View Full Version : Is there a Kelt in the house?

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 13th, 2002, 02:53:28 AM
Could Kelt identify himself to me?

Kelt Simoson
Nov 13th, 2002, 02:58:47 AM
Im a maniac, 6'1, wears skirts somtimes on the weekends and just loves to dance the conga :)

Im Mikey, AKA Sieken Kasstra, can i help you?

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 13th, 2002, 03:06:53 AM
Good :)

I was told to set you up for a roleplay that's in planning. Wasn't sure who exactly you were, so thought it best to say Hi out loud first.

(May as well say this openly, because I may ask others to join in at some point - no use saying it more than once)

As I think Marcus indicated, we have a resonably sized roleplay coing up, named Spin. Now, if I understand correctly, you are Marcus' Padawan and Dasquain's friend, yes? So, how would you feel if you met myself and in the course of the meeting, I had a vision that directs your path alongside that of Marcus, Dasquain, Oraidin, Xazor, Arya and some others I'm going to be setting up as well?

Kelt Simoson
Nov 13th, 2002, 03:11:15 AM
You did not know who i was? :(

and you should have been told about another chracter in the RP to that his name remains silenced if you dont mind :)...

But yes sure if you wish to start the thread between us two thats all fine and dandy by me:)

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 21st, 2002, 01:08:38 AM
OKay, job now sort of sorted out, Uni sort of in hand. I'll start something tonight.