View Full Version : Sick at Heart (Open, possibly a challenge)

Alera Starreyes
Nov 13th, 2002, 04:39:54 PM
Alera walked. She was in one of the more run-down, crime ridden parts of the city. The sidewalk was dirty, the buildings were crumbling. Even the air itself stank. There were plenty of people around, but most were inside, or moving in large groups. There were a few dark presences around as well. No doubt, it was one of the worst places for a person to be.

Alera sighed. It was discouraging to know you couldn't fix all the problems of a planet. Still, she'd come to do what she could.

The young woman wearily brushed her dark hair out of her blue eyes and leaned against the wall of a building where loud music pounded from the inside to dimly fill the outside air. She closed her eyes, calming herself and letting her senses open.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 13th, 2002, 07:12:12 PM
“Excuse me,”

A voice called out from the left of Alera, little could be made out of the shadowed figure, although his voice was calm and low. What portion of light that did flicker down from the aged streetlamp revealed a pale-faced man, who seemed a bit around nineteen or so, but it his youth was secreted underneath his battle-worn face; bathed with scars. Dark tendrils of hair fell just below his eyes, which was unkempt and ruffled in a mess. The scruffy looking man continued with his speech.

“I believe I am lost... could you help me?”

Alera Starreyes
Nov 13th, 2002, 07:29:18 PM
Alera kept her eyes closed and her senses open even as she answered, her voice perfectly even.

"Certainly. What are you trying to find?"

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 14th, 2002, 04:15:50 PM
“Th-the sh-...”

Before the man could finish, he seemingly collapsed, falling towards Alera with no appearance of conscienceness. Scented with booze and utter filth, he could easily be passed of as another bum, scrapping for alcohol and a meal. This however, was hardly the case.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 14th, 2002, 04:33:18 PM
At this Alera opened her eyes. The girl crouched down next to him, slightly concerned, but still quite wary in case the man turned out more than he seemed. With a small sigh she took him by the arm, starting to help him up.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 14th, 2002, 05:19:52 PM
With Alera helping the decrepit man to his feet, he began a slur of senseless babbling, clearly incoherent in a way only a fellow drunkard could interpret. Getting to his feet, with aid of Alera, the man moved his head in attempts of kissing her, only to be shoved away. He broke from her grasp and began mumbling to himself, then turned and pointed at her, a grim smile on his lips.

“Why did you leave him?”

Alera Starreyes
Nov 14th, 2002, 05:23:54 PM
"What are you talking about?" Alera asked.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 15th, 2002, 09:56:31 PM
“Nothing,” the estranged man replied as his head bowed, a bleak smile still forced across his lips.

It was clear the man was a bit off his rocker, his body beginning to cradle back and forth, before he looked up at Alera. His smile faded, as he lowered the secretion of his hood; revealing a pale face, a face that did not look so insaned in a now better viewing.

“Alera... that is your name is it not?”

Alera Starreyes
Nov 16th, 2002, 10:46:27 AM
Alera gave him a wary look. "Yes," she said. "How... did you know? Have you been looking for me?" The girl was becoming rather nervous for a reason she was not quite sure of.
"Who are you?" she whispered.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 16th, 2002, 01:50:05 PM
“So many questions,” the man replied, his voice cold and stiff.

Brushing back the trailing of his duster, he reached for an inner-pocket concealed inside of the overcoat. With a slide of his hand, a metallic hilt found its way into his grasp, as a slender crimson pillar shot from the base. The red light illuminated his face, as he eyed Alera with an indifferent perspective.

“I am but a harbinger.”

Malice Draclau
Nov 16th, 2002, 04:24:44 PM
From aboe sat a figure shroweded in darkness. Not even his white robes, which he always wore could be seen. His presense wihin the force was hidden as well, he id not want to be found out.

Something had led him to this diry part of the city, for even he would never come here for no reason. A presense that flt very familiar to him had ended up here, and he intended to keep a watch on her. His dark blue eyes pierced the darkness, ever watchful over Alera. At last, Malice Draclau, sith master of TSO had returned.....returned to the one he loved.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 16th, 2002, 07:05:09 PM
Malice had kept his presence hidden, or Alera would have sensed him there. As it was, she did not.

Alera ignited her own lightsaber, a blue so pale it was almost white.

"A harbinger of what?"

Her eyes blazed with blue intensity.

Who was this man?

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 19th, 2002, 05:04:07 PM
(Ooc) Sorry for the delay, been sick the past few days.

Averting his gaze from the newly drawn lightsabre to Alera's eyes, with the same deft motion it took to ignite his own weapon it was disarmed. Still eyeing the girl with a calm stare, he uttered a brief sentence, so faint it was barely audible for even her to pick up.

“You're being followed.”

With that, the man turned and began to slowly walk away.

Malice Draclau
Nov 19th, 2002, 05:29:51 PM
Malice's eyes turned into a cold hard glare as he had caught what Grey had said to Alera.

“You're being followed.”

Malice couldn't believe that man knew he was there. Though he would wait till Alera ha figured it out.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 19th, 2002, 07:21:53 PM
Alera closed her eyes. Her voice echoed inside Grev's mind.

Wait, please... why did you come here?

At the same time she reached out with her senses, searching for the slightest thing she could have overlooked, the faintest sensation of a familiar presence in the Force - she assumed if she was being followed it would be someone she knew.

Malice Draclau
Nov 19th, 2002, 10:30:45 PM
Malice could tell she was trying to feel for him. To make things easier, he opened himself backup to the force. The darskside flowing into him like waves. Reaching out with the force, he sent her a message.

(Well, aren't you going to welcome me back.....my love)

He kept the message codded, incase the other one tried to read it. Though he still kept his form hidden, not wanting to reveal himself fully just yet.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 22nd, 2002, 05:30:47 PM
(Ooc) Came out a little lengthy, so I shortened it by about three paragraphs. Apologies for the edit, just re-read.

Laughter; that was all which escaped from the Sith's grim cast. He turned back towards Alera, his face now rid of any feeling in which it had previously displayed. Ashamed of himself, ashamed of what he had became, and ashamed of what he was apart of. His glare lifted to that of the rooftop in which Malice was perched. He knew of the Darksider's presence, no matter how secretive the Sith Master wished it to be known.

With a wonted movement, the hilt of the Darksider's weapon was fit tightly in the palm of his hand. He gripped the cold metal as if his life depended on it, the veins in the back of his hand surfacing to a visible formation. Sliding his hand over the cylinder, the crimson blade shot forth once again, only this time its purpose would be fully carried out.

He lunged forward, like a vicious wolf's predation of an innocent lamb, the red pillar glowing with a malignant hue. His body propelled through the air with aid of the Force, driving him at the young female like an enraged beast. He drove his blade down at her in an arcing swipe, the blade speeding directly for the center of her torso from a vertical position. Its sole intention was simply to rip her chest in half.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 23rd, 2002, 01:06:12 PM
(Ooc) Mine's a bit lengthy as well, bear with me..


Suddenly her eyes snapped open as her senses were jolted. The man in front of her was preparing to do something...

About a split second later the man leaped at her. She could feel the Force flowing through him as he did so. Quickly she brought her lightsaber around and blocked the blow, using the Force at the same time to keep her from being knocked off-balance by the force of his blow. The sabers crackeled as they met.

Well, I suppose that was answer enough, she said to him through the Force, the thought tingling with some lightness and amusement, but not completely without gravity.

She sent another thought through the Force, to Malice, doing her level best to make sure it would not be readable to any else. Malice, you shouldn't be here... I don't think this fellow is as easily fooled as Tempist - and he wasn't really fooled at all. Her tone softened. It's wonderful you're back... but I'm worried about you.

The two messages both took little more than two seconds to send.

The young woman opened herself to the living Force, felt it in her veins, flowing in her, around her. She struck at Grev's side with the speed of blue lightning, and her eyes were lit with an inner flame.

But should it strike, it would not be a blow to kill. She was far too curious about who this man was.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 23rd, 2002, 01:46:24 PM
With the same matched speed Grev deflected the strike with his own crimson blade, then snapping his wrist into an offensive stance he swiped down at her abdomen once again. All of the anger he had procured prior to the fight was all being relinquished now, Alera just happened to be in the wrong place. To him, it had not mattered whom the opposer was, to him they were only a means of liberating every ounce of aggression that bestirred inside of him at this moment.

The presence of Alera's words in his minds were noted, but he paid no attention to them. Instead, he continued his enraged assailment on her, only wishing that Malice would descend to intervene. Finally he managed to locate an open chance, driving his forearm into the torso of Alera, managing to knock her to the ground. He quickly leaped over her, the sound of his lightsabre crackling above her head.

“Don't take this personal,” he remarked with a somewhat visible grin, “You just happen to be the mark of everything wrong in my world.”

Malice Draclau
Nov 24th, 2002, 12:33:51 AM
Grev suddenly found that he could not move. His every muscle, every limb felt like it weight tons. Then, using the force, Malice flung him away from Alera. Jumping with relative ease, he landed without so much as a sound. Looking at Grev, Malice sent Alera a message.

(No matter......no one shall harm you. Besides, this one looks as though he just wants a fight. I say we take him on)

Malice double bladed saber shot to life. The two white beams begging for blood.

*Greetings fellow sith. Hows about i make a deal that you would love. Seeing as how i know our kind loves fighting, why not take the both of us on. I will not kill you....though i cannot say the same for the jedi woman*

He looked over at Alera and winked before turning back to Grev.

*So what say you.....up to the challenge? Might as well be, i can feel the anger, the hate rising in you. Release it*

Alera Starreyes
Nov 24th, 2002, 10:54:10 AM
Alera got to her feet, standing silently and waiting for Grev's response.

Silently to Malice she thought, -I don't think this is a good idea... but I'll go along with it.-

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 24th, 2002, 01:07:18 PM
With Malice hindering his attack, and flinging him back, Grev had no choice but to be sent back from the overpowering Force of the Sith Master. His back hammered into a brick wall, as his body slumped down from the impact. Quickly regaining his feet, his eyes caught hold of Malice dropping from the rooftop, and it suddenly became clear. It was what he had expected, a traitor.

"So you show your true colors, Sith," he snarled, slowly walking towards the Sith Master with lightsabre in hand. Then, he stopped, averting his gaze to Alera as he spoke to her.

"I will give you the chance to leave now, I never intended any of this for you to begin with."

Alera Starreyes
Nov 24th, 2002, 01:20:20 PM
"That's very kind of you, but no." Alera said with a touch of sarcasm. She clutched her lightsaber tightly in hand as she examined Grev. No, now she could see... she didn't know him after all. For a moment he'd reminded her of someone, but now it was plain he wasn't anyone she knew.

All the same, she didn't like him, not at all, and she absolutely would not leave Malice alone with him - though she knew Malice was well capable of taking care of himself.

The young woman had to calm herself down, noticing her jaw was clenched and her eyes were narrowed. Anger is not the way, she reminded herself, breathing deeply.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 24th, 2002, 01:27:40 PM
"Your choice," he scoffed, bringing his lightsaber to attention as his eyes roamed from one to the other. It was no position he favored to be in, but there was nothing more he could do than fight. With a slight bend of the knees, it was only seconds before Grev propelled himself into a vertical leap. Reaching the full extend of his jump, the Sith's body then projected down, allowing for his weapon to swipe across the torso of one, Malice, attempting to score central damage with the Sith Master at the early of the round.

After landing, hit or miss, the Sith quickly retreated back in a roll. Rising to his feet, he allowed for his trenchcoat to open partially, using his freehand to retrieve a number of metallic objects before sending his arm forward; three miniature throwing dirks speeding for the Jedi, Alera.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 24th, 2002, 07:34:08 PM
Calmly the young woman held out a hand, using the Force to "catch" the dirks. Alera spun them around in the air with a twist of her fingers, a small cocky smile flickering across her face briefly. Flicking her wrist, she sent the dirks back toward Grev.

Malice Draclau
Nov 24th, 2002, 08:13:20 PM
Malice's saber reacted faster then lightning. Blockng the attack from Grev, the yong sith moved away before he could attack. Watching Grev's attack on Alera fail, Malice frowned a bit when he sensed her anger deplete it's self. Sending her a force message, he kept an eye on Grev.

(Alera, you must use the anger you feel. That will give you power enough to beat him. I've seen this sith before. He is also a member of the order in which i serve. You must take him out, less i be branded a traitor)

Continuing to stare at Grev, Malice spoke out.

*My true colors? foolish boy you have no idea what your stepping into. If you want to continue to fight then so be it, otherwise leave here, and never bother this jedi woman again*

Malice had his own reasons for staying by Alera's side. A reason that if not needed, he would not share.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 24th, 2002, 09:03:56 PM
One by one, the dirks dropped as the Sith batted them away with relative ease by use of his saber. Grev held back as Malice began to speak, although there was nothing more the Sith Master could say to hold him back now.

"My true colors? Foolish boy you have no idea what you're stepping into. If you want to continue to fight then so be it, otherwise leave here, and never bother this Jedi woman again."

Grev lowered his lightsaber from its defensive hold, his cold, pale gray eyes still lingering from the Sith to his Jedi companion. It was difficult enough dealing with the Sith Master alone, but the Jedi only added to his problems.

“The Jedi is the least of my concerns,” he replied sternly, “It is you whom I want.”

Malice Draclau
Nov 25th, 2002, 02:34:29 AM
A growl escaped Malice's mouth. This sith was trying his patience. Malice knew good and well the law that forbid members of TSO to fight one another......obviously this one didn't. Holding his sabe up in a deffensive stance, he spoke once again, trying to coax his fellowsith to back down.

*I will not tell you again. Back off now, or you'll regret ever meeting me. You have no idea what i am, or what i can become. So here's your last chance, either leave now, or i will be forced to take action*

Malice stood ready, the darkide energy pumping into his body. Secretly though he hoped Alera would jump in and fight him. Otherwise his only choice would be to fight back.....something the order would never forgive, nor condone. Either way, Malice would not let harm befall Alera.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 26th, 2002, 04:36:14 PM
Alera lifted an eyebrow eloquently at Grev.

"The least of your concerns?..."

The young woman opened herself to the Force and shoved at Grev with it, nearly as powerfully as she could.

"I think not."

-I can handle him without using my anger, Malice.- She sent Malice, a gentle but determined edge to her 'voice'.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 26th, 2002, 06:29:50 PM
Caught off guard, Grev was sent back by the sudden applied Force of the Jedi. Regaining his balance almost immediately, the Sith dove towards the duet once again, allowing for his actions to speak rather than verbally.

First bringing his lightsabre hacking down at Malice, he drove the crimson blade at the chest of the Master; easily blocked, but still enough velocity to knock the opposing Sith off his balance. Then, almost directly, pivoting into a spin he brought the weapon into a straight lunge for Alera's waist, the blade moving in a horizontal swing with the momentum of his turn.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 26th, 2002, 07:44:15 PM
Alera calmly but forcefully blocked the blow and responded almost immediately with a counter-strike at the side of Grev's head, which he blocked. Then, the girl sent a Force push at the backs of his knees.

Malice Draclau
Nov 27th, 2002, 03:03:00 AM
Stumbling backwards, Malice quickly got his stance. Going along with Alera's force push to Grev's knees. Malice lashed out with a strong force blast hitting the young sith right in his chest. Walking forward, Malice began to chant in a dead language. The dead language of the ancient sith sorcerors. Not many knew of how to use this power, But Malice did, as well as many other things.

Using the force, he sent Grev a message.

(You brought this on yourself young one. I'll teach not to mess in my business again. Maybe from this, you'll learn better next time)

Malice continued to chant, the spell almost ready. His attack would be ready by the time Grev stood up, in which case the sith would feel what it would be like to truly harness the powers of darkness.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 27th, 2002, 01:22:47 PM
With a loud thud Grev's body smacked into the pavement from the sweep of the dual Force pushes. As the chanting began, he glanced around for a means of escaping the aftermath. Reaching his hand out, the Sith pulled his concentration together, attempting to get a firm grasp on a faint object in the distance.

Just as the Master's spell began to wind down, a large trash bin was hurled into the back of Malice before he could fully execute his spell. The distraction hopefully giving Grev enough time to get to his feet. Words echoed inside of his mind, no doubt the words of Malice.

Getting to his feet, the Sith lashed out at the two once again. Driving his foot into the torso of the distracted Malice, while bringing his lightsabre down in a solid arc for the Jedi's chest.

Malice Draclau
Nov 27th, 2002, 02:45:46 PM
The trash bin hit Malice in his upper back, knocking him forward. The spell he had been working on was lost as his concentration had been diverted. Upon standing back up, he was caught off guard with a foot to his torso. This made the master curl. Gripping where the foot had hit, pain shot throughout his body. Pain, that would be drawn upon for power.

Quickly standing back up, Malice lashed out once again, his anger fueled now by hate and by the pain that was just given to him. A force push sent Grev back, but not enough to cause him to fall. Muttering a few simple words, The demon sith opened his mouth. From it a stream of fire shot forth. The blaze quickly taking the form of a giant serpent raced for the young sith. The flames shot forth from it's body, attempting to burn anything within reach.

The other spell Malice been working on would have been stronger, but it also would have taken longer then this one. He would toy with the sith, using this fight also as a means of teaching the fellow darksider. If anything, Malice would stop Alera from killing him, as his loyalties to The Sith Order and it's members were still strong.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 27th, 2002, 05:43:58 PM
Alera had just been about to block Grev's saber from striking her when Malice Force-pushed him away. The young woman crouched on the ground, saber still in hand. She was now unsure as to whether she should leave or not... would she only be a distraction to Malice?

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 27th, 2002, 07:44:14 PM
Before he could pull off his closing attack on the Jedi, a sudden force restrained him, and with a jarring boot it shoved him back. Just then, the Sith caught a glimpse of Malice chanting a slur of incoherent words once again, which allowed for the Sith to brace himself for whatever it was the Master had planned.

Slowly backstepping, he watched as a stream of fire expelled from the jaws of Malice, moving swifter with each passing second. Left with no reasonable choice but retreat, Grev scrambled away, as the flames instantly shifted into a formation of sorts resembling a fiery serpent. More fire shot from the dragon's body, which began encircling the fleeing Sith.

With flames closing in, Grev bent into a crouch before springing into a jump, allowing for the Force to aid him in his flight. Ascending into the leap, the snake followed suit, as Grev shot down once again; this time speeding for Malice, levelling the blade of his lightsabre for Malice's neck -- seemingly ready to behead the Sith Lord.

Still with the flaming serpent in pursuit.

Malice Draclau
Nov 28th, 2002, 02:22:17 AM
Malice's saber was up just in time to block the attack. With both saer's pushing against one another, Malice glanced behind Grev and noticed the fire serpent he had created still following Grev like a heat seeking missile. Grunting in anger, Malice sent the serpent in another direction, crashing into the side wall leaving a huge burn mark as well as cracks along it.

Glaring back at Grev, Malice push him backwards. The sith then went on the offensive. Malice came in fast and hard, making a slash towards Grev's lef shoulder. But it wasn't meant to be. As Grev went to block the attack, Malice spun around his right side, ending up just behind him. Picking him up, Malice threw him with aid of the force.

But a look of shock came to his face as he realized he threw him right in the path of Alera. Acting out of his feelings, he cried out to her.


Malice could only watch to see what would happen.

Alera Starreyes
Nov 28th, 2002, 11:13:23 AM
Alera threw up a Force shield just in time. The man slammed painfully into it. The woman spared a moment to feel sorry for him, before once more standing fully and remarking to Malice,
-Perhaps I'm just in the way...-

Malice Draclau
Nov 28th, 2002, 08:14:03 PM
Malice looked at Alera.

*No, i have come here for you, not him. It is he that's in the way. I need you to help me fight him.....for now that he knows our secret......we cannot let him go*

Malice stood and watched, seeing what either of them would do.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 28th, 2002, 08:34:46 PM
Noting the brief moment that the two had taken to communicate, Grev quickly jumped on the oppertunity. Shrugging off the pain of his impact, he shot a stiff kick upward into the stomach of the Jedi, with enough boot to send her tumbling backwards. He wasted no time in getting to his feet, sprinting towards Malice while readying himself for another attack.

“Tsk, tsk...”

With a sudden movement, the vermilion blade of the lightsabre speared towards Malice once again: only this time its point of destination being that of the Sith Master's right shoulder. Easily blocked by Malice, which he had expected, Grev delivered a snap kick to the abdomen in hopes of stalling him momentarily.

Malice Draclau
Nov 29th, 2002, 01:36:26 AM
As Malice folded from the kick, he came back up quickly with an uppe cut to his chin. stepping backwards, Malice eyed Grev, his patience with the fellow sith all but gone.

*That's it, i'm through playing games with you*

As Malice drew in the force, something began to happen. Reaching deep into Grev's mind, Malice began to plant images into his head. Images of Grev's worst fears, wether itwas as a child or even now, began to materialize before his eyes. The figures started to move in closer towards Grev.

Though it was just an illusion, Malice made it so that it was hard to tell, using the darkside to cloud his mind, making even harder to tell if the images were real or not.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 2nd, 2002, 09:36:10 PM
OOC: TTT... Grev, still here?

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:29:43 PM
(Ooc) Actually I was waiting to allow you to respond, I attacked at your character in my last post. I figure I'd give you the equal chance to reply before I jumped ahead of ya.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 3rd, 2002, 04:43:04 PM
OOC: All right then... didn't realize, thank you for that.

Alera stumbled backwards, catching herself just before she fell. She stood, catching her breath.

She winced as she felt the powerful dark tremors in the Force as Malice used the dark side on Grev. It was times like this she found herself doubting whether she and Malice would be able to remain together... after all, he was a Sith, a master of the powers of darkness... it was her duty to stop people who used those powers from harming anyone, and while except for one occasion in the past Malice had refrained from this in her presence, she knew he had to have before.

The girl forced herself to focus and watched to see how Grev would react to Malice's attack.

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 4th, 2002, 07:32:55 PM
Properly executed, the upper cut caught Grev directly under the chin -- the sheer force of the punch sending the Sith into a hazy state as he collapsed onto his back, staring into the sky above. For a moment, his entire body went numb, and he could barely open his eyes to even glance at Malice.

In his state of semi-consciousness a haunting image began to form inside his mind. Grev's eyes widened, only he knew what was implanted in his head at this moment. The most unimaginable fear of Grev was really simple, getting close to someone. His past forbid it, as did his present. A woman presented herself from the darkness, clad in white robes and blond hair which radiated in the dark chamber.

Possibly a symbol of his mother -- one whom he never meeted.

Gripping his head, he attempted to shroud the thoughts, but Malice's illusions were simply too much for the apprentice to handle. He had no choice but to endure the abuse. His lightsabre fell to the ground, as he sat on his knees -- now he was just a scolded dog being punished by his master.

Malice Draclau
Dec 4th, 2002, 11:09:10 PM
The woman began walking closer to Grev, kneeling down beside him she placed a hand on his cheek. Her voice was soft and enchanting as she spoke to him.

"What's the matter Grev, afraid? You cannot fight it........give in. Just give in"

The voice of a woman was very alluring, especially when enhanced by the darkside. Malice stood there, his mind in total focus on the illusion, speaking words that seemed to have come from the woman's mouth. Malice did not notice what Alera was doing he couldn't or else his concentration would be broken and the llusion gone.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 6th, 2002, 05:26:19 PM
Alera felt some pity for Grev now - she had a grasp of what Malice must be doing now, and couldn't help but feel some sort of pity. However, she would not interfere until she felt she was needed, now. This was between Malice and Grev.

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 9th, 2002, 09:54:32 PM
No matter how hard he fought, it was hopeless. All he could do was sit and embrace the almost irrefragable reality of it all. Malice was tampering with his mind, tapping deep into his thoughts. His vision was corrupted with agony, and illusions of forgotten memories.

Pulling together a final resort, he lunged from his disoriented state towards Malice. He was unarmed, all he could do was swing a blind hook for the Sith Master's face -- more than likely it would be swatted away with ease. All he could do was try.

Malice Draclau
Dec 10th, 2002, 02:32:12 AM
Malice coud almost laughs Grev lunged at him. The image faded as Malice's attention was diverted. Stepping to the side, the punch missed. But something did connect, a swift and hard blo to Grev's gut had made it's mark. Malice's knee seemed to be imbedded within the young sith's stomach. Moving backwards, Malice walked up to Grev hom was on his knees from the hit. Picking his head up by his hair, Malice aimed is saber at Grev's neck. The heat from the white blade singed bits of Grv's hair.

*This blade has seen much battle, And has shed much blood. So on this day, it shall once more spill the blood of those unworthy to live*

He got ready to strike. With him knowing of hisand Alera's secret love bond, he could not be allowed to live. The thought of TSO finding this out flashed throgh his mind, sending a quick shutter down his back. The saber blade lifted into the air, just seconds away from plummeting to the siths neck. he would kill him, unless Alera had other things to say.

Alera Starreyes
Dec 10th, 2002, 04:38:40 PM
Malice felt his hand unable to move, unable to plunge the saber into Grev's neck.
-I'm sorry, but I can't keep watching this.- Her tone was expressionless.

Carefully shielding her next message, she sent to Malice, -I have another idea. If it doesn't work, you can kill him then.-

An invisible force gently removed Malice's hand from Grev's hair.

Alera stepped forward, eyes trained on Grev.
"You attacked me, and another of your Order. There's precious little reason why you shouldn't die."

As she spoke, she gathered all her stored anger together and shoved the energy at Grev. Force lightning spewed from her hand, holding him in the grip of sheer anguish for several moments - though likely it seemed, much, much longer to him. An invisible aura of hatred and anger radiated off Alera.

-Things are not always what they seem to be. Remember that.- Her voice echoed coldly in Grev's mind. She released him from the pain, for a brief moment, before plunging him again into agony.

Finally, she stopped. She stood, watching him with chillingly cold eyes, waiting to see what he would do. She did not allow the faintest trickle of remorse to enter her mind. All Grev could sense from her now was darkness.

imported_Grev Drasen
Jan 17th, 2003, 02:07:14 PM
With little chance for elusion, Grev remained on a firm knee, absorbing the punishment the two continued to expose him to. Feeling the intensity of Malice's blade inches from his neck, he began a counter attack, but then stopped. The girl had haulted Malice's execution for the time being, and now she stepped forward.

Lifting his battered face up, he glared at the face which in due time would probably lead to his death. She seemed to share the mutual resentment. Still on his knees, the bolts singed his skin and he did little but sit and take in the pain.

The moment she paused, Grev lunged at her -- driving his elbow forcibly into her jaw with a forearm. Now without a lightsabre, and a body languid with pain, he turned towards his once fellow Sith with a cold retaliation in his eyes.