View Full Version : Forgotten Ties...

Liam Jinn
Nov 13th, 2002, 11:01:31 PM
The wet streets glistened mildly from the lights of the nearby businesses. There was a slight stench in the air that Liam could not put his finger on. Nor would he want to if he found what it was comming from. As he walked, the sounds of his boots hitting the concrete were a muffled CLAMP, not the most intimidating of sounds, but enough to scare away the rats. He stopped in front of a bar with a bright sign that read 'Yjur's Grub'. This is where he was planning to get a leg up in his search for a woman by the name of DrenKast.

Hera had once sent a close friend of Liam's after him, some two-bit scheme in trying to destroy the two or something. Luckily, it had failed. Lately, he had been doing his homework, and quickly became aware of Hera's not-so-secret 'operation'. After awhile, he learned of a person linked to Hera that could lead him straight to the woman in charge. A man named Remkah. With a slight sigh, he entered the bar, finding the outside street to be somewhat deceptive.

The interior was dimly lighted, though it was surprisingly clean. The bar was at the left most wall, the rest of the place mainly tables and booths. He scanned over the crowd a few times before finding what he had come here for. Making his way to the right wall, he took a seat across from a grim looking man. He had short hair from what he could tell, but the dim-lighting didn't help in defining his features. The man did seem mildly drunk, so this might go a bit easier.

"Hi there. The names Trylan Donnal." Liam began, slightly nudging the man to accept him via the force. "Say, you wouldn't know where I could make some fast credits, could you? I hear you have a boss named DrenKast, and from what I hear about her, she doesn't pay too shabby!" Before the man could respond, Liam pointed into the crowd. "One of my acquantances told me I might talk to you about it. Mind if I buy you a drink?"

Nov 13th, 2002, 11:19:54 PM
Remkah nodded "yes" to the drink. "Whiskey - no water, no ice."

While Liam had been introducing himself, the ShadowFaene Base Captain was recalling to memory the description Hera had given him about the Jedi he had been sent to meet. And agreed silently with her that "even in his wildest dreams, Liam Jinn couldnt look like the kinda scum necessary to pass himself off as a smuggler". He looked to him like one of the Jedi-pretty-boy's that the Sith Mistress often referred to.

"Trylan Donnal huh?" A crooked smile creased the swarthy man's face, his low gravelled voice hinting at amusement. "And I'm Rip Van Winckle...Nice to meet you."

The whiskey arrived and Remkah downed it with one gulp.

"So...you want to work for Hera do you? Why dont you ask her yourself?"

Liam Jinn
Nov 13th, 2002, 11:29:29 PM
Rip Van Winkle...Great

He figured he hadn't passed in his deception, but there was no harm in keeping it up until he got to Hera. He watched as the man downed the drink, his mind now focusing on one thing.

"Hera...herself?! That'd be great!" He overplayed his surprise, maybe just for an award someday. Underneath the jacket he wore, his lightsaber sat in a pocket, concealed from the rest of the world. Perhaps if he actually met Hera, he'd need it.

"So where would I get to meet this Hera?"

Nov 13th, 2002, 11:43:50 PM
Remkah watched the performance - the guy had a sense of humor, atleast. However, Remkah didnt let his guard down - Hera had warned him that Liam was very much a threat and not to be fooled by anything the Jedi did.

"Well, she outta be arriving any minute. She asked if you'd wait."

He stretched out his long legs as he leaned back in his chair.

"I suggest you order another drink."