives him some sort of social standing.

Nov 14th, 2002, 11:46:45 AM
Originally posted by Marcus Q'Dunn
Yeah, rock through About Chase thread, or just about any thread that has been in existance for a while in Arcan IV. Look about Sunday board time.

Posting time and edit time was..... I dont know. I didnt pay attention. All I know is that Videl and Zeke both AIM'ed me real fast when I logged in and gave me a heads up to what had happened.

Got one for an example - Look for post 95 of this thread....
http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23742&perpage=50&pagenumber=1 That post was edited 24 minutes after it was originally made.

Nov 14th, 2002, 12:20:34 PM
Yeah, thats why I wanted an example, for edit timing.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 14th, 2002, 04:53:48 PM
I heard he introduced him to the boards because he wanted him to annoy Warren, as they live together. *shrug*

Nov 14th, 2002, 04:59:22 PM
Well, where to begin.

He came to TSO to ask for admittance. Now, in his joinging thread he was rude, but being a RP and IC, I let it pass. Then I got a PM from Sasha who is a member of TSO about Judas. It seemed to me he was a bit uncomfortable with Judas, so that's when I decided to jump into the thread he'd started.

Then I got a PM from Judas asking me somewhat bluntly who I was. I told him quite curtly that I was an Elder at TSO. He started singing a different tune afterwards. And to top it off, I got quite a few PMs from him (acting all buddy buddy). The first time he PMed me, I replied because he had asked a question. After that there were more PMs. Not that they had any bad content in them, but when you get 5 PMs in less than 12 hours from the same person, it can get annoying.

Well, did admit him into TSO, letting Dyzm take him as his Apprentice. But the guy has been here barely a week, and even Dyzm's getting freaked out. (And if any of you know Dyzm, you know it's almost impossible to freak him out in this regard.) Dyzm informed me that Judas just PMs him with one word PMs like "hi". Now there isn't anything wrong with that in itself, but if you get enough of them, you'd start freaking out.

As to the vulgar things said at GJO, I missed those, but I don't like how he's harrassing Videl, who is a member of TSO. He hasn't said anything vulgar at TSO, but seeing his name on 10 consecutive threads, especially when no one's said anything in a few of those threads in a week or longer, can be disturbing.

Now, some of these things may not seem like they're horrible, but when ppl start feeling harrassed, freaked out, and annoyed by just one person who's just come to SWF... well... all I can say is my gut keeps screaming at me there's something more than meets the eye about this guy, and it makes me uncomfortable.

(Dyzm is also a mod so I'll get him to say a few words if he feels he needs to.)

Xazor Elessar
Nov 14th, 2002, 05:29:00 PM
He freaks me out too. The first day he was on the boards, he PM'd me every few minutes. It was annoying beyond belief! It was stuff like: Hi.....then the next PM said: what are you doing? Then the next: well, I'm going offline....then the next: okay Im not. Just stupid stuff like that. I told him to put his thoughts into one PM because that's how we do things....but he wouldn't conform. :( He's tried to hijack my threads in the bar and grill, but thanks to my mod abilities there, I was able to delete his posts that had nothing to do with the subject. He actually interrupted a thread in the Jedi Recruitment Center...popping in there and then out as if he belonged. I clearly told him it was a JEDI ONLY forum and he said, "oh, just realized that" then he left. ::sigh:: He's been getting on my nerves and he has claimed to be "The Admins Friend" in his exact words....and also a friend of Jeseth and Jehova. He spoke nothing of Warren....so I don't know what that's about. He blatently knocked Xaz IC then edited his post....then he also knocked my Sith character, Feliciana....and he also edited that (the thread that AB was talking about with Sasha...one of his like, three admittance threads.)

To the point......he is causing trouble and driving everyone nuts in the process! :verymad Hope this info helps.....I checked his IP and compared it to a few others in the bar and grill and also arcan...but he was not a match to them. I think that he's been around with another character at some point though. :\

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 14th, 2002, 06:55:24 PM
He has not been around as another character before.

Lady Vader
Nov 15th, 2002, 03:11:50 PM
Well, seems Dyzm (I asked him to say a few words in here, but he said I pretty much covvered everything) has gotten to the point where he is ignoring Judas (he must be REALLY annoying him). And now Judas is asking for Sasha to be his Master, though Sasha I think is a bit warry.

Here's a PM Sasha sent me after I asked him what he thought of Judas (he gave me permission to post it):

Lady Vader wrote:

Sasha, I wanted to get your impressions on Judas Escariot.

There are a few at SWF that have been harrassed by him, and he said a few vulgar things at GJO before editing it so a mod couldn't see. He's even freaking Dyzm out (and freaking Dyzm out is nearly impossible).

And he somewhat makes me feel uncomfortable.

I just wanted to know how you felt about the guy as he seems to have this thing for RPing with you.

Sasha Kovalev wrote:

*laughs* I wasnt going to say anything - except that first time I'd PM'd you about his posts....

Yeah, I was freaked out about his posts and PM'ing too. He was PM'ing me constantly (and still does) and making up stories about my character. It pretty much annoyed the hell out of me.

For a while, Id have 5 or so new PMs from him everytime I got on SW, and whenever I sign on and he's on he'll immediately send me a PM to say hi, or tell me to check out some new post or whatever.

Thats why I'd PMd you about those threads in the beginning and asked you to get involved. I thought something was weird, but kinda wanted someone else to confirm I wasnt just being a jerk or whatever. And when he was accepted into the order, I guess I just accepted that he's obsessive or something and have been dealing with it.

Im not sure exactly what his deal is. I dont know if he's super young and just doesnt get it, or lonely and obessessed with this roleplaying thing - I have no idea.

But yeah, he does seem to have this thing about rp'ing with my char. It was weird b/c when he started the whole thread to join the order, Id pm'd to ask him about the comment he made in a thread about sasha being familiar to him, and I PMed to ask what he meant by that.

He was like 'just maybe he and sasha used to work together and left on bad terms.'

At which point I let him know he didnt really have the right to make up <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> about my character and hed have to discuss that stuff with me before he did it.

And he sort of chilled out about it, but not completely. Theres stuff h's written that Im not in agreement with, but have just kind of written it off and ignored it.

He isnt freaking me out anymore, I guess cuz Im used to him pulling the <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> he pulls or something, but there is something wierd about him and he needs to chill out, for sure.

Does this answer your question....?

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 15th, 2002, 09:28:18 PM
I took the liberty to delete your double post, LV ^_^;

Lady Vader
Nov 15th, 2002, 11:22:25 PM
I double posted? O_o Dude, I didn't even notice. ^_^; Thanks LD. :)

Nov 16th, 2002, 05:55:19 AM
I left it for the irony of a double post in a forum of Mods :)

ANyone else want to make any comments?

Taylor Millard
Nov 16th, 2002, 05:55:23 AM
LV isn't the only one who Sasha's come to about Judas. He came to me about a month ago about him as well.

I heard he introduced him to the boards because he wanted him to annoy Warren, as they live together. *shrug*

Yeah but isn't Warren over at SWR?

Xazor Elessar
Nov 16th, 2002, 08:37:57 AM
Yeah, Warren is and so are a few others we have lost from places like the GJO and the such. Kat Kariena followed all of them there as well as Amalia Azalin (after she stated she was done RPing) so......yeah.

Guess that's where we are now....keeping a close eye on him???

Taylor Millard
Nov 16th, 2002, 11:09:20 AM
o_O Umm Xaz what you said made no sense to me. You don't mind clarifying it a bit do you?

I'd just been checking out SWR that's how I knew Warren was there. And it was a long time ago, one of those things that stuck in my brain.

The only thing I can think of is we have someone PM Judas and say, "Look...we're always happy to have new RPers at SWFans, but constantly PMing posters w/o waiting for a reply, or not knowing the meaning of the word 'no' (okay we don't have to be as blunt as that), is not becoming of a good RPer. Please cut down on bothering or harsher action will be taken."

*shrugs* it's an idea.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 16th, 2002, 01:11:13 PM
:lol @ Tay. Sorry....makes sense to me.

Just stating that Warren and a few others are over at SWR. If he wanted to bother Warren, then he should go over there. :lol

Anywayz...yeah, I think someone sending him a PM would be good. Any takers? I could do it if you want....he and I corrosponded for a while until he got annoying. :lol He might listen to me because I've at least been friendly and 'tolerable'. :lol

Taylor Millard
Nov 17th, 2002, 04:42:00 AM
That might be a job for a mod to do. Especially if you guys have all ready asked him to leave you guys alone.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 17th, 2002, 12:24:08 PM
True dat...just trying to help. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 17th, 2002, 02:35:27 PM
Anywayz...yeah, I think someone sending him a PM would be good.

I've already done that and he's also had communications to effect that he would be banned at GJO for any other offence, no matter how small.

Nov 17th, 2002, 03:25:16 PM
When were both of these instances, and has there been any change?

Lady Vader
Nov 18th, 2002, 01:34:37 AM
... or not knowing the meaning of the word 'no' (okay we don't have to be as blunt as that)...

I have NO qualms about being blunt if that's the only way to get through thick skulls.

As for instances of being warned... here's one that Marcus posted recently and that I just came across like 2 minutes ago (post #34):


The last thing Judas posted (no doubt to cause trouble after Marcus' warning) was a period. Now, I dunno if the post had said something ealier and then he'd edited before it could say he'd edited. But I thought the period was a blatant way of showing disrespect to a mod after having been given a warning.

EDIT: Ok, his last post now reads something rather than just a period. I swear, he edits faster than you can blink!

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 18th, 2002, 01:39:39 AM
He's gone from GJO. Three public warnings, two private. Over the course of a week, that's far too many warning to give.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 18th, 2002, 02:32:37 AM

Lady Vader
Nov 18th, 2002, 02:32:53 PM
A new record, I imagine. O_o

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 18th, 2002, 03:10:40 PM
*writes it down* let's hope no one breaks it. ^_^;