View Full Version : Upgrading his saber

Number 62
Nov 13th, 2002, 08:22:22 PM
62 sat there in his room toying with his light saber. He was trying to get it just right for his needs. He had talked to a boy named Dis in one of the near by bar's and bought a saber plan from him.

He sat down on his bed and pulled out a tool set he keeped under his bed, for just these kinds of things. He open the blue prints and looked at them very carefully. He picked out the 1 or 2 things he wished to do to his saber then went to work.

The first thing was to place 2 blade in the handle that will release into the holders hand. Unless the holder hits a switch above the handle. The 2nd fix was a simple one. He placed a 2 inch blade at the end of his saber for the when he wants to send that saber at his enemy.

He rolled up the blue print and placed it under his bed along with the tool box. Then got up, turned on his saber and swung it around in the air a few times. Then he used the force to send the new blade toward a target he had placed on the wall. He quickly pulled it back to his hand. He smiled then shut it off and laid it on his bed.

The next step was to give it a name. He sat down bye it and started to thing of a good one. Then all of a sudden it came to him, Riku Cloudrunner. He reached over to his saber and said "Riku Cloudrunner..that will work"